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Chapter 355 Hiiragi Qianli (please follow up)

Hearing the sound, Li Qiuzhi and others turned around.

Standing in the courtyard corridor below was a young woman wearing a kimono with black hair. Her face seemed a little nervous at this time.

Of course I was nervous.

After all, several figures appeared inexplicably in the backyard of his home, and they were wearing vicious masks. They didn't look like good people.

But after all, she is still the eldest lady of the Hiiragi family who controls the implementation of the law.

Although Qianli Hiiragi was scared, his psychological quality was still acceptable, and he did not appear too panicked and lose the face of the Hiiragi family.

“It is illegal to trespass to conduct a survey.”

Qianli Hiiragi forced himself to suppress his nervousness and added.

She just came out to have some fun at dinner because her father didn't agree with her contact with Lian Zhi. Why did she meet these guys who looked like gangsters!

Why haven't the patrolling shogunate troops come over yet?

Qianli Hiiragi didn't dare to shout, for fear that these gangsters would suddenly break out and hurt others.

"Ah, we've been discovered. What should we do? We need to leave quickly!" Paimon, wearing a little tanuki mask, seemed to be saying more nervously.

"Haha, don't be nervous." Li Qiuzhi made a pun, not only for Paimon, but also for the young woman in the corridor. He thought for a while and asked, "Miss, if I guess correctly, you should be The eldest lady of the Hiiragi family."

"That's right, I'm Chisato Hiiragi, you thugs, wait a minute!"

Chisato Hiiragi observed for a long time and finally discovered something unusual. One of these people had black hair and was wearing ordinary clothes, and the other had blond hair and was wearing a dress with ribbons and boots of the same color.

Finally, there was a white elf floating next to it.

Apart from wearing masks, this group looks exactly like the rumored Travelers group!

I heard from a servant at home that I saw a traveler on the street today, but I didn't expect it to be true!

But why do they show up secretly at the appointment? And it’s just such a childish disguise while wearing a mask.

Confused, Hiiragi Qianli looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and asked:

"You are travelers, I recognize you. What's the reason for your late night visit? If you can, please go through formal channels to enter the appraiser."

After roughly confirming the identity of the visitor, Qianli Hiiragi breathed a sigh of relief.

The rumored traveler is just, kind, and helpful, and would definitely not do anything to harm her.

"Well, it turned out to be so easy to be recognized."

Paimon said with some regret.

Ying glanced at her silently, she lifted up the fox mask and moved it to the left side of her head, and said with some embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, Miss Hiiragi Chisato, but we do have a reason why we have to visit to determine the implementation.

"As for why we act this way, it's mainly just some idiot's stupid idea."

As she said that, she glanced at Li Qiuzhi with her hands on her hips. Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly and didn't care. He put away the evil ghost mask and said as he walked down:

"Miss Chisato Hiiragi, I originally came here tonight to ask your father about taxes, but since I bumped into you, I'll ask you about it.

"Do you know why your father changed the form of tax payment from mola to 'crystallized bone marrow'?

"This unreasonable behavior has caused a lot of trouble for the 'All Nations Chamber of Commerce'. It is about to be disbanded because it cannot pay taxes. This should not be in line with the interests of the association."

Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimeng walked down the stone steps and came to Qianli Hiiragi.

"So, are you actually entrusted by the 'All Nations Chamber of Commerce' to inquire about this matter? Since you can just come in after announcing it like this, please don't make jokes like tonight in the future."

Qianli Hiiragi said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what do you think, Miss Hiiragi Chisato, do you know anything about this?"

Paimon said with a smile, her little tanuki mask moving to the side.

"I have heard about the things you asked about, but I didn't expect it to develop into such a serious matter. However, my father usually won't let me participate in the work of determining and implementing, so I don't know much."

Qianli Hiiragi folded his hands in front of him, shook his head and said.

"Oh, there must be a reason for promulgating such an unreasonable decree. It is a bit strange to determine why so much 'crystallized bone marrow' is needed for the purpose of worship. Miss Qianli knows where the 'crystallized bone marrow' turned over as taxes is shipped. ?"

Li Qiuzhi asked again.

"Sorry, I don't know about this, but I remembered that something happened some time ago that made me a little concerned."

Qianli Hiiragi denied again, and then said as if he remembered something.

"What's going on?"

Li Qiuzhi blinked and asked.

"Well, probably a few months ago, my father received a guest at home. She was a blond woman wearing a black mask that covered half of her face."

As she spoke, Qianli Hiiragi suddenly felt a little depressed. She lowered her head and continued to speak slowly:

"I have never seen my father be so groveling to anyone. I vaguely heard them talking about you.

"The woman said that if you show up on the outlying island, we will find a way to hold you back and don't let you leave easily.

"After hearing this, I was discovered by the arrogant blonde woman, and my father drove me away."

Paimon extracted the key words from Hiiragi Chisato's words, and then said angrily:

"Blonde hair, black mask, very arrogant. It's unmistakable. It must be that 'lady'. She actually started trying to trap us on the island several months ago and not let us leave. It's too abominable!"

"Well, because of the 'lockdown order', foreigners can only live on outlying islands. They must apply for a pass wherever they want to go. If you come to apply, my father will definitely not agree."

Qianli Hiiragi nodded. She also felt that it was a bit bad for her father to do this.

In particular, the tax money was converted from mora into "crystallized bone marrow" and seemed to be smuggled to an unknown location. Although the Hiiragi family is in charge of Inazuma's finance and trade.

But taxes are essentially the country's money, and what my father did is no different from embezzling state-owned assets.

If the General found out and blamed him, the entire Hiiragi family would not be able to bear it. She told the travelers so much that she wanted them to ask their father to stop in time.

"I see, I understand the matter."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then said with a smile.

The root of the problem still lies with the Fools. The "crystallized bone marrow" should have been used by them to make the evil eye.

If the problem of the fools is not solved, the adherents may not dare to take back the relevant laws against their wishes.

In this way, even if Li Qiuzhi and the others threatened him, it would be difficult to have any effect.

The only way is to destroy the Evil Eye Factory and arrest the "Ms." guy. In this way, there will be no need for "crystallized bone marrow" and the determination will be carried out without the coercion of the fools.

In this way, there will be no problem in changing the tax form back to Mora.

Anyway, sooner or later, we have to take action. If we do, we have to catch them off guard, lest those fools continue to bother us later!

Li Qiuzhi asked Hiiragi Qianli about the location of his father Hiiragi Shinsuke at this time.

After agreeing with Qianli Hiiragi not to reveal their visit tonight.

He put on a black evil ghost mask, took out the colorful sheets placed in the "Wonderland", and wrapped himself tightly, completing the perfect disguise.

This time, Li Qiuzhi is really the bad guy.

He broke into Shinsuke Hiiragi's residence alone, put the kitchen knife he picked up from the kitchen of Hiiragi's house on Shinsuke Hiiragi's neck while he was still handling affairs late at night, and frightened him.

And asked him to tell the location of the Evil Eye Factory of Fools!

Compared with discussing with these old foxes in a polite manner, it is easier to use force to coerce them.

Anyway, this Master of Advocacy has cooperated with the fools no matter what, and he is not a good person.

If he knows his identity, it will be troublesome if he bites her back.

For example, issue a wanted warrant or something. If this were to happen, Li Qiuzhi and the others would not be able to show up to Dao Wife openly.

Sorry, it's a little late.

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