I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 425 The arrival of the general (two in one)

Feeling the unfamiliar touch of moist and soft lips, Yura felt her heart stop beating.

My mind went blank, leaving only one thought:

I was kissed, I was kissed by this guy Li Qiuzhi!

At this moment.

She didn't know how to react at all, she even forgot to resist for a moment, her eyes were distracted.


Amber watched Li Qiuzhi kiss Youla, covering his face shyly, and then looked through the fingers with some curiosity.

"Hmph ~ this guy!"

Mona put her hands on her hips with a look of dissatisfaction and disdain on her fair face.

You just know how to take advantage of others!

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly, and while Youla was distracted, he was ready to take further action.

Yura felt strange.

When I came back to my senses, it was already too late when I wanted to close my mouth tightly.


She was so anxious that tears seemed to overflow as she stared at Li Qiuzhi.

She pressed his cheeks hard with both hands, trying to push this shameless bastard away!

Li Qiuzhi will not be pushed away so easily. If he doesn't convince the arrogant Youla at this time, it won't be so easy next time!

Naturally, Youla would not let him succeed so easily.

After the initial reaction of embarrassment, blank mind and other instinctive reactions, she calmed down after being kissed.

Even though I still feel a little shy, my heartbeat is also very fast, and I feel that my body temperature has increased as a result.

Hum and kissing, that's all, it's not a big deal!

Yula just wanted to open her mouth wide and take a breath.

Because after kissing for a long time, I felt a little tight in my chest and had difficulty breathing. My nose was not enough and I had to use my mouth.

Li Qiuzhi discovered Youla's intention, so he kissed her deeper and tighter, but did not give her this chance.

You have to be soft.

"Ugh, you bastard!" Youla said vaguely and angrily.

But how could she give in so easily? It was too undignified to support Li Qiu until death.

At the same time, he continued to twist his body and tried to bite him to resist.

Li Qiuzhi was already experienced in this, so he used a plan to bite Youla before she bit her, and then continued to hold her back tightly.

No matter how much she twisted, kicked or kicked her legs, it didn't matter.

As time went by, Youla felt more and more uncomfortable, with chest tightness and shortness of breath, and she kept patting his back with her hands.

But the damn honorary knight just won’t let go of himself!

"Hiccup~" Mona burped after eating, rubbed her belly, and glanced at Li Qiuzhi and Youla on the sofa:

"Can they kiss for food? They still maintain this posture after such a long time."

She was speechless.

"Haha, I don't know either." Amber hadn't kissed yet, and she became even more curious after hearing Mona's words.

If it were herself, she would not have been curious about kissing, and would not even think about it out of shyness.

But now his good friend Youla has been kissing Li Qiuzhi for so long in front of him.

It made her lose her mysterious imagination about kissing.

What would it be like if she kissed Li Qiuzhi? Amber couldn't help but think about it, and then her fair cheeks turned red.

Stupid, stupid, why should I think like this!

Here Youla slapped Li Qiuzhi twice more, but she finally reached her limit.

"Asshole, I promise you, let me go quickly!" Youla said to Li Qiuzhi in her heart with a tone full of humiliation.

"This is right!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled when he heard this, and lifted his mouth from Youla's lips with a "pop" sound.


Youla pushed Li Qiuzhi away hard, gasped for a while, then kicked his abdomen with her right foot covered in black stockings, folded her arms and turned her face away, not wanting to pay attention to him.

"I'm sorry, Youla, don't be angry!" Li Qiuzhi shamelessly came to her side, held her hand and pressed it against her fair cheek.

"Go away!" Yula said angrily.

Damn that guy, his mouth was numb from kisses, and he didn’t know if it was swollen. How would he see anyone if it was really swollen?

Huh, damn it, I’ve recorded this grudge!

Amber saw that Li Qiuzhi and Youla were still so close to each other. She had obviously agreed to be his lover, but now she felt as if she had been left out.

She lowered her brows and felt a little disappointed.

Li Qiuzhi noticed the change in Amber's mood. Well... this is normal. After all, he did not take care of Youla for the time being because he was trying to appease her.

So he got up from the sofa, temporarily left Yura, walked to Amber, sat down next to her and said:

"I'm sorry, Amber. It's all because Youla was so arrogant that I didn't take care of you. Come on, make up for it now!"

As he spoke, he made as if he wanted to kiss her on the mouth.

"Ah, that's not what it looks like!" A blush appeared on the fair skin on Amber's face.

She stretched out her hands to hold Li Qiuzhi's face, trying to stop him from approaching.

Li Qiuzhi originally thought that since Amber was not ready, he would stop, but suddenly he realized that the two palms pressing on his face were just enough to touch his face, and in fact there was no force at all.

Now Li Qiuzhi understood that An Bai was actually a little curious about the kiss after seeing Youra kissing him for so long.

At this time, he was in a state of hesitation. While watching Yura kiss him, he wanted to try it, but he was a little shy about it.

The best way to do this is to help Amber make the decision, so that she doesn't have to worry about it. Li Qiuzhi thought this.

Then she slowly approached Amber's lips with her hands. Sure enough, her hands were just touching her cheeks during the whole process, and she exerted no force at all.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi touched Amber's soft lips easily.


Before he even moved, Amber began to cooperate clumsily, which made Mona sigh a little, because that guy succeeded so easily.

When she was kissed, she resisted for a while.

Well, in short, it's better than Amber's active cooperation. Inexplicably, Mona felt a little sense of accomplishment over such a trivial matter.


When Youla saw Li Qiuzhi kissing her, she turned around and kissed Amber again, and said a little angrily.

Li Qiuzhi noticed that Youla seemed a little jealous, so he simply picked up Amber and walked to the sofa to sit down.

They hugged each other, kissed Amber and then moved on to Youla. In such a situation where the rain and dew were both wet, the jealousy that had just emerged between the two quickly disappeared.

He also truly accepted Li Qiuzhi and became their lover.

[Amber has a good impression of you and gained 630 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (750/900)]

[Yura has developed a good impression of you and gained 660 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (420/900)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompts that popped up on the character panel and found that both of them had a favorable impression of him at level nine.

It will be fully upgraded soon, and he doesn't know what kind of favor skills it will give him. He is a little bit looking forward to it!

Inazuma Castle, castle tower.

After Li Qiuzhi comforted Youla and Amber, it was time to go to the castle tower to cooperate with Lei's film research.

As always, it took a few minutes to come out of the "One Heart Pure Land". It seemed that Kage had gained something in his research on the power of time.

Therefore, my favorable impression of Li Qiuzhi has slightly improved:

[General Thunder and Lightning (Thunder Movie) has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (420/500)]

Every time Ying makes progress in researching the power of time, he will basically have a good impression of Li Qiuzhi.

Maybe if I come here a few more times, the favorability level will gradually reach full, maybe Li Qiuzhi thought excitedly.

Seeing the general and Ying training, he told the general about the "gravity training field" in his fairyland space.

And asked:

"General, do you think training in a hypergravity environment will improve the training effect?

"Want to give it a try?"

"Hey, is that the open space at the back? Ying and I often run there. Why do I feel like the gravity there is useless?"

Paimon spread his hands in confusion.

After all, she and Ying usually practiced swordplay there, and found that swinging the sword was no different from normal. The "gravity training ground" seemed to be of no use.

"I think this is because I'm afraid that if the gravity is increased, little Paimon will fall out of the air and turn into a tofu cake!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"Hey!" Paimon said angrily with his hands on his hips, "You are the tofu cake. Even if the gravity is increased, I can still fly, okay?"

"Oh? So confident, let's try it later. If you can fly under 1.5 times or 1.3 times the gravity, I will treat you to a feast for ten days!"

Li Qiuzhi didn't look down on little Paimon, because based on his usual observations of her, she would stumble even if she held a bag.

How could he suddenly become stronger!

"Humph, this is what you said, let me deal with your problem of looking down on others!"

When Paimon heard about the ten-day meal, his eyes seemed to glow with gold, obviously he was determined to win the ten-day meal.

Ying glanced at little Paimon helplessly, then turned to General Thunder and asked:

"how do you feel?"

"Well, since you all admire this very much, let's try it."

General Thunder nodded and said.

When Li Qiuzhi said that the "gravity training ground" could adjust gravity up to ten times, she became slightly interested.

"Okay, let's set off to Wonderland now!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled and opened the crack in the fairyland space. The general, Ying, and little Paimon walked in one after another. He finally followed and closed the space crack.

The place where several people appeared was the "Gravity Training Ground". The current gravity was normal and no one noticed anything unusual.

"It's as if you're in the boundless sea of ​​stars. This portable space of yours is not bad. Hmm, it's less boring than the 'inner' pure land of one mind."

General Thunder and Lightning observed the surroundings, and then praised Li Qiuzhi.

"Ahem, actually you will get bored if you watch too much." Li Qiuzhi chuckled, and then continued, "I'm going to turn on gravity, everyone, pay attention!"

After saying that, he also looked at Paimon, mainly reminding her in case she really fell.

"Hmph, I'm ready!"

Paimon waved his fist, showing that he was really confident.


Li Qiuzhi smiled and began to adjust the gravity at the same time, starting from one point to one point, one point to two times, one point to three times!

Soon Paimon could barely hold on, but after reaching one o'clock and three times, she had no strength to continue flying in the air.

She had no choice but to stand on the ground, but her legs were still shaking and she seemed like she would fall.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi first returned the gravity to normal, then looked at Paimon and smiled and said:

"How about you admit that you can't challenge triple gravity anymore?"

"Hmph, your 'ten-day meal' escaped disaster this time!" Paimon flew up again, and then wisely exited the "gravity training field".

So as not to affect Ying's learning.

When Paimon ran outside the training ground, Li Qiuzhi continued to adjust the gravity. This time he slowly raised it to ten times the gravity.

This is the upper limit, and that’s the end of it.

In an environment with ten times the gravity, General Thunder seemed to have no feeling, and Li Qiuzhi found that his movements were slightly sluggish.

But Ying is a little bit difficult.

After all, this change in gravity is blessed in each cell, rather than carrying an object ten times heavier than itself.

Therefore, even after so many days of training, Ying's level has been raised one level to level 82, and it is difficult not to be affected.

"Then, let's continue with our training."

General Thunder looked at Ying and said.

In this ten times gravity environment, she felt that Ying's sword practice speed would be much faster, and she would be able to master Kaden to a certain extent in basically two days.

Then you can learn "Wu Xiang's Knife".

Li Qiuzhi left after they started practicing. He came to the hall to find Youra and Amber to watch the general's teaching class.

Everyone is learning swordsmanship, so I think they will be able to gain a lot from here.

"You said that the dark purple-haired woman who is fighting Ying is the god of Inazuma Country, General Raiden. Is this true?"

Amber seemed a little unconvinced.

It was impossible for her not to be surprised that this guy Li Qiuzhi could even be related to the Lord God.

As for Yula, she carefully observed the general's swordsmanship. After all, she was also one of the top masters in the field of swordsmanship.

You can learn a lot from the swordsmanship performed by General Raiden.

"I also did a lot of great things with them in Daozuma, so it's normal for me to get to know the general."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Paimon next to him nodded, indicating that he was right, and then took the initiative to chat with Amber about the deeds of several people in Rice Wife.

Li Qiuzhi, who had nothing to do, thought for a while and opened the character panel to look at his accumulated experience points.

Previously, I gained millions of experience points in the Beast Realm, although it took more than 900,000 to upgrade my level.

But including what was left over from previous use, there is still about 360,000 in total.

It is more than enough to upgrade the newly acquired arcana-level swordsmanship to the full level, so that he has three full-level arcana-level swordsmanship.

It has reached the minimum quantity standard for fusion promotion. If you can fuse a skill that is stronger than the secret level, that would be very good!

Li Qiuzhi was slightly looking forward to it, and then he started investing experience points in the "Qian Ying Yun Lai Sword Technique" without any hesitation!

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