I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 424 Yula’s Dissatisfaction (2-in-1)

It had only been less than half an hour since she had gone to make lunch. Why were these two hugging each other?

Damn it, it must be Li Qiuzhi who brought Amber to this corner and forced her!

Youla bit her lip, her expression showing dissatisfaction.

She swayed her legs, which were tightly attached to black stockings under her maid-style skirt back and forth, and walked towards the two of them.

Prepare to rescue your friends and teach the bully Li Qiuzhi a lesson at the same time!

"Hey, Yula, wait!"

Seeing Youla walking over quickly, Amber wanted to remind her that the gravity here was a little different, but it was too late.

With Yura's physical condition, there would be no problem if she suddenly withstood twice the gravity, but the black high heels she was wearing couldn't bear it.

Without getting used to it slowly, the slender black heel, which was originally a good performer, suddenly broke with a "snap" when Yura walked into the "Gravity Training Field".

Yura was also startled by the sudden gravity on her body. Coupled with the broken heel of her shoe, she suddenly lost her balance and staggered, falling forward unsteadily.


She also exclaimed, instinctively trying to stand firm, but she just managed to stagger a few more steps and walked to Li Qiuzhi and Amber, and then she had to fall down anyway.

Bang, the heavy body directly pressed on Amber and Li Qiuzhi.

"...Wow, wow, Youla, you are so heavy!" Amber, who was caught in the middle, felt like she was about to be crushed.

"Ah, Amber, are you okay?"

Youra quickly stood up and lowered her head to check Amber's condition.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she found that there was no problem, and then turned her attention to the culprit of everything!

Seeing Youla's lips slightly open, as if she was going to scold him the next second, Li Qiuzhi quickly shouted:

"Hey, it hurts so much. I feel like my chest is about to break. Yula, hurry up and pull us up. Please!"

Youla looked at Li Qiuzhi who was pretending and glared at him angrily:

"You are the worst person!"

After saying that, he said "hum", picked up Amber and left, ignoring the "master" who was still lying on the ground.

Li Qiuzhi watched the two people leaving, returned the gravity of the training ground to normal, and sat up helplessly.

I accidentally offended Youra. Could it be that she was jealous because she was too close to Amber?

...Well, it's not impossible. You must know that Yula also has deep feelings for Amber.

He had to find a way to coax her... He touched his chin and fell into thought.

After a few seconds, Li Qiuzhi stood up and walked towards the hall. It seemed that he needed to be a little more cheeky.

Wonderland Space Hall.

Youla was sulking while eating. Amber sat next to her without moving her chopsticks, as if she was waiting for Li Qiuzhi to come over and eat together.

Mona, who came down from the research area, looked at Yura like this. She was experienced and immediately understood what was going on:

"Aren't you playing some maid game? What's wrong? Is that guy Li Qiuzhi bullying you?"

"Hmph, don't mention that bad guy!"

Yura raised her fair chin, swallowed the rice in her mouth and spoke proudly.

He actually bullied Amber while he was away, and even let his shoes break. No matter what, he would not simply forgive him!

"Haha, it's not what you think, Yola..." Amber didn't know how to explain.

Although this guy Li Qiuzhi hugged her on purpose, she didn't hate it.

There is no need to make Yura unhappy because of this.

"Amber, you don't have to explain for him, that guy is like this, he will take advantage of everyone when he is free!"

Mona, who was wearing twin ponytails, put down the bowl, spread her hands and said.

After hearing her words, Li Qiuzhi, who had just walked over, had black lines on his head. It seemed that he had not bullied Mona for two days, which made her become arrogant.

The problem won't be solved without rubbing her!

Li Qiuzhi walked quickly behind Mona, and before she could react, he grabbed her cheeks with both hands and rubbed them up and down!

"Ugh! Damn it, you pissed me off, let go!"

Mona grabbed Li Qiuzhi's wrists and tried to push them away, but it was of no use. She could only look pitifully at Youla and Amber for help.


Amber couldn't help laughing when she looked at Mona, but she quickly restrained herself, pulled out her chair and stood up.

She grabbed Li Qiuzhi's fingers and tried to help open them and said at the same time:

"Okay, what Mona said is true. That's the kind of person you are, why do you want to bully her!"

"Humph, since Amber is nosy, let me punish you by the way. Today I will let you understand the dangers of the human heart!"

Li Qiuzhi chuckled and suddenly let go of Mona and pinched Amber's cheeks, rubbing them.

"Oh damn it!"

Amber didn't expect that she would also suffer. The honorary knight was so annoying!

"Knight of Honor"

Seeing Li Qiuzhi bullying Amber again, Youla raised her brows handsomely. She straightened her knees and pushed her chair back with her soft calves to stand up.

"Hmph, it seems that now I have to avenge all the vengeance I remembered before!"

She crossed her arms, shook off the uncomfortable high heels without heels from her feet, and walked to Li Qiuzhi with a gloomy face.

"Uuyura, save me." Amber felt her cheeks were so hot that she could fry an egg.

"Ahem, you obviously agreed to be my maid for a few days, but now you're doing me a favor. This is your punishment!"

Li Qiuzhi blocked An Bai in front of Youla and found a legitimate reason for himself.

"Very well, punishment, right?"

Youla couldn't care less about Amber being in front of her, so she took two steps forward and sandwiched her between them. With an unexpected move, she successfully pinched Li Qiuzhi's cheek.

Oops! Li Qiuzhi secretly thought something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next second, Youla used the same "rubbing, pulling and kneading" technique on him!

"Ugh, I can't breathe."

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuzhi immediately released his hands holding An Bai's cheeks, let her go, and then put his hands tightly around Youla's waist.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

A trace of blush appeared on Youla's fair face, and the movements of her hands paused slightly.

She was a little shy when a boy hugged her.

Even though they hugged each other, Li Qiuzhi simply refused to do anything.

His right hand slid along Yula's back to support her plump buttocks, and he immediately picked her up and walked to the sofa.

In order to give her legs something to rest on, Youla also instinctively clamped the sides of Li Qiuzhi's legs apart, causing the long hem of the maid's dress to slide up.

Quickly sliding over the shapely calves and soft knees, it finally reveals the thighs and buttocks that are also tightly attached to the semi-transparent black stockings.

At this time, Youla's face was flushed. She didn't care to continue to knead Li Qiuzhi's cheeks. Instead, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it down, and said in embarrassment:

"Shameless, ungrateful fellow, let me go quickly!"

Li Qiuzhi ignored Youla's struggle and resistance, put her directly on the sofa and pressed her head-on, saying:

"Weren't you sulking at me just now? Only if you promise to forgive me and continue to be a maid will I let you go."

"Don't even think about threatening me, I won't let you get what you want!"

Youla looked embarrassed and pressed Li Qiuzhi's shoulders to try to push him away. Her feet covered in semi-transparent black stockings also hit his calves with their ankles.

Li Qiuzhi felt the strong blow to his calf and didn't care about it. He leaned down and put his arms under Youla's armpits, hugging her tightly.

He put his mouth next to her ear, which was vaguely covered by ice-blue hair, and said softly:

"If you don't agree, let's keep hugging each other and never separate!"

"Stupid, stupid, never separate anything, don't say such strange things!"

Youra's right cheek was pressed against Li Qiuzhi's, and perhaps the transfer of temperature made her face turn redder.

His speech was a little awkward, and he completely lost the demeanor of a guerrilla leader.

At the same time, hearing Li Qiuzhi's words also made her heartbeat speed up a lot, but because of the distance, a shameless person couldn't feel it.

[Yura has a good impression of you and gained 330 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (560/800)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompts that popped up on the character panel and found that this somewhat rogue method was quite useful for an arrogant person like Youla.

Now that he has basically said it clearly, and the two people's movements are so intimate, Yula will naturally think about the relationship between men and women.

It was obvious that Li Qiuzhi, a playboy, wanted to be his lover.

Youla has a high degree of favorability towards him. Basically, she will not reject Li Qiuzhi, but she is definitely not ready mentally.

So just like Amber, she was a little confused and needed to calm down slowly.

For someone as arrogant and tough-tongued as Youla, even if she liked Li Qiuzhi, she would definitely not take the initiative to say so, so Li Qiuzhi had to create more opportunities.

For example, now he has been holding Yula in his arms. After a long time, when she gets used to it, it will be natural. Needless to say, she will become his lover.

Li Qiuzhi is quite experienced in this.

However, this method can only be used on people with a very high favorable impression, just a last resort, otherwise there is a risk of being disliked.

"Anyway, that's what I've decided. If you don't agree, I'll keep hugging you."

When Li Qiuzhi said this again, he touched Youla's ear with his lips.

"Yeah!" Yola exclaimed in embarrassment. It was absolutely impossible for her to take the initiative to surrender. She turned her face and looked at Amber and Mona outside, "Hey, you two are looking at me like this. Are you being bullied? Come and help me move him away!"

"Well, in my opinion, your fates have long overlapped. There is no point in resisting. Otherwise, you should just follow this guy Li Qiuzhi, so as not to delay your meal."

Mona herself is like this. As long as she has a good impression of Li Qiuzhi, the final result will not change anyway.

Then there is no need to resist. You can still be taken care of by following him. It is supported by research funds, which is not bad.

"Hmph, I won't let this guy do anything!"

Yora expressed her distaste for Mona's display.

"All right."

Mona was helpless. Since Yula had a stubborn personality, she had no choice but to step forward to help her.

As for how to help, it was just to find ways to harass Li Qiuzhi and make him take the initiative to let go of Youla.

Mona thought for a while and said to Amber who was also helpless next to her:

"I know Li Qiuzhi's weakness, that is, he is ticklish! Later, if you scratch his left armpit and I scratch the right, he will definitely not be able to bear it!"

She discovered this weakness when she was sleeping with Li Qiuzhi, when she accidentally touched his armpit.

Then Li Qiuzhi shrank instinctively, which was obviously a ticklish reaction.

"Oh, I see. I thought this guy was fearless!"

Amber's eyes brightened slightly, now she had to avenge her friend who had been bullied.

Li Qiuzhi heard their conversation and swallowed subconsciously. He was indeed a little ticklish.

This is a psychological feeling that exists from childhood to adulthood. It has nothing to do with whether the body is strong or not. It can only be resisted with tenacity of willpower!

"Damn it, come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

Li Qiuzhi decided not to let go of Youla no matter what.

Next, Li Qiuzhi endured the tickling sensation caused by Mona and Amber's double tickling attack, and his expression was a little distorted.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi's unbearable pain, Youla finally raised her lips happily:

"Yes, that's it, scratch this bastard so hard that he dares to bully us!"

"Well! You stupid honorary knight, surrender quickly, or we will keep scratching you!" Amber said excitedly.

"I won't give in!"

Li Qiuzhi said something, and then tried to find something to distract himself and relieve the itching feeling.

He quickly thought of a solution.

As the level increases, warm heat flow will nourish and strengthen cells in the body, which feels very comfortable.

Although he currently does not have enough experience points to upgrade his level, there will be a rush if he invests experience points into it.

It’s just a lot less, but it’s enough to resist the itching feeling!

Experience point-1

Experience point-1

Experience point-1

After a while, noon passed and afternoon came.

Mona and Amber scratched for a long time, both of them were exhausted, and they still hadn't finished Li Qiuzhi.

They had no choice but to stop and say:

"Sorry Yora, it's been almost an hour and our hands are sore. There's nothing we can do for now. Let's finish our meal first and then deal with him!"

"Huh, if you want to deal with me, you're still far away!"

Li Qiuzhi said to them with a relaxed expression.

"Damn it, don't be too arrogant!" Youla stretched out her hand to grab Li Qiuzhi's cheek and said dissatisfiedly.

"Huh, your tickling method really works. If it weren't for my strong willpower, I might actually give in to you.

"But I've endured this for so long, now it's time for me to come back with my revenge!"

Li Qiuzhi said after taking a breath.

"Come back with revenge? Do you think I will be as ticklish as you, an idiot?" Youla raised her fair chin and glanced at Li Qiuzhi arrogantly.

"In that case, how about this?"

Li Qiuzhi gently leaned down, looked into Youla's eyes, and pressed his mouth directly onto her soft lips with lightning speed.

The girl with ice-blue shoulder-length hair lying on the sofa suddenly widened her beautiful eyes.

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