"Clean the Dead Zone?"

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and then agreed:

"Then starting tomorrow, you will stay here to treat Ke Lai's 'Devil Scale Disease', and I will go out to clean up the dead zone."

Generally speaking, there will be no monsters approaching the Dead Zone, but there is a high probability that there are monsters in the Dead Zone.

If you clean them out yourself, you should be able to gain a lot of experience points.

"Well, no problem. Just be careful." With Li Qiuzhi's strength, Ying was not too worried about him.

"Okay, let's entertain you all."

Tinari said with a smile.

the next morning.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying and little Paimeng came out of the fairyland, among which Ying and Paimeng stayed in Huachengguo to treat Kelai's "demon scale disease".

He asked Tinari to get a map of Daocheng Forest, on which the dead areas discovered by the rangers were marked.

Li Qiuzhi looked at it carefully.

It was discovered that there were eight dead zones in the entire Daocheng Forest that had not yet been dealt with. Among the rangers, only Tinari had the strength to deal with the dead zones.

No wonder he has his hands full.

Not to mention that dead realms will continue to be born, and there may be more that have not been discovered!

"Mr. Tinari, yesterday I listened to Miss Nasrin's introduction to Xumi, and I also learned that this country is managed by the Order Council.

"Why don't they send people over to deal with the dead zone? Do they not care?"

Outside Guo Tinari's residence in Huacheng, Li Qiuzhi took the map and saw the many red circles on it that represented the dead zone, and couldn't help but ask him.

It would be too strange to leave so many dead areas to Tinari.

"Well, it's not like I didn't write to the Great Sage and ask him to send someone to help. Unfortunately, the reply I got was just to let us rangers take responsibility.

"I feel like the Great Sage is becoming increasingly incomprehensible to people, and he doesn't even care about such important things."

Tinari shook his head and said.

He had long discovered that the atmosphere in the Order Academy was no longer what it used to be, and had become much more impetuous.

Many scholars have become results-oriented. Academic plagiarism, suppression by tutors, and other things often happen. This place has become incomprehensible to him.

That's why he came to Huachengguo to work as a ranger, which would be quieter.

He mainly studies plants, so coming to the forest is convenient for him.

"I see."

The great sage is cooperating with the fools and executives to create gods. Where will he have the chance to take care of these nosy things? Li Qiuzhi thought to himself.

Perhaps in the heart of the great sage, he felt that as long as the god was successfully created, whether it was the dead zone or any other problem, it could be easily solved.

But I don’t want to think about it, is the god I created Xumi? Even if it succeeds, it is still not a wedding dress for fools!

"Okay, let's not discuss these for now, let's take action now."

Tinari said.

"No problem." Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and said.

Then the two of them each took a map and set out to clear the dead zone. They acted separately, which was more efficient.

Li Qiuzhi was walking alone in the Daocheng Forest. He did not need to personally take action to clean up the dead zone. He could just summon a few "Sword Gods of Ying" to control them to complete it.

In his own words, he planned to go to Sumeru City first and enter the Teaching Academy to see how far the "Doctor" and his god-making experiments had progressed.

When the opportunity is right, you can act on your own plan.

But before that, you can rescue the little Lucky Grass King first. Only by rescuing the Grass God and overthrowing the current great sage Xumi can many annoying things happen in the future.

After all, she has come here, and she cannot be allowed to rescue the little grass god step by step like in the original work. If he has a chance, he can rescue her directly.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi immediately became invisible and sank to the "shallow space", and then used the ability of "power of light" to travel through space to rush towards Xumi City.

The speed of space shuttle is naturally very fast, several kilometers step by step, and we arrived at Xumi City in less than ten minutes.

At the entrance of Xumi City, two students from the Teaching Academy were awarding something called "Void Terminal" to foreign tourists.

This thing is similar to a mobile phone. It can connect to a "void system" similar to the "Internet" and ask for all kinds of knowledge you want to know.

You can even copy and paste it directly into your mind, no need to learn at all.

I have to say that "Void Terminal" is indeed very powerful, but it is a pity that the great sage in the original work did not use it in the right way.

Instead, it is used to harvest the "thinking ability" of the person wearing the "Void Terminal".

According to Li Qiuzhi's own understanding, the great sages and others use the "void terminal" to use the brains of the people who wear them as "meat pigeons" and use a large amount of "computing power" for their own use.

As for what it will be used for, probably only the "God-Creation Project" can use so much "computing power."

After all, the "God of Machinery" in the game is a giant robot hundreds of meters high, which can be easily controlled by connecting it to "skirmishers" through hoses.

Thinking about it, all the "system programs" are very complicated, even if the "doctor" is as powerful as a god.

However, if there is not enough "computing power", it may not be possible to complete the drive system, body structure, and various technologies for integrating with skirmishers in a short period of time.

It may just be a trial, but it will take years.

But it is different when many Sumeru people provide their thinking ability to help with calculations. In many places where calculations and simulations are needed, "void" can help with calculations and deductions.

In this way, the success rate of the "god-making plan" will be greatly improved, and the time required will also be greatly reduced.

The price is just that part of the thinking ability of the residents of Xumi City is occupied, and they are thinking even while sleeping, which makes them unable to dream and their mental state will be slightly worse.

This is completely acceptable to the great sage.

Li Qiuzhi felt that the great sages were too arrogant and took away other people's thinking ability without saying a word. After all, it was very rude.

Speaking of the "void system", even the modern Li Qiuzhi thinks it is very science fiction.

It's just used to harvest "computing power", which is a bit overkill.

He doesn't need to think of any novel uses.

Just by copying the Internet on Earth, we can create huge social value, especially for scientific research and communication.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi greedily wanted to use the "void system" again.

With its help, Teyvat's elemental technology will surely enter the explosive stage!

As long as the little grass god Nasita is rescued and the crisis faced by Xumi is solved, I will make this request to her.

She shouldn't refuse, after all, it's not like the great sages and others are using it to do bad things.

Li Qiuzhi found another reason for himself to save the Little Grass God, so he walked into Xumi City with expectations.

I'm still in a bad state today, so it might be very late to write the second chapter, so I'll update it at noon tomorrow to save everyone from waiting too late.

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