I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 445: Increased favorability (two-in-one)

Gray and black scales, numbness, loss of consciousness, and eventually the inability to control one's body and loss of the ability to move

These symptoms sound terrible, but they are actually caused by "Magic Scale Disease"!

Ying suddenly sympathized with Kelai.

"It doesn't matter. I'm used to it. Even Master Tinari can only use herbal medicine to help relieve the symptoms. I no longer have any hope of curing it."

Cole said with a sigh.

I can't say I feel disappointed. After all, I have been here for so many years, and I am very happy to be able to sit and eat with Amber!

"...Well, Kelai." Amber felt a little sorry for her friend.

Ying thought for a while, looked at Li Qiuzhi who was preparing food outside and asked:

"Is there anything you can do?"

She naturally knew that Li Qiuzhi had many strange abilities. Maybe he had some ability that could solve the "magic scale disease".

For example, with the ability to grant entries, if you are lucky enough to give Ke Lai an immune disease entry, it should be feasible.

Amber and Paimon also looked at him expectantly.

Li Qiuzhi heard Ying's question and felt everyone's eyes.

He felt that this was a perfect opportunity to help Kelai solve the "magic scale disease" and gain favor.

"Well...because I have never seen magic scale disease. If you ask me if there is a way, I can't answer that. You have to see what's going on to know."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and answered.

"Yes, doctors have to see the patient before they can treat the disease. We just heard about it.

"I haven't really seen what the devil scale disease looks like. Kelai, why don't you show that guy the devil scale disease on his body.

"This guy is very good at fighting. Even General Inazuma Raiden's attack can be easily received. I believe that even a mere demon scale patient can be knocked down by this guy's punch!"

Paimon nodded, and then recounted Li Qiuzhi's deeds to enhance Kelai's confidence.

"Hey! It's so powerful!"

Both Kelai and Naslin looked at Li Qiuzhi in surprise.

General Raiden is Inazuma's god, and he can even take her attacks. This is not something ordinary adventurers can do.

"Being good at fighting has nothing to do with whether you can cure a disease!"

Ying said helplessly.

"Yes, that's right, why don't you go to trouble?"

Kelai also understands that being good at fighting does not necessarily mean he is good at medicine.

If she could, she still didn't want her ugly parts suffering from "Devil Scales" to be seen by others.

"No, Li Qiuzhi's words will definitely do it!"

Amber stood up and took Kelai's hand. She and Ying suddenly thought of the ability of "Ling Ge" to give entries.

A few days ago, Li Qiuzhi gave her and Youla a special ability called entry. It was quite suitable for them and very helpful to their work.

These are hers:

[Lingge entry·Aerial reconnaissance master: This entry will only appear on intelligent creatures. Those with this entry can increase their air movement speed by 150%, gain master-level reconnaissance and skills, and elemental vision. 】

And Yura’s:

[Lingge Entry·Ice Body: This entry will only appear on intelligent creatures that master the ice element. Those who possess this entry will have their overall resistance increased by 200%, and can use 'ice' to cover their entire body, gaining unparalleled defense. 】

Since I can draw an entry that is useful to them, I should also be able to draw an entry that is also useful for Kelai's "Devil Scale Disease"!

So there is hope for Ke Lai's disease...

Amber thought this, then pulled Kelai towards Li Qiuzhi and told her what she thought.

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect Anbo to think of this method.

It's just that whether you can find the right entry depends entirely on luck. If you can't get it all the time, it will be a bit of a waste of "spirituality".

Especially since Ying is very likely to be able to master the power that causes "Devil Scale Disease" just like he mastered the power of the Dead Realm.

He thought about it but didn't refuse. It happened to be "spiritually" full at noon.

If Kelai is lucky, he might be able to obtain an entry that has an effect on "Devil Scale Disease".

"Okay, let's try it!"

Li Qiuzhi nodded and used the ability of the "Spiritual Ge" specialty to shine wisps of spiritual light on Ke Lai's body.

"This is"

Kelai suddenly felt a little cool in her body, and the feedback information told her that she had gained a special ability:

[Lingge Entry: Dependents of the Forest: This entry will only appear on intelligent creatures. Those who possess this entry will receive the blessing of the forest, and their control over the grass element will be greatly improved. By touching trees, they can heal injuries and restore elemental power. 】

Improving the control of grass elements in the forest can also heal injuries and restore consumed elemental power.

To be able to give yourself such a powerful ability, is this something an ordinary adventurer can do? !

Could it be that Mr. Li Qiuzhi is actually a god like the Little Lucky Grass King?

Cole's eyes widened in surprise.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, she had a lot of favorable impressions of Li Qiuzhi:

[Ke Lai has a good impression of you and gains 450 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (300/400)]

"How about Kelai, is the ability you gained useful for the 'Demon Scale Disease'?"

When Amber saw Kelai's look, she knew that she had successfully obtained the entry. She was equally surprised when she obtained the entry.

"Ah, I don't seem to feel anything."

After hearing his friend's inquiry, Kelai told the specific effect of the entry he obtained.

"Well, why is it the effect of healing injuries, why is it not curing diseases?"

Amber lowered her head in despair, her red bunny ears hanging down like real bunny ears.

"It doesn't matter, Amber. It's not that easy to cure 'Devil Scale Disease'. There are so many powerful scholars in Xumi who can't do anything about it."

Cole said comfortingly.

"After all, what terms you get are all random, and the chance of getting the right terms is really low."

Li Qiuzhi felt very satisfied when he saw the favorability prompt popping up on the character panel.

He smiled and continued:

"Ke Lai, you'd better show me the 'Devil Scale Disease'. Maybe I have other ways to solve it."


Perhaps because of his increased favorability, Kelai didn't seem to be so averse to revealing his "Devil Scale Disease".

After she said this, she hesitated for a moment, then raised her arms and gently lifted up her dark green long sleeves.

First, the white wrists were exposed, and then there were gray-black scales that seemed to exude an ominous aura.

Kelai seemed to feel everyone's gazes on his arms, so he moved his gaze to his feet in slight silence.

"Is this the 'Devil Scale Disease'?"

Li Qiuzhi grabbed Ke Lai's wrist and used his mental energy to penetrate into the gray and black scales to see what was going on.

Soon, he felt that his mental power began to be continuously eroded and consumed by some kind of power.

Generally speaking, if the disease is caused by ordinary bacteria or viruses, it should not have any impact on external mental power.

It was obvious that "Devil Scale Disease" was caused by some kind of external energy invasion, just as he thought.

This power is very similar to the power of the Dead Domain. If he inputs his mental power into it, it seems that he can temporarily suppress the power of the Demon Scale Disease.

But there is no way to clear it.

The main reason is that it is too closely connected with Kelai's body. Forcibly removing it is almost the same as attacking Kelai.

Sure enough, you still have to leave it to professionals.

Li Qiuzhi turned to look at Ying and said to her: "Ying, come here. This 'Demon Scale Disease' is a bit special. Maybe you can handle it."

"Oh?" Ying was a little confused: "If I can handle it, you should be able to handle it too, right?"

"The 'Devil Scale Disease' is not a disease caused by a virus, but an ominous energy, similar to the power of the dead domain. You may be able to purify it."

Li Qiuzhi explained simply.

"Power of the Dead"

Now I understand.

Li Qiuzhi wanted her to try whether she could master the power that caused the "magic scale disease". Then directly remove the power from Kelai.

Thinking of this, she also walked to Kelai and felt the situation of "Devil Scale Disease" carefully.

After hearing that Li Qiuzhi said that it was possible to cure the "demon scale disease", Paimon and Nasrin also came over.

It didn't take long.

Ying's test results came out, and the power that caused Kelai to suffer from "Devil Scale Disease" was indeed very similar to the power of the Dead Realm.

I should be able to use the pure power of the abyss to transform it like the power of the dead domain.

It's just that the power of the demon scale disease in Kelai's body is not like the power of the dead domain. It is everywhere in the dead domain, and there are also dead domain tumors that are very rich in the power of the dead domain.

It might take her several days to fully understand the characteristics of the power of the Demon Scale and successfully transform it.

Ying thought for a moment, nodded and looked at Kelai and said:

"I am indeed sure to cure your 'Devil Scale Disease', but I will have to spend a few days to understand the power that caused this disease."

Hearing Ying's words, Kelai raised his head in disbelief.

The disease that has tortured her for so many years, like a curse, can actually be cured!

She suspected that she heard wrongly and asked in disbelief:

"Really, is it true that 'Devil Scale Disease' can be cured?!"

"Hehe, if this guy says he's sure, then he's definitely 100% fine. Don't worry, Kelai!"

Paimon, who was floating next to Ying, immediately patted his chest to reassure Cole before she could reply.

"Great! Kelai, I've known Yingya for a long time. She won't lie to make you happy. If she says it's okay, then it will be okay!"

Amber raised her head and said excitedly.

Unexpectedly, the problem that Li Qiuzhi failed to solve would turn around for Ying again!

"Collet, Mr. Tinari has been studying your disease for a long time, but has never found a cure.

"Since these adventurers are so powerful, I feel like I might as well give them a try!"

Li Qiuzhi and others had a good impression on Naslin, although she felt that the "magic scale disease" that even Mr. Tinari was helpless about might not be cured so easily.

But she didn’t want Collet to miss this opportunity. If it really succeeded, then she, Mr. Tinari and the other rangers would be able to rest assured!

After all, they were all worried that such a lovely girl like Kelai would be unable to move and lie down, unable to even eat, and die young.

This is too cruel


Kelai wanted to say something, but as he spoke, he suddenly found something that seemed to want to overflow from his eyes.

She didn't want everyone to see her vulnerable side, so she closed her mouth and nodded heavily.

"Very good, let's eat first, then go to Huachengguo and talk about this matter with your Tinari master later."

Li Qiuzhi said with a slight smile.

After all, Ying said it would take several days, and he couldn't be in the wild. He started to realize the power of the magic scale disease now.

You have to have an environment where you can meditate, and you don’t have to rush it.

"Okay, thank you so much, everyone!"

Kelai bit his lip, trying not to let his tears fall.

[Ke Lai has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (200/500)]


Li Qiuzhi quickly continued to prepare lunch. After everyone finished eating, they rested for a while and then continued on their way.

During this period, Amber still had patrol duties in the afternoon, so she reluctantly said goodbye to Cole and returned to Mondstadt to perform her mission.

Plan to teleport over to find her after finishing work in the evening.

Kelai understood this very well. Since we could still meet each other anyway, it was natural that he would not disturb his friend's work any more.

After Amber said goodbye.

Li Qiuzhi and the others continued to move towards Huacheng City under the leadership of Naslin and Kelai.

Flying over hills and rivers along the way, being obstructed by monsters, they finally arrived at Huachengguo at dusk.

It is built next to the rain forest and along a huge horizontal tree. Various buildings are built with trees in a certain style.

It seems to be integrated with the green of the grass on the ground and the freshness and nature of the rainforest trees. It is not only beautiful but also very unique.

"Mr. Tinari is under the canopy of this giant tree. It's getting late now. Let's go and find a place to settle down."

Nasreen walked on the dirt road and looked ahead.

"Hehe, that's not necessary. We have our own space. We don't usually need to find another place to live when we go on adventures."

Pamon shook his head and said.

Naslin remembered that at noon, Li Qiuzhi casually opened a crack in space and took out tables, chairs, pots, ingredients, etc.

It seems that people can live in the space crack. She nodded and said in a somewhat envious tone:

"I see, it's really a convenient ability."

"Adventurers must have decent skills in both hands." Li Qiuzhi said with a chuckle.


Nasrin was speechless.

If every adventurer had what you call "passable kung fu", the monsters in Teyvat Continent would have been extinct long ago.

The treasure chests scattered in the secret realm of the earth would have been taken away long ago.

Not long after, several people quickly came to the residence of Kelai and her master Tinari, whom they had never met but had heard about many times.

But he was not seen in the house.

"Ke Lai, please entertain a few guests first, and I'll go find Mr. Tinari." Nasreen said to the green-haired girl.

Just when Kelai opened his mouth to agree, a voice came from outside:

"No need, I'm back."

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