I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 231 Hidden Gold (Two in One)

"Well, this kind of sword intent is really rare. Could this be the legendary Sword of Love?"

Xingqiu was surprised when he saw that Li Qiuzhi's sword intention was actually Miss Ying.

As the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, he naturally came into contact with some sword masters who understood the meaning of swords.

Although the sword intention they comprehend is also unique, it is like the Tianheng sword intention, and the sword moves are as heavy as mountains.

If you don't have strong strength in the face of an enemy who has learned the sword intention from observing the high mountains, then your spirit and body will really be crushed.

And the Big Dipper head of the Southern Cross Fleet.

It is said that she possesses a kind of sea-cutting sword intention. When she swings the big sword in her hand, even the sea will be separated.

But this kind of sword intention that can be understood from a specific person is eye-opening even for him, a relatively well-informed young knight.

"What kind of love? He's just a playboy."

After hearing Xingqiu's words, Pai Mengfei crossed his arms in mid-air with a look of disgust on his face.

It’s clear that Fischer is already married, and yet he’s still planning on marrying her!

"Hoo this guy!"

A slight blush appeared on her pretty fair face. She never thought that Li Qiuzhi would understand the sword intention related to her.

At this moment.

If Li Qiuzhi told her that his feelings for her were only to the extent of falling in love with him, she would just roll her eyes at him.

If it weren't for the deep feelings, how could he have understood this strange sword intention in his own image!

However, can you not use it in public? Now even Ying, who has a peaceful personality, feels a little ashamed.

What is the difference between this and public confession? !

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (5/900)]

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he saw the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel. He didn't expect that using "Ying's Sword Intent" would have such an effect.

Could it be that you have been thinking about something?

He smiled softly and enlarged the shadow of Ying Zhi's sword. As he raised his right hand holding the sword, she also raised the golden sword in her hand.

Li Qiuzhi slashed down at the weak Explosive Flame Tree.

The enlarged version of Ying's phantom behind him immediately swung a golden sword energy towards the Explosive Flame Tree and rushed towards it. The sword energy that could even cut steel cut the ground flatly and hit the Explosive Flame Tree's head.

A deep cut mark appeared on the head of the Explosive Flame Tree.

But after all, it is a leader-level plant monster, and its level is also very high, and its body is not much compared to steel.

So just one blow can't defeat it.

So Li Qiuzhi continuously slashed out the golden sword energy with one sword after another, slicing the body of the Explosive Flame Tree. As time went by, there were more and more cuts on the body.

Eventually the roots were disconnected from the ground, and the character panel popped up again:

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 37531 experience points. 】

Seeing that he had finally gained experience points, Li Qiuzhi breathed out silently and withdrew his sword intent.

More than 37,000 experience points. This is the first time that I have gained so many experience points from defeating monsters. It is worthy of being a leader-level monster.

"Amazing sword intent, so powerful!"

Xingqiu clapped his hands, thinking that he had already mastered swordsmanship very deeply, and that Li Qiuzhi was probably not that much better than him.

I never thought that I could even comprehend the meaning of the sword.

However, this is fine.

Xingqiu was not willing to be outdone by Li Qiuzhi, a young adventurer who was not much older than him. It seemed that he would have to spare some time from reading in the future to practice swordsmanship.

"Where, where, this is already my best effort." Li Qiuzhi answered modestly.

"Hmph, let's see how proud you are."

Ying folded her arms and glanced at him, then turned away and turned her profile towards him, obviously a little dissatisfied with Li Qiuzhi for making her feel ashamed.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ying like this, and when she wasn't paying attention, he approached and kissed her on the white face.


Paimon immediately covered his eyes, and then continued to peek through his fingers.

It's not like she has never seen Li Qiuzhi and Fischer kiss secretly together, but every time she feels like "a child can't see it, but is curious and wants to see it."

"Haha, I'm going to collect the materials dropped by the Explosive Flame Tree first."

Xingqiu chuckled and walked away wisely.

Ying was kissed inexplicably. It was not like last time when he was unconscious and was seen by others. He felt his blood surge for a moment.

Her fair and beautiful face could not help but blush again.

She exhaled, calmed down, rolled her eyes at Li Qiuzhi, and then said as if nothing happened:

"It's a little hot here, I'm going out first."

After saying that, he pretended to be calm and walked out slowly.

"Hey, okay, wait for me." Paimon thought things would develop further, but he didn't expect it to be just like this.

She made a face at Li Qiuzhi, stuck out her tongue and followed him.

Well, although Ying already has a very good impression of him, but even if he wants to officially become a lover, there will be a process of gradual adaptation.

Just like Fischer, the relationship was already full at first, but it still took a while to formalize the relationship.

Now is also a good time to continue to strengthen your relationship.

Ying walked so slowly, probably because her mind was a little confused, so he just happened to go over and hold her hand and walk together to give her a sense of reliability.

Li Qiuzhi thought secretly.

He thought there was no problem with this idea, so he trotted to follow her, came to her left side, pushed Paimon to her right, and then touched her hand as if by accident.

She didn't seem to object when she saw her, so Li Qiuzhi took her hand directly and openly.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time that the two of them have held hands, so how could Ying resist? It seems that he is just worrying about gains and losses a little too much.

"Hmph, damn guy."

Paimeng was aggrieved by Li Qiuzhi's action of pushing him away:

"If you don't treat me to something delicious, I won't forgive you."

"Don't worry, I'll treat you to a big dinner when we get back to Liyue Port."

As Li Qiuzhi said this, he slipped his fingers between the fingers of Ying's left hand and interlocked them.

Ying gave a hesitant "hum" and held his hand tightly, but did not look at Li Qiuzhi. It seemed that the relationship between the two could only develop to this point for the time being.

She obviously needs some time to open up, after all, she has no experience in love.

I don’t know if it should be so simple and just agree to this troublesome guy.

Thinking of this, Ying glanced at Li Qiuzhi. After getting along with him for such a long time, she was quite satisfied with this guy, and it seemed good to become a couple with him.

However, if you let him succeed so easily, what if he doesn't treat you well in the future?

Although Fischer was in front of her, she felt that Li Qiuzhi's character was still trustworthy.

But for such a playboy, you can't go along with his wishes so easily, otherwise you might be dazzled by other girls after agreeing to become a couple with him.

Ying thought helplessly.

The valley outside the scorching cave.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying, Paimon, and Xingqiu Chongyun gathered together again. At this time, everyone looked a little confused at the few fist-sized red seeds in Xingqiu's hand.

“This is the most valuable thing about the Explosive Flame Tree.

“They are called Ever-Burning Seeds, which contain abundant fire elements and can be used as breakthrough materials and for alchemy.

"But be careful not to leave them in an environment rich in fire elements, otherwise another dangerous flame tree may appear."

Xingqiu recalled the introduction in "Liyue Dang Mo Lu" and introduced the information about these seeds to everyone.

"It turns out to be the seeds of the Explosive Flame Tree, but there are only three of them. How do you divide them?"

Paimon touched his pure white hair, then spread his hands and asked.

"Well, how about selling them to our Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, settling them into molas, and then dividing them evenly." Xingqiu had already thought of this method.


Ying nodded and said there was no problem. She didn't need the fire element's breakthrough material anyway.

"Well, I don't want Mora, just give me a seed. I'm quite interested in collecting these rare things."

Li Qiuzhi wanted to come here, but he was actually planning to bring Sugar to him.

It’s the corpse of the fire-eating bat and the seeds of the Explosive Flame Tree. If they were given to Sugar for research, it would definitely increase his favor.

Of course, having a good relationship with the girls is more important than Maura.

By the way, he also has a dragon scale given to him by Wendy, which has the "Godly Archery Technique" recorded on it. If he finds a suitable opportunity, he can lend it to Granu for research.

Li Qiuzhi will definitely be very happy when he knows that Sugar is there.

"Haha, of course it's no problem."

Xingqiu handed an "eternally burning seed" to Li Qiuzhi.

He collected the remaining two first and had to go back to Liyue Port to give the Chamber of Commerce a valuation before he could give the money to Ying and Chongyun.

The few people who had taken care of the Explosive Flame Tree also started to set off again.

Although I didn't encounter any big treasures this time, the harvest was pretty good.

Especially Li Qiuzhi's experience points on his character panel have reached more than 44,000. Such many experience points can greatly improve his strength.

The first thing that needs to be upgraded is naturally the Dandelion Shield, which is already at level nine. Li Qiuzhi is a little curious about what kind of effect it will have when it reaches full level.

Experience points-9000

Elemental Combat Technique·Dandelion Shield 9 (0/9000)\u003eElemental Combat Technique·Dandelion Shield 10 (Full Level)

Information about the strengthened "Dandelion Shield" also flooded into his mind.

The first is that its duration can last for one hour, and its defense capabilities have also been greatly improved.

If faced with the Explosive Flame Tree's Flame Pillar again, I believe it will not be able to easily break through Li Qiuzhi's wind element shield. In other words, the leader monster at level 65 will not be able to break through his defense for a while.

Moreover, the "Dandelion Shield"'s original effect of being surrounded by hurricane winds that can throw away some attacks has become stronger.

You can even control the direction of the throw yourself, which is almost equivalent to rebounding.

From this point of view, this enhancement is still very powerful.


It has reached its full level now. If you want to continue to improve it, you can only find other shield and shield skills and have them also be fully upgraded before you can fuse them and improve them.

Fortunately, the defensive ability of "Dandelion Shield" is now sufficient.

Although it has been raised to the limit, if your character level increases in the future, its defensive effect will continue to become stronger.

After all, character level is the basis of strength, and other items such as weapons, holy relics, talents, skills, etc. are all additional "strength areas".

Even if the basic strength becomes stronger, even if the skill is maxed out, the final effect will be more powerful.

Li Qiuzhi saw that he still had more than 35,000 experience points, but he could not reach level 60 even if he used them to upgrade his level.

I previously thought of using it to improve the "Form Stealth" skill to see if I could enhance the effect of being invisible with Ying and Paimon, so that I don't have to worry about drawing too much attention whether I light up or use the teleportation anchor.

However, it takes about 45,000 experience points to upgrade this skill from level one to full level.

It's not enough for now, so it seems I can only keep it as a backup. Anyway, I don't have to worry about meeting monsters in the wild now.

The sky turned golden and it was dusk.

Passing through the water-soaked ruins in the middle of Tianqiu Valley is Nantianmen, where there are towering peaks on both sides and a river valley at the bottom.

Everyone stood in the middle of the river valley and looked at the not too deep stream in front of them.

"It's almost nightfall. I think it's pretty safe around here. Let's camp here and rest." Paimon suggested, already tired from flying.

"It's indeed getting late." Xingqiu nodded, "But you still need to check around to see if it's safe here. You can't just ignore it if there's no problem."

Although he is not an adventurer, he often goes out into the wild with his family's caravan, and he is wary of danger.

Xingqiu took Chongyun with him to simply observe the surrounding geographical environment.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimeng stayed behind to prepare for the construction of the temporary camp, as well as dinner and the like. They were all done with ease and there was nothing difficult about it.

Just when the two of them were preparing dinner.

Xingqiu and Chongyun also returned, looking slightly happy, as if they had discovered something good.

"Did you find anything?" Li Qiuzhi asked slightly curiously.

“We discovered an overflow of earth veins here, and now the overflowing earth vein energy has formed a gold-hiding flower.

"There are just a little more monsters over there. Let's go over there later and see if we have a chance to get it."

Xingqiu explained.

"The Flower Hidden Gold? According to legend, the Flower Hidden Gold of Mora can bloom!"

Paimon's eyes almost turned into little stars.

"Yes!" Xingqiu nodded again to confirm.

"Oh, what an unexpected gain." Li Qiuzhi only met the Flower of Revelation in Mondstadt last time, and he has never seen it since.

It wasn't until now that I met the Flower of Hidden Gold, which is also a flower of earth veins.

This is definitely not to be missed.

So next, everyone finished their dinner quickly and walked and rested, led by Xingqiu and Chongyun, toward the location of the Hidden Gold Flower.

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Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 101 coins reward!

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