I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 215 The Great Sage of Conquering Demons

Wangshu Inn, the platform outside the reception hall.

When Li Qiuzhi and the others walked up here, they found that there was no one there anymore.

After all, it's already ten o'clock in the evening, and most people have to get up early to leave tomorrow. Everyone should go back to the guest room to rest now.

However, Phil Godette, the owner of Wangshu Inn, seems to be still sitting at the reception desk. From her, it is easy to find the abnormality when lighting the teleportation anchor point.

Therefore, Ying decided to talk to her in advance to avoid being misunderstood that they were causing some sabotage.

Hearing that several people could drive these strange devices, Phil Godette was also surprised and expressed that she wanted to follow and see what was going on.

"Hehe, of course there is no problem." Little Paimon, wearing a tiara, nodded and said with a smile.

Several people came to the edge of the platform again. Their soft and graceful right legs took a step towards the "teleportation anchor point" in front, and at the same time stretched out their white palms to press on it.

There was no accident. The anchor point that was originally connected to the base and emitted red light immediately floated slowly as if it had been injected with some kind of power.

The melancholic red light also changes to a calming and soothing blue.

It would be much easier to come to Wangshu Inn in the future. Just when Li Qiuzhi was thinking this, he suddenly felt that someone was watching him from behind.

He suddenly looked back and saw a short figure standing on the roof under the moon.

The moon's light came from a little back from the top of his head, which caused his face and entire front body to be in shadow, making it impossible to see clearly.

Ying and Paimeng also discovered the man on the roof because of Li Qiuzhi's sudden turning back.


Paimon was startled and hurriedly hid behind the blonde girl with his head in his hands, muttering to himself "Don't eat me" and "Don't eat me".

She seemed to think that there were some monsters on the roof.

"Who are you!" Ying's beautiful golden eyebrows slightly wrinkled, her soft lips slightly parted and she shouted loudly.


The figure on the roof that could not be seen clearly due to the backlight did not answer. He was silent for a few seconds before disappearing directly above with a cold snort.

"Ah, were you scared away by us?" Pamon said somewhat unexpectedly.

"Obviously they just don't want to pay attention to us."

A helpless expression appeared on her fair face.

Li Qiuzhi watched the figure on the roof disappear, thought thoughtfully and then asked Philgodette on the side:

"Boss, do you know that person just now?"

"Yeah, I know you," Phil Godet nodded and said with a calm smile.

"Huh?!" Paimon was surprised when he heard the boss's words, "Is he actually someone he knows?"

Yingye's amber eyes widened, showing some confusion. She thought it was some kind of enemy just now.

"Well, his name is Mandrill, and he is an immortal known as the 'Great Sage of Conquering Demons'. He will appear wherever demons cause trouble."

Phil Godette crossed her arms and thought for a while before saying.


What she said made both Ying and Paimon a little surprised. Li Qiuzhi had already guessed that it was him when he saw the figure.

"You're not a charlatan, you're a real immortal!"

Paimon asked further.

When they first came to Shimen, they met a charlatan who claimed to be a half-immortal, so she didn't believe it at this time.

"Of course, and don't say this in front of Mandrill. Maybe he will use magic to turn you into a turtle, haha."

Phil Godette chuckled.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't want to become a turtle!"

Thinking of the scene where the figure suddenly disappeared, Paimon began to believe that he was an immortal.

"Uh, does that mean he just mistook us for monsters?" Li Qiuzhi subconsciously touched his forehead.

"Haha, maybe." The inn owner Phil Godette smiled again, "But it's quite surprising that you can actually light up this kind of device."

"Hey, this is actually a device that uses earth veins for teleportation."

Paimon briefly explained it to his boss.

"I see. If you find another anchor point, you can teleport to Wangshu Inn. It's really convenient."

Phil Godette sighed slightly.

After lighting up the teleportation anchor point, Li Qiuzhi and the others returned to the guest room, surrounded by bright yellow and warm lights.

"By the way, Li Qiuzhi, didn't you want to find the immortal? You saw him just now, but it's a pity that you ran a little faster."

Paimon, who finally flew in, closed the door and said.

"According to Liyue, we need to have an immortal connection. Although we met an immortal, if we don't have enough fate, we can only leave with a 'hum'."

Ying's eyes curved into crescent moons, and she glanced at Li Qiuzhi teasingly.

"That's true, but I believe you will encounter other immortals in the future, so you don't have to worry."

Li Qiuzhi sat down on the wooden chair with a backrest next to the table, then took out the paper and quill pen and placed them on the table, and continued:

"Okay, since we are already poor, let's discuss the design of the bicycle first."

"Okay, I already have a clear idea about this."

Ying's hands moved from her hips to her thighs showing her snow-white skin, and she pressed the hem of her skirt tightly to the back of her thighs before sitting on the chair opposite Li Qiuzhi.

This is to prevent the skirt from being caught by the corners of the chair when sitting down.

"Oh, please give me your opinion!"

Li Qiuzhi leaned on the backrest in a please gesture, stretched his feet forward slightly, and then accidentally kicked Ying's feet on the opposite side.

"Uh, sorry." Li Qiuzhi quickly put his feet back and sat upright.

Ying rolled her eyes at him angrily, picked up the quill on the table and wrote down her thoughts on the paper. She simply divided the entire bicycle into five parts:

Main frame, braking system, chain drive system, wheels and seat cushion.

As long as they can be designed one by one, a bicycle should also be put together.

After all, neither of them is a professional, so it is impossible to design a bicycle of any complexity. The goal is to make it as simple as possible, as long as it can move.

Watching the two people discussing something about cars, Paimon looked closer and found that he couldn't understand it at all, and his head slowly started to feel dizzy while trying to understand.

"Oh, my mind is so messed up. You can do your own research. I'm going to sleep."

In the end, Paimon couldn't bear it anymore and fell on the bed.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying didn't study for long. They just barely discussed the first draft of the frame and got ready to sleep.

It is worth mentioning that this frame is similar to a triangle and is modeled after some early solid and durable bicycles on earth. Anyway, it is just a copy, so it is not too difficult.

(PS: Bikes and other things are needed for the plot, please don’t delve into specific technical issues.)

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 101 coin reward!

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