I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 260 The Demon King’s Arms (please vote for me)

As an executive of the Fools, he is one of the most powerful people in the world.

He would understand if "Yuhengxing" was on par with him, but why should this so-called honorary knight who only barely exerted some effort in the Mondron disaster!

"Haha, but this is also very interesting!"

Dadalia was surprised because of the unreasonableness of the matter, not because of jealousy of others.

Dadalia is a pure warrior.

He was glad that there were more people in his martial arts who could compete with him or were stronger, but for his status as the eleventh executive officer of the Fools.

Meeting Li Qiuzhi at the wrong time, he can only be his own obstacle!

"So I'll leave the enjoyment of fighting to the future. Now I will do my best to clear the obstacles in front of me!

"Extremely evil method: Ultimate Thunder Spear!"

The weapon in Dadalia's hand burst out with even more violent thunder.

Even the high-level evil eye specially made for the Fools' executives was almost unbearable for his body under such high load operation.

Damn it! What is this guy crazy about?

The wind elemental power that Li Qiuzhi uses to maintain the elemental shield is being consumed rapidly. If it continues like this, it will be broken within a minute.

Thinking about it.

The translucent spiritual tentacles appeared again.

One, two, three, ten, ten spiritual tentacles stretched out in the space around "Young Master", and quickly wrapped around the man wrapped in thunder!

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi raised the "Moonlight Epee" in his hand.

"Ying's Sword Intent" was activated, and a seven- to eight-meter-tall golden enlarged version of the girl's shadow appeared. Her movements were completely synchronized with Li Qiuzhi's.

When the "Moonlight Heavy Sword" was slashing at "Young Master".

The phantom of the girl also swung down the sword blade. This was a sword that almost cut through the space!

Two attacks come together, let me see how you respond! Li Qiuzhi raised the corners of his mouth and said silently.

"Huh, what a joke!"

Dadalia had just felt the power of those translucent tentacles. They seemed huge and powerful, but they could not exceed 500 kilograms of power at most.

If it hadn't been for the ability to attack the spirit, I wouldn't have been restrained just now!

"Get out of the way!"

Dadalia temporarily changed all the power of the Evil Eye's release from focusing on a single attack to radiating outward through a circle of light. All the translucent spiritual tentacles were instantly dispersed by the lightning.

Li Qiuzhi felt dizzy, but recovered quickly.

At the same time, Ying, who was standing behind him, and Fischer, who had just made a breakthrough in Mondstadt, also felt the same way.

The backlash from the scattered mental tentacles was divided into three parts and was borne by three people.

So in the end it didn't have much impact, and the sword was still swung towards the "young master" seriously.

Dadalia had no time to dodge the sword that had already arrived in front of her.

You can only block by swinging the weapon in the same way.

There was a collision with the heavy sword first, and then it was easily followed.

When the golden sword that followed was slashed down, the "Master's" feet sank, and several cracks opened in the solid ground.

"Idiot attendant, my princess just felt dizzy. Are you fighting with someone? Do you need help?"

Just when Li Qiuzhi and the young master were having an inextricable fight.

Fischer's voice sounded in his mind, along with a request sent to him.

"It's okay, Ying, I, and a Liyue Qixing are beating up an unscrupulous thief. The advantage lies with us.

"I just missed a little bit. It's not a big problem. If there is danger, I will use teleportation to retreat. You don't have to worry."

In order to prevent Fischer from worrying too much about him, Li Qiuzhi quickly briefly told her what had just happened in his mind.

If you help, you don’t need her help.

Fischer has not grown up enough to deal with the Fools' Executives, so if he is accidentally injured, it will be unnecessary.

Ying looked at the two people in front who seemed to be in a stalemate.

Lifting his right foot and lightly stepping on the ground, the rock elemental force created a sharp rock spear that stretched out from the ground and poked towards "Young Master".

Watch the rock gun attack.

Dadalia himself is not a man of steel, and besides dealing with Li Qiuzhi, he no longer has the extra elemental power to resist Ying's attack.

As a last resort, he poured a large amount of thunder elemental power into the injured weapon.

At the cost of the shattering of the weapon, a huge explosion of thunder elements was caused. While Li Qiuzhi was shaken away, he was able to retreat and avoid Ying's attack.

"Yunlai Sword Technique·Ni Ting Quick Sword!"

Before Dadalia could relax, he felt the crisis coming from behind again, and quickly took out the longbow from the Eye of God and turned around to block the blow.

But even so, it was still knocked away by the force of the slash, and several cracks were created on the wall.

Dadalia squatted on one knee on the ground, coughed slightly, stood up, exhaled, and said with emotion:

"Everyone, it's a bit unfair for three to fight one. The last time we were in such a mess was at the hands of my master."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, you can catch him without any help and you'll get less injured!"

Keqing looked serious and continued to stare at the Fool Executive in front of her with vigilance.

"Lord Yu Hengxing, I feel that what you are saying is nonsense."

Dadalia choked back.

He then floated up as he spoke, sighed and said: "There is no way, it seems that I can only defeat you with my ultimate method!"

"What is he going to do?" There was a puzzled look in his amber pupils.

"Who knows, but since this is what the enemy wants to do, we must stop him!"

Keqing stepped forward and rushed in front of the "young master" as if teleporting. The dragon's roar in the box with the thunder element in his hand fell again.

Ying, who felt that Keqing was right, also attached the wind element to his long sword.

Prepare to cooperate with Keqing to launch a diffusion reaction to cause greater damage to "Young Master".

Li Qiuzhi naturally followed closely behind him. If he guessed correctly, the "young master" was going to use his "Devil King's Arms".

When the game was going through the plot, he took out this trump card in the final stage.

Li Qiuzhi looked a little handsome at the time, and even had the idea of ​​transforming into a male character. However, after trying it out, he found that he couldn't transform at all.

That idea was extinguished.

From this, Li Qiuzhi, who knew that the "Master" would become very powerful after using the "Devil King's Arms", certainly did not want him to use it successfully.

Although I don't know if I can interrupt the "casting" of "Master", I have to try.

Otherwise, he might use the "Devil King's Arms" to even out Li Qiuzhi's numerical advantage, which would be a little troublesome.

"Hmph, you want to stop me?! It's too late!"

Dadalia activated the "Demon King's Arms" very quickly. When Li Qiuzhi and the three of them approached, there was a sudden force that knocked them away!

Please keep reading, please vote for me, thank you all for your support, I will make up for yesterday’s update in the evening.

Thanks to "Time Passage 299" for the 100 coin reward!

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