I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 278 Can I touch your ears?

"This is easy!"

With that said, Li Qiuzhi launched a slight mental attack on the white mouse that was squeaking.

There was no change, and the white mouse caught by the translucent tentacles suddenly fainted with a "squeak".

This time Li Qiuzhi did not use "spiritual tentacles" to launch a spiritual attack.

At level 80, after completing his sixth breakthrough, his mental power was already strong enough that he no longer needed to use "spiritual tentacles" for external release, so he experimented a little bit.

Intangible and qualityless, it is really useful.

Of course, it is not as powerful as the "spiritual tentacle", as his strength becomes stronger.

The translucent spiritual tentacles can be summoned at will within a radius of ten kilometers, and the maximum power has reached five tons, whether it is used for physical attacks or mental attacks.

Neither ordinary people nor monsters can bear it.

And with such a long attack distance, it feels like his bow and arrow can be retired.

"Okay, let's use a sterilized scalpel to make a small opening of two millimeters on its forelimbs."

Gran Sugar poured the green liquid in the glass flask onto a smaller glass vessel, and then naturally ordered Li Qiuzhi to take action.

When the sugar is put into work, it is really neat and tidy.

Li Qiuzhi also did as he was told.

He did not pick up the scalpel directly with his hands. After all, he still had some medical knowledge and knew that bacteria on his hands might contaminate the scalpel.

But there is no such problem when using spiritual tentacles.

With this thought, Li Qiuzhi summoned a small translucent tentacle and rolled up the silver-white scalpel placed in a glass cup filled with disinfectant.

It is worth mentioning that.

Teyvat's disinfectant does not have a pungent smell, but has a light fruity aroma.

I don’t know if these disinfectants are extracted from some kind of fruit trees or plants. It is indeed a fantasy world. It is really magical.

Li Qiuzhi used invisible mental power to wipe away the remaining disinfectant on the scalpel.

He gently made a small cut on the forelimbs of the fainted white mouse. Of course, he also used his mental power to remove some of the mouse hair on its forelimbs before making the cut.

This will prevent mouse hair from getting on the wound and causing infection.

Perhaps it was because the blood vessels on the forelimbs of the white mouse were not abundant, or the wound was neither deep nor large, and the blood only slowly overflowed a little.

"Is this okay?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at Sugar and asked.

"Well, the wound is large enough. I just want to test whether these ointments have any effect.

"If there is, we need to find some larger animals to continue testing the effect of the ointment. Mice are too small to cut large wounds."

Granu used a glass piece to scrape a little jelly-like green ointment and applied it on the wound on the mouse's forelimb.

The effect was immediate, and the blood did not continue to leak out.

"Is this a success?"

Li Qiuzhi asked doubtfully.

"The bleeding has stopped, but you can see that the wound has not healed quickly. It is not much different from ordinary ointment."

Granu observed it carefully and found that the effect of this ointment was still a bit far from his goal.

Her purpose in developing this ointment was to heal wounds that would bleed profusely when attacked by beast-land hounds, but it seemed that she had not achieved this goal.

Is it really because of the problem that went wrong just now?

"Alas, we can only do two more experiments. That's how bio-alchemy research is." Sugar sighed regretfully.


Li Qiuzhi, who didn't know much about this aspect, nodded to comfort the somewhat disappointed Sartang.

He temporarily moved the things on the table and said:

"Come, let me show you the rare creatures I collected during my adventure. They may have research value."


After hearing his words, Sugar quickly cheered up and showed an expectant expression.

"This is a monster called a fire-eating bat that I encountered in the wilds of Liyue. It should be rare in Mondstadt."

Li Qiuzhi first released the corpse of a fire-eating bat from the evil eye.

It can be seen that it still looks like it has just died. It is very "fresh" and should not have any impact on the research.

"Hey, it's a creature I've never seen before. Thank you, Mr. Adventurer!"

Sugar's eyes seemed to shine brightly. He picked up the long tweezers and fiddled with them while observing the fire-eating bat, while expressing his gratitude to Li Qiuzhi.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (186/700)]

Studying new species can allow her to progress faster in biological alchemy and go further on the path of exploring the truth.

By the way, you can also develop new knowledge.

Looking at the favorable impression prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi smiled, thinking that it was not over yet, and continued:

"This is just one of them. I have many more, which should be enough for you to study. Next is this, the forelimbs of a young rock dragon lizard."

After taking the fire-eating bat, he took out a forelimb of the monster again and placed it in the iron basin on the experimental table.

This is what he just took with his spiritual tentacles.

Use it to prevent the monster's blood from flowing everywhere.

"Young rock dragon lizard!" Sugar became obviously more interested when he heard the name, "I have heard of this monster. There is also a rock dragon lizard on top of it, the evolved form of the ancient rock dragon lizard.

“I’ve been curious about this monster’s form changing so much after it grows to a certain level a long time ago.

“But there’s never been a chance to study them!”

If the evolutionary characteristics of this organism can be clearly studied, can their genes be edited into other organisms so that they can also evolve?

Ideas kept popping up in Sugar's mind.

At the same time, he also had a better impression of Li Qiuzhi.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (406/700)]

"I have something even heavier, look!"

Li Qiuzhi felt that Sugar could be more favorable to him, so he took out the seeds of the Explosive Flame Tree - the ever-burning seeds.

With its appearance, the temperature around the two of them rose a bit.

"This, this is?!"

Sugar had seen the illustrations of the leader-level monsters of the Explosive Flame Tree and knew about the Eternal Burning Seeds, but he never thought he would have the opportunity to study them.

Because this kind of monster is too rare and dangerous!

The ever-burning seed is also a very precious fire element material.

The value is very high, and adventurers will get it and sell it to those Fire Element God Eye holders who need a breakthrough.

It is rarely used for research.

"Can you really give me such a precious thing?" Sugar shook her green plush ears and looked at Li Qiuzhi in disbelief.

"Of course, I don't need this."

Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly and said, although it could be sold for millions of molas, gaining the favor of girls is not as important as the molas.

"Ah, thank you, thank you so much, I, I don't even know how to repay you!"

Sugar looked at Li Qiuzhi and nodded in confirmation.

My mood bloomed like a sweet flower, and I became a little nervous and shy when I spoke.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (6/800)]

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, smiled, coughed slightly and said jokingly:

"If you want to thank me, can you let me touch your ears?"

Please read~

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