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Chapter 257 Qianyan Army in action (please vote)

Under the influence of the biological clock, Li Qiuzhi woke up naturally.

Ying, who was lying aside, pressed half of his body on his arm. Although it felt warm and soft, it would cause poor blood circulation. The specific manifestation was that his hand was a little numb.

He twisted slightly, trying to pull his hand out of the girl's arms.

Unfortunately, it was not successful. Instead, he was hugged tighter, and it seemed that he had to use a lot of strength. This should not be done unconsciously while sleeping.

Li Qiuzhi moved his gaze upward slightly, and sure enough he found that Ying had opened her eyes and looked at him calmly, seeming a little angry.

"Haha, does it still hurt?"

He stood up sideways, stretched out his hands to hug Ying's warm body under the quilt, kissed the corner of her mouth and said with concern.

Ying caught a glimpse of her white lantern shorts being spread out on the pillow for some reason, being cushioned by Li Qiuzhi. She immediately recalled what happened last night, her pretty face turned slightly red and she snorted, closing her eyes without answering.

Although I had expected it, I didn't expect that this guy would succeed so quickly!

When she thought of herself being at his mercy, Ying felt a sense of shame welling up in her heart.

This guy must have applied all the experience he learned from Fischer to her! It’s just right every time, but it’s really shameful that I can’t deal with it at all!

Thinking about this, she really wanted to bite him.

It was still early for Li Qiuzhi to meet, and Ying seemed to want to get out of bed, so he fell asleep again and let her sleep on his body, so that everyone could lie down more comfortably.

Well, maybe Ying's chest will feel a little stuffy when pressed.

But seeing that she didn't seem to have any reaction, Li Qiuzhi put his cheek against Ying's cheek with peace of mind, and gently stroked her back under the quilt from time to time.

In the faint fragrance emanating from the girl, the two fell asleep tenderly.

"Hey, stupid attendant, why don't you get up!"

The door of the room was pushed open with a bang. Fischer, who had just come home, found that there was no one in the living room, so he came directly to the room.

But what he didn't expect was to see Li Qiuzhi and Ying sleeping together.

She pursed her lips immediately, feeling a little jealous. The princess had only been back for a day, and the hateful idiot attendant had already fallen in love with her!

Of course, Fischer is not opposed to this.

After all, she and Ying had been hugged and kissed by the idiot attendant before.

It's one thing to not reject someone, but it's another thing to be jealous.

Now the stupid attendant only sleeps with Ying instead of herself, which will naturally make her jealous.

"No, I want to sleep with you too!" Fischer took off his dress and shoes.

Wearing only black silk lining and pantyhose, she ran over and lifted a corner of the quilt, tucked herself into the quilt of the two of them and hugged Li Qiuzhi.

Li Qiuzhi is also happy about this. He has always wanted to sleep with his wife. Isn't now the best time to realize it?

Thinking like this, he began to be dishonest with his wife and Fischer again.

Fischer took the initiative to kiss him, while Yingze continued to lie on Li Qiuzhi and closed her eyes helplessly. It was already like this, let this guy like it.

Liyue Port.

Li Qiuzhi drove the "Invisible Realm" and came out of the teleportation anchor point with Ying and Paimon, preparing to go to Yujing Terrace to see if the immortal ceremony had begun.

"Hey, why do you feel like you're not in good spirits?"

Walking on the road, Paimon looked at Ying next to him and yawned. He was a little confused. Could it be because he got up early?

She got up a little late this morning, and when she came downstairs, she saw Ying preparing breakfast.

"may be"

Ying crossed her arms and glanced at Li Qiuzhi imperceptibly. It wasn't this guy who made her sleepless last night and this morning.

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly.

After sleeping with the quilt last night and this morning, using the "Reconciliation" expertise many times also had some effects.

Ying has successfully reached level 43, and is almost reaching level 44. Fischer has also successfully reached level 40. Today, he took a special day off to absorb thunder element materials at home to break through.

For holders of the Eye of God, the risk of breakthrough is not high, and there is basically no chance of failure, so there is no need to accompany them.

At the same time, Fischer also has a "beacon", and the "negative balance" characteristic of the "Reconciliation" specialty has also taken effect among the three, so he can react to anything immediately.

"Do you feel that there seem to be more Qianyan troops patrolling?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the soldiers passing by on the street from time to time, and said with a slightly surprised expression.

"Today is the 'Send the Immortal Ceremony', so it is normal for more manpower to patrol." Paimon, flying in mid-air, spread his hands and said.

"It's just that they don't seem to be on normal patrol. They seem to be searching for someone?"

Li Qiuzhi's intuition told him that the Qianyan Army was not as simple as patrolling.

"Would you like to ask?"

His amber pupils glanced at Li Qiuzhi and asked.

"Okay, if there's anything we need help with, we can help, but if it's something confidential, there's no need to ask."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Just as he was about to ask a Qianyan Army officer, a crisp female voice came from behind: "It's you, Li Qiuzhi, Ying and little Paimon."

Hearing the sound, Li Qiuzhi and the others turned around.

They found Keqing, who was wearing a pair of lavender ponytails. She was swaying back and forth and wrapped in black pantyhose, walking towards them.

"Hey, Keqing, are you the one responsible for maintaining order today?"

Paimon waved to Keqing and said with a smile.

"Well, that's right, the immortals will come to Liyue Port today. In order to prevent interested people, especially the Fools, from taking the opportunity to cause trouble, we must arrange for manpower to monitor and restrict their movements."

Keqing answered with one hand on her hips and tapped her chin.

Even ordinary people know that fools are not good people, so there is nothing wrong with taking such action.

Even the fools themselves think it is right.

Because they really want to cause trouble and have already taken action.

"I see. Are you in any trouble now? I see what the Qianyan Army soldiers are looking for?"

Li Qiuzhi said the question he wanted to ask Qian Yanjun just now.

Keqing changed her posture and folded her hands to support her breasts wrapped in smooth fabric. Seeing that Li Qiuzhi and the others were not outsiders, she simply said:

"Now, both the Fools at the North Country Bank and some of their hidden strongholds in the city should be under the surveillance of the Qianyan Army.

"But the executive officer in charge of Liyue's diplomatic work, 'Young Master', unexpectedly disappeared without a trace. We are looking for him!"

"Master?! I knew that guy must have some conspiracy!"

Paimon looked angry.

"When did he escape your sight?" Li Qiuzhi asked after thinking for a while.

If nothing goes wrong, "Young Master" should take advantage of the fact that the ceremony is about to begin and most of the Qianyan Army are busy, and prepare to sneak into the "Golden Room" to steal the Heart of God from the Emperor's Immortal Body.

Thanks to "Mojiweichen" for the 500 coin reward!

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