"——Wow! Don't fly so fast, you're going to fall!"

In the vast sky, there are two people stepping on long swords to draw a white line of clouds through the clouds, just like the flying swordsmen in the story.

Li Qiuzhi put his hands behind his back, and couldn't help but laugh twice as he looked at the palace with his hands spread out in front of him, trying to maintain balance but still swaying.

"What are you laughing at? Be careful, I'll hit you!"

Xiao Gong squatted down and pressed the blade of the sword to finally stabilize his body. At the same time, he turned back to glare at Li Qiuzhi angrily.

"Ahem, the main reason why you can't stand firmly may be that the clogs don't have a strong grip on the sword. It's definitely not your problem!"

Li Qiuzhi decided to find a reason for Xiao Gong to step down.

"Huh? It makes sense."

Xiao Gong looked slightly stunned, then nodded in agreement, then put the clogs back into the God's Eye, and stepped slightly on the sword with his feet in asymmetrical black stockings.

There was a cold feeling on the soles of my feet, which made me stand much steadier than when I was wearing clogs.

Xiao Gong raised his hand and stood up slowly.

Finding that she was standing steadily and was not knocked down by the oncoming air current, she looked down at the clouds below her that had turned golden due to the setting sun, then raised her head and said:

"Wow, it's so beautiful. This is the first time I know that there is always clear sky above the clouds!"

[Xiaogong has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (250/400)]

"It's really spectacular."

Li Qiuzhi had never flown on a plane when he was on earth. He had only seen this kind of scene on TV.

At that time, I certainly did not expect that one day I would be able to wield a sword in the clouds myself.

With such emotion, Li Qiuzhi said playfully:

"Xiao Gong, stand firm, I'm going to start accelerating!"

"Okay, but don't go too fast." Xiao Gong felt that he had successfully adapted to the feeling of standing with a sword flying in the sky. It would be okay to go faster.

Hearing this, Li Qiuzhi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

He controlled the huge mental power to bless the "Moonlight Heavy Sword", and then suddenly increased the speed. The sword's speed was several times faster in an instant.


Xiao Gong didn't expect that he suddenly increased his speed so fast. He suddenly fell back without standing firm and subconsciously hugged Li Qiuzhi who was standing behind him.

The fragrance was soft in his arms, and Li Qiuzhi also hugged Xiaogong with his backhand, placing his hands on her soft back.

"Why are you speeding up so fast all of a sudden!" Xiao Gong complained as he pressed Li Qiuzhi's arm and tried to bend down.

But the situation was a little beyond her expectation.

Because Li Qiuzhi didn't let go of her hand in cooperation, but still hugged her and wouldn't let go. Realizing this situation, Xiaogong's white face turned red.

She whispered: "What are you doing? Let me go quickly."

What's going on with this guy? How can he hug a girl for so long? Isn't this impolite?

"I will speed up later. To prevent you from falling, just hold me like this."

Li Qiuzhi speeded up again while explaining his reasons.

The oncoming airflow increased again, and now Zixiao Palace could not stand firmly. She could only stand on the sword by holding Li Qiuzhi.

That's what he said, but Xiao Gong always felt that something was wrong.

With his sword in the clouds, Li Qiuzhi held Xiao Gong in his arms and flew towards Daozuma City. On the way, he also encountered some monsters that could fly at high altitudes.

It's just that the level is a little low, and you can only defeat someone with a hundred or dozens of experience points.

Li Qiuzhi ignored them.

The golden clouds became dim, and when the silver moon gradually hung in the sky, Li Qiuzhi and the others finally arrived near Daozuma City.

He did not rush into Inazuma Castle directly with his sword, lest General Raiden would think he was an enemy and cut him with his sword in the chest.

When he was still a few hundred meters away from Daozuma City, Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Moonlight Epee" and lowered it.

"Huh, we're finally here. You're flying so fast, you're trying to take advantage of me!"

While Xiaogong jumped off his sword, he summoned clogs in mid-air and put them on, then he looked at Li Qiuzhi with his hands on his hips and some dissatisfaction.

She couldn't understand it at first, but after a while she felt the hands holding her sliding on her back from time to time, and she knew that this guy was taking advantage of her!

How abominable!

"No, how is that possible? Xiao Gong, you misunderstood. Sword-controlling skills need to be matched with corresponding seals to fly fast. I didn't mean to hug you and touch you randomly. It's just that I accidentally touched you when I was doing the seals. Just arrived.”

Li Qiuzhi argued.

His sword-controlling skills are nothing more than the effect of using mental power to forcibly lift something, and the force is so great that bricks fly away. There is no real sword-controlling skills.

Xiao Gong didn't understand this. Although he was still a little suspicious, he couldn't find any evidence, so he reluctantly believed him:

"Really? Okay, I barely believe you."

In fact, she didn't care much about this. After all, she still had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi. Even if she was hugged and touched, she didn't have any intention of hating him.

"That's good. It's already getting late. Let's head into the city quickly."

Li Qiuzhi changed the subject and said.

"Well, when you return to Naganohara Fireworks Store later, you can stay for a meal first, let me entertain you well, and then I will take you to get familiar with Inazuma Castle tomorrow. By the way, will Ying and Paimon come back tomorrow?"

Xiao Gong asked while walking forward.

"You can eat, too." Li Qiuzhi nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

He observed the construction progress in "Wonderland" and found that Ying used rock elements to directly create building materials. The progress was indeed very fast and it was almost completed. After thinking for a while, he continued:

"As for Ying and Paimon, they should be able to return tomorrow."

"Yeah, as a guide, I promised to take you to get familiar with Inazuma Castle, so we can't be short of people." Xiao Gong crossed his arms and nodded with satisfaction.

Xiao Gong's home, Naganohara Fireworks Shop, arrived not long after entering the city. Li Qiuzhi saw her family here, and they all welcomed Xiao Gong's bringing friends to their home.

I enthusiastically bought delicious food to entertain him.

In return, Li Qiuzhi thought about summoning the "Sword God of Ying" from the beast realm and controlled "her" to unfold the golden pinwheel chrysanthemum barrier.

I gave Xiaogong’s family a recuperation package.

If there is a disease, treat it or not, then treat it as a recuperation and prevention. This is Li Qiuzhi's little idea.

Xiaogong was a little touched by this, and he had a slightly better impression of Li Qiuzhi:

[Xiaogong has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (150/500)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel and was very satisfied. He could let the "Sword God of Ying" pass over to the beast realm later, but there were not many opportunities to gain favorability.

After eating and chatting with Xiao Gong for a while, Li Qiuzhi left the Naganohara Fireworks Shop and entered the "Wonderland".

At this time the renovation here has been completed.

The hemispherical space of more than one hundred square meters at the bottom was divided into three floors. The first floor remained the same as before, except that Mona's laboratory was moved away and more rooms were built.

These rooms form a circle, with the living room in the middle, so this first floor is the living area.

The second floor is the research area. Mona's laboratory was also moved here, and the laboratories of Lisa and Sugar were also built here.

All instruments appear to be complete.

Then the third floor is also the smallest floor. Nothing is built here, but there are more shelves. It is used as a warehouse.

The small adventure boat Li Qiuzhi bought earlier is placed here.

In the future, whatever good things you gain or buy during your adventure will be placed here.

All in all very convenient.

Sure enough, the girls had to handle everything at home, but Li Qiuzhi himself was not so attentive. He thought it would be fine if he could live in it.

Now the whole "Wonderland" has a completely new look, and it really feels like a portable mansion.

Unfortunately, more than 100 square meters is still a bit small. When it continues to expand in the future, we can also build some swimming pools, hot springs, beaches, lawns, groves and other entertainment venues.

It feels like it needs at least 200 square meters to have such a rich space, and the building must be small.

This goal is not very difficult to achieve.

He is already at level 90 and probably won't improve too quickly, but Sugar's strength is still low. If you ask her to help you more, her strength will skyrocket.

Then the "wonderland" can also be expanded!

Li Qiuzhi thought happily.

"Little adventurer, you are finally back. Are you satisfied with the changes here?"

Not long after dinner, everyone was resting and chatting in the living room. Lisa, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Li Qiuzhi appear and asked.

"Of course I'm satisfied, thank you all for your hard work." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Huh, my princess's opinion is to build a castle. This style is not good-looking at all!"

Fischer crossed his arms and said dissatisfiedly.

Obviously her opinions were not adopted when renovating "Wonderland", and she was a little unhappy at this time.

However, only our Condemned Princess dared to think of building a castle in such a small space. Not to mention whether she knew it or not, even if she did, she wouldn't be able to build it because it would waste a lot of space.

"Haha, it seems that our Royal Highness has made a great sacrifice for everyone. It is really touching."

Li Qiuzhi walked past Fischer and put his arm around her shoulders, rubbed her face against hers and comforted her.

"Stupid, stupid, why are you coming here? There are sweat stains on your face!"

Fischer's cheeks turned slightly red, and then he ran towards the bathroom in disgust.

Li Qiuzhi was dumbfounded. He grasped where the elemental force was on his body and could clean it with a simple sweep. There was no trace of sweat on him.

Little Amy is really so shy even though she is an old married couple.

"Haha, the little adventurer is disliked." Lisa picked up the tea on the table and took a sip and continued, "Okay, I'll go back and take a shower first."


She winked at him before getting up and teleporting away.

Li Qiuzhi immediately understood what Lisa meant. Didn't she want him to go to her dormitory for a tryst? In the morning, she even asked Captain Qin if he would dare if he was here!

There is nothing to be afraid of, as long as Captain Qin finds out and takes it down together.

Li Qiuzhi's mind became active.

The problem now is that he is on Inazuma's side. If he is teleported back to Mondstadt, and there is no one carrying a "beacon" on Inazuma's side, there will be no way to teleport back.

He couldn't tell her that he was going to have a tryst with Lisa and let her go back to his wife first.

Li Qiuzhi can't do such a scumbag thing!

So what should we do? Girls with "marks" flashed through Li Qiuzhi's mind, and finally stopped at "Ms."

Yes, and "Ms." I almost forgot about her.

I don’t know if she is still in Dao Wife? Li Qiuzhi immediately asked in his mind, and soon received a reluctant reply from "Ms."

She is currently in Inazuma City, continuing to implement the fools' plan.

Hiss, it seems that even if the Evil Eye Factory is gone, the Fools still have evil intentions towards God. When I teleport over tomorrow, I have to ask "Madam" what the situation is over there.

Now he is going to have a tryst with sister Lisa! The corners of Li Qiuzhi's mouth raised slightly.

"Why did you suddenly show such a weird smile!"

Sitting opposite Li Qiuzhi, Mona looked at Li Qiuzhi subconsciously crossing his hands to protect his chest, thinking that he finally couldn't help but attack her.

"Ahem, no, I just suddenly found you cute."

Li Qiuzhi stood up and walked over to Mona. Seeing her like this, he wanted to bully her.

"Yeah! What do you want to do!"

Mona looked at Li Qiuzhi coming over and seemed to really want to attack her. She was so frightened that she quickly hugged the sugar next to her. The sugar suddenly let out a cute "Ah!" after being hugged like this.

Subconsciously, she hugged Ying next to her again.

Ying put down the teacup and glanced at Li Qiuzhi speechlessly, as if to say: You guys, stop this!

How could Li Qiuzhi stop because of this? He held the pretty faces of Mona, Sugar and Ying and kissed each of them on the lips.

Little Paimon was so shy that he covered his face and hid behind the sofa.

As expected of a playboy, he is so bold!

After the kiss, Li Qiuzhi made no next move. Instead, he squeezed in and sat down between Mona and Sutang, hugged the three girls and smiled and said:

"I'm going to spend the night with Lisa tonight and I won't come back. You won't be jealous, right?"

"Who, who cares where you spend the night, idiot!" Mona turned away with a blushing face, holding her breasts.

Sugar shook her head. She had already known that Li Qiuzhi had many close girls, so she didn't care who he went to.

Yingze let out a "hum" to express his dissatisfaction.


Li Qiuzhi, who seemed to be very tolerant of himself, thought happily.

He kissed Ying and Sutang again on the cheeks, then turned around and held Mona's face again, pressing a deep kiss to her soft lips.

Seeing this made Sugar blush and was speechless.

Mona, who was suddenly attacked, slapped Li Qiuzhi's chest softly and feebly with her hands, not knowing whether she was resisting or willing.

After kissing for a few minutes, Li Qiuzhi suddenly disappeared.

Mona could finally take a breath, and then she couldn't help but cursed "bastard" at Li Qiuzhi who had already arrived at Lisa's side, just to bully her!

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 260 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (210/900)]

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