I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 370 Request (two in one)

As Xinhai finished speaking, a prompt popped up on Li Qiuzhi's character panel on time.

[Obtained the title: General Haiqi]

There is no surprise. Being canonized by leaders like Captain Qin and Xinhai can indeed obtain corresponding titles.

"Although this position is said to be of an honorary nature, you will also be treated like a real general on Haiqi Island."

Coral Palace Xinhai said with a smile.

"Hehe, now you are not only an honorary knight of Mondstadt, but also an outstanding citizen of Liyue, and you are also the General of Haiqi Island. I feel like you will shine wherever I follow you!"

Paimon said excitedly to Li Qiuzhi and Ying.

"Now Paimon you are also the best partner of two honorary knights, outstanding citizens, and General Haiqi!"

The corners of Ying's mouth curved slightly, revealing a little smile.

"No, I just need you as my best partner. This guy can only be considered the second best partner!"

Pamon crossed his arms and said with a "hum".

"Ha ha."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and didn't care about little Paimon's dislike.

"Wu Lang, I have something to discuss with the two generals Haiqi later. You should go down and record the entire mission process in writing in detail."

Coral Palace Xinhai said to Wulang.

As the "brain" of Hai Qijun, he must review every mission, whether successful or failed, and find the shortcomings in order to avoid them in subsequent missions.

"Yes, Lord Coral Palace!"

Wulang nodded. He had done this kind of recording tasks many times. He responded and exited the Coral Palace first.

"Speaking of which, I've heard of your name from Beidou and Manyo."

Coral Palace Xinhai finished instructing Wu Lang, then looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and continued.

"Beidou, Manyo? Do you know them, Xinhai?"

Paimon said in surprise.

"Of course, Haiqi Island can survive the battle with the shogunate army, and their help is indispensable."

Coral Palace Xinhai touched the hair on the side of her face with her right hand wearing a half-glove, and continued with a smile:

"Guys, please follow me."

The "revealing goddess witch" from Haiqi Island turned around slightly and walked back.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying looked at each other, then curiously followed Coral Palace Xinhai, walked out of the Coral Palace from the side door, and followed the wooden corridor to the courtyard behind.

It seems like we still have to go forward when we get here. Li Qiuzhi took advantage of his free time to click on the newly acquired title to see the effect:

[General Haiqi: The honorary general of the Haiqi Army. It is easier to gain favor while getting along with the residents of Haiqi Island. When commanding the army, he can receive one percent of the attribute blessings of all the soldiers under his command. 】

The first is the effect of making it easier to gain favor, which is very common among titles.

The latter is the special effect of the title.

When commanding a legion, you will receive one percent of the attributes of all soldiers. This effect is very useful for the generals who actually lead the legion.

For Li Qiuzhi, it didn't seem to have much effect.

The main reason is that he has no interest in commanding his subordinates. Generally speaking, it is better than nothing. It is of little use at the moment, but it may be useful one day in the future.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was checking the effect of the title, Xinhai's steps in front finally stopped.

This is a rain pavilion in the courtyard behind the Coral Palace. The top is covered with a large shell. There is a white round bead above the shell, which looks like a shell holding a bead.

At this time, the golden sunlight slanted down and penetrated to the bottom of the rain pavilion, where two familiar figures were sitting on the stone platform.

"Yeah, it's Beidou and Manyo! Why are you here?"

Pamon said waving in surprise.

Looking at Xinhai bringing Li Qiuzhi and the others over, Beidou put down the glass of wine in his hand and said "haha" with a heroic smile:

"It's you. I didn't expect that we would meet again just a few days after we separated!"

"Perhaps this is the fate between friends." Wan Ye held a leaf falling from the trees in the yard and gently turned it around.

"Miss Xinhai just said that Beidou and Manyo are helping you. Could it be that they are using the Death Star to purchase the supplies needed for Haiqi Island from foreign countries?"

Li Qiuzhi said thoughtfully.

"Haha, you thought of it, yes, that's basically it!"

Coral Palace Xinhai smiled and nodded, then invited Li Qiuzhi and the others to sit down on the shell bench stretched out inside the rain pavilion.

"Haha, I support all just causes, and besides, I can still make money."

Beidou grinned broadly.

Secretly transporting supplies to the rebels is a very dangerous act. If discovered by the shogunate army, the entire Beidou fleet may become wanted criminals.

As expected, he is indeed Captain Beidou. This kind of courage is not something ordinary people can possess. Li Qiuzhi thought secretly.

"I see, so why are you coming to us now? Do you want us to join you in your great cause of resistance?"

Ying said doubtfully.

"That's not the case. After all, you just said that you need to go to Inazuma City to find General Raiden."

Coral Palace Xinhai shook his head gently.

"Then you came to us to meet your friends, right?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

"Of course I have this meaning, but I do have an unscrupulous request that I would like to discuss with you."

Coral Palace Xinhai crossed his arms and said.

"Unfortunate invitation?" Paimon scratched his hair with his little hand, showing a puzzled expression.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said:

"After all, we are the honorary generals of Haiqi Island. More importantly, we are all friends. If we can help, we will definitely be happy."

His amber pupils looked into the sea of ​​his heart, and then he nodded to show that Li Qiuzhi was right.

"Phew, that's great, thank you!" Coral Palace Xinhai said with a sigh of relief.

Then, perhaps under the influence of the title of "General Haiqi" ​​that Li Qiuzhi had just obtained, she easily developed a slight liking for him again.

[Coral Palace Xinhai has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (0/500)]

She felt a little happy and then slowly began to say:

“The reason why our Haiqi Island formed a resistance army in the first place was actually because of everyone’s dissatisfaction with the ‘Eye Hunting Order’. As a ‘Miko of the Goddess’, I naturally could not ignore the wishes of the people, so I led everyone to raise the flag of resistance.

"But I also know that reaching this level is the end, and we cannot let the intensity of the war escalate any further."

The initial resistance on Haiqi Island was defensive in nature. Those shogunate troops wanted to come and take away everyone's Eyes of God, so naturally they couldn't agree.

However, in order to prevent the war from affecting the ordinary residents of Haiqi Island, the battle line was extended to the Bayeng Island.

If we continue to expand, we might attract the attention of General Thunder.

"Hey, Xinhai, why are you backing down at this time? Didn't many of your soldiers die in vain? If the supplies are not enough, I will bring more next time!"

Beidou's eyes widened, wondering what nonsense this resourceful strategist was talking about.

If she hadn't known that the military counselor never drank, she would have doubted whether she was drunk.

"Indeed, Miss Xinhai, the recent battles should go smoothly. With your comprehensive strategy, the rebels defeated the shogunate army steadily and basically never lost."

Manyo was also a little surprised.

His friend died in a duel with the general due to the "Eye Hunting Order", and he also had to flee overseas to regain his friend's Eye of God.

The root cause of everything was the "Eye Hunting Order", so he naturally wanted to see it abolished. To this end, he also contributed a lot to the resistance and saw with his own eyes that the situation gradually improved.

Now I don’t understand why Xinhai has to pause.

"Alas~" Coral Gong Xinhai lowered his head and sighed, "Because General Thunder, as long as she is around, we cannot win the war.

"Although the shogunate army has suffered a small loss now, the losses are still within the range they can bear. If we continue to win, if General Raiden's attention is drawn, she will only need one strike, and our entire army will be annihilated without any resistance. Opportunity.

"Perhaps Haiqi Island will be wiped off the map."

"Hey, is it so scary? What should we do now?"

Paimon seemed to have imagined in his little mind the horrific scene of Haiqi Island being wiped out by lightning, and quickly shrank behind Ying.

Beidou and Manyo didn't know what to say for a while. That's right, it's just that the Thunder God didn't care about the little fight here.

I will definitely not erase Haiqi Island. After all, this is also the territory of Inazuma and the residents of Inazuma.

But if she takes action, the resistance will really have no chance.

"Wars are often not just a constant battle between the two armies, but also include the element of negotiation. Our demand is actually to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order'. As long as this problem can be solved, there is no need for soldiers to continue to make unnecessary sacrifices.

“Now we barely have an advantage in the war, and we are qualified to convey our demands to the other side.

"Aren't you going to Inazuma Castle to meet General Raiden? So I would like to ask you to test General Raiden's tone when you meet her to see if it is possible to persuade her to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order'."

Coral Palace Xinhai first explained that he was not timid, and then looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others to express their request.

In her mind, war is only a last resort.

If she could achieve her demands with less sacrifice, then of course she would be willing to give it a try.

"Hey, let's convince General Raiden to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order'. Is this really possible?"

Paimon said in surprise.

"I'm not asking you to directly convince General Thunder and Lightning. After all, that person's dedication to 'eternity' is unimaginable. Directly telling her to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order' will definitely not work, and it might even arouse her disgust."

Coral Gong Xinhai placed his palms on his fair thighs and shook his head gently.

She continued:

"General Raiden lives in the castle tower, so he may not understand the extent of people's rejection of the Eye Hunting Order. You can mention the Inazuma people who are living in dire straits today and see what her attitude is. If she is a little intolerant, , then we can make a detailed plan to convince her."

After all, General Raiden is the god who protects Inama, and Xinhai believes that no matter how stubborn she is, she still can't bear to hurt her own subjects.

And this is also the only solution.

After all, even if she defeated the shogunate army, she still couldn't defeat General Raiden. For a being who wielded incredible power, even she couldn't think of any way to change her will other than persuasion.

If that doesn't work, their Haiqi Army can only use Ba Ling Island as their boundary.

The resisting shogunate forces used their defensive nature to reduce sacrifices as much as possible to take away everyone's Eyes of God.


After hearing Xinhai's words, Li Qiuzhi didn't know what to say. He felt that it might be easier to defeat General Thunder than to convince her.

After all, the current Thunderbolt General is a doll, and maintaining "eternity" is a behavioral logic set in her mind that no one can change when she was born.

In the plot, Lei Qianqian and the general fought in the spiritual space for five hundred years before the behavioral logic originally set on the general was reversed.

Look, even a biological mother has to do this with such difficulty.

How could it be possible to be easily persuaded by outsiders?

It's just that Xinhai doesn't understand these secrets and feels that there is little hope, which is understandable.

In order not to offend her, Li Qiuzhi thought about it and agreed. Anyway, he just said it in passing when meeting General Thunder.

There should be no problem.

In the original work, it was because the traveler first went to the "One Heart Pure Land" to convince Raikou that she changed the general's mind.

Moreover, he must have the help of the Eightfold Divine Son, otherwise it seems that there is no way to enter the "One Heart Pure Land", and Li Qiuzhi would not dare to let himself or her go there without her watching.

It would be ridiculous if someone was struck with a knife before he even started talking.

If you think so, if you want to see the Thunder God, you have to go to Narukami Taisha Shrine to find Yae Shenzi. Otherwise, it will be useless to go to Inazuma Castle and meet the Raiden General under the recommendation of Kamisato Ayaka.

Because she is not the one they are looking for, they are looking for the real Thor movie.

But because of the appearance of Li Qiuzhi, the current plot has long been different from the original work. The eighth-level god son did not take the initiative to find the traveler.

Do you want them to find it themselves?

The Yae Shenzi also had the idea of ​​​​changing the thunder movie. She also wanted to use this to save Inazuma and save the god who had his thoughts buried in the horns of the cow because of eternity.

In this case, after Li Qiuzhi and the others go to Inazuma City, Yae Shenzi may still find another opportunity to contact travelers.

After all, just like in the original work, only travelers are more suitable to help her.

So she will still show up when she is supposed to show up.

After agreeing to help Xinhai, the next few people expressed their opinions on the current situation of Inazuma and Haiqi Island.

It was night soon, and Xinhai ordered the witches to prepare a feast for everyone as agreed.

The ingredients at Haiqi Island are quite unique, and everyone enjoyed their meal. While eating, they continued to discuss the issue of Inazuma for a long time.

In the end, everyone agreed that as long as the shogunate army didn't come looking for trouble, they wouldn't look for trouble either. They could rest peacefully for a period of time, reduce their sacrifices, and wait for the situation to change.

The next day, Li Qiuzhi and the others had breakfast and set off to Daozuma City.

But before that, we have to return to the outlying island and finish the finishing work of the "Crystalized Bone Marrow" incident.

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