Fortunately, when Ying increased the price to 1.4 million, Xingqiu, the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce in the rear, did not continue to follow.

This made Li Qiuzhi breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the price of these six "brilliant rough diamond fragments" is at least 20% higher now, so I made a bit of a loss.

"Damn it, it's all the fault of that guy at the back. If he hadn't increased the price randomly, we wouldn't have spent so much! Humph!"

Paimon flew in the air and stamped his feet fiercely.

It was like stepping on the boy's face.

"Don't be angry, little Paimon, it's just a normal bidding. After all, if we are in need, others will be in need."

Li Qiuzhi comforted him with a smile.


Paimeng crossed her arms and "hummed". Based on Li Qiuzhi's understanding of her, she probably thought that instead of paying so much more, it would be better for her to buy delicious food.

"In short, with these breakthrough materials, there should be no problems when pushing the limits."

Ying didn't feel any distress at all.

However, since the auction has not ended yet, it cannot be obtained for the time being. The items that were photographed are all paid and delivered to the shopkeeper after the auction is over.

At this time, the second item in the auction also appeared. It was a three-star longbow. Li Qiuzhi looked a little interested, but there was not much left.

The next auction also featured the "Empty Shell God's Eye". This kind of thing is left behind after the holder of the God's Eye dies. Holding it in your hand has a probability of awakening it and making it your own. Eye of God.

Although the probability is very low, it still attracted many people who did not have the eyes of God to pursue it.

The final transaction price was as high as 10 million. Li Qiuzhi and the others were really surprised to hear this figure.

But think about it, if he didn't have a character panel, he wouldn't have been able to get the Eye of God even if he knew he was from outside the world.

I will definitely think about what if I am an "exception", and then I will try my best to earn more money and buy one to try.

High-star weapons, holy relics, and high-quality elemental materials have appeared one after another, but unfortunately these have nothing to do with Li Qiuzhi and Ying, whose wallets have bottomed out.

The auction didn't end until ten o'clock in the evening.

It was also the first time for Li Qiuzhi to see such a lively atmosphere. When everyone was about to leave, Ying took Li Qiuzhi to find the shopkeeper and exchanged the six "brilliant rough diamond fragments" that she had photographed.

1.4 million, which meant that she lent him 400,000, but it was paid back quickly, and Li Qiuzhi even gave her 100,000.

Because she gave him the thunder jade that Zhao Kuo, the leader of the "Wudao Sect", used to thank the two of them.

That is a four-star quality thunder element material, and it sold for almost one million molas.

As a common property between two people, if one person takes half of it, each person will occupy exactly 500,000 yuan.

Now it's all up to Li Qiuzhi, and he's just enough to give him 100,000.

In this way, both of their wallets seem to have bottomed out now.

Li Qiuzhi only had 200,000 yuan left, and Ying even had only 100,000 mola left, which was not even enough to pay the rent to Youla.

The three of them, especially little Paimon, suddenly felt the urgency of needing Mora. If this continued, she would starve!

No, this is absolutely unacceptable!

She urged the two of them to think of a solution quickly.

In desperation, Li Qiuzhi and Ying decided not to exchange swordsmanship for the time being, and planned to return to the guest room to start discussing the design of the bicycle immediately.

Get it out as soon as possible, and when you get to Liyue Port, find someone to sell it at a high price, so that you can get some health back.

Just as they were about to walk back, the young man in a thin shirt who was bidding with them came over, followed by two guys who seemed to be from their Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

"Good evening, everyone."

Xingqiu waved and greeted with a polite smile.

"What are you doing? What's the matter? If we want to fight, we are not afraid of you at all!"

When Paimon saw them coming with force, she thought they were causing trouble because they didn't buy the breakthrough materials. She retreated behind Ying and put her hands on her hips and spoke unceremoniously.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying also looked at them doubtfully.

"Well, you have misunderstood. I am Xingqiu. I just saw that you are quite chivalrous. It really made me happy, so I came to get acquainted with you."

Xingqiu was stunned when he heard Paimon's words, and then explained his purpose clearly.

"Xingqiu? I seem to have heard of it somewhere..." Paimon fell into deep thought.

She felt that the name was familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"You are Sun Yu's junior brother?" Ying hugged her chest, raised her fair right hand to her chin and thought for a moment.

"Oh? Do you know my senior brother?"

Xingqiu felt a little surprised.

"I also met him a few days ago. He, he mentioned you to us a little bit, saying that you are the most outstanding disciple of the 'Guhua Sect' generation and so on."

Li Qiuzhi didn't mention the letter. It was used before he and Xingqiu got to know each other, so as not to be mistaken for asking him for something if he took it out.

But now that he has taken the initiative to say hello, that letter will probably not be needed in the future.

"I don't dare to be. I don't dare to be the most outstanding disciple. This title is too big."

Although it was true, Xingqiu was still modest.

"Oh, if I had known that you were friends of senior brother, I wouldn't have fought with you for those breakthrough materials. I'm so sorry." Xingqiu lowered his hands wrapped in his bell sleeves and said a little embarrassedly.

"That's okay. Rather, it's just right. It would be a lot of trouble if we had to give in to each other because we know each other." Li Qiuzhi smiled, and then continued, "By the way, my name is Li Qiuzhi, and they are Ying and Paimeng."

He first introduced himself, then glanced at the blond girl and the white little Paimon for a brief introduction.

"Well, it's an honor for me to meet you in the autumn. You guys should also go to Liyue Port. How about setting off with our caravan tomorrow morning?"

Xingqiu smiled and nodded and said in invitation.

"Hey, are you going to give us a ride?" Paimon's eyes widened, and his tone seemed to have changed his mind towards Xingqiu.

"Yes, our Feiyun Chamber of Commerce has also just transported some goods from Mondstadt and is preparing to return to Liyue Port. Since we are on the way, why don't we go together and have a chat companion."

Xingqiu spread his hands and said with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem with this."

Of course, Li Qiuzhi and the others did not refuse the good things that came to their doorstep.

"Well, our departure time is six o'clock tomorrow morning, so please get up early."

With the last words, Xingqiu and the two guys said goodbye and left, agreeing to continue chatting tomorrow.

"Looks like he's a talkative guy."

Paimon watched them disappear from sight, spread his hands and said.

"Little Paimon used the wrong word. He probably just likes to make friends. Come on, let's go back and figure out how to design a bicycle."

Li Qiuzhi smiled.

"Yeah, but before that, let's take advantage of the lack of people to light up the 'teleportation anchor' in the inn's reception hall, so that it will be much more convenient to come here in the future."

Ying swayed her legs wrapped in over-the-knee white high-heeled boots back and forth, and said while walking.

"Indeed." Naturally, neither Li Qiuzhi nor Paimeng had any objections.

There is a teleportation anchor point in Wangshu Inn. When the group of people just walked up the stairs, they saw such a device on the platform outside the reception hall.

It was just because there were so many people coming and going that I didn’t choose to light it up because I didn’t want to attract attention.

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