I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 384 General Thunder (two in one)

Thousands of hands and hundreds of eyes are like a square.

There are a lot of people here, and it is obvious that the human nature of watching people's fun still exists no matter where they are.

Although everyone sympathized with the unfortunate guy who had his hands tied behind his back and was kneeling in the square.

Li Qiuzhi and the others walked slowly to the front and saw that it was indeed Toma kneeling on the wooden platform of the square. He was guarded by two shogunate soldiers.

It seems that the prisoner is waiting for execution, and this is indeed the case.

In addition to the two shogunate sergeants guarding Toma, there were more soldiers on the edge of the platform. This "eye hunting ceremony" seemed to be quite a big battle.

It is slightly different from the original work. Of course, this is normal. After all, the game is not yet able to show the entire real world of Teyvat as a carrier.

It's not time yet, and the thunder and lightning general has not come out.

"Yeah, it's really Thomas!"

Little Paimon covered his mouth in surprise.

She looked at Thomas's embarrassed appearance, spread her hands and said speechlessly:

"He was too careless. Why was he caught by the shogunate army? When he was away from the island, he looked like a local snake. Everyone would give him a bit of a thumbs-down. Didn't you expect that it wouldn't work when he got to Inazuma? "

"No matter how powerful the 'local snake' is, there are times when he fails." Ying folded her arms and raised her chest with a nice frown on her face.

She pondered for a while, then changed her position to resting her hand on her chin, and asked Li Qiuzhi next to her:

"General Raiden seems to be still at the Castle Tower. Are you sure he can hide himself and take Toma away secretly?"

Ying, who values ​​love and justice, still couldn't bear to see Thomas in such embarrassment.

"Although Lord General is not here, her will is everywhere. Although Thomas is our friend, since he secretly hides the Eye of God, if he is caught, it will only be bad luck for him."

Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly and signaled him not to discuss these matters here.

The "Tenshou Tower" was not far behind the square. He had reason to believe that General Raiden would notice it, so it was better not to say these words that might cause her to misunderstand.

"All right."

Ying almost forgot that after completing her sixth breakthrough (level 80), she could project her mental power for five to six kilometers and include everything within the range into her perception.

Although this is also the reason why her mental power is already strong.

Under normal circumstances, after completing the sixth breakthrough, unless the "fate star" related to mental power is lit up, or the person is extremely talented, the mental power is basically released for about one kilometer.

At this point, Li Qiuzhi is not as good as her.

When that guy just completed his sixth breakthrough, he could only extend his mental power for two or three kilometers.

But now he has broken through for the seventh time. According to him, he can spread his mental power for more than ten kilometers.

And that bastard’s materialized spiritual tentacles can be spread hundreds of kilometers.

Anyway, this is inferred.

It is not difficult to imagine that the Thunderbolt General, who is a god, would be more powerful. It is said that the thunderstorms off the coast of Inazuma are shrouded in the General's will.

Therefore, it is really inappropriate to discuss matters that may cause the shogun's distaste near the castle tower.

Of course, she wouldn't necessarily be observing here all the time and happen to hear their discussion.

But there’s nothing wrong with being careful.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to help Thomas get back the Eye of God afterwards." Li Qiuzhi said to him secretly through the "Beacon".

Ying nodded silently.

"Thoma, you're so pitiful." Paimon showed a worried expression. She looked at the blond girl next to her and said, "By the way, Xiaogong, do you know what will happen if the Eye of God is taken away?"

"It is said that those who have the Eye of God taken away will lose their wishes, which is very scary.

"I even forget important people and things, I have no interest in anything, and I have no enthusiasm!"

Xiao Gong felt terrible when he thought about losing interest in fireworks, and his face turned blue.

"Haha, don't scare yourself." Li Qiuzhi smiled, then raised his head and looked to the side, "Look, the legendary Thunder and Lightning General seems to be here."


Ying and Paimon looked along Li Qiuzhi's gaze.

The appearance of General Thunder and Lightning not only attracted the attention of Li Qiuzhi and the others, but also the attention of everyone present. Due to the majesty of the general, they all greeted in an unusually low voice:

"It's the General!"

"Lord General"

"Wow, she is such a majestic person. It seems that everyone is quite afraid of her." Paimon saw that the people in Daozhu were so scared, and he shrank his body and hid behind Ying.

The bright dark purple long hair is tied into a braid and hangs down the back. Under the hair in front of the forehead is a pair of thunderous purple pupils that contain endless majesty.

He has a fair face and a mole under his right eye.

She was wearing an Inazuma-style lavender kimono with light patterns on it, and the collar was not tied tightly.

The dark purple tight-fitting top revealed a close-fitting inner layer and half-exposed snow-white chest.

Under the short hem of the clothes are the same snow-white thighs, wrapped in knee-high dark purple stockings, and on her feet are thong-like high heels that look like clogs.

The clothing style is simple and casual, but every move shows the majesty of the general!

A little behind her, there was a general with a perseverance in his expression. This general was also a woman.

She wears a tengu mask on the left side of her pale shoulder-length hair.

Wearing a black tight-fitting vest and a tofu-like white shawl covering her round and soft chest, she lowered her gaze slightly or when there was a gentle breeze.

You can get a glimpse of the soft lower breasts that are clinging to the black fabric and outline a full arc.

Li Qiuzhi also knew this person. He was a powerful general with Tengu bloodline who was affiliated with Tianling—Kujo Sura!

Li Qiuzhi curiously opened the "Great Illusionary Dream, Senluo, Vientiane, Violent Qi and Sin-Judging Eyes" and looked over:

[Level: one hundred and twenty]

[Level: seventy-two]

Hiss, Li Qiuzhi took a breath when he saw the strength of General Thunder and Lightning, level 120! Is this the strength of the top gods!

If we count based on the number of breakthroughs, there should be ten breakthroughs.

Uh, no, I can't be sure if she has completed her tenth breakthrough before reaching level 121. It may be the limit of nine breakthroughs.

In any case, this was not an existence that Li Qiuzhi and the others could offend, which further strengthened his idea that he should not be impulsive.

After all, no matter how hard you think, you can't beat him!

General Thunder, who walked down the steps from the Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes Statue to the wooden platform, suddenly noticed a young man in the crowd on the lawn opposite the platform.

He was not dressed like Mrs. Ina, and his pupils were golden, clean and penetrating, as if he could see through himself as a god.

It was obviously not an ordinary person who could give her this feeling.

But when she scanned the crowd just now, she clearly remembered that his eyes were black.

General Thunderbolt frowned imperceptibly.

“Everyone is welcome to come and witness the ‘Eye Hunting Ceremony’ of the 100th Eye of God. This is a very important moment since the implementation of the ‘Eye Hunting Order’. It represents another step forward for us towards ‘eternity’!

"Now, Sir General, please personally take away the evil eyes of the person who threatens 'eternity' in front of you!"

Kujo Takayuki, the current head of the Kujo family and the current head of the Kujo family, who has been waiting here for a long time, first said a simple and polite word to the citizens who came to watch the ceremony, and then said respectfully to General Raiden.

Toma, who was kneeling on the ground, heard Kujo Takayuki's words and stared at this bastard angrily!

He usually hides it well so that basically no one knows that he has the eye of God, but Kujo Takayuki is an exception. When the "Eye Hunting Order" is not implemented, he goes to the club to discuss matters with the head of the family.

At that time, he was serving as a domestic servant, and the Eye of God was not hidden. Kujo Takayuki naturally knew that he was the holder of the Eye of God.

Generally speaking, the "Eye Hunting Order" only targets holders of the Eye of God outside the shogunate.

For example, the three major ministers and the shogunate army will not have the Eye of God taken away. After all, Kujo Sora is standing next to the shogun with the Eye of God hanging on his waist.

But when the "Eye Hunting Order" was implemented, the society was opposed to it.

Because their head of the family believes that the "Eye Hunting Order" cannot bring eternity even if it takes away the God Eyes from all God Eye holders except the shogunate. Instead, it will cause resistance and make Inazuma go against eternity.

But according to the head of the family, the general finally agreed to it for some unknown reason.

Perhaps it was because of this incident that Sha Fengxing was resented by Kujo Takayuki, the main envoy who proposed the "eye hunt order" to the shogun. He couldn't move She Fangxing so he attacked his servant.

When he specifically selected the 100th Eye of God, this bastard was too narrow-minded!

He doesn’t have the mettle of one of the three principles!

Kujo Takayuki ignored Toma's angry gaze.

General Raiden also ignored Kujo Takayuki as she tapped her brown thong high heels on the wooden floor.

She crossed Thomas, walked to the edge of the platform, looked at the young man opposite who made her feel extraordinary, and said with a calm but majestic expression:

"Who were you before this?"

General Thunder believes that rather than simply taking away a person's God's Eye, it is more important to first find out the identity of the person who makes him feel strange.

It doesn't matter if it's a foreigner staying in Inazuma's territory because of the "Lockdown Order", but if it's an "eternal" enemy, she will strike first!

Hearing General Raiden's words, the people around him, including those around him, as well as the citizens of Toma and Inazuma, all turned their attention to the person who had received special attention from the general in surprise.

"So young, do you feel like a foreigner?" A middle-aged citizen nearby said looking at the young man with short black hair.

"Wait a minute, there are two blond girls and white elves beside him. One seems to be the owner of a fireworks shop and the other is a traveler. Could it be that he is the legendary... traveler's servant!"

An Inazuma businessman who often reads newspapers said in surprise.

Damn servants! Li Qiuzhi glanced at the businessman speechlessly, and then looked helplessly at General Thunder. Alas, why did the general notice him?

If I had known better, I wouldn't have had to look at her with the judgment eyes, my senses were very keen.

"Hey, what should we do? Are we being targeted by the General?" Little Paimon hid behind Ying and shivered.

"Ah, General, we are just here to see the fun, we are not suspicious people!"

Xiao Gong quickly waved his hand and explained.

Ying frowned, ready to fight at any time.

Upon seeing this, Li Qiuzhi hurriedly stood in front of everyone. In the original book, it was because Ying tried to kidnap Toma and used elemental power that the general considered him to be a variable in "eternity".

That's why she was wanted and wanted to build her body into the statue.

But since the general didn't take action immediately, it was known that she just felt that she was a little suspicious, and had not yet reached the point of "building a statue of the god".

So as long as she makes it clear according to the general's request and makes her feel that she is not a threat to "eternity", then everything will be fine.

He quickly told Ying and Paimon through the "beacon" that they must not reveal their secrets.

"The general is asking you something!"

Kujo Takayuki, who presided over the "Hunting Eye Ceremony" glanced at Li Qiuzhi and shouted.

The generals are not in a hurry yet, why are you so anxious? Li Qiuzhi cursed secretly, but he didn't say it out loud to prevent him from causing trouble to him later.

Anyway, he is a guy who will go to jail sooner or later.

Li Qiuzhi nodded gently to General Thunder and said with the same respect:

"Sir General, we are just adventurers who came from Liyue to explore Daozhu. When we came here, we didn't know that Daozhu had issued a "lockdown order," so we stayed on the outlying island for a few days.

"It was not easy for us to come to Inazuma, so we gave us a 'passport', so we were lucky enough to come to Inazuma Castle."

After speaking, Li Qiuzhi also took out their "pass book" to confirm that he came in through formal procedures.

I haven't committed anything, so I shouldn't arrest people casually.

General Thunder took a look at Li Qiuzhi's "pass book" and saw that there was indeed no problem. She thought for a moment and asked again:

"What's the use of your eyes?"

This was the source of her strangeness.

""Sure enough, he was still causing trouble by looking casually. Li Qiuzhi did not hide it. After all, the other party was a god and could not tell that he was lying. "This sin-judging eye has many functions. The most powerful one is that it can see through the strength and strength of the person it is looking at." weakness."

"See through? Humph." General Thunder crossed his arms and said calmly, "Can I see through even this person?"


Li Qiuzhi looked at General Thunder and Lightning and found that the head and heart of a normal person were not her weaknesses, but there was a faint light spot in the middle of her half-exposed chest that represented "weakness".

Obscurity means that this "weakness" is not her physical weakness, but something deeper and not superficial.

If you guessed correctly, this weakness should refer to the thunder movie in "One Heart Pure Land".

Normally speaking, General Raiden is an "eternal" doll with unlimited lifespan. Even if it is damaged somewhere, it can still recover itself.

Such a being should have no weaknesses.

But now it seems that this is not the case. The thunder movie is the real "inner" of General Thunder, that is, the soul. She and the general should have a relationship of one body and two souls.

But most of them should be based on Lei movies as the main general and supplemented by generals.

Therefore, after defeating Raikage, the general's consciousness will no longer exist, and only the "eternal" body will be left, which is useless.

Therefore thunder movies are the general's weakness.

Although this so-called "weakness" is stronger than that of the general, what the Sin-Judging Eye shows is indeed correct.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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