"Hmph, no matter how I deal with you, it will make Mondstadt confused for a while!"

The Ice Abyss Mage raised his staff to guide the gathering of ice elements.

Yesterday, that idiot Fire Mage went out and returned to the stronghold. He sent away the most powerful being among the Qiuqiu people they used, King Qiuqiu Rock Helm, and disappeared to nowhere.

As a result, their recent plan to command the Qiuqiu people to harass Mondstadt has been postponed again!

It came out of the stronghold today just to find out where the fire mage and King Qiuqiu Yanhelm had gone. Unexpectedly, it happened to meet the knight leader who looked a little weak.

Jie Jie, this is really a rare opportunity to deal with her!

Oh, and there is also an honorary knight by the way. Killing them will have no greater impact than bringing the Chuqiu people to harass Mondstadt and those villages from time to time!

The Ice Abyss Mage was very proud. He did not think that the weak knight leader could defeat him.

Huge irregular ice blocks were condensed by it, and they hit the two people from mid-air like meteorites.

But it was easily torn apart by the hurricane surrounding Qin.

"Knight of Honor, please break its elemental shield."

Although Qin can also use the wind element to forcefully blow through the elemental shield of the abyss mage.

But now he is in a bad state, and Li Qiuzhi can use the fire element, so he can do this.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and the adventurer Hunting Bow was summoned from the evil eye.

Immediately afterwards, the fire element was attached to the ordinary arrow and aimed at the abyss monster in front of him.

The Ice Abyss mage naturally noticed Li Qiuzhi's movements, but he didn't think that this weak human could cause any harm to it. After all, it could easily deflect those slow arrows.

Well, block it with the staff.

Of course, even its elemental shield cannot be broken, which is not enough to make it do it by itself.

It just glanced at Li Qiuzhi arrogantly, and then continued to condense even larger ice blocks and hit the knight leader without any care.

Although Li Qiuzhi could not see the specific face of Master Abyss under the mask, he also knew that it seemed to be somewhat contemptuous of him.

He smiled nonchalantly, and this will give you a taste of what a frontal sneak attack is!

Even though he knew I was going to attack and was mentally prepared, he still couldn't react.

Li Qiuzhi loosened his fingers holding the bow string slightly, and the fire element arrow instantly disappeared into the space.

When the Ice Abyss Mage feels like he still needs to hide for a while.


A ball of flame suddenly exploded in front of it, less than twenty centimeters away from it, and was just blocked by the elemental shield.

The ice element of the elemental shield is also being consumed rapidly.


The Ice Abyss Mage still seems to be surprised by this.

But Jean wasn't about to miss this opportunity.

She slightly raised her white hand to restrain the hurricane winding around her body, and then the wind element spurted out like a water cannon and hit Li Qiuzhi's fire element.

With the spread of wind elements, the flames blooming in front of the Abyss Mage instantly enveloped him.

The result was no surprise. Although Level 63 was a bit strong for Li Qiuzhi, it was just like that for Captain Qin.

So the moment the wind element spreads the fire element, the result is already determined.

The ice abyss mage's elemental shield quickly shattered.


A charred figure fell down and hit the grass.

It should be solved, Li Qiuzhi thought.

The grass blades and mud kicked up by the wind are still flying.

Li Qiuzhi waited for a long time, but he still didn't hear the prompt popping up on the character panel to gain experience points by defeating enemies.

No, even if Captain Qin is defeated, he should still gain experience points with the title of "Honorary Knight"!

Isn't he dead yet? !

Li Qiuzhi felt that this was the only possibility. He continued to stare at the fallen figure in front of him warily. The grass blades and dust slowly dissipated, and his vision gradually became clearer.

Although what was displayed in front of the two people had the appearance of an Ice Abyss mage, water was slowly flowing out of its charred body underneath.

Like ice cubes under the sun.

Moreover, the "leaky" Ice Abyss Mage's arm seemed to have broken when it fell, and the sections on both sides were indeed the same color as ice.

"Is this an ice element clone?" Li Qiuzhi pondered for a long time and finally thought of such a name.

"Well, it seems that when the elemental shield was about to break, he used magic to create a clone to attract our attention and ran away."

Qin hugged her chest and thought deeply with her beautiful eyebrows drooping slightly.

The long boots were quietly blown by the wind as they stepped on the grass, and the knees restrained by the white tights also showed round and clear lines in the sun.

"Oh, it seems that I underestimated it and actually ran away when the situation was bad!"

Li Qiuzhi showed a little helplessness on his face.

The flash skills mastered by the Abyss Mage are really magical skills for running away. He really has no way to restrict them now.

However, Li Qiuzhi suddenly thought of his spiritual tentacles.

If your mental power is strong enough, you can knock out these abyss mages when you meet them in the future without breaking the shield first.

Well, it seems to be feasible. It seems that the search for ways to improve mental power needs to be accelerated.

I don't know where Ying and Paimon are now. They should be still some distance away from Liyue Port. After all, they have only set off for a few days.

"It doesn't matter. My wind element will leave a mark on it. It ran away just in time and found their stronghold to clean it up."

Captain Qin was not disappointed by this.

Instead, he slightly raised the corners of his soft lips and said with a smile.

"Oh, as expected of Captain Qin, he actually saved a trick."

Li Qiuzhi felt a little surprised when he heard this. This is the rhythm of asking the boss to bring the trumpet to clear the dungeon.

"Wait a mininute."

Qin gently closed her eyes and concentrated on sensing the position of her wind element mark. This was not difficult for her.

Soon she opened her eyes again and said:

"In the direction of the Whispering Forest. Without further ado, Honorary Knight, let's set off."

"Understood." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Whispering Forest, is this where it turns out to be?

Could it be that this ice abyss mage and yesterday's fire mage are based in the same base? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

Li Qiuzhi thought slightly surprised.

Whispering Woods, East.

The bright sunshine penetrated the branches and fell on the two people who were walking slowly. The breeze in the forest blew Qin's shawl back, and the snow-white skin of her back could be slightly glimpsed at the side.

"Go this way."

The two of them successfully used Qin's elemental mark to find the place where the Ice Abyss mage finally stayed after escaping.

This is a shallow gap in the middle of the mountain wall. At a glance, you can see that there is nothing unusual about the head.

"It won't get buried in the soil."

Li Qiuzhi said with a little doubt.

"No, I won't perceive it wrong. The wind element mark is inside."

Qin shook her head, then put her white index finger against her lower lip and said thoughtfully:

"It should be a blindfold. It can be broken by just attacking with elements, but it may alert the monsters inside."

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