I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 230 Sword Intention Bursts (Two in One)

Liyue, a hot cave.

When they discovered that Ying and Paimon had returned here, Li Qiuzhi, Xingqiu and the others also came over to regroup.

"Huh? We have informed Chongyun to let him climb up there. What did you do just now?"

Paimon tilted his head and asked in confusion.

"We are going to find those monsters that ran in." Xingqiu answered first, and then looked at Li Qiuzhi, "I just discovered that the Blazing Deceiver Flower was disguised as a Flame Flower, and now it has been defeated by me. You Did you find anything?"

Li Qiuzhi nodded: "I have also dealt with the fire-eating bat."

"You guys are so leisurely."

Ying crossed her arms and glanced at the two of them helplessly. Wasn't she afraid of attracting Bao Yanshu's attention in advance?

She changed her standing posture to akimbo, and when she was about to say something else, she suddenly saw Chongyun waving to a few people in the crack above the dome, so she changed her words:

"Chongyun is ready, what are your plans?"

"The first goal of the plan is to find an opportunity to attack the weakness of the root system of the Explosive Flame Tree. If it is successfully broken, the follow-up will be simple."

Xingqiu obviously knows a little about leader-level monsters like the Explosive Flame Tree.

"That's right." Li Qiuzhi nodded in agreement, and then continued, "My elemental combat skill is an elemental shield, and the defensive effect is pretty good. Let me attract the attention of the Explosive Flame Tree in front, and you can take the opportunity to sneak attack on it. .”

This is indeed a better way. Ying and Xingqiu both agreed after thinking briefly.

"Okay, I'll go there first and you just wait for the opportunity."

After Li Qiuzhi finished speaking, he took the big sword in his hand and walked towards the Explosive Flame Tree that was still sleeping in the center of the field.

"You have to be careful, I will cheer for you." Paimengfei said with a smile in mid-air.

"rest assured."

Li Qiuzhi answered simply. However, even though he said this, he was still a little worried that the defensive effect of his elemental shield was not enough.

As he walked, he looked at the experience points on the character panel.

[Experience Points: 33217]

Even if more than 30,000 experience points are used to upgrade the level, it will not be close to the level of the Explosive Flame Tree. Moreover, if the level skills cannot keep up, it will not be able to exert much combat effectiveness.

His main task now is to use the Dandelion Shield in front to create opportunities for Ying and Xingqiu to break through their weaknesses.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to continue to upgrade Dandelion Shield, which is already at level five.

Experience points-26000

Elemental Combat Technique·Dandelion Shield 5 (0/5000)\u0026gt;Elemental Combat Technique·Dandelion Shield 9 (0/9000)

The Dandelion Shield, which was upgraded to level nine, suddenly lasted from fifteen minutes to about half an hour, and its defensive capabilities were also increased several times.

It should be stable now.

It's a pity that there is still about two thousand left and there is no way to upgrade the elemental combat skills to the full level, otherwise it would be more confident.

As time goes by, we get closer and closer to the Explosive Flame Tree.

Li Qiuzhi opened the upgraded dandelion shield without any hesitation, and immediately a cyan shield that was darker and richer than before protected him.

Soon Li Qiuzhi entered the warning range of the Explosive Flame Tree while wearing the elemental shield.

It suddenly became active from the dormant state where it was absorbing the fire element and growing.

The thick trunk was as flexible as the rhizome of a flower, and it suddenly lifted the "head" of the Explosive Tree, even though it had no eyes at this time.

But Li Qiuzhi could clearly feel that it was watching him, and the surrounding air seemed to have heated up several degrees.

There was no roar like a normal monster, and without any warning, the Explosive Flame Tree used his head as a weapon to smash down on Li Qiuzhi.


The head and the elemental shield collided together, and there was a slight stalemate without any surprise.

After all, facing such a powerful monster, even if the Dandelion Shield has been upgraded, it is not so easy to bounce it away.

However, Bao Yanshu was awakened and attacked Li Qiuzhi.

The "weakness" at its root that resembles the core of the fire element has also been exposed, and now is a good time to launch an attack.

Xingqiu seized this opportunity.

He used the water element to condense a series of "Rain Curtain Swords" and fired them towards the core of the Explosive Flame Tree.

When the first water sword hit the Explosive Flame Tree, Li Qiuzhi clearly felt that the power of the Explosive Flame Tree as a level 65 leader suddenly lost a bit.

Ying condensed a wind vortex on her white palm, and her well-proportioned and soft legs also ran quickly, pressing the wind vortex in her hand against the core of the Explosive Flame Tree.

Continuously spreading the water element in this way can cause great damage to the Explosive Flame Tree.

The Explosive Flame Tree felt that the fire element in its core was being consumed rapidly. It instinctively raised its head, looked up at the dome and quickly transferred the fire element core from its roots to its head.

at the same time.

Under the disturbance of the fire element, the blazing flames began to spurt out earth fire from the ground.

And they spread towards Li Qiuzhi and Ying in a tacit understanding. Not surprisingly, these earth fires should be controlled by the Explosive Flame Tree itself.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuzhi quickly enlarged the elemental shield slightly to cover Ying.

Those earth fires kept burning the Dandelion Shield, causing the wind element to be consumed very quickly.

At this moment, a huge ice sword fell from the sky, and 'bang' directly hit the explosive tree that transferred his core to the top of his head.

Chongyun... Li Qiuzhi glanced up casually.

I saw the young man with short ice-colored hair condensing a large sword made of ice elements in the crack above the dome, and smashing it down towards the fire element core of the Explosive Flame Tree.

No matter if it works or not.

Li Qiuzhi also took this opportunity to attach the wind element to his sword and chop it at the root of the Explosive Flame Tree.


As the hurricane cut, the plant fiber tissue at the rhizome of the Blazing Tree was torn in all directions. The Blazing Tree seemed to have a sense of pain, as it ate the huge leaves that closed its head in pain.

While protecting the core of the fire element, he also slammed his head down like a hammer.


Because Li Qiuzhi expanded the wind element shield to protect Ying, its overall strength dropped slightly.

At this time, the Dandelion Shield was a little overwhelmed and made a slight noise.

This was enough to realize the heavy blow of the Explosive Flame Tree. Fortunately, he cautiously raised the level of the shield temporarily, otherwise he would not have been able to withstand it.

But even if he could barely withstand it, Li Qiuzhi did not continue to take risks.

Instead, he pulled Ying quickly out of the attack range of the Explosive Flame Tree, and then the wind element attached to the sword again and drew wind blades forward.

Suddenly, the three elements of wind, ice, and water burst out from the Explosive Flame Tree.

However, it also instinctively protected its fire element core, so the damage it received was not too great.

"Oh, that's really troublesome."

In the distance, Xingqiu held a long sword in his hand and sighed slightly. Maybe this monster was too strong, and he and Chongyun couldn't freeze it temporarily even if they cooperated.

At this moment, the ground fire attack launched by Explosive Flame Tree stopped.

Li Qiuzhi immediately became vigilant when he discovered this situation. Generally speaking, withdrawing skills that could not cause damage was to prepare for launching more powerful skills.

"Come on, let's retreat further." Li Qiuzhi pulled Ying's arm to remind her to retreat.

Ying just nodded, but before the two of them could take action, the Explosive Flame Tree in the distance suddenly opened several leaf petals covering its head.

The fire element core was aimed at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

next moment.

A blazing pillar of fire burst out like the light of a flashlight, and it hit the wind element shield so fast that there was no time to dodge.

The originally reluctant shield immediately became unstable, like a disturbed calm lake surface.

In less than a second, the shield was penetrated by the pillar of flames. Li Qiuzhi sensed that something was wrong and quickly threw Ying to the ground, allowing the two of them to escape the attack.


Ying felt a little pain when her back hit the ground.

She raised her upper body slightly, her pretty fair face blushing slightly, and she was about to say something to Li Qiuzhi who buried his face in her body.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the blazing flame pillar of the Explosive Flame Tree, which did not disappear after penetrating the wind element shield. Instead, it moved sideways and swept over.

Ying couldn't care less.

He got up and took Li Qiuzhi and ran away quickly.

Li Qiuzhi stumbled a little while running. He had just used the wind element shield to hold on, which made him a little exhausted mentally and physically.

The dress she was lying on her face just now did not completely cover her, and her upper chest, which was covered with snow-white skin, was slightly exposed.

The warm body temperature was transmitted from the snow-white skin, and the extremely soft touch once made his brain misjudge that he was in bed, and he almost fell asleep.

Fortunately, he has the specialty of [Abundant Life].

My physical and mental strength recovered quickly, and I was soon able to focus and keep my mind clear again.

Now that the wind element shield has just been broken, there is no way to use it again immediately.

They could only use dodge to continue to attract the attention of the Explosive Flame Tree, and then Xingqiu and Chongyun took advantage of this opportunity to continue to smash its fire element core.

About two minutes later.

The Explosive Flame Tree cannot continue to maintain the existence of the flame pillar, so it can only be retracted to use other skills on time.

And there seems to be a gap of a few seconds.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying looked at the Explosive Flame Tree and stopped their movements. They also immediately stopped running and started to use the wind element to counterattack remotely.

It doesn't matter whether the damage is big or not, the main thing is to spread the ice and water elements of Chongyun and Xingqiu.

Help them quickly destroy the fire element core.

Under everyone's continuous attack, the fire element in the core of the Explosive Flame Tree was quickly consumed.



A sound like breaking glass came from the Explosive Flame Tree. It paused for a second, and then collapsed like a sawed-off tree.

"Hu finally fell down!"

Paimeng, who was watching from the side, wiped the sweat from his forehead, approached Li Qiuzhi and the others and said.

"No, now it is just temporarily in a period of weakness.

"Look at its roots, the fire element core is slowly recovering. At this rate, the Explosive Flame Tree will wake up soon.

"We have to use this time to really defeat it with all our might."

Xingqiu pointed the long sword in his hand at the broken core of the Explosive Flame Tree, which was absorbing nearby fire elements for recovery and said.

"Ah, that's really it!" Paimon exclaimed.

"Then if we continue the attack we will defeat it completely."

Ying raised the edgeless sword attached to the upper wind element and was about to attack when she was stopped by Li Qiuzhi.

"You said that since it absorbs the fire element to recover, is it possible that we artificially reduce the fire element in the environment to prevent it from recovering, and then have enough time to attack."

Li Qiuzhi said on a whim.

In fact, he wanted to defeat the Explosive Flame Tree alone.

Since the Explosive Flame Tree is in a "lying corpse" state, if everyone attacks Li Qiuzhi together, it will be difficult to deliver the final blow by observing its state.

If the final blow to defeat the Blazing Tree was caused by Ying's attack, then it would only be 30% of the experience points, which would be a huge loss.

And if Xingqiu or Chongyun ends it, there will be no experience at all.

If so, saying that I missed 100 million is not enough to describe the complicated mood at that time.

"Yeah, it's possible.

"I made a water curtain with water elements to wrap it, and then you use wind elements to blow away the fire elements inside. When they hit the water curtain, they will naturally react and be consumed. This will limit the recovery speed of the Explosive Flame Tree.

"But it can only be extended by five minutes at most. After all, it still has roots extending into the ground to absorb the fire element."

Xingqiu is very knowledgeable and knows clearly that this method is feasible.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you. Let me use my most powerful skills to send this respectable and powerful enemy away from this world, so as not to cause danger to other adventurers."

After hearing what Xingqiu said, Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly excitedly and gave the two of them a "please" look.

"Haha, okay, I also want to see the most powerful skill you said."

Xingqiu said with an indifferent smile.

"You guys, what are you trying to do again?" Yingwei clenched her fists against her waist and glanced at him helplessly with her amber pupils, but she didn't refuse.

Next, several people did not waste time.

Xingqiu condensed a water curtain to wrap around the fallen flame tree, and Ying set off a hurricane to blow the relatively strong fire element in the environment inside the water curtain, causing them to be consumed by the contact reaction with the water curtain.

Li Qiuzhi held a sword in one hand and stared at the explosive tree in front of him.

Golden light spots appeared around his body, and a certain peaceful mood rose in the hearts of several people, which made Xingqiu's brows jump as he watched:

"Is this sword intention?!"

This is something that only those who have a certain level of understanding of swordsmanship can possess. Even if he is a genius, he will not be able to learn it in a short while.

Moreover, different people comprehend the meaning of the sword differently.

This also represents his summary of the way of swordsmanship since he became a swordsman, and based on this summary, he has developed his own way of swordsmanship.

"He's getting stronger again."

Ying thought with some complicated emotions, still remembering that Li Qiuzhi needed her to teach him how to master the wind element a month or two ago.


She suddenly opened her amber eyes wide and stared in surprise at Li Qiuzhi's sword-like light spots, which slowly formed a golden translucent humanoid outline.

Over-the-knee boots, a diagonally cut skirt, a pair of hands with long sleeves, completely unfamiliar facial features, short hair down to the neck, and a streamer on the back.

——Isn’t this an enlarged version of myself?

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