I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 258 The Golden House (please vote for me)

Chapter 258 The Golden House (please vote for me~)

"Not so long ago."

The lavender twin ponytails of Qingqing hang down along the undulating back, and the tips of the hair caress the waist gently under the disturbance of the wind.

"That guy 'Master' may have secretly sent someone to follow us and learned the location of the Immortal Body of the Rock King. He may have gone to steal the Heart of God."

Li Qiuzhi expressed his guess.


Although Ke Qing had heard in Qun Yu Pavilion that the Fools might plot to seize the God's Heart, and was prepared, she did not expect that the location of the Emperor's Immortal Body had been exposed.

"Although the 'Golden House' is heavily guarded.

“But it’s still difficult to deal with the level of combat power of the Fool’s Executives.

"I now request you in the name of 'Yuhengxing' to go to the 'Golden House' with me to stop that executive officer?"

Keqing solemnly extended an invitation to Li Qiuzhi and the others.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying looked at each other and nodded "Yeah" to indicate there was no problem.

Previously, he used the golden sin-judging eye to see that the "gongzi" level was level 75. Maybe he would be stronger after using the evil eye.

He would definitely not dare to trouble him before he leveled up.

But Li Qiuzhi, who is already level 65.

Although there is a difference of ten levels, the combat power is not necessarily weaker than his. In addition, Ke Qing, who is at level seventy-three, is sure to defeat the "gongzi".

As for Ying, although it is only level 43.

But those who control the power of dual elements were once able to compete with the "maintainer of heavenly principles".

Presumably, it would also be possible to assist on the side when there is a conflict with the "Master" when there are three people.

Even if you can't win, there is no problem in protecting yourself.

Paimon was hiding outside so that the two of them could use the ability of "interstellar travel" to retreat at any time.

With the blessing of various advantages, it is basically foolproof.

This was the reason why he had the confidence to agree to Ke Qing. Calculating it carefully, it was not too dangerous to face the "young master".

"Very well, thank you very much. Come with me without further ado!"

Keqing said thank you succinctly, and then took action resolutely.

The moment she turned around.

Li Qiuzhi's character panel also popped up, and Ke Qing gave him a hint to improve his favor:

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 390 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (90/400)]

Do you actually have so many favorable impressions? Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with agreeing to Ke Qing!

Li Qiuzhi thought as he, Ying and Paimon quickly followed Ke Qing.

Keqing's speed was very fast. With one step, electric light flashed all over her body, and she was a hundred meters away in an instant as if she had shrunk to an inch.

When she deliberately controlled the speed, Li Qiuzhi and the others used their wind wings to fully control the wind element to assist their flight, and could barely keep up.

In this way, it took them less than half an hour to successfully arrive at the "Golden House".

As the only mint in the Teyvat continent, the "Golden House" is not secretly located on the mountains near Yunlaihai.

It is difficult to keep such a large factory secret.

Besides, there is no need to be secretive. This place is heavily guarded, and even if the holder of the Eye of God comes, he may not be able to please him.

Anyone who tried to rob the "gold house" was already squatting in Liyue's prison.

What if someone really stole Mora from the "House of Gold".

With Liyue's intelligence network, he won't be able to escape for long, and he will eventually settle down in a prison cell.

And at this time.

When Li Qiuzhi and the others came here, they saw only the Qianyan Army soldiers who had fallen at the door.

For the Fool Executives, the combat effectiveness of ordinary soldiers is completely different from theirs. With the "Master" deliberately intruding, no matter how many people come, it will be useless.

"They will be fine, right?"

Paimon looked at the fallen Qianyan Army soldiers and covered his mouth in mid-air in fear, shrinking back.

Ke Qing's eyes were filled with anger, but she still suppressed her anger and stepped forward to check the auras of the Qianyan Army. She found that they were not dead but just fainted. The problem was not a big problem.

"Huh, that guy's attack was quite measured, but that's not the reason why he attacked Qianyan Army!"

Keqing took Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimeng through the door outside the "Golden House" and walked all the way inside.

Basically, all Qianyanjun who could be seen were knocked unconscious on the ground.

But there is no way. The "Master" may have entered the "Golden Room" and found the emperor's immortal body, and must speed up to stop him.

We can only force these fainted soldiers to lie down for a while.

When several people came to the real gate of the "Golden House", Li Qiuzhi said to Paimeng:

"Paimon, please stay here. Don't follow him in, otherwise the fight with the 'Master' may affect you."

"Well, then, be careful."

Paimon also knows that he is not strong enough and will not be able to help if he goes in and may distract everyone, so staying here is the best choice.

And you can get them at any time.


Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Keqing opened the door and walked in.

The interior space of the "Golden House" is very wide. Walking in the corridor, you can find that the ground seems to be more than ten meters high from the dome, and the distance between the walls on both sides is also wide.

Looking ahead, you can see intersections on both sides leading to nowhere.

Keqing did not go around in circles, but took Li Qiuzhi and the others directly to the place where the emperor's immortal body was stored.

It didn't take long.

Li Qiuzhi and the others were led by Ke Qing to a large room. The emperor's half-dragon, half-lin immortal body was at the back of the room, protected by some kind of equipment.

Its appearance is majestic, giving people the illusion that it may open its eyes at any time.

"As for 'Master', he doesn't seem to be here."

Ying looked around and found that they seemed to be the only ones here, and the Fool Executive Officer was not here.

Has he already succeeded?

"Let's go first to see if the emperor's immortal body is damaged."

Keqing frowned. If they arrived late, the Heart of God might have been obtained by the Fools.


Li Qiuzhi nodded and followed Ke Qing forward, opening the golden sin-judging eye at the same time to prevent being ambushed.

"Haha, thank you guys for bringing me here. Sorry, the 'Golden House' is a bit winding and winding. I got a little lost just now."

Just as Li Qiuzhi and the others were walking in the center of the room, a voice came from behind.

They turned around and saw "Young Master", whose whole body exuded the radiance of the water element, running towards the emperor's immortal body by stepping on the wall at extremely fast speeds.

"Don't even think about it!"

Keqing reacted belatedly, and a thunderbolt appeared in her hand and shot at the "Master" at a faster speed.

"Humph, what a small trick!"

Dadalia summoned a long bow, attached it to the water element, and used it directly as a melee weapon, trying to fend off the thunder wedge.

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I went out to have a wedding banquet, and the second is more likely to be late.

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