I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 356 Mona’s Kiss (2-in-1)

"Hero, calm down and stop shaking your hands!"

Shinsuke Hiiragi has been a commissioned official for so many years, but he has never encountered a gangster who dared to put a knife on his neck.

This situation was a little beyond his expectation.

As a result, he suddenly didn't know how to use his many years of experience in dealing with people. Fortunately, as a judge, he was used to strong winds and waves, and he could barely keep calm even with a knife on his neck.

"Brother, whatever you want, whether it's Mora or something else, I can give you whatever satisfies you."

Shinsuke Hiiragi found that this guy was wrapped too tightly and was wearing a mask, so he couldn't capture any information that was beneficial to him. So he could only see what the gangster's intentions were first.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is the evil eye factory of fools!"

Li Qiuzhi asked in a low voice.

When Hiiragi Shinsuke heard the question from the murderer in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly. He knew, he actually knew! Who is he?

"Brother, what fools are there, I have never been in contact with them, I don't"

Hiiragi Shen's expression was calm and he continued to speak calmly, but at this moment he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his neck, and the night wind blowing in from the window amplified the tingling pain.

He also felt the touch of some liquid sliding across the skin of his neck along the blade of the kitchen knife.

"Every month we transport the 'Crystalized Bone Marrow' to the vicinity of Ba Ying Island, and then the soldiers of the Fools will receive it. They are very careful about where it is, and even I don't know."

Shinsuke Hiiragi didn't even dare to swallow.

I was afraid that my arteries would be punctured.

No matter what this murderer wanted to do, he just wanted him to leave as soon as possible, so he told the information he learned as quickly as possible.

I have never seen such an unreasonable guy!

"I see."

When Li Qiuzhi saw him like this, he didn't dare to lie, and he couldn't go too far. After all, this guy was not good, but Qianli Hiiragi was still very kind.

So I still give Hiiragi Chisato some face.

Anyway, after Inazuma's situation stabilizes, this guy will have to go to jail sooner or later.

Moreover, the Fools and the others are not fools. Even if they cooperate with the appraisal, they will naturally not expose the location of their evil eye factory easily.

But after learning that the destination was Yaoji Island, things were still a little troublesome.

An island is so big, even if you use your mental energy to scan it, it will be difficult to find the Evil Eye Factory in a short time.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and continued to ask about the next delivery time for them.

Hiiragi Shinsuke's answer was half a month later. This time was too long. Li Qiuzhi couldn't just wait on the outlying island for half a month and then follow those fools to find the Evil Eye Factory.

If that's the case, it's better to go to Ba Ying Island and look for it slowly.

You can always find some clues in fifteen days, and you can also defeat monsters to gain experience points during this period.

There is just a problem in how to get to Ba Ying Island. After all, Ying has never been there to light up the "teleportation anchor point" and cannot teleport there for the time being.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, and suddenly he remembered the "wave boat" in the game, which is a small water vehicle.

It can be used to move quickly on the sea.

However, he has not heard of the existence of the "wave boat anchor point" on the outlying island. There is a high probability that the real Teyvat is different from the game, and there is no such magical thing.

It is also possible that it only appears in the "Golden Apple Islands". The first appearance of the wave boat in the original work was in that unknown archipelago.

It doesn't matter whether there is a wave boat or not, the main thing is that it gives Li Qiuzhi an idea.

He mastered the water element and tried to find a way to build a small boat similar to a wave boat, and then controlled the water element to push it away. Maybe it wouldn't take long to reach the Bayou Island.

The more Li Qiuzhi thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, and he was ready to go back to discuss the specific plan with them.


The kitchen knife left Shinsuke Hiiragi's neck, and was thrown onto the table by Li Qiuzhi, before he jumped out of the window and left.

He only said two sentences throughout the whole process, and what he wanted was to make this person unable to figure out his temperament, thinking that he was ruthless and not daring to pursue it easily.

Otherwise it will always be trouble.

Watching the murderer leave, Shinsuke Hiiragi finally relaxed and slumped down on the armchair, glancing at the kitchen knife with traces of blood on it.

Then he wiped his neck and saw that there was indeed a touch of red on his palms.

Shinsuke Hiiragi felt a surge of anger welling up in his heart, clenched his fists, and then glanced at the kitchen knife stuck vertically on the table. Finally, he relaxed again.

After leaving the inspection site invisibly, Li Qiuzhi found a deserted corner, opened a crack full of stars in the empty air, and quickly got in.

Although "Wonderland" seems to be wrapped in the starry sky, it does not appear dim.

At this time, Ying and Paimon, who were close to Mona and watching her research, also noticed that someone came in and looked back at Li Qiuzhi and said:

"How's it going? Did you ask?"

"I asked, but the location is a little far away. You may need to ask someone to build a small boat to get there."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said while putting down the mask and colorful sheets that were used to disguise himself.

"Huh? We still need to build a ship. Even if it is a small ship, it will take several days if we hire someone to build it."

Paimon touched his chin, thought for a while and said.

"That's just right. After all, we are going to destroy the Evil Eye Factory, so it is still a bit dangerous.

"And Ying needs to spend a few days mastering the power of thunder elements in order to reach the strongest and best state, and then he will be more confident."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

Ying nodded in agreement. This kind of thing cannot be rushed. After obtaining a batch of "Crystalized Bone Marrow", the crisis of the "Universal Chamber of Commerce" has temporarily eased.

I don’t mind waiting for an extra day or two.

"Mona, why haven't you gone back to rest so late today? Girls can't stay up all night. It's not good for the skin."

Li Qiuzhi quoted the reasons Lisa often said and persuaded Mona.

When Mona goes back, she teleports to Fischer and then returns to her rental house.

Seeing her studying the starry sky all day long, morning, noon and night, is it really so attractive?

Although Li Li Qiuzhi also had the idea of ​​​​confirming the position of the earth with the help of Mona's research.

But he didn't want to see her so tired.

However, Mona was too enthusiastic about this. She was in a similar state to the previous leader Qin, who was so obsessed with studying the stars that she never gave herself any time to rest.

This is not possible. Li Qiuzhi feels that he has to take care of her.

"Rest? No, my research has already yielded preliminary results. As long as I work harder these days, I might be able to study the movement patterns of the recently discovered star system with three suns."

Mona sat on the ground with her knees bent, her butt wrapped in black stockings pressing against the floor with the sea of ​​stars as the background, looking slightly plump. At the same time, she summoned a water zodiac in front of her and seemed to be calculating something.

Her study of the starry sky is actually to understand the starry sky and discover the truth in it.

Whether it's a magical phenomenon or the movement of the stars.

The more she understands, the more powerful her astrology becomes, and her strength becomes stronger as a result.

Mona estimated that when she had studied the entire starry sky here, she would probably be able to locate the location of Li Qiuzhi's hometown using astrology.

As for her current progress, she is still stuck in a very small star system in this ocean of stars.

There is still a long way to go to thoroughly study the entire ocean of stars, not even one ten thousandth.

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi also knows that a person is always impatient when he is about to succeed. Stopping Mona at this time will definitely make her angry.

But he definitely couldn't leave her alone like this. Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and said, "But it can only be for these few days. After you get the results of your research, you will have some rest. You can accompany us to sail to Baling Island." With Mona here we don’t have to worry about going in the wrong direction.”

"Okay, okay, okay, no problem, it's all up to you!"

Mona agreed absentmindedly, but her concern for Li Qiuzhi still made her feel a little better.

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 250 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (150/700)]

Seeing her like this, both Ying and Paimon sighed helplessly. Maybe this was what the people of Liyue meant by being possessed by fire.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Mona without even turning her head, and felt a little speechless in her heart. Fortunately, the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel proved that she also took his words to heart.

But this attitude seemed a bit perfunctory. It seemed that after so many days of hesitantly delivering food and meals to Mona, she had forgotten her majesty.

You have to find an opportunity to "bully" her. Li Qiuzhi had some bad thoughts in his heart.

Next, Ying and Paimon teleported back to Mondstadt's house to take a shower.

Li Qiuzhi used his specialty "Abyssal Vortex" to guide the water element to sweep over his body.

The dust on the body and clothes is instantly washed away without getting the clothes wet. The elemental power is really convenient.

Take advantage of their temporary absence.

Li Qiuzhi once again approached Mona, who was looking at the water zodiac disk intently. Here she was not wearing a wide pointed hat, and she could easily see the water zodiac disk in front of her through her shoulder.

There were various runes on it that he couldn't understand, and they were constantly changing.

I don’t know if the relationship was too serious. Li Qiuzhi got close to Mona’s back and observed her, but she didn’t even pay attention.

Li Qiuzhi straightened his legs and sat down, then hugged Mona's soft body into his arms, put his face close to the back of her head and gently smelled the fragrance of the long, silky hair.


Mona finally reacted, her fair fair face and slightly red lips parted and she exclaimed.

"You, what are you doing? Don't hinder my research."

She grabbed Li Qiuzhi's arm around her waist with her left hand, patted his leg gently with her right hand and said in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter, you study yours, I just want to hold you."

Li Qiuzhi never let go no matter how hard Mona struggled.

"You hateful guy!"

Mona tried several times, but after exhausting her strength, her body started to pant slightly. She couldn't pry Li Qiuzhi's hand away and look back, so she had no choice but to give up.

"I'm not hateful at all." Li Qiuzhi gently rubbed her belly with a smile.


The blush on Mona's face would not go away. At this point, she could only sit in Li Qiuzhi's arms and continue to watch the changes on the water chart.


After Li Qiuzhi succeeded, he would not simply stop.

He left his left hand to continue caressing the soft abdomen and navel that was tightly covered by the cover-up bodysuit, and his right hand moved down along the waist, across the buttocks, and finally came to the back of the thighs wrapped in black pantyhose.

Li Qiuzhi just rubbed the silk stockings and massaged Mona's thighs.


Mona bit her lip and cursed, trying not to let herself be distracted, but her pupils were trembling slightly for some reason and she couldn't focus on the water occupancy plate at all.

"Is it hot for you to wear a shawl? Let me untie it for you."

Li Qiuzhi's left hand slid up from the middle of Mona's upper abdomen until he reached the golden button of the purple shawl and untied it.

The unrestrained shawl automatically slid down, revealing her white shoulders and back.

Then he gently stroked Mona's fair and delicate collarbone.

At this time, Mona was completely uninterested in studying anything. Her face turned red and she turned to look at Li Qiuzhi angrily and said:

"You hateful, bastard, please stop this!"

"Okay, just kiss me and I won't tease you anymore."

While Li Qiuzhi put forward his conditions, he moved his right hand along the back of Mona's thigh to her calf.

"Who, who wants to kiss you!"

When Mona heard Li Qiuzhi's condition, her fair face turned even redder, like a tomato, the juice might overflow at the slightest touch.

Li Qiuzhi was not in a hurry and gently rubbed her calf and then moved towards her ankle. Mona subconsciously shrank her legs toward her knees.

Wow, this bastard finally couldn't help but attack himself! Can't you just give yourself more time to prepare? Damn it!

Mona's heart beat faster.

With the accelerated heartbeat and this bastard's touch, my body slowly began to heat up. If I didn't get out of the clutches as soon as possible, I would be out of control.

Mona looked ashamed and annoyed when she thought of this.

She had no choice but to agree to Li Qiuzhi's request in order to continue the research later. She stared at Li Qiuzhi with a red face and said:

"Just give me a kiss, and then you go to sleep obediently and don't come near me again!"

"Okay, don't worry, I keep my word!" Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded in agreement.

Mona continued to blush and watched him hesitate for a moment, as if he was brewing something. Then she turned her upper body sideways, put her hands on Li Qiuzhi's shoulders, and pressed her soft cherry lips against his mouth.

The first kiss was surprisingly nothing special.

It's like accidentally sticking rice grains to your arm while eating. When you want to eat again, the feeling of your lips touching the skin is not much different, it just feels a little more strange.

Mona breathed a sigh of relief when she thought of this. It seemed that kissing Li Qiuzhi was not as difficult as she thought.

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 600 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (50/800)]

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