Just when Mona relaxed her vigilance, her pupils suddenly dilated.

She felt like her lips and teeth were being pried open. What was this hateful bastard doing?

Mona wanted to say something, but her mouth was blocked and she couldn't say anything for the time being.

Just when she was anxious, some kind of gentle energy appeared in her body, strengthening her cells and spirit.

Mona was attracted by this wonderful feeling and forgot to resist for a moment, letting Li Qiuzhi manipulate her.

More than ten minutes passed.

The girl in his arms had collapsed weakly on Li Qiuzhi, and he lay down with Mona in his arms, gently stroking her smooth back.

He had just put his "sinful hand" under Mona's backless jumpsuit, but he hadn't had time to feel the soft lines and warm body temperature of her back.

In front of the camera, he saw Ying akimbo, cheeks puffed up, looking down at him angrily.

Li Qiuzhi's hand suddenly stopped, and he smiled awkwardly and said:

"Uh, haha, didn't you go back to take a shower? Why are you back so soon?"

He didn't receive the notification that the girl was about to be sent back, but at this critical moment, thinking of this, he subconsciously glanced at the girl in his arms.

Well, as expected, Mona should have brought in the reinforcements. Misstep, misstep!

I didn't think for a moment that she could use "Interstellar Travel" to call Ying back. How careless she was!

"You guy! If Mona hadn't said that you bullied her, I wouldn't have known that as soon as we left, you, the bastard, started to attack others!"

Ying squatted down slightly and pinched both sides of Li Qiuzhi's cheeks with both hands.

She raised her eyebrows and continued:

"Hurry up and let go!"

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi had no choice but to let Mona go. After all, he agreed to kiss her on the lips. He was definitely not afraid of doing it later.


Mona blushed and sat up from Li Qiuzhi.

She straightened her hair with her right hand, and covered her snow-white chest that had accidentally rubbed off the cover of her tight-fitting jumpsuit with her left hand, giving him a dissatisfied look.

Next, Li Qiuzhi felt much more at ease. After all, there was someone watching, and little Paimon also came back later, so naturally it was not suitable for him to act too much.

But when Mona was also sleepy, he still found an opportunity to hug her and Ying together to sleep.

Compared to Li Qiuzhi touching around with his hands and feet, Mona and Ying resisted this kind of thing symbolically, and then could only silently acquiesce.

In the morning on the outlying island, in addition to sunshine, there is also a cool sea breeze.

Since Ying and Mona were angry last night, it was left to Li Qiuzhi to hire someone to build a boat today.

Mona was still studying the stars in "Wonderland", and Ying and Paimon went back to Mondstadt to go shopping with Fischer.

The main thing is to add some furniture to the "wonderland", such as beds, bookshelves, tables and chairs.

After all, it was empty and didn't look like a proper place to live at all.

Li Qiuzhi naturally had no objection to this, and was happy to be free without having to prepare anything himself.

There were many pedestrians on the streets of the commercial district. Li Qiuzhi walked all the way to the dock area, found a fishmonger and asked where to find good boatsmiths.

As Inazuma's external commercial port, the outlying islands cannot be without shipbuilders.

As a local from the outlying islands, the fishmonger was naturally aware of this. He introduced Li Qiuzhi to go directly to the "outlying island shipyard", which was the industry designated for implementation.

Whether it is ship building or ship repair, the quality is better than other private small shipyards.

Li Qiuzhi felt that there was nothing wrong with the fishmonger's suggestion, so he continued to ask about the location of the "Island Shipyard".

The location was not far from the inner pier. After Li Qiuzhi thanked the fishmonger, he started walking there.

After about half an hour, he continued to ask two passers-by along the way, and successfully found the "Island Shipyard", and then went to find the shipwright inside to discuss shipbuilding.

The shipwrights at the shipyard were very skilled in this regard. They took out an atlas of small ships and gave it to Li Qiuzhi to let him see which one he liked.

If you don’t like it, you can customize it according to his opinions, or provide design drawings and let the shipyard help build it.

Li Qiuzhi didn't know how to design ships, so he felt that professional people still had to do professional things, so he opened the introduction picture and looked at it.

Unexpectedly, I discovered that the "Island Shipyard" can build fully enclosed small boats like wave boats. People sitting in them will not get wet easily even if they encounter strong winds and waves.

Unless the wind and waves are too big and the boat is torn apart.

Moreover, this kind of boat will not sink even if it capsizes. People inside the boat can easily turn it over with a little effort.

Even if it doesn't work, Li Qiuzhi can easily turn back with his spiritual tentacles.

If there is any difference from the wave ship, it has no weapons and cannot attack.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't lack this attack either.

"Just this little boat, how long does it take to build it, and how much does it cost?"

Li Qiuzhi asked the boatman.

"Nine hundred thousand molas, don't worry, we have prepared all kinds of planks in advance. It only takes three days for a few people to start building this kind of small boat together."

said the shipwright.


Li Qiuzhi felt that this time was just about the same.

These boats are generally built using only wood and are not expensive in terms of material cost, mainly labor cost.

Nine hundred thousand molas was still within his affordability, so Li Qiuzhi paid one-third of the deposit, signed the contract, and left the shipyard without negotiating.

Now we just need to wait for the ship to be delivered in three days.

In the next few days.

Mona continued to study the starry sky, and it seemed that progress was about to be made. Ying and Paimon knew that the ship would have to wait for a few days, so they returned to Mondstadt and continued to buy and buy with Fischer to continue to transform "Wonderland".

At the same time, Ying also discussed with Fischer the techniques for using thunder elements.

Li Qiuzhi also stopped by Toma on the outlying island and told him that the affairs of the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce" had made progress and that they no longer had to worry about the shortage of "crystallized bone marrow".

However, he did not tell Thomas about Li Qiuzhi's plan to destroy the Evil Eye Factory.

After all, he had nothing to do, so it would be better to go back to Inazuma Castle as soon as possible to help them get acquainted with Miss Ayaka.

Li Qiuzhi thought so.

In the original work, it was Ayaka Kamisato, the white egret princess worshiped by the society, who ordered Toma to contact the travelers.

In this regard, Li Qiuzhi naturally didn't want to miss the opportunity to get to know her. He should be able to help her a lot by then, and he expected that his favorability would increase quickly.

Thomas didn't know that some nasty guy was already plotting against his eldest lady.

He was still surprised that Li Qiuzhi and the others were able to solve the troubles of the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce" so quickly.

He is truly worthy of being a legendary traveler!

So he asked Li Qiuzhi and the others to find a way to obtain the pass for entering and exiting the outlying islands, and then go to Daozuma City to find him.

But he himself took the first step and went back to prepare to introduce them to meet with General Thunder.

Li Qiuzhi naturally had no objection.

So a few days passed.

Sorry, Chapter 2 will be updated later

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