"I see, the blinding method is just an illusion. Well, I can probably try it."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, then his eyes turned golden and continued to look at the cracks in the mountain wall.

His "Great Illusion Dream, All-Seeing Violent Energy, Sin-Severing Eye" also has the effect of seeing through illusions, but it's just that he hasn't encountered the corresponding situation before, so he didn't show it much.

Now is the time.

Sure enough, in his field of vision, the cracks in the mountain wall in front of him slowly faded, dissipating like the morning mist meeting the sunlight.

It was replaced by a crack like a starry sky.

"Secret Realm!"

Li Qiuzhi made a surprised sound.

"The secret realm, well, it seems that these Abyss Mage strongholds are hidden in a secret realm. No wonder the patrolling knights rarely encounter the Abyss Order's strongholds."

Jean said thoughtfully.

"I see, then do we want to go in?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

It is a very risky behavior to rush into a secret place where you know there are enemies. After all, no one knows what is inside.

Qin was silent for a moment. Her wind element mark was very hidden and probably impossible to detect with the strength of the ice abyss mage.

Since he won't be discovered, the possibility of being ambushed is very low.

And as the acting leader of the West Wind Knights, she is still confident in her own strength, and she will not be unable to deal with even an Abyss Order stronghold.

"Knight of Honor, can you let us in without destroying this blinding magic?"

Qin's fair face faced Li Qiuzhi and she asked with her lips slightly parted.

The concealment of this secret portal is more than just a visual cover-up.

If you can't see through the blindness, then everything you encounter is really just the cracks in the mountain wall you see in front of you, and you cannot enter the secret realm portal.

"Well, please give me your hand. It should be okay."

Since Li Qiuzhi is not affected by the blindness here, he can naturally enter the secret realm portal easily. If he brings someone with him, he should just bring him in together.

"Okay." Qin nodded and took Li Qiuzhi's right hand.

Li Qiuzhi held Captain Qin's white hand, and what he felt was also a soft and warm touch. He walked towards the secret portal in the crack in the mountain wall.

The space changed, and the two of them appeared inside the secret realm as easily as they opened a door.

It looks like a cave here, but the road ahead is very smooth, as if it has been artificially repaired.

After waiting for a few seconds, no ambush appeared.

It seems that the Ice Abyss Mage did not notice that the two followed it and sneaked into the secret realm.


You can follow Captain Qin to continue looking for the Ice Abyss Mage. Not surprisingly, its location should be the Abyss Religion's stronghold in this secret realm.

"That honorary knight" Qin, who was wearing a single golden ponytail, called hesitantly to the young adventurer in front of her.

Li Qiuzhi turned around, thinking Captain Qin had some instructions and asked:

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Ahem, you can let go of my hand first. I'm a little uncomfortable being held all the time."

Qin coughed lightly, twitched her right hand twice and found that the honorary knight had not let go. She had no choice but to remind her.

She likes to read romance novels, and she unexpectedly thought of the scene in the novel where the hero and heroine hold hands.

Well, maybe the honorary knight is a good romantic partner, but she must put her own responsibilities first.

These personal emotions can only be put aside for now.

Qin, who thought of this for no reason, also felt the feeling of holding hands slightly. This was an almost unfamiliar experience.

[Qin has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (90/600)]

"Ah, sorry."

After hearing the prompts from Qin and the character panel, Li Qiuzhi said with some embarrassment, and slowly let go of the hand he was holding.

The main reason is that Leader Qin's hands are indeed very soft. The warm body temperature is transmitted from the palms, and it feels like being wrapped in a "hand warmer" in the winter, which makes people a little reluctant to let go.

Of course, there is also the reason why he observed the internal environment as soon as he entered the secret realm and ignored it for a while.

"Well, let's move on."

Qin brushed her golden hair on the side of her face, her expression was as usual, and she didn't seem to care too much about this matter.

The two of them walked forward along the smooth road. Next to Li Qiuzhi, Captain Qin's white high-heeled boots made a dull sound on the ground.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be a little shorter than Captain Qin, about two or three centimeters.

But he doesn't really care about height, as long as he doesn't look obviously short.

After passing through a long cave-like corridor, Li Qiuzhi and the others came to a pool, which contained some water slimes, both large and small.

Roughly between level thirty-five and forty.

"Captain Qin, let me handle it, and you can take a rest." Li Qiuzhi said positively.

With his current strength, slimes of this level no longer pose a threat to him and can only provide experience points.

"Well, honorary knight, I'll leave it to you." Qin crossed her arms and nodded.

Li Qiuzhi took out the adventurer's hunting bow, released the fire element in the evil eye and attached it to the arrows. In this way, combined with the "evaporation reaction", he basically shot one arrow at a time, and quickly cleared the slimes in front of him.

[Defeat 6 powerful enemies and gain 2231 experience points. 】

With no more slimes blocking their way, Li Qiuzhi and the two continued to walk towards the location marked by the wind element, while paying attention to enemies that might appear at any time.

Perhaps this secret realm has been occupied by the Abyss Cult as a stronghold for a long time, so Li Qiuzhi didn't see a single treasure box.

They should have all been taken away.

Soon, Li Qiuzhi and the two came to a fork in the road, and they just continued walking in the direction of the wind element mark without much thought.

It didn't take long.

Li Qiuzhi and Qin met the guy blocking the road again.

This time it was a bunch of Qiuqiu people, all of the same size, and generally around level 30, which was much worse than Li Qiuzhi.

"Keep leaving it to me." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

It seems that Captain Qin doesn't need to take action at all. If the secret realm is this deep, give him some time and he can "pass through" it by himself.

[Defeat 11 powerful enemies and gain 3679 experience points. 】

When defeating the slime earlier, I attached the fire element to the arrow six times, and most of the fire element reserve in Xie Yan was gone.

So this time, he used water element arrows made from water ore alternately with arrows attached to the wind element, creating a diffusion reaction to eliminate these monsters.

Li Qiuzhi didn't waste time collecting the drops from the monsters.

After all, the more important thing is to find and clean up the Abyss Mage in this stronghold first, so as not to waste time and cause it or them to run away.

Of course, you still have to collect them when you return, as these are worth a lot of money.

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