I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 353: Caught (two in one)

Although compared to the original plot, there is an unexpected person like Li Qiuzhi, which leads to deviations in time and small details.

But the overall development doesn't seem to be much different.

After leaving the seaside, Werner did not return to the residential area, and began to wander further and further, a bit sneakily.

"There is indeed something wrong with this guy!"

Pamon said with his hands on his hips.

"He came to such a remote place, is he trying to meet someone?" Ying said doubtfully while crossing her arms and touching her chin.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying continued to follow Werner calmly in the invisible field. He thought for a while and said:

"Speaking of which, we in Inazuma are just ordinary foreigners after all. If we really find something later, there seems to be no way to do anything to him.

"Even if we capture him and hand him over to the shogunate army, what if he is beaten to death and refuses to admit his mistake? We have no evidence."

"Well, it seems so. After all, we can't really kill him, unless we find some shogunate soldiers to come over and show him that this hateful businessman has really done something illegal before he can be arrested!"

Paimon said with some distress.

"It's better to say goodbye to this. Although most of the shogunate soldiers are still just, you see, we were almost cheated of millions just yesterday. What if the shogunate sergeant we are looking for happens to be relatively corrupt or is in the same group with him? You might even get beaten up."

Li Qiuzhi, who knew the plot, shook his head.

"If there is a prop like a photo camera, we can take photos of evidence." Ying suddenly thought of this item produced in Fontaine.

It's just that this kind of thing is relatively rare, or it is relatively rare outside Fontaine.

"Yes, that President Jiurisu is from Fontaine. Maybe he has a photo camera. We can ask and borrow it if he has one!"

Paimon said excitedly.

"No, there's not enough time. By the time we get back, he might have run away. Anyway, we don't necessarily have to arrest him. We'll see what happens then and then make a decision."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

"Okay, that's all we can do." Paimon helplessly spread his hands.

"However, the color of his hair and eyes, as well as his name, indicate that Werner, the foreign businessman, seems to be from Mondstadt.

"As far as I know, if a foreigner does something illegal after going abroad, the law enforcement agency of his own country is also qualified to arrest and try him when he returns home. At that time, we can capture him and bring him back to Mondstadt and hand him over to the Knights."

Li Qiuzhi thought of a brilliant idea.

After all, he is an honorary knight and a member of the Knights. If he sees Werner committing a crime, he can catch him just like the police sees a thief.

Of course, doing this outside Mondstadt is a bit out of order, but just bring him back to Mondstadt. There is no need to worry about such small problems.

"Wow, you're so disgusting, you actually thought of such a method!" Paimon's eyes widened like stars, "But only if he really did something bad."

"Stop talking now, that Werner ran behind a huge stone."

Ying patted Li Qiuzhi's arm and reminded him.

Werner didn't know that there were several people following him swaggeringly behind him. After carefully noticing that no one was following him, he walked to the place where Ashigaru and Keijiro ordered.

He turned a corner at the huge stone and came under the shadow of the stone. There were already two people dressed as shogunate sergeants.

"Werner, why are you so late!"

A shogunate sergeant crossed his arms and said dissatisfiedly.

"Sorry, sorry, Ashigaru-sama, I have to be more cautious in order to prevent someone from following me."

At this time, Werner's attitude towards others was completely different from when he was selling "Crystalized Bone Marrow", and he was very groveling.

"Wow, your appearance has completely changed."

Li Qiuzhi and others followed Werner and came to the shadow of the stone. Paimeng looked at the scene in front of him and said in surprise.

"It seems that these two shogunate sergeants are the source of Werner's 'Crystalized Bone Marrow' channel, but they don't even change their clothes, which is really bold."

Ying looked at the two shogunate sergeants and said.

"Okay, Ashigaru, don't worry about these trivial matters. The first priority is to get today's mora. We will have to collect taxes later."

Keijiro, another shogunate sergeant, said.

"Yes, Werner, quickly bring over the mora earned today." Ashigaru then realized that he still had a job, and then quickly urged Werner.

"Okay, okay."

Werner quickly handed the cloth bag tied around his waist to Ashigaru, which contained ten thousand moras.

Ashigaru took the cloth bag over, and based on the weight, estimated that there were about a hundred pieces as before. He nodded slightly, took out a few pieces and threw them to Werner.

He smiled with satisfaction and said:

"Very good, this is the reward for your hard work today. We will deliver the next batch of 'Crystalized Bone Marrow' to you in a few days. Then go to the old place to receive the goods."

"Yes, I understand Ashigaru-sama." Werner put Mora away and said in a good voice.

"let's go."

Keijiro said impatiently.

If he didn't still have work, he really wanted to divide these molas immediately.

"They are leaving. According to the information revealed in their words, the monopoly of 'Crystalized Bone Marrow' is probably related to them. We can't let him go so easily!"

Pamon said angrily.

Li Qiuzhi nodded. Paimon was right. No matter what, catching them and preventing them from monopolizing the "Crystalized Bone Marrow" commission would be considered progress.

Watching Ashigaru and Keijiro turn around and leave.

Li Qiuzhi summoned the translucent spiritual tentacles without hesitation and caught them and Werner by surprise!

"W-what! Who is it!"

Keijiro and the others found that they were suddenly grabbed by something without the ability to resist, and they immediately shouted in panic.

"Hmph, your evil deeds have been exposed. Tell me honestly why you want to monopolize the 'Crystalized Bone Marrow'!"

Now that the prisoner had been caught, Li Qiuzhi withdrew from the invisibility field and showed his body. After Paimeng came out, he immediately questioned Werner and the others.

"Assholes, who are you? Let us go quickly. How dare you attack the shogunate army? You have broken the law and are going to jail!"

Keijiro saw that the ones who attacked them were not dangerous monsters, but a few foreigners who looked relatively young.

He didn't feel scared anymore, so he relied on his status as a shogunate soldier to threaten the evildoers first.

He has such confidence. Although he cannot defeat these foreigners, his identity is the shogunate army.

No matter how powerful these foreigners with weird abilities are, can they defeat the shogunate army? If they don't want to be wanted, they can only let them go.

I also want to apologize!

"That's right, there is no monopoly on crystallized bone marrow. We are just here to chat. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business. You must know that behind us is Mr. Cheng Xingxing. Behind Mr. Fengxing is the General. You dare to attack us. Do you want to try the power of Wu Xiangzhi's sword?"

Ashigaru glared at Li Qiuzhi and the others angrily.

"Ah, hey, what should we do? They said that General Thunder and Lightning will take action against us!"

Paimon looked at Ying a little frightened and said. Ying held her forehead and looked at her silently.

Li Qiuzhi also admired these two people very much, and even pulled the tiger's skin to the side of General Thunder.

They are just two little minions, and they are not even qualified to report it to others if something really happens.

"Haha, don't worry little Paimon, they are scaring you."

Li Qiuzhi smiled, then looked at the two shogunate sergeants and said:

"It's useless to talk harshly. You have accumulated a lot of wealth by doing this kind of thing for so long. If you just check it casually, you will know that there is a problem. You don't think your colleagues and bosses are fools, do you?

"Or are you actually doing this because you are following the instructions of adults?"


Looking at the man in front of him with a more calm smile.

Keijiro didn't know how to answer for a moment. It was okay for him to pull the tiger skin and scare outsiders.

If you really dare to smear Lord Fengxing, you don’t need to investigate anything. You can put him in jail just by slandering Lord Fengxing!

"Okay, what do you want? As long as we don't expose us, we can cooperate with you in the future. How about we split it half and half?"

Keijiro's expression changed a few times in a complicated manner, but he finally gave in to the few people who could easily catch them.

"Hey, Keijiro, are you kidding? Why did you separate Mora out!"

Ashigaru looked at Keijiro in disbelief.

"This is all for" Keijiro wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Li Qiuzhi, who said:

"Okay, I'm not interested in participating in your things that harm others and yourself.

"Tell me where your 'Crystalized Bone Marrow' comes from, and do you know why the Administrative Commission changed the form of tax from Mora to 'Crystalized Bone Marrow'?"

"Huh, in that case, just hand us over to the shogunate army. We have nothing to say."

Since they all know that their affairs are about to be exposed, Keijiro and the others will naturally not cooperate.


Keijiro and the others didn't cooperate, and Li Qiuzhi didn't care either.

He is kind and righteous by nature, so naturally he would not do anything like torture to extract confessions, otherwise there would be no difference between him and a villain.

They probably don't know the second question, and it doesn't matter whether they know the first question.

Li Qiuzhi remembered that it was these two shogunate sergeants who collected taxes, who deliberately raised the tax rate so that the merchants of the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce" would pay more.

They just kept the extra "crystallized bone marrow" for themselves, and then gave it to Werner to sell it to the "Universal Chamber of Commerce" at a high price.

As for why you still ask after you know it?

After all, I have to explain the reasons clearly when I want to hand them over to the commission later, so I can't say that I know it after watching the plot.

So Li Qiuzhi looked at Werner:

"You are their partner. You must be aware of it. Please tell me what is going on and state in advance that they are the mastermind. If you cooperate, you will make up for it and the punishment will be reduced."


Werner glanced at Keijiro and Ashigaru, but was glared at by the two, and he shrank his head in fear.

Forget it, everyone is going to jail, and they won't be able to bully them in the future, so they might as well say they should be released as soon as possible.

"Okay, okay, I'll say it." Werner nodded sharply, then slowly spoke, "Here's what happened."

Phew, seeing that Werner was willing to speak, Li Qiuzhi was slightly relieved. It seemed that things were going much smoother than he imagined.

What Werner said was indeed no different from what Li Qiuzhi knew.

The criminal facts of Keijiro and the others were confirmed, and Werner was willing to testify against them as a witness, as well as those Mora who were illegal income.

The next thing is simple.

Li Qiuzhi first asked Ying and Paimeng to find President Jiulisu and ask him to bring some businessmen from the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce".

Only in this way can we put pressure on those who determine and implement things together.

Otherwise, what should we do if we just hand the person over to someone else and then turn around and release him?

But when Jiulisu came to understand the situation clearly, he had different ideas, because he had been doing business on the outlying islands for a long time and knew that even if he succeeded in sending these people to jail.

But when new tax collectors are replaced later, those people may also do the same, and it may also arouse the hostility of other equally corrupt officials who are responsible for the determination.

In this way, it will be even more difficult for the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce" to live on the outlying islands.

Moreover, they are currently in short supply of "crystallized bone marrow" and cannot even afford to pay the tax this time. Even if they catch the person behind the scenes, it will be useless.

It would be better to let Keijiro and the others go, make them promise to collect taxes normally in the future, and then hand over the "Crystalized Bone Marrow" hidden secretly to the "Universal Chamber of Commerce".

This way they can last another year or two.

After hearing Jiulisu's thoughts, Li Qiuzhi also understood that he had not considered the situation of the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce".

It would be nice to arrest Keijiro and the others directly, but after the "crystallized bone marrow" they had hidden secretly was confiscated, the "Universal Chamber of Commerce" was not far away from becoming a thing of the past.

Well, if that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it.

We can only leave Keijiro and the others to Jiurisu and let him deal with them as he likes.

It seems that the real solution to the problem still has to start with determining why the tax form needs to be changed from mola to "crystallized bone marrow".

Forget it, I'm tired, I don't want to care anymore.

At this moment, Li Qiuzhi suddenly remembered that in the original work, there seemed to be many evil eyes that only fools had on the side of the resistance army.

Some rebels could not resist the temptation and used the evil eye, and then died after their lifespan ran out.

That's not the point. Li Qiuzhi seems to remember that the Fools set up an evil eye factory in Daoji, and the materials used in that evil eye factory to make evil eyes seemed to include "crystallized bone marrow"!

——Hiss, think about it this way, isn’t it possible that Kai Ding Shi Zhi is colluding with the fools?

It's a pity that he is not a party-goer and has not deliberately memorized the plot. When he remembered the purpose of "Crystalized Bone Marrow", he accidentally remembered it.

So it's not certain whether they really colluded.

However, the more Li Qiuzhi thought about it, the more he felt that it was really possible. This determination and implementation must have some unclear relationship with the fools. No, he must find a way to explore it!

"Oh, we have found the criminals, but we have to let them go. It's really annoying!"

As the group left the beach and returned to the residential area, Paimon said unhappily.

"What should we do next?"

Ying looked at Li Qiuzhi, wanting to hear his opinion.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the fair skin on Ying's face and smiled slightly:

"Since the root of the problem lies with the sect leader, let's go visit the master executor next. In order to save trouble, let's act like bad guys for a while this time!"

"Bad guy?"

Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, somewhat confused.

The subsequent plot does not follow the original work. If it is not original, there is really no sense of expectation. After all, everyone knows it.

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