I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 184 Blue Bird Egg (2 in 1)

The demon bird, which had fallen to the ground and turned black all over, tried to struggle up.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi "beat up the drowned dog" without giving it a chance. He sheathed the edgeless sword in the air, made a sword-drawing action, and gathered momentum for a few seconds.

Then, his feet suddenly exerted force, and he rushed forward a certain distance as if moving instantly. When he stopped, he was still standing.

It's just that the edgeless sword has moved from the "sheathed" position on the left side to the upper right corner, with a blood line on the tip.

The demon bird struggling behind him suddenly stopped and its head and body separated!

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 2751 experience points. 】

"We finally got it done. It's really not easy to deal with this magic bird." Li Qiuzhi put away the edgeless sword and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

"But the one just now seems to be." He looked outside thoughtfully.

"Brother Honor Knight, Sister Sugar, Keli is here to help you!" A small red badminton ball, no, it should be little Keli suddenly ran in from outside.

Noelle was followed behind.

Sure enough, it was her. Only this Spark Knight often carried such powerful bombs with her.

"Ah, Xiao Keli, why did you come here?"

Just now, Granu was a little surprised by the sudden death of the bell bird.

However, after seeing this cute but playful little girl, I understood a little bit.

If nothing unexpected happened, she secretly hid the secret from Captain Qin and planned to go to Xingluo Lake to fry fish. This child often does this and will probably be detained again when she goes back.

“Kelly went to fish fry with Sister Noelle.

"I happened to see you fighting with this badass bird that almost blew off Kelly's hat. I'm here to help you!"

Keli pointed at the dead wind chime bird and said angrily.

"I see." Sutang pushed up the round half-rimmed glasses on her nose, and then continued to ask with some confusion, "Noelle, are you following here too? Aren't you afraid that Commander Qin, uh, will put you in solitary confinement?" ?”


Noelle put his hands behind his back and moved his eyes to the ground, not knowing how to answer.

When Xiao Keli ran out, she wanted to stop her, but in the end she couldn't stop her and had no choice but to accompany her.

She is a girl who easily softens her heart.

"Hehe, as long as Sister Sugar doesn't say anything, Sister Noelle doesn't say anything, Brother Honor Knight doesn't say anything, Dudu doesn't say anything, and Keli doesn't say anything, then Captain Qin won't know!"

Keli shook the fluffy white doll hanging on her schoolbag and it swayed accordingly, she said with an innocent and cute smile.

"Ahem, Keli is right. Let's have fun now that we're out. This way, even if Captain Qin catches us, it won't be a bad thing, right?"

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, brother Honor Knight, you know it very well!"

Keli nodded heavily in approval and even clapped her hands.

"Um, Miss Sugar, what's the matter with you coming here? Why would you encounter such a powerful monster?"

Noelle touched the silver-gray hair beside his ear and asked with a puzzled look on his fair face.

"...Yeah, by the way, I almost forgot that the philodendron mushrooms haven't been picked yet!"

Sugar was just about to answer Noelle's question.

Suddenly I realized that the bluebell bird had been killed, and I could get the target thing I needed.

She glanced at Li Qiuzhi shyly, then lowered her head and looked at her toes.

"Okay, you guys talk first, I'll pick it up."

Li Qiuzhi twisted his sore neck and said with a smile.

They were obviously friends, but Sugar's character was so shy. Even if he wanted to ask him to pick mushrooms, he would have to go through a psychological struggle and it would be difficult to say anything.

"M-Sorry to trouble you."

Sugar's fingers grasped each other, and an embarrassed blush appeared on her fair face.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 226 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (106/500)]

The favorability prompt popped up again on the character panel. Li Qiuzhi felt that her shyness also had its benefits, such as making it easier for him to gain her favor.

The woods that were shaken by the strong wind have now calmed down.

Li Qiuzhi came to the big tree just now and climbed up again with the help of vines.

The beige mushroom, which looked like a blooming flower, was lying in its original position peacefully.

Li Qiuzhi stretched out his hand and pinched the bottom of it. It was soft and soft, a bit like the touch of bread. He picked it off with a gentle lift of his right hand.

at the same time.

His eyes also inadvertently glanced at the place where the magic bird stood at the beginning.

Without the obstruction of the magic bird, Li Qiuzhi's sight passed through two or three trees and found a bird's nest made entirely of dry branches and leaves.

There seems to be a green, fist-sized egg inside.

"Is this the egg of that magic bird?"

Li Qiuzhi felt that his guess was correct. After all, the color was very similar to that of the magic bird.

An adventurer's instinct told him this was good stuff.

However, he did not go to get it rashly. Instead, he jumped down from the tree first and prepared to consult the biological expert, Ms. Sugar.

After all, it is a monster's egg, so moving it may be different from ordinary chicken, duck, and goose eggs.

It would be a pity if the operation was improper and the egg was killed and its value plummeted.

"What, a bellbird's egg?!"

Just after telling Noelle that he was out looking for the sugar from the "Mushroom", he seemed extremely surprised when he heard the news brought by Li Qiuzhi.

The eggs of this rare monster are very valuable materials for her, an alchemist who studies living things.

"Wow! There are bird eggs, so great, Keli wants to eat them!"

Xiao Keli on the side was also very surprised, but her focus was completely different from Sugar.


Granu was frightened by Xiao Keli's idea. She was so nervous that she waved her hands repeatedly, and even her round half-rimmed glasses slipped down to the tip of her nose:

"No, this is something of research value and cannot be eaten."

"Ah, why is it like this? Keli wants to eat bird eggs?" Keli looked at Sugar in disappointment.

"But, but"

Sugar couldn't handle it at all. She was shy and a little soft-hearted like Noelle, so she didn't know how to refuse.

But she wanted the bluebell bird's eggs so much that her eyes were red with anxiety and she almost cried.

"Uh haha."

Li Qiuzhi rubbed his head and thought about how to save the situation. He thought for a few seconds and said to Xiao Keli:

"Well, Xiao Keli, please give this egg to Sister Sugar.

"Sister Sugar and I will accompany you to fry fish later. We can also camp for a barbecue. How about grilling that big bird just now?"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Keli's eyes dilated excitedly, as if shining like the sun and said:

"Yeah! Let's have a barbecue and have a picnic!"

Then, she smiled and continued to Sugar:

"Hey, since the big bird eggs are very important to Sister Sugar, then Keli won't eat them."

"Thank you."

Sugar patted her slightly heaving chest wrapped in a short dress. While breathing a sigh of relief, she looked at Li Qiuzhi gratefully.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (286/500)]

"Well, there's no need to thank me. After all, little Keli is very sensible." Li Qiuzhi smiled and replied, "Well, I'll give you this mushroom, and do you want me to help you get the egg? Is there anything you need to pay attention to? ?”

"Please let me do this myself. When the eggs of the blue chime bird are stored in the Eye of God or moved, they should be warmed by the warm breeze for a while."

The furry light green animal ears hidden in Sugar's hair flicked, and then she parted her soft lips and said.

Of course there is nothing wrong with Li Qiuzhi. Just leave professional matters to professionals.

However, when Granu followed him to find the big tree with the bird's nest, he wanted to climb up.

But I found that the bark was a bit too slippery, and I had no place to put my hands and feet on.

"Miss Sugar, do you need my help?"

Noelle stepped on white armored high-heeled boots and approached the girl with light green animal ears, smiled softly and said.

"Well, that's a problem for you, Noelle."

Sugar lowered her head and looked to the side with some embarrassment. Her glasses slipped down again and stopped on the tip of her snow-white nose.

"Okay, please step on my palm."

Noelle quickly squatted down, the rose skirt covering her legs, and the white lace lightly touching the ground.

She put her palms together face up, then placed them on the ground, motioning for Sugar to stand up.

Sugar also knew that Noelle was very strong, so she walked over and stepped on her hand without any hesitation.

"You must stand firm."

Noelle slowly stood up while holding the sugar firmly, without any sway.

Sugar also dropped her center of gravity slightly, concentrating on trying to stand firm, but it could be found that her legs wrapped in semi-transparent garter stockings were trembling slightly due to the fear of falling.

"Wow, it's like a crane, Keli wants to play with it too!" Keli, carrying a schoolbag, said with bright eyes.

Noelle had already raised his hands above his head, and Sugar was about to grab the tree trunk and pull himself up.

At this time, Xiao Keli suddenly made a sound, which made her already nervous. Her mind suddenly became confused, and her upper body swayed slightly out of balance.

"Ah, be careful."

Noelle thought she was going to fall, so she quickly corrected her direction, but she didn't expect that this action caused Sugar to lose her balance, and her feet slipped and she fell backwards.


Both girls made surprised sounds at the same time.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuzhi quickly came to Noel's back and caught the fallen sugar.

His left hand was holding her back, and his right arm was squeezed by the soft calves and thighs clinging to the black stockings, and the warm body temperature was transmitted through the skin.

Sugar pushed up her glasses and saw herself lying in Li Qiuzhi's arms. Her fair face could not help but blush. She felt that her brain was going to be overloaded. She pursed her lips and was speechless for a moment.

"Huh, luckily Miss Sugar didn't fall."

Noelle turned around, gently caressed his snow-white chest with his right hand, and exhaled a warm breath with his lips slightly parted.

[Noelle has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (30/300)]

"Sister Sugar is being held. Keli was often held by her mother like this when she was a child."

Keli tilted her head and was a little confused. Sister Sutang was already so big and she still needed someone to hold her.

"Well, please put me down first."

When Sugar heard Xiao Keli's words, her face turned even redder. She had been thinking for a long time and finally said what she said.

"Haha." Noel next to him covered his mouth and smiled softly.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and did not choose to put down Sugar for the time being. Instead, he supported her back with one hand and grabbed her thighs that were close together with the other.

His palms couldn't be so big that they could hold both of Sugar's legs.

So I could only use a little force to let my fingers sink into the lower side of the thigh wrapped in light-colored semi-transparent stockings, a little above the back knee.

He lifted her up and put her on his shoulders, sitting like a horse.

The back of Li Qiuzhi's head was just touching the lower abdomen covered by the sugar skirt, and the sides of his face were against the snow-white skin of her thighs. The warm body temperature was once again exchanged through skin contact.

He put his hands on the soft knees on both sides of her and said:

"I'll jump up later, and you should be able to go up by grabbing the tree trunk."

"Ah, okay, okay."

Sugar folded her hands and pressed his head. She had no idea that Li Qiuzhi would suddenly lift her up and let her ride on his shoulders like a child.

There are Noelle and little Kelly next to me. Oh, what should I do? I feel so embarrassed and childish, just like a child.

How could Mr. Li Qiuzhi be so rude? Sugar blushed and complained a little in his heart.

Fortunately, only Noelle and Xiao Keli were there. If there were one or two more people, she might really faint like steam rising from her brain overload.

So immature!

"Wow, it's a big horse ride!" Keli's eyes shone, and she turned to look at the trainee knight lady next to her with great anticipation, "Sister Noelle, Dudu and I want it too!"

"Eh? Okay."

Of course Noelle readily agreed to such a trivial matter.

When Granu was ready, Li Qiuzhi bent his knees and jumped up gently. Granu easily grabbed the tree trunk and climbed up.

She looked at the bird's nest right in front of her and the blue eggs inside, and quickly forgot about the embarrassing thing just now.

What kind of bloodline genes does this rare monster have?

If it is combined with the genes of the white horse raised by the Knights, will it grow into a Pegasus after it breaks out of its shell?

If you want to create your own fairyland, the existence of Pegasus should be necessary.

Creating a fairyland has been her dream since she was a child, and it was also the reason why she learned "Biological Alchemy", but she was limited by her own level and, well, she didn't have the right materials.

For the time being, we can only linger on ordinary species such as sweet flowers four times the size and dandelions six times the size.

It was still far from creating the fantastic creatures that she imagined would exist in Wonderland.

However, even if she obtained the bluebell bird's egg, she still had to complete the ongoing research on the hemostatic ointment before starting research on its related topics.

The sugar condenses the wind element and begins to gently nourish the bellbird's eggs.

After about ten minutes, the green bird's egg seemed to look a little more beautiful, and Sugar took it into the Eye of God.

According to the book, after being nourished by the wind element for so long, the wind chime bird's eggs will not be greatly affected when they move to the nest.

But try to place them within one day, otherwise the vitality of the eggs will inevitably weaken.

"Sanduang, do you want to follow you down there?"

Li Qiuzhi raised his head and looked at the tree, and asked Shatang, who was a little hesitant about whether to climb down or jump down.

"Oh, no need. I'm pretty strong too. I can't even jump from a tree a few meters high. And don't I have the Wings of Wind!"

Sugar's fair face showed a shy blush, just when she was about to stand up and unfold her wings of wind.

The tree trunk that the short-booted feet were stepping on suddenly swayed, and he slid forward without losing his footing.

"Yeah" Sugar screamed in panic and fell down.

Her soft buttocks first sat on the tree trunk, and then she fell down facing the ground. For a moment, she forgot to open the Wings of Wind.


Noelle, who let Keli ride on his shoulders, couldn't help shouting, although the holder of the Eye of God will not be injured just by falling.

But it will also be very painful, and it will also make you look disgraced.

Fortunately, Li Qiuzhi, who was just below, reacted in time.

He easily jumped down and caught the girl with furry green animal ears in his arms.

"It's okay, I almost hit the ground." Sutang pushed up his glasses and said happily.

Here, she'd probably be fine, but her glasses might crack.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (486/500)]

"Sister Sugar, please be careful when standing on trees in the future!"

Kelly sat on Noelle's shoulders and gave instructions like a little adult with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, I see."

Sugar shyly shifted her gaze to her feet, her hands kneading each other restlessly.

"Okay, I got the bird eggs, I got the mushrooms, now what's next"

Li Qiuzhi looked at her appearance and was secretly amused, and then thought for a while.

"Go fish fry! Go have a picnic!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Keli cheered and said.

"Well, that's right!" Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face and nodded.


Several people took the dead magic bird and walked towards Xingluo Lake. When they arrived, it happened to be noon, and it was time to prepare lunch.

Noelle accompanied Xiao Keli to the small island with the Seven Heavens Statue in the center of Xingluo Lake to fry fish.

Li Qiuzhi and Sugar found some sticks in the woods and built a simple bonfire on the shore for barbecue.

By the way, the feathers of the wind chime bird were also removed, cut into pieces and strung together with small wooden sticks.

With the continuous sound of "bang" and "bang" bombs exploding in the water, time slowly passed and the barbecue was ready.

At this time, Kelly and Noelle also came back with the fish they had fried.

However, no one noticed that there was a red fluffy Abyss Mage in the woods nearby, staring at them with surprised eyes.

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 177-coin reward!

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