Li Qiuzhi secretly used his mental power to untie the rope that tied Thomas.

Tuoma, who was kneeling on the ground, noticed the loosening of the rope and immediately knew what was going on.

When the shogunate army was not paying attention, he suddenly jumped up and disappeared into the crowd.

"What?! The prisoner escaped, chase him quickly!"

At this time, the shogunate army finally reacted to what happened just now.

But they couldn't run as fast as Toma. As soon as they chased him, they couldn't find Toma's figure. They didn't know which direction to pursue, so they had to give up in the end.

As for going to the club to find someone, unless Tian Ling Fenxing comes forward in person.

Otherwise, they alone would not be able to take people away, but as one of the three major communities, even the Tianling community would not offend them for a mere servant.

The "Eye Hunting Ceremony" ended in a hurry, and the shogunate troops and the citizens who came to watch the ceremony began to disperse.

Li Qiuzhi and the others also left with everyone.

Walking on the streets of Daozuma City, Xiaogong looked at Li Qiuzhi with shining eyes:

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, to be able to take the General's 'Wu Xiang's Knife'!"

"Haha, I just used some special skills. I can't do it head-on."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

This is indeed the case. If it were not for the cooperation of "Rose Witch's Hourglass of Time" and "Charging Body", he would not be able to take it even if he had "Elemental Saving Throw" that could reduce most of the elemental damage he received.

After all, General Thunderbolt is at level 120, and he is only at level 90. In theory, his "elemental immunity" will have a 30% attenuation effect on the general.

In other words, he can only save 60% of the damage from "Wu Xiang's Sword".

If there is a head-on collision, the remaining part will turn into gray or gray.

The main reason why he dared to try to take this "Wu Xiang's Knife" was that his ability to manipulate time and the "interstellar travel" that he could teleport away at any time gave him greater confidence.

The former can stop the entire universe as long as there is enough energy, and the latter can ignore everything and teleport to the person who has the "beacon".

So since he was sure, he didn't want to run away and be wanted by General Thunder.

Moreover, his newly acquired racial specialty "Spiritual Energy" also requires him to accomplish some commendable deeds in order to continue to collect "Spirituality".

Not surprisingly, the news about him receiving "Wu Xiang's Knife" spread.

"Lingge" can collect the sources of "spiritual" deeds. In addition to participating in defeating the Wind Demon Dragon in Mondstadt and participating in defeating the ancient demon god Osel in Liyue, it will also take over the "Wu Xiang's Sword".

However, this story has not spread yet, and the speed at which "Lingge" collects "spirituality" has not changed for the time being.

At the current rate, it will probably be full by nightfall. You can use it to give yourself or others special terms.

To sum up, this is the reason why he would take the risk of taking "Wu Xiang's Knife".

What was a little surprising was that General Thunderbolt's sword was so fast that he almost didn't react.

Of course, he had thought of this beforehand, so he put the "Sword God of Ying" on his body as a shell in advance. It was not a piece of paper that could be broken by a poke.

It should be enough to buy him some reaction time, not to mention that he has already entered the immortal level.

Although he said that, he didn't dare to let Li Qiuzhi take another blow. After all, the general now knew that he could control time to stop her sword.

Next time, the general may find a way to deal with it.

"Okay, Xiao Gong, please don't praise this guy. No matter how powerful he is, he is only good at fighting.

"But when it comes to eating, this guy is much worse than I am. When it comes to fireworks, this guy is definitely not one ten thousandth as good as you!"

Little Paimon, who was floating next to Ying, patted his chest and said dissatisfiedly.

"They are all from different professional fields. What's there to compare?" Li Qiuzhi glanced at little Paimeng speechlessly.

By the way, if I open my mouth to eat, how can a little guy like you compare with me?

"Damn it, what's that look in your eyes! Isn't what I said the truth!"

Pamon said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"Haha!" Xiao Gong looked at the two and couldn't help but smile.

Ying, who was quieter next to her, looked helplessly at the two people who were arguing for no reason, especially Li Qiuzhi, are you a child too? You are not mature at all!

But she glanced at Li Qiuzhi lightly and said, wow, everything is fine. She was worried just now.

Based on her understanding of Li Qiuzhi, the reason why this fool took that stabbing blow must have been because he wanted to show off in front of girls, which was really worrying.

Next time, I will expose his serious appearance but secretly romantic nature in front of girls.

Let’s see if you can still fool other girls, hum!

While walking on the street, Li Qiuzhi, who was pretending to be modest and chatting with Xiao Gong about his journey of taking the Wuxiang sword, suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. He looked around. Could it be that he was being noticed by General Thunder and Lightning?

"General Raiden wants you to go to the castle to find her in a few days. Do you really want to go?"

Looking at Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong chatting happily, she felt a little bit disgusted. She twisted his waist with a calm expression, then took his hand and asked casually.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ying slightly, chuckled lightly, clasped her soft hand and said:

"Don't worry, General Leiden will not say he forgives me before, and then call him over to do something dirty a few days later. Otherwise, this would be too damaging to the general's image."

"That's right, let's go together then." Ying nodded lightly, "Just in time to help Xinhai and the others mention the 'Eye Hunting Order'."


Li Qiuzhi said there was no problem.

In addition, one of their purposes for coming to Inazuma was to meet with General Raiden, but it was no longer about asking the god who captured Ying's brother.

After all, it is basically known that the god is not one of the seven known gods, but the existence of the maintainer of heavenly principles.

This visit to the Seven Gods is more about learning and growing, accumulating more experiences on the way to the Seven Kingdoms, learning about the secrets of the time from the Seven Gods, etc.

What's more important is to make yourself stronger!

"You two have such a good relationship. What does it feel like to be in love? Is it the same as when you see fireworks blooming?"

Xiao Gong saw that the two of them were very close to each other and naturally knew that they were lovers, so he asked curiously at this time.

This question stopped her. It was natural for her and Li Qiuzhi to fall in love. During their long relationship, they gradually discovered that they had each other in their hearts.

It feels a little hard to describe

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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