I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 371 Sister Xiaogong (two in one)

Compared with when they went there, Li Qiuzhi and the others were taking the land route back now, mainly because they wanted to kill monsters and look for treasure chests.

I have seen the scenery on the water and under the sea, but I also want to see the scenery on land.

In this case, it would be a little later to return to the outlying island than sailing by water. After all, the monsters and treasure chests on land are not as obvious as those in the water.

But even so, it took two days to successfully return to the island.

In the past two days, since fighting monsters was just a casual thing, it didn't matter if I met them or not, so I gained about 20,000 experience points.

The total number of experience points came to 150,000.

In addition, Li Qiuzhi also practiced swordsmanship when he had time in the past two days to see if he could understand his own swordsmanship concept and upgrade his "Wo-style swordsmanship" to the secret level.

He also used this sword technique to defeat monsters in the past two days.

Unfortunately, for him, ordinary monsters can be easily defeated even if he doesn't know swordsmanship with a few casual gestures, and there is no decent effect at all.

During the night, Li Qiuzhi also helped Ying complete the eighty-level breakthrough.

It was just that the movement was a little loud and took a long time. Mona, who was sleeping next door, couldn't bear it anymore and teleported back to Fischer with a blushing face.

When she comes back tomorrow, Yingcai has barely managed to complete the breakthrough.

After all, higher-level breakthroughs require more energy. That is, Li Qiuzhi has a "charging body" that can provide her with enough energy.

The advantage is that it saves time in searching for breakthrough materials, as well as the large amount of mola that may be spent.

The disadvantage is that I have to lie down for a long time before I have the strength to come down.

On the morning of the third day after returning from Haiqi Island, Li Qiuzhi and others finally returned to the outlying island. Because the entrance and exit of the outlying island were guarded by shogunate troops, Li Qiuzhi and the others entered invisibly.

Back on the outlying island, they first went to Kanding Shixing to find Hiiragi Qianri, telling her that no fools would come to Kanding Xingxing to get the "crystallized bone marrow" in the future, and asked her to find a way to persuade his father to correct his mistakes as soon as possible.

This way, when the shogunate takes the blame, it can alleviate the guilt a little.

Qianli Hiiragi naturally thought so too. Perhaps after knowing that the Evil Eye Factory of Fools was destroyed, her father would do the same without her having to say anything.

Go and complete the survey and implement it.

Li Qiuzhi and the others went to the "All Nations Chamber of Commerce" to find Jiulisu and told him that the current tax laws should return to normal in a while.

In this way, Thomas's commission is officially completed.

After the matter of outlying the island was settled, Li Qiuzhi and the others visited the survey and implementation agency in an official capacity and went to Hiiragi Shinsuke to get the pass.

After all, if you want to go to Inazuma Castle, you still need to get a pass to be legal and compliant, otherwise the shogunate soldiers will look at their foreign appearance while walking on the street.

If you feel suspicious and want to check the pass book but cannot get it, you will probably be deported or directly wanted for violating the "lockdown order" or something.

Li Qiuzhi didn't want Ying to be wanted wherever he went like in the original work.

At this time, Shinsuke Hiiragi didn't know about the Evil Eye Factory yet, and he was frightened by an assassin a few days ago, so his mental state was a bit bad.

I heard that travelers came to him asking for passes.

He excused himself from illness and did not want to see Li Qiuzhi and the others, and asked them to come back another day. After all, he had promised the executive "Ms." to find a way to drag the travelers to the outlying island.

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect that this old guy would still cause trouble at this time like in the original work.

They had no choice but to go to Hiiragi Qianri for help. This help was very simple. Li Qiuzhi took advantage of the old guy Hiiragi Shinsuke to take a nap.

He took Chisato Hiiragi and sneaked into his office where he usually handled matters.

Just find the pass document lying there and stamp it. Anyway, it won't be long before Hiiragi Shinsuke takes up this position. Sooner or later it will be Hiiragi Chisato's turn.

In this way, if she stamped it personally, the pass book was considered legal and compliant.

After all matters have been resolved.

Li Qiuzhi took the pass book and quietly came to the entrance to Inazuma Castle on the outlying island, checked it with the shogunate soldiers guarding there, and then left here smoothly.

"Phew, we finally came out. If it weren't for Qianli, it wouldn't be so easy for us."

After walking a few hundred meters on the road, Paimon looked back at Li Dao and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes." Ying nodded in agreement, "According to Miss Qianli, it takes about half a month to get to Inazuma Castle from the remote island. It seems that we can go."

"According to the description on the map, there is Konta Village ahead. You should be able to reach it within today after walking through this beach. You can take a short rest then."

Li Qiuzhi thought of that village. There were ruins underground and a hole into the ruins.

I don’t know if the adventurers have found all the treasures there. You can stop by and take a look when you get to the village. Of course, it’s unlikely that there will be any good stuff.

After all, this ruins is not a secret. It can be entered from a well. It is obviously impossible if no one has gone in and explored it.

Night falls.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying, and Paimeng successfully arrived at Konta Village, which is the only place to go from the outlying island to Inazuma Castle, even though there are many fewer foreigners due to the "lockdown order".

But it is still very prosperous and the lights are brightly lit even at night.

"Ying, my mental power has discovered that there seems to be something else underground in this village. Do you want to go explore it a little bit?"

Li Qiuzhi held Ying's hand and asked her while walking on the crowded street.

Ying, who has broken through level 80, can now release her mental power again. She has indeed noticed the difference in the underground. For adventurers like them, they naturally cannot miss the opportunity to discover treasures.

So he blinked his amber eyes, nodded and said:

"Okay, it won't waste any time anyway."

Able to release mental power, the efficiency of exploration soars rapidly.

"Hey, before going to explore the ruins, let's try the local food first." Paimon said with an excited smile.

"That's true."

Li Qiuzhi said with a gentle smile.

Since it was little Paimon's request, he had to agree to it. It was definitely not because they were hungry after traveling all day.

Because this village is located in a transportation center, the catering industry is quite developed, so within a few minutes they met a restaurant on the side of the street.

The signboard of this store reads "Kontaiya", and you can smell the fragrance of rice as you pass by. It seems that the rice fragrance also contains the smell of white vinegar.

"This is the place, I feel like I can get good food."

Paimon said pointing to the shop.


Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then walked into the hotel with Ying and Paimeng.

The space inside the house is not large, but the lights are quite bright. Tables and chairs are arranged along the walls on both sides, and there are two dining tables in the middle.

The guests were scattered in various corners of the restaurant, which was quite lively.

One of the guests sitting in the corner caught Li Qiuzhi's attention.

The main reason is that the big red bow knot on the back of this guest is very conspicuous, and it is difficult not to notice it.

She is a girl with blond hair, and the ponytail on the back of her head blooms like a flower. Looking at her, she looks like a passionate girl.

Li Qiuzhi naturally knew her, and not surprisingly, this girl was the current owner of Naganohara Fireworks Shop, Sister Xiaogong, who was very popular among children.

Why is she here? Remember, she seems to be in Inazuma City. Why did she come here?

Although Li Qiuzhi was a little confused, he couldn't strike up a conversation and ask questions out of the blue, so he might as well order food with Ying and the others first.

The ordering window was right in front. It didn't take long for a few people to order dinner. Then they found that there was no good seat, so they had to sit down at the darker table and chairs on the left, not far from Xiao Palace.

If it's daytime here, there won't be much light coming in from outside.

Even at night, the bright yellow candlelight didn't take care of this corner even though the brightness was pretty good.

Especially the corner where Xiaogong sits is just in the shadow.

It is said that Xiao Gong is a very sunny and lively girl like Amber. People with this kind of personality should rarely choose to sit in such a remote seat.

Li Qiuzhi, who was already seated, secretly glanced at Xiao Gong on the right through Ying and Paimeng and thought to himself.

This move that should have been imperceptible was noticed by Ying, who was already able to release her mental power. She immediately stretched her left hand to Li Qiuzhi's waist with a dissatisfied expression.


Because the restaurant was crowded, Li Qiuzhi did not dare to make a sound and could only endure it. At the same time, he withdrew his gaze, not daring to peek at other girls.

While Li Qiuzhi and the others were quietly waiting for their food to be served.

Suddenly, I saw two more guests coming in. They were wearing the standard uniforms of the shogunate army and looked more relaxed. They were probably the soldiers patrolling the streets outside when it was time to change their shifts and they happened to come over for dinner.

Nothing noteworthy originally.

But out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that when the two shogunate soldiers came in, Xiaomiya, who was eating rice balls with a natural expression, suddenly lowered his head.

Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised. Why should Xiao Palace be afraid of the shogunate army?

Just when he had this question, he thought of the answer at the same time. Xiaomiya is the holder of the Eye of God. Now that the shogunate has issued the "Eye Hunting Order", it is natural for her to be a little nervous when she sees the shogunate's army.

However, as Li Qiuzhi became stronger, his memory also improved.

At this time, he also suddenly remembered that as the owner of Naganohara Fireworks Shop, Yonomiya had the Eye of God, which many people knew about.

When the "Eye Hunting Order" was first promulgated, the shogunate army must have come to her door immediately to ask for the God's Eye. I remember that in the plot, she handed it in with a fake one.

She probably just has a guilty conscience now, and the shogunate army will probably not pay attention to those who have submitted the Eye of God.

So don't worry about her.

Although this is true, Li Qiuzhi is too idealistic. After all, the development of unpredictable things in life will always be unexpected.

Perhaps Xiao Gong also noticed that he looked guilty, so he moved his soft hips and was about to sit upright again, acting as nonchalantly as the other guests.

Her fair left elbow accidentally touched the small zip-top bag tied around her waist, causing the opening of the small bag to loosen slightly, revealing the red Eye of God contained inside.


Li Qiuzhi and the party involved, Xiao Gong, both felt a little bit in their hearts at the same time.

At this time, the two shogunate soldiers had already arrived at the ordering window, less than two meters away from the Xiao Palace. If she made any small moves, it would probably attract their attention.

So she was a little afraid to tighten the bag that she accidentally opened.

But if she doesn't care, the two shogunate soldiers will definitely subconsciously look for a seat when they order the food, so there is a high probability that they will find the Eye of God in the bag on her waist.

If this is the case, things will be in trouble!

Xiao Gong was so worried that she was so nervous that sweat broke out on her forehead. If the Eye of God was taken away, she would lose her wish!

This is unacceptable to Xiao Gong no matter what!

Xiaogong is ready. If the two shogunate soldiers really discover her divine eye, she will immediately knock them out quickly and then hide in the wild for a while.

Try not to cause trouble to the fireworks shop and your family.

"Choujiro, where are we going to sit?"

The two shogunate soldiers had finished ordering the food, but it would take some time to deliver it. One of the soldiers asked his colleagues and began to look around for a seat.

Xiaogong's mind was extremely tense, and she seemed to feel that the shogunate soldier immediately looked to the nearest left.

Are you about to take action?

Xiao Gong secretly circulated the elemental power in his body, and before taking action, he glanced at the bag at his waist.

At this glance, the courage she had summoned suddenly dropped, because her Eye of God disappeared in the bag, but she could still feel that the Eye of God was there.

The weight of the bag hanging on my waist has not become lighter either.

But the Eye of God disappeared from her perspective. How is this possible? Is anyone helping her?

What Xiao Gong instinctively looked at were the guests sitting not far from him. One of them was a young girl with golden hair, and the other was a flying elf.

The two of them were looking at the menu and chatting, and it didn't feel like they were responsible.

At this time, the two shogunate soldiers had found their seats and did not notice anything unusual about Xiaogong. She finally breathed a small sigh of relief.

Then he continued to look at the boy sitting with the two girls next to him, when Xiaogong's eyes just glanced at Li Qiuzhi.

He looked over as if he was aware of it, smiled at Xiao Gong, and nodded gently in greeting.

That's right, the only person who can make an item invisible is Li Qiuzhi. He just quietly opened the invisibility field and only gave the Eye of God in Xiao Palace the invisibility state.

She unknowingly helped her cover the Eye of God, and was not discovered by the shogunate soldiers.

Oh it's you!

After Xiaogong found out who helped her, her golden pupils couldn't help but exude joy, and she was so enthusiastic that she wanted to get to know the person who helped her right away.

But there are still shogunate troops here, so we can only wait a little longer.

[Xiaogong has a good impression of you and gains 420 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (120/300)]

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