"Yeah! No problem."

Sugar smiled and nodded and agreed subconsciously. Just when he was about to stick his head out, he realized the problem.

Eh? What did Mr. Adventurer just say?

Touch, touch, touch your ears? !

Sugar's fair cheeks flushed and heated up. She looked at Li Qiuzhi with wide eyes and said incoherently:

"Ah, please, please don't make such weird jokes!"

"Sugar's ears look fluffy. I've always been curious about how they feel. If you can, please let me touch them."

Li Qiuzhi clasped his hands together as if begging.

"Oh no, no, you can't touch your ears!"

Sugar raised her hands and waved her hands to refuse. She felt like her head was going to burn. She didn't expect that such a request would be made.

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi was rejected and could only hang his head with a slight loss.

Since Sugar doesn't agree, he can only find an opportunity to realize his wish to touch his ears in the future.

Anyway, the goodwill score is already so high, I believe this goal is not too far away.


Seeing that Li Qiuzhi had given up the request to touch her ears, Granutang felt a little relieved and did not choose to continue to embarrass her:

"Mr. Adventurer, you can make some requests that I can fulfill, but it cannot be touching your ears!"

"Well, besides touching my ears, I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you next time when I think about it, okay?"

Li Qiuzhi glanced at Sutang's green and fluffy ears with some reluctance, and then looked away.

"Wow, Mr. Adventurer is really in trouble."

Sartang thought Li Qiuzhi had given up, but in fact she still had the idea of ​​touching her ears, and her heart suddenly picked up again.

The two hands were clasped together, their fingers playing with each other restlessly.

Sugar couldn't bear to see Li Qiuzhi's disappointed look.

If the ear is touched a little, it will go away quickly, and there should be no strange feeling.

Since Mr. Adventurer insists on doing this, we can only let him touch it a little to satisfy his curiosity.

Thinking of this, she blushed and said softly:

"Okay, okay, I can touch you gently, just once, just touch it once, don't touch it for too long."


Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he looked at the cute sugar that had been insisting that he could only touch it, and he unexpectedly agreed.

"Yeah, I'll just touch it quickly."

To this, he naturally agreed repeatedly.

When you touch it, you have to touch it enough. Otherwise, with Sugar’s character, you don’t know when the next chance will come.

"Then come on."

Sugar put her hands behind her back to support her hips, looking at her toes with a reddish face.

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly, took two steps forward and approached Sutang, and stretched out his hands towards her fluffy ears.

When the tip of the ear was gently touched, the fluffy green ears were like a frightened bunny, gently folding downwards, and Sugar seemed to feel itching and even closed his eyes.

As if waiting for the punishment of the bad guy.

Li Qiuzhi is undoubtedly this evil and shameful villain.

He slowly pinched Sugar's ears, feeling soft and slightly warm.


The moment Gran Tang's ears were pinched, it was like an electric current coursed through his body.

It made her body tremble instinctively.

The legs wrapped in suspenders and semi-transparent stockings under the lace hem of the one-piece skirt suddenly lost their strength and fell to the ground unable to stand firm.

"Okay, are you okay?" Sugar panted and asked hurriedly in a small voice.

She didn't know that her ears would be so sensitive when others touched them. She usually wouldn't have this strange feeling if she rubbed them occasionally.

Ugh... I shouldn't have agreed if I had known earlier. Sugar secretly regretted it in her heart.

She decided at this moment that she would never agree to Li Qiuzhi and let him do such a thing again!

Only this one time!

"You just let me go when you sat down. You didn't realize what it felt like. Please let me touch it again."

Li Qiuzhi also squatted down, looking face to face at the blushing Sugar, and his hands had touched her plush ears again.

Didn’t you promise to just touch it?

Sugar anxiously wanted to retort, but the tingling feeling that came from having her ears rubbed made her whole body unable to speak, and she could only exhale slightly.

Seeing that Sugar didn't resist, Li Qiuzhi thought she had acquiesced, so he continued to knead it in his hands. The feeling was really wonderful.

About a minute later, Sugar's face turned red as if she was drunk. She didn't even have the strength to sit up, so she leaned her face and body directly against Li Qiuzhi's chest.

She pressed her hands on Li Qiuzhi's waist, trying to push him away, but it felt like her body was falling apart, and her hands couldn't muster the strength, let alone push him away.

Li Qiuzhi gently kneaded Sugar's ears and found that she had a slight tendency to slide down after leaning against his body.

In this case, there will be no way to properly knead Sugar's plush ears.

So he adjusted his posture, sitting cross-legged and leaning his back against the side of the experimental table.

Then he picked up Sugar and let her sit astride him, while her white cheek continued to lie on his chest.

It was just convenient for Li Qiuzhi to rub her ears.

Seeing that Sugar didn't say anything to stop him, Li Qiuzhi thought that Sugar also liked the feeling of having his ears rubbed, so he didn't stop either.

But not long after, Li Qiuzhi felt a little strange.

"granulated sugar?"

He called out softly, but received no response.

Confused, Li Qiuzhi looked down at Shatang's face and found that she had fallen asleep at some point. She was breathing evenly, but she looked a little tired.

Uh...did you rub your head too much? Li Qiuzhi thought of such an answer.

Suddenly he felt a little embarrassed.

There was no other way but to hold Sugar and wait for her to wake up slowly. As for why she didn't wake her up directly, it was mainly because she liked the feeling of holding a girl and wanted to experience it more.

Ten minutes passed, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly felt that his chest was a little lighter, and it was the awakened Sartang who lifted his cheeks.

Apparently she remembered Li Qiuzhi's excessive behavior, and now she was staring at Li Qiuzhi with her lips pursed as if she was about to cry.

"...I'm sorry, Sugar." Li Qiuzhi admitted his mistake obediently and tried to comfort him with words.

Oops, I shouldn't have been greedy for so long. Things seem to be a bit out of control now.

But Sugar’s ears are really fluffy and soft, making people reluctant to let go.

Sugar looked at Li Qiuzhi and felt that her body was still a little weak. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was a bit too much for him to keep rubbing her ears, but she hated it but couldn't hate it.

She wanted to say something angry, but she didn't know how to say it.

In desperation, she stopped suppressing herself and started sobbing quietly.


Li Qiuzhi looked at Shatang, who was sitting on top of him and really started crying, and knew that he was in trouble.

Comforting a crying girl is difficult.

Thanks to "Tian Huan Ru Meng" for the 123-coin reward!

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 109-coin reward!

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