I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 446 Tinari’s Commission

Walking in from the outside was a young man with conspicuous big ears on his head.

His hair is black, and he wears hooded clothes, colorful, and his style is strange but looks ordinary.

He looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said with a smile:

"You must be famous travelers. I have heard of your deeds a long time ago. I didn't expect to meet you today. Welcome to Xumi!"

"Hey, I didn't expect someone in Xumi would know us!" Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, looked excited.

"Hello, Mr. Tinari, I have just heard about you from Miss Nasreen and Kelai. You are a very powerful scholar, right?"

Li Qiuzhi also greeted with a smile.

"Please don't compliment me, I'm not that powerful."

Tinari shook his head and continued:

"It's getting late now. Do you have a place to stay? If not, I can arrange it."

"Miss Nasrin said she had asked about this just now, but we already have a place to stay, so there is no need to bother."

Li Qiuzhi smiled dumbly.

"Oh, that's it." Tinari touched his chin and nodded slightly, "Then are you here to find me?"

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi and the others did not need his help, he was a little confused.

"That's it, Mr. Tinari, let me explain."

Nasrin briefly explained what happened today.

Tinari was not surprised at all about Li Qiuzhi and the others clearing out the Death Zone.

After all, they are all very famous legendary adventurers on the continent of Teyvat.

However, he was a little surprised that they were able to cure "Demon Scale Disease".

Tinari was instinctively skeptical.

Over the years, many scholars in Xumi have conducted research on "Devil Scale Disease", but have made little progress.

Even he could barely use herbal medicine to relieve the symptoms of "Devil Scale Disease".

Suddenly hearing a foreigner say that he can cure "magic scale disease" makes people suspicious.

Even a few legendary adventurers sung by many bards.

Li Qiuzhi also noticed Tinari's doubts. After thinking about it, he decided to explain the situation in detail to avoid being misunderstood:

"We used our mental power to investigate and found that the magic scale disease is caused by an external energy source.

"That kind of energy is very similar to the power of the abyss, and we happen to know a lot about the power of the abyss, so we are confident to help Kelai treat the magic scale disease."


Tinari frowned. Although he could also release his mental power, he was not strong enough to detect any energy from the "Devil Scale Disease".

I didn't expect it to be related to the abyss.

"Yes, in fact, the power of the Dead Realm to plunder life is also closely related to the Abyss."

Li Qiuzhi continued.

He could feel the ominous power of the Dead Realm, but it was obviously different from the power of the abyss used by the Abyss Mage.

So when he was studying the Death Domain, he didn't think about it in that direction.

But even if he knew it was related to the power of the abyss, he still had no way to solve it for the time being, and even had to start the research and experiment all over again.

"Master, don't worry. They are friends of my friends and will not deceive me. I don't want to give up hope of curing the 'Devil Scale Disease'.

"Even if I don't succeed, it doesn't matter. I'm ready to fail!"

The hem of Ke Lai's light black skirt moved slightly, with a determined look on her face.

"Alas!" Tinari held his forehead and sighed, "Speaking of which, every country these travelers have visited has had a positive impact on the local area.

"Perhaps they can really bring hope to those suffering from 'Devil Scale Disease'."

He nodded and acknowledged Li Qiuzhi and the others.

After all, it was related to his apprentice, so Tinari had to be more vigilant, now that the matter was clear.

He also trusted several well-known travelers, so he did not choose to interfere in this matter.

"Mr. Tinari, have you done any research on grass seeds?"

Seeing that the previous matter had been explained clearly and there was no misunderstanding, Li Qiuzhi asked about drafting the seeds.

He really liked the grass seeds that exuded fresh green fluorescence.

Since Tinari is here, let me ask.

"Are you talking about the grass seeds in the Dead Zone that naturally suppress the tumors in the Dead Zone? I have studied them before with scholars who also study botany.

“The purpose is to try to see if we can cultivate them to get more grass seeds to clear dead areas.

"But it was eventually discovered that grass seeds may not be ordinary plants. After they are dug out of the ground, they will wither very quickly. Even if grass elements are continuously fed into them, it will have no effect."

Tinari didn't know what Li Qiuzhi was doing by asking about the grass seeds, but he still told what he knew.

"Okay, I'm still thinking about transplanting it to my portable space so that I can easily take it out and clean it when I encounter a dead zone in the future."

Li Qiuzhi said with regret.

In fact, his main purpose is to collect, but he can't say it for his own selfish desires.

If it is used to clean up the dead zone, it seems that the pattern is much larger.

"Many people also have the same idea as you. If it can really succeed, it will indeed greatly improve the efficiency of clearing the dead zone.

"But grass seeds are not ordinary plants. Although I study plants, I don't see any way to do it.

"Perhaps it is a gift given to the forest by Lord Little Lucky Grass King. If you have a chance to see her, you can ask her.

"As a grass god, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King will definitely find a way."

Tinari pondered for a moment before answering.

"Are you asking Lord Grass God?"

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly, this method was indeed more reliable.

It just so happens that he is also preparing to sneak into the Order Academy to steal the heart of God, and then he can also rescue the little grass god who was trapped in the Order Academy in the original work.

In this way, if you ask her any questions, the other party will definitely tell her everything!

"You should stay in Huachengguo for a while to treat Ke Lai. If you are free, I would like to entrust you with something."

Tinari said while asking Li Qiuzhi and the others to sit down.

"Hmph, as adventurers, we are the best at accepting commissions and so on. Tell me!"

Paimon patted his chest and said confidently.

"I only said this because I know you are experts in this field."

Tinari smiled and then continued talking:

"Recently, the frequency of dead zones in the rainforest has become very high. I can no longer handle it alone, and the other rangers cannot stay in the dead zones for too long.

"So, I would like to entrust you to help clean up the many dead areas in the rain forest!"

Sorry, I'm a little busy today and I'm a little stuck. There's only one update left.

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