I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 354 Three Elements Ying (please vote for me)

Rice wife, outlying island.

The vast moonlight falls on the earth, as if adding a touch of bright silver frost to the houses and streets.

This island is also quite lively at night, especially izakayas and restaurants, where many people always gather.

"Hello, mother-in-law, how can I sell this mask?"

Li Qiuzhi and others passed by a stall selling masks. The owner was an old man with gray hair. Paimeng looked at the masks with various patterns of animals and monsters, and he was eager to buy one.

"Haha, hello flying kid, you have one thousand masks each, pick the one you like."

The old woman said with a smile.


Paimon took a fancy to a small tanuki mask on the shelf, and turned to look at Ying expectantly with bright eyes.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I'll use the mola that Miss Ningguang gave you last time."

Ying nonchalantly took out a 5,000-denomination Mora and handed it to the owner of the mask stall.

"Oh, why is this okay? In that case, you should also choose a mask, and let it be a gift from the generous Pamon!"

Paimon smiled "hehe".

She didn't originally want to use the Mora she had saved.

But after thinking about it, I usually eat and drink with travelers, so I just took this opportunity to let her know that I am also very generous and not stingy.

"Forget it, I'm not used to wearing a mask either."

Ying shook her head, and the tips of her golden hair swept across the fair skin between her eyebrows.

Li Qiuzhi took a fox mask off the shelf and gently placed it on Ying's face. Suddenly, her aura became a little more mysterious because of the mask.

"I think it's quite suitable. Let's get another evil ghost mask."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"OK, thanks."

The white-haired old man took down a black evil ghost mask and recovered two thousand molas.

After leaving the mask stall, little Paimon played with the little civet cat mask enthusiastically, tapping the white fox mask on his hand and making a "clucking" sound.

It's made of wood and the quality is pretty good.

"Let's put on the mask and act later. Haha, this way we will look more like bad guys."

Li Qiuzhi said and put on the black evil ghost mask.

"What's the point? Our combination, clothes and hair are all easily identifiable."

Ying lowered the hand holding the fox mask and said somewhat speechlessly.

"Ahem, that's not important, just experience the atmosphere."

Li Qiuzhi adjusted the evil ghost mask on his face and suddenly approached her when she wasn't paying attention, trying to scare her.

But he didn't judge the distance correctly, and hit her forehead with a bang, and a small crack appeared on the mask.

"You stupid!"

Ying touched her slightly sore forehead. This guy looked more like a child than Paimon. She twisted his ears angrily.

Li Qiuzhi shouted "it hurts" but did not dare to resist.

Late at night, "morphological invisibility" was activated and under the invisibility field, several figures wearing masks of black devils, white foxes, and brown civet cats lurked furtively at the gate of the determination and implementation.

Waited for a few minutes.

The shogunate sergeants standing guard at the door began to doze off, but they still didn't see the door open.

"Let's climb over the wall."

The black evil spirit gave the fox and the little tanuki a look that was blocked from view, and then spoke silently in "Star Travel".

They are all in the invisible realm, so just say no, right? Ying secretly cursed.

Forget it, just think of it as catering to the atmosphere, so Ying also answered in the same way:


The two of them, plus little Paimon, easily climbed over the wall of the survey and successfully got inside. There were also shogunate sergeants patrolling inside, but unfortunately they were not discovered.

"It's so big here. How are we going to find the mansion of the Master?"

Paimon spread his hands and stared at the black evil spirit in the little tanuki mask and asked.

"It's simple. Just find a room and wake up the people inside to ask. Anyway, we are now the bad guys of 'illegal invasion'. We are not qualified to stick to small details like before."

Li Qiuzhi's voice became slightly muffled through the mask.

"However, before we go to find the Master, let's go to the Seven Heavens Statue first. It is more important for you to obtain the power of the thunder element first."

He thought for a moment and said.

"Well, that's right." Paimon nodded, a smile on his little face under the mask.


Ying had no objection, and the next few people continued to move towards the statue of the Seven Heavens.

This is not difficult to find. Just walk all the way to the back of the site. The statue of the Seven Heavens God is in the courtyard behind the mountain.

The few people did not bypass the patrolling shogunate sergeant on the way, and walked slowly along the path in a swaggering manner.

Five or six minutes later.

They came to the courtyard where the appointment was held and saw the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods in front.

Since it was late at night and there was no one here, Li Qiuzhi temporarily withdrew from the invisibility field and walked with Ying and Paimon together along the stone steps to the statue of the Seven Heavens.

"This rice wife god is a beautiful girl."

Paimon said, looking up at the statue.

"Well, it is said that the thunder and lightning general's martial arts are among the top among the seven gods. He once killed a demon god with Wu Xiang's sword, and also split a huge strait out."

Ying recalled the information she got from Manyo during those days on the boat.

"I don't know who is better between him and Zhongli." Paimon guessed curiously.

"It doesn't matter who is better. Anyway, they won't be as good as me in the future."

There were no outsiders around. Li Qiuzhi felt a little proud, and then continued:

"Of course, I feel that you will be very powerful after gathering all seven elements. Now that the thunder element is right in front of you, try it quickly."


Ying nodded, and she gently pressed her white palms on the base of the Seven Heavens Statue, and the Seven Heavens Statue also responded to her.

A golden light flashed.

Then there was no other movement, but Ying could feel that the elemental power in his body immediately increased a lot, and instinctively knew that he could use guidance to control the thunder element.

Because of her previous foundation, she would be able to skillfully use the thunder element within two or three days.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ying, whose aura had become much stronger. This was not the case when she obtained the rock element. Could it be that there had been some qualitative change after obtaining the three elemental powers?

He opened his golden sin-judging eyes in confusion and looked at her:

[Level: seventy-six]

She was originally level 72, but now that she has been promoted to four levels, her strength has skyrocketed. Moreover, her aura is still increasing, and she doesn't know where she will reach in the end.

After settling the matter of awakening the thunder element, everyone was ready to go find the person who had confirmed the matter.

At this moment, a voice came from behind:

"Who are you and why do you break into the commissioning ceremony at night?"

Chapter 2 will be updated later.

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