I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 259 Three against one, I have the advantage

The thunder hammer collided with the long bow, and the broken purple light was like a flower of lightning suddenly blooming in the void.

Dadalia chuckled.

He knew that if he was entangled with this seven stars, it would be difficult to obtain the Heart of God. He smashed Lei Cheng and ignored the intentions of several people. He was about to continue galloping towards the Emperor's Immortal Body.

But how could Keqing do what he wanted!

The moment Lei Cheng shattered, Ke Qing teleported directly in front of "Young Master".

The dragon in the box unsheathed the thunder element attached to the Eye of God, and with the help of the power of spinning in the air, he took advantage of the situation and swung a sword towards the "gongzi".

Dadalia didn't expect such a thing to happen, her pupils suddenly shrank, and her whole body turned into water color and collapsed.

Like a splash of water on the ground.

See this situation.

Ke Qing, who was thoughtful and thoughtful, did not fall down immediately. She condensed another thunder wedge in mid-air and threw it back to Li Qiuzhi and the others and transferred it back.

"Did you turn into water and escape..." Ying looked at the pool of water in front of him, raised his hand and shook it gently.

"Desolate Star!"

The huge rock created by the power of the rock element rose from the ground, trying to lift up the "gongzi" who was suspected of turning into the water element and lurking underground.

But only the water spray dispersed, but no one was seen.

"Extremely evil method: Devoured by whales!"

Li Qiuzhi and Ying didn't care for the moment, but Dadalia knew that the "Yu Heng" of Liyue Qixing was not weaker than him.

Therefore, he used his ultimate move as soon as he made his move, and did not want to waste time testing each other.

The whale formed by the condensed water element jumped up from the ground, and its huge body pressed down on Li Qiuzhi and the others as if carrying the power of the sea.

If hit by this move, even the "Yu Heng Star" will inevitably be severely damaged.

Of course, he just wanted to get the Heart of God, not to become Liyue's enemy.

So the momentum of this move seemed huge, but the power was reduced by three points. Even so, he thought it was enough to delay them for a few seconds and let him get the Heart of God.

Damn it!

Li Qiuzhi was a little shocked by the way "Young Master" used his ultimate attack whenever he disagreed.

"Back off!"

Keqing said with a reminder.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying naturally did not think about blocking it hard, let alone whether they could block it. Even if they managed to block it with the wind element shield, the consumption would be difficult to recover in a short time.

In this case, Keqing and Ying will have to deal with the "young master", and the pressure on the two of them will increase instantly.

Before the giant whale came down, Li Qiuzhi and the others quickly retreated to the entrance of the room to avoid the attack.

When they searched around, they saw "Young Master" again.

His hand has already touched the immortal body of Emperor Rock King, and even his palm seems to be able to sink into the immortal body without knowing how.


Ying subconsciously wanted to stop him, but then she realized that everyone was too far away from the "young master". She started to attack and added the time it took for the attack to hit the target.

"Young Master" had already gotten the Heart of God and ran away!


Keqing bit her lip and lifted up the dragon's chant in the box where the thunder element was attached. Purple electric light flashed all over her body, and she rushed towards the Immortal Body of the Rock King like a fleeting lightning.

Li Qiuzhi knew that the "young master" had already touched the emperor's immortal body, and it seemed that no matter how fast he moved, it would be too late.

But this is not a big problem for him.

At the same moment when "Young Master" touched the Rock King, the translucent tentacles of spiritual power that looked like substance poked out from the space around him.

First it circled his feet, then his hands that were about to sink into the emperor's immortal body, and finally his waist.

Slowly, translucent tentacles completely wrapped the "gongzi" like a rice dumpling, trying to strangle him unconscious.

Keqing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that "Young Master" had not succeeded in getting the Heart of God.

She stopped, and the swaying sleeve ribbons and twin ponytails stopped temporarily.

Purple pupils stared at the "Master" who was vaguely visible through the translucent tentacles.

Although Keqing thought very much, this "young master" could be defeated by Li Qiuzhi so easily.

But reason told her.

As the executive of the Fools, his methods will not stop there!

In fact, it did not go beyond Ke Qing's expectations. After a few seconds, the tentacles surrounding "Young Master" emitted violent electric light visible to the naked eye.

"Is this the evil eye activated?"

Ordinary people cannot master multiple elemental powers with their own special physique like Ying, but if it still appears like this, it is usually the power of the evil eye.

If the user is a fool, then it is basically a 100% problem.

For example, Li Qiuzhi's fire-element evil eye was obtained from the Fools and was modified by Lisa before it could be used without side effects.

Now that "Young Master" has used the evil eye, it means that he has officially become serious.

The violent thunder element hit the translucent tentacles, and the feedback returned made Li Qiuzhi feel numb mentally.

Watching your own mental tentacles seem to be at risk of being defeated.

To avoid backlash.

Li Qiuzhi threw the young master hard into the side wall, "Bang!" Dadalia hit the hard rock wall like a falling comet.

Thick dust flew up, and lightning flashed in it.

"Very good, very good. The last time I was injured was the last time a long time ago!"

Dadalia waved his hand to disperse the surrounding smoke. At this time, he put on a mask on his face, and what he held in his hand was no longer a longbow, but a weapon similar to a javelin.

He understands now.

It would be difficult for him to get the Heart of God unless he beat up these troublesome people, and it would be hard for him, a warrior, to do any diplomatic work in Liyue.

Dadalia has already become extremely itchy!

"You first!"

Dadalia looked at Li Qiuzhi, a young adventurer who had always been inconspicuous. What made him angry was that he had already encountered the immortal body of the Rock King.

The moment he was almost ready to take out the Heart of God, he was stopped by this bastard!

In this case, this guy must be taught a lesson first.

Li Qiuzhi glanced at the "gongzi" who had reached level seventy-eight using the evil eye with his golden sin-judging eyes.

Li Qiuzhi, who was already quite experienced in combat, was very vigilant and opened the wind element shield first.

"Oh, before the absolute strength gap, all defenses are in vain!"

Dadalia looked at Li Qiuzhi and chuckled.

The thunder element on his body flashed slightly and disappeared entirely on the spot. When he appeared again, he had already poked his weapon into Li Qiuzhi's wind element shield.

But what surprised Dadalia slightly.

My own did not penetrate the wind element shield with one strike. Instead, the wind element and the thunder element kept colliding and bursting out, giving a feeling of even strength.

But how is this possible!

Thanks to "zyl Lao Zhou Loves Reading" for the 100-coin reward!

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