I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 380 Daozuma City (please follow up)

As Li Qiuzhi made his choice, two of the three options disappeared, leaving only the "spiritual grid" in the middle that turned into a stream of light and submerged into his body.

Somewhere in the dark, Li Qiuzhi discovered that he could feel an existence called "spirituality."

They originate from the recognition of other people's deeds and legends by living beings, but unlike belief, they are not mixed with any personal emotions and distractions, and are a relatively pure and mysterious power.

Li Qiuzhi could feel some pure "spirituality" at this time, which was slowly being collected by an illusory "spiritual grid" in his mind.

With the filling of "spirituality", the "spirit" is slowly becoming the essence.

At this rate, it can be filled up in about a day, and can be used to give yourself or others special entries.

As for where these "spirituals" come from, Li Qiuzhi also knows.

The main source is his participation in defeating the Wind Demon Dragon and Osel in Mondstadt and Liyue. These two deeds were widely recognized by the people of the two countries.

So I have accumulated a lot of "spirituality".

In the past, Li Qiuzhi had no means to use them, but now that he has the "Ling Ge", they have been collected.

I don’t know how many times the “spirituality” accumulated in the past can fill up the “spiritual grid”?

Li Qiuzhi thought with some anticipation, and then took a brief look at the changed character panel:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv90 (0/900000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Outstanding Adventurer, General Haiqi

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Sword God of Ying·Mystery (sharpness), Concealment of form·Secret 10 (domain), Wind element control 10 (full level), Chihaya Jin·Secret 10 (Flowing maple autumn field), Fighting 10 (subtle), I flow Swordsmanship 10 (I flow)

Expertise: [Advent] [Girl Savior] [Anti-Devil Enhancement] [Plenty of Life] [Gospel of the Sky] [North Wind] [Spiritual Tentacle] [Reconciliation] [Thousand-Year Body] [Abyssal Vortex] [Charging Body] 】【Elemental Immunity】【Command Spell】【Lingge】

Experience points: 1599

Less than 1,600 points, Li Qiuzhi looked at his experience points and was speechless. It seemed that he still had to work hard to gain experience points, and he couldn't lie down.

Fortunately, the "Ying Sword God" is still over there in the Beast Realm. Even if the Beast Realm does not have as many monsters as expected, it should be more numerous and stronger than the monsters in Teyvat.

When you have time, you can control the "Sword God of Ying" to explore more there.

That way the speed of gaining experience points should be much faster than in Teyvat.

At this moment, there was some movement outside the house. Li Qiuzhi used a little mental energy to scan and knew that it was Fischer and Mona who had returned with various instruments and objects to decorate the research area.

Most of them should be needed by Lisa and Granulated Sugar. Mona's laboratory has already been prepared.

"Idiot attendant, I know you're in there, why don't you come over and help!"

Fischer in the yard felt that Li Qiuzhi was in the house, and immediately shouted rudely with his hands on his hips.

"Okay, here we come."

Li Qiuzhi smiled.

He came to the front yard, opened a larger "door" to the wonderland, and then used his translucent tentacles to move all the instruments and objects bought by the girls in.

Then several girls also went in, and they were ready to call Ying back.

Construction in "Wonderland" requires the use of her rock elemental power.

In this case, Li Qiuzhi had no choice but to teleport back to Dao's Wife first. Little Paimon would probably follow her back. If he didn't go there first, he wouldn't be able to use "Star Travel" to get back there.

Rice Wife, Wilderness of White Fox.

It was still afternoon, but it was almost dusk, and the not-too-hot sunlight was pouring on the green grass.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly appeared next to Ying, startling Xiao Gong.

"Why did you appear suddenly without making any sound? Just like when you left before."

Xiaomiya, who was introducing Inazuma culture to Ying and Paimon as they walked, said with slightly widened eyes.

"Space teleportation, that's what it is." Li Qiuzhi smiled and said, "By the way, Ying and Paimon will go back to the portable space to start construction later. Xiaogong, you should also go back and take a rest."

"Huh? But in this case, don't you have to go alone?"

Xiao Gong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"This is not possible. As your guide in Daozhu, how can I let you go alone? This is too remiss, so let me accompany you."

"Okay, that's okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded and said there was no problem.

"Hey, let's go back to Xiao Palace then."

Paimon waved to Xiao Palace, and then flew into a starry sky-like space crack that Li Qiuzhi casually opened.

Ying Ye and Xiao Gong waved goodbye for the time being.

"Yes!" Xiao Gong's fair and beautiful face revealed a sunny smile.

Ying and Paimon returned to "Wonderland", and now only Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong were on the way. He thought for a while and asked the girl beside him:

"Xiao Gong, how long do you think it will take to reach Daozuma City at our current speed?"

"Hmm." Xiao Gong put his index finger against his soft lower lip and said after pondering and calculating for a while, "We have only been away from Kontian Village for about a day, and it will probably take more than ten days to arrive."

After she finished speaking, she put down the hand that was against her lips and shook it back and forth. Her arms and side breasts wrapped in white bandages touched and squeezed slightly, and then the white skin lines between her armpits and chest were revealed.

"More than ten days? That's still a bit long. How about we use a faster way? I'm sure we can arrive within today."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

"Today! How is it possible?" Xiao Gong instinctively didn't believe it.

However, he suddenly thought that Li Qiuzhi had a portable space and could also use space teleportation, and felt that Li Qiuzhi was not joking.

“So you want to give it a try? You’ll be there in a snap!”

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Before he leveled up, he was sure that he could compress the distance traveled by a half-moon foot in half a day. Now that he has leveled up, he can even do it faster.

I didn't use it before just because I wanted to gain experience points by defeating monsters along the way.

Now that he is level 90, he still needs 900,000 experience points to upgrade, so he is too lazy to brush the two or three big cats and kittens on the road.

It is better to go to Inazuma Castle early and find a way to meet more girls.

"Okay, then use your method!" There is a faster way to get to Inazuma Castle, and Xiaogong naturally doesn't want to waste time by walking for more than ten days.

"Ahem, watch carefully, I believe you will be surprised."

Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly, confidently took out his "Moonlight Epee" from the "Wonderland", and then used his mental power to control it to float on the ground.

It's only about ten centimeters above the ground.

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly and said to the blond girl in front of him:

"Come on, Xiao Gong, please stand up first, and I'll let you experience the legendary sword-controlling skills later!"

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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