I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 385 Wu Xiang’s Sword (Two in One)

The above is Li Qiuzhi's own speculation based on the location of the "weakness".

It's logically reasonable.

You need to ask some Raiden Generals or Raiden Movies to find out whether it is correct or not.


Regarding Li Qiuzhi's affirmative answer, General Leiden said calmly as always:

"This body can still exist even after countless tribulations. It is unchanging eternity and flawless eternity. In other words, there is no weakness in this body, so what you said must be a lie."

"General, what I said is true."

Li Qiuzhi looked at her awkwardly, how can you say you are perfect just because you are perfect?

I have indeed seen your "weakness", can't you see it even with such a frank attitude!

But from the perspective of General Raiden, maybe she doesn't think Raiden Movie is a weakness. After all, how can there be a weakness stronger than her own?

So General Raiden really thinks he lied? Now I really have a grievance that I can’t express. Li Qiuzhi thought helplessly.

"You bastard, you dare to lie to the General!"

Neither Takayuki Kujo nor anyone else thought that a general who was a god would have any weaknesses. Even if there were any, would you, a country savage from nowhere, be able to see it?

He angrily ordered the soldiers around him: "This man dares to deceive the general, arrest him and put him in prison!"

"It's Lord Tianling Shixue!" the shogunate soldiers responded.

"Ah, what should I do? They are coming to take away the big radish!"

Little Paimon shook Ying's shoulders and said anxiously.

"How about we run?" Ying touched Li Qiuzhi's arm with her elbow and said.

"It's not necessary." Li Qiuzhi shook his head.

It's just that he was taken into prison and can be teleported away later. There is no need to conflict with the shogunate army now.

General Raiden is here after all.

Ying nodded, indicating that he understood.

"You don't seem to be afraid?" General Thunder asked, looking at Li Qiuzhi who looked calm and did not defend himself.

Of course I'm not afraid. I can leave anytime I want.

Generally speaking, it is normal for most people to panic when they hear that they are going to be arrested.

But Li Qiuzhi didn't want to show off his acting skills in front of a god who was much stronger than him. It would be too embarrassing. If he was seen through, it would arouse the general's disgust.

It's better to be calm.

Li Qiuzhi said bluntly:

"General, I did not lie, and I did see a weakness in you. I consciously did not deceive the general, so I have nothing to feel guilty about!"

"Oh? He does have some backbone." General Thunderbolt praised with some surprise.

But no matter how courageous he is, he will not be afraid of her, which makes General Thunder find him even more suspicious.

Doubtful means uncertain, uncertain means variable, and variable is the eternal enemy!

"Take my knife and I will forgive you."

The snow-white skin on General Raiden's chest flashed with lightning, and the handle of the famous sword "Dream Isshin" slowly rose. She held the handle with her backhand and pulled it out.

Thunders from the sky and the earth came down with the power of heaven. The soldiers of the shogunate army stopped in fear of the power of the thunder, and the residents of Daozhi near Li Qiuzhi dispersed in droves.

Are you kidding? This is a Wuxiang knife. If it is struck down before it leaves, not only will the young man not turn into ashes, they will also turn into ashes.

"Hey! What kind of forgiveness is this when receiving a sword from the gods? It's clear that I want to kill you!"

Little Paimon said to Li Qiuzhi worriedly.

"General, why are you so unreasonable? We are going to be cut down. I haven't developed the fireworks shop yet!" Xiao Gong said in horror.

Li Qiuzhi sighed slightly, looked at Ying and said, "Take everyone away first. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Raiden pulled out his saber, and it seemed that he had to take it even if he didn't.

This is Inazuma Castle, even if it is "Wu Xiang's sword", she will not be able to use the power to kill the devil.

Of course, General Thunder and Lightning is highly skilled in martial arts, and it is not impossible to condense all the power of destroying demons into a mediocre sword.

So you can't ask them to leave first. If you feel something is wrong, you have to leave immediately.


Ying knew Li Qiuzhi thoroughly and understood that their presence here would affect him.

Especially Xiao Palace does not have the ability to "travel between the stars", so it is impossible to run fast here.

When Ying and the others left and walked to the side of the street, General Thunder did not stop her. After all, the only person she wanted to chop was herself.

Li Qiuzhi took a deep breath, and his body glowed with golden light. This was the "Sword God of Ying".

However, he did not summon "her" completely, but simply attached it to himself in the form of sword intent.

This operation is actually equivalent to putting the "Sword God of Ying" as a shell on yourself, so that your defense ability can be improved to another level.

"Are you ready?"

General Thunder and Lightning felt Li Qiuzhi's pure sword intent, which was as sharp as if it could cut through anything, and his lavender eyes were also sharper.

This person actually has such martial arts skills, and the entire Dao Wife is just below me. He is indeed a variable!

The sky turned black the moment General Thunder and Lightning drew the sword from his chest, with thousands of thunders jumping in it.

Suddenly the thunder in the sky converged on the sword held by General Thunder and Lightning, and the world in all directions was silent at this moment. At this moment, her long purple hair tied into braids moved without any wind.

The next moment, Li Qiuzhi, who felt heart palpitations, summoned the Rose Witch's hourglass without hesitation, locked the space around him and activated Time Stop.

The energy stored in Li Qiuzhi's "charging body" surged, and two-thirds of the energy disappeared in an instant, and his forehead was already pressed against the tip of the knife.

The blade that cut through the space was less than a centimeter away from hitting his forehead. Looking at the blade at close range, Li Qiuzhi seemed to see a quiet and dark space.

There was a man who looked exactly like the general, half-sitting in the void.

This scene flashed by and disappeared before Li Qiuzhi could take a closer look. However, Li Qiuzhi knew that there should be the "One Heart Pure Land" and the Lei movie who lived there.

Maybe she was a little curious about the target of the general's "Wuxian Sword", so she took a glance at it.

The specific reason is not yet known, and Li Qiuzhi has no time to think about it.

The crisis has not been resolved at this time, and one second flies by.

Li Qiuzhi had to find a way to weaken the power of this sword as soon as possible, otherwise it would be impossible to block it.

Of course, you can get out of the way now, but I'm afraid that General Thunder will not approve of this opportunistic method. If you can take it head-on, you still have to give it a try.

After all, she has to convince the general!

One second passed, and Li Qiuzhi had to wait for another second. This second of time did not include the space around him, and was only applied to the general's Wuxiang sword.

But even so, the stored energy of the "charging body" is completely exhausted, and most of the various energies in his body, such as elemental power, harmonious energy, physical strength, etc., are also consumed.

Li Qiuzhi didn't have time to think too much, he made an action that stunned everyone.

Li Qiuzhi directly held the blade of "Dream Yishin" that slashed Wu Xiang's sword with his hand. In an instant, the lightning energy contained in it that could cut even space filled his "charging body".

Then the "charging body" replenished the energy consumed by his body.

Then the "charging body" was instantly filled again, and Li Qiuzhi quickly let the witch's hourglass drop another grain of sand, and continued to remain still for "Wuxian's Knife" for one second.

Energy is consumed, stay still for one second, Energy is consumed, stay still for one second

After repeating this cycle for more than sixty times, Li Qiuzhi finally realized that the power of this "Wu Xiang Knife" had dropped to the level that his body could bear.

The one second of time stopped and he continued without consuming any more energy.

The tip of "Dream Yixin" could finally continue to stab forward, but compared to the speed that even Li Qiuzhi had no time to notice at the beginning, it seemed like it was acting coquettishly.

He gently touched Li Qiuzhi's forehead, leaving only a white mark and sliding off without breaking the skin.

General Thunder and Lightning casually pulled out the "Dream Isshin" from the space crack. He stared at the blade in silence. If it weren't for the fact that there was only one knife hidden in her chest, she would have thought she had pulled it out by mistake.

That was the power of time just now

The surrounding people and the shogunate army did not understand the secret, but they saw that Li Qiuzhi caught "Wu Xiang's knife" with his bare hands and kept it motionless in mid-air for a full minute!

No one would believe this kind of thing if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, and even if they had seen it with their own eyes, they still wouldn't believe it.

"This, this, how is this possible? How could the 'Wu Xiang's Knife' be caught with empty hands!"

Behind the wooden platform, Tian Ling, who follows the Nine Principles of Filial Piety, shouted in disbelief.

His belief in "Wu Xiang's Knife" is blind. No one worships "Wu Xiang's Knife" more than him. At this time, he saw "Wu Xiang's Knife" being caught with his bare hands.

He felt like his faith was shattered.

Not only Kujo Takayuki didn't believe it, but Kujo Sora who came with General Raiden didn't believe it either!

The "Wu Xiang Sword" of the General she admired the most was actually taken over by a seemingly ordinary adventurer. How could this be possible!

She usually didn't like the head of the Kujo family, Kujo Shixue, but now they were on the same side. She shouted angrily at Li Qiuzhi:

"No one can take the blow from the General. You must have used a trick to deceive others!"

Kujo Sora's words were recognized by most of the shogunate soldiers and Inazuma residents.

Everyone knows that "Wu Xiang's Knife" is an unstoppable knife that can easily cut through even the terrifying Demon God!

Rather than believing that Li Qiuzhi took "Wu Xiang's knife", they were more convinced that he had used a blind trick.

Unless the General himself admits it.

"Yes, that's right. This foreign adventurer must have used a trick to blind him. General, please kill him again!"

"General, please cut me one more time!"

Neither the ordinary Inazuma residents nearby nor the shogunate army were convinced by this result.

"Hey, why are you doing this? He obviously took the knife head-on!"

Paimon put his hands on his hips and looked angrily at the surrounding residents.

"I can guarantee that this is definitely not a cover-up!" Ying Ye responded angrily to everyone's doubts.

These rice wives obviously don't understand anything, but they still say this. Are they so blindly worshiping General Thunder and Lightning?

"Although I also find it a bit unbelievable to accept "Wu Xiang's Knife", I feel that Li Qiuzhi is an honest person and he will not deceive everyone."

Xiaogong relied on his own feelings and said seriously.

At the same time, regarding the scene where Li Qiuzhi took "Wu Xiang's sword" just now, Xiao Gong thought he was very handsome, so he had a slight affection:

[Xiaogong has a good impression of you and gains 330 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (480/500)]

Li Qiuzhi saw the favorable opinion prompt that popped up on the character panel, and smiled on his face. He didn't care about everyone's doubts, and he understood it at the same time.

After all, taking "Wu Xiang's sword" with bare hands is too shocking.

It is abnormal to have no doubts, but in the end whether it is true or not can only be determined by the general's intervention.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi did not argue. He asked the purple-haired woman on the opposite side of the platform who showed endless majesty like the power of heaven:

"General, am I qualified enough to take this sword?"

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's inquiry, everyone became quiet. They also wanted to see the general's attitude.

General Raiden took "Dream Isshin" back into his body.

Naturally, she would not go back on what she had said, so she looked at Li Qiuzhi calmly and said:

"Yes, I forgive you."

After saying that, General Thunder turned around and walked back with her well-proportioned legs wrapped in dark purple stockings. She stopped next to Thomas and looked back at Li Qiuzhi:

"In three days, come to the castle to find me."

Her pupils were as pale as a purple lake of tranquility, and there was a sense of refusal in her words.

Then he ignored Toma, the protagonist of the "Eye Hunting Ceremony", and left the Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes Statue Square to return to the castle tower without explaining why.

"Sir General" Kujo Sora followed General Raiden with a look of haste.

The remaining people looked at each other in confusion, sorting out the information they had obtained.

The general praised Li Qiuzhi for taking the sword well and also forgave him. In other words, the general admitted that the young adventurer had indeed taken "Wu Xiang's sword"!

This, this, this is incredible! ! !

As you can imagine, the news that "a young adventurer from a foreign land took the 'Wu Xiang's Sword' empty-handed" will cause an unusual sensation in Inazuma!

"How can it be"

Kujo Takayuki seemed to have lost his soul. The "Musuang Sword" he believed in was actually taken, which was a big blow to him.

For a moment, I even forgot about the "Eye Hunting Ceremony" that was being held.

Ying, Paimeng, and Xiaogong quickly approached Li Qiuzhi and asked, "What's going on now? General Thunder and Lightning is gone. Can this ceremony still be held?"

"Uh, I don't know either. Let's take the opportunity to take Thomas away first!"

Although Li Qiuzhi didn't know what was going on, since General Thunder and Lightning had left, he obviously didn't care about Toma anymore. Isn't now the opportunity to take Toma away!

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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