"That is not bad."

Jiurisu also breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked doubtfully:

"Since you are not here to seek help from the Chamber of Commerce, what is your purpose here?"

"Hey, hello, we were called here by Thomas. He said that the Chamber of Commerce has encountered some trouble."

A smile appeared on Paimeng's little face, and he briefly introduced himself, Ying, and Li Qiuzhi, the playboy.

"Oh, it turns out he is a famous traveler. I have seen it many times in the Steam Bird News, but I still didn't recognize him when I saw him in person!"

Jiurisu suddenly understood, and then continued:

"Mr. Toma was able to find you. It seems that there is indeed hope to solve the current predicament of the Chamber of Commerce!"

"Yeah, we will try our best to help you solve it. Let's first talk about what difficulties the Chamber of Commerce has encountered recently."

Pamon said with a heavy nod.

"Hey, everyone, please take a seat first and listen to me." Jiulisu sighed and asked Li Qiuzhi and the others to sit down on the desks and chairs on the left side of the office.

The specifics are not complicated.

Although due to the "lockdown order" foreign businessmen can only do business on outlying islands, travel to other areas except outlying islands is restricted.

But even so, everyone still has good benefits.

However, one of Inazuma's three major agencies, the Kaifeng Agency, which is an agency that specializes in managing foreign trade on outlying islands and other matters, has recently issued many unreasonable regulations for foreign businessmen.

The first is high taxes.

It was more than double that of local merchants, which was not bad. It was just that they made less money. They, the merchants, pinched their noses and accepted this result.

But those people who are only interested in profit have to make it difficult for them to pay taxes.

They actually issued a new tax law and changed the form of tax payment from mola to something I had never heard of called "crystallized bone marrow."

But there is no other way. If you do business under someone else's roof on someone else's territory, you can naturally do whatever they arrange.

These foreign businessmen still tried their best to collect "crystalized bone marrow" to pay as taxes.

But "crystalized bone marrow" is different from Mora in that it is not tradable. After it is handed over to be determined and implemented, it is like being fed to a giant whale swallowing the sea.

Will never appear on the market again.

This also resulted in less and less "crystallized bone marrow" on the market, and the price became higher and higher. In the end, only one merchant was left with stock.

Then the "crystallized bone marrow" was monopolized by that businessman.

Taking advantage of his monopoly advantage, he continued to raise the price of "Crystalized Bone Marrow", which eventually caused the taxes to almost exceed their business profits!

If something like this really happened, it would be impossible for them to continue their business and they would have to pack up and go home.

"That's so! Haven't you tried to persuade the people over there to change the tax money from that 'crystallized bone marrow' back to Mora?"

This was also the first time Paimon heard that taxes were paid with something other than Mora instead.

There is something wrong without even thinking about it.

"Of course we've already tried this, but the agency didn't pay attention to us at all. If we still want to do business, we have to hand over the 'Crystalized Bone Marrow'."

Jiurisu said helplessly.

This kind of law is completely driving them to a dead end. It goes against basic common sense and logic, unless the law is determined to see this situation.

But without foreign businessmen like them, Inazuma's foreign trade would be completely cut off. What good would this do to them!

"If the policies and laws cannot be resolved, then we can only look for reasons from the businessman who monopolizes the 'Crystalized Bone Marrow' for entry. If he no longer monopolizes price increases, then it will probably make things easier for the Chamber of Commerce. "

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

"Well, that businessman is indeed suspicious. None of us can find the 'Crystalized Marrow', but he seems to have an endless supply of inventory. Speaking of which, the businessman is from the 'Universal Chamber of Commerce'. I didn't expect that he would be so difficult for us now! "

Jiurisu became very angry when he thought of this.

"So that businessman does have some kind of secret. Mr. Jiurisu, do you know where he is? Let's find a way to investigate him and see if we can get any useful information."

Ying looked at the smooth wooden tabletop, thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. We usually trade with him under the trees by the seaside in the residential area. You can go over and have a look tomorrow morning."

When Jiulisu saw several well-known travelers willing to help him, he suddenly felt that the weight on his shoulders was much lighter.

"Hey, don't worry, leave it to us!"

Paimon patted his chest very confidently.

In order to thank the travelers for their willingness to help the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce", Jiulisu invited them to have dinner at the best restaurant on the outlying island.

Paimon was very happy about this and said that he would help investigate the matter no matter what.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying looked at her with disgust.

In the end, it was actually them who contributed. Your little Paimon was just following the emergency food around you.

After dinner, Li Qiuzhi and the others strolled around the outlying island at will, mainly because they wanted to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment. They also wanted to see if there was a teleportation anchor nearby. It would be convenient to light it up and come here.

There is also Inazuma's statue of the Seven Heavens. If Ying wants to control a new elemental power, he must find it and touch it.

Things were going pretty well.

I bought a map of the outlying island in the store, which marked two strange devices on the outlying island, one at the pier and one in the city center.

Li Qiuzhi and the others took advantage of the darkness to remain invisible and quietly lit them up.

As for Inazuma's Seven Heavens Statue, it's a little troublesome. Its location is on the mountain behind the Hiiragi family, the actual controller of the designation and implementation.

Although it has invisibility, it is not difficult to sneak past.

But after lighting up the two teleportation anchor points, it was already late at night, and it would still take several hours to get there from the pier, so we might as well go there tomorrow.

It won't run there anyway.

When it was time to sleep, Li Qiuzhi and the others did not waste money on renting a hotel. They directly opened the "Wonderland" and went in, making a bunk on the ground to sleep.

Even after Mona returned, she did not simply put away her astrology research instruments and books and materials that were scattered everywhere.

Moreover, with a certain emergency food by his side, Li Qiuzhi couldn't do anything inappropriate for children with him.

It's a bit of a pity.

Of course, it's still okay to hold each other's arms and touch each other's soft lips.

It seems that we need to use wooden boards to separate several rooms to make it easier to get out. Let's start preparing when we have free time.

The next day, early morning.

The weather on the outlying island was sunny, and Li Qiuzhi prepared a breakfast for Mona, who was transported to "Wonderland" on time to study the stars.

Then he, Ying and Paimon went to the tree on the seaside in the residential area and squatted at the merchant who monopolized the goods. Jiulisu said his name was Werner and introduced his appearance in detail.

Moreover, he is the only merchant who sells "Crystalized Bone Marrow", and it is not difficult to recognize him whenever he sees him.

There are already several people waiting here like them, probably the businessman who wants to buy the "Crystalized Bone Marrow" from Werner.

After a while, a businessman who looked exactly like what Jiulisu described came over.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying, who had long been hidden in the "invisible field", looked at each other and signaled that they were ready to take action.

After the merchants who were looking for Werner to buy "Crystalized Bone Marrow" left, Werner also began to leave, and Li Qiuzhi and the others followed him quietly.

Follow Werner and see how he got so much "crystallized bone marrow".

He remembered that it seemed that the tax-collecting shogunate sergeants were responsible. If they happened to see them later, they would be caught in one fell swoop. This would be much less troublesome than slowly investigating!

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