I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 448 The Great Sage (two in one)

Sumeru City.

Li Qiuzhi lurks in the "shallow space", like a ghost observing people on the street through invisible spatial barriers.

There were many scholars here. Once he grabbed a handful of them, he easily followed them to the location of the Order Academy.

The Teaching Academy is very large and densely packed with students from various schools.

With a uniform uniform, it looks quite fresh and gives people a natural feeling like a rainforest.

Li Qiuzhi didn't stay outside for long.

Instead, he walked inside and started looking for the "Jingshan Palace". He remembered that that place was where the Little Grass God was under house arrest.

The entire Xumi City is built on a huge sacred tree, and the "Jingshan Palace" is located at a higher position behind the Teaching Order.

You can walk directly from the Order House, or you can fly up outside.

However, in addition to looking for the little grass god, Li Qiuzhi also wanted to find a place where "doctors" and great sages could cooperate to create gods.

I vaguely remember that place being called "Joururi Workshop", and it was also the place where the game week came from, but it's not in the Imperial Academy.

The specific location, since reality is much larger than the game, asked him to find it according to the direction of the game map.

It may not be possible to find it in a short time.

The best way is to find the great sage in the teaching courtyard, and then either follow him or use force to coerce him.

Of course, the best way is to use a "command spell" to control it, and then command him to cooperate in anything, which makes it much easier.

Anyway, he is not a good person, so he can use the "Command Spell" without any psychological pressure.

As for whether the great sage would resist, Li Qiuzhi felt that he probably didn't have that strength.

What appears in the game is just an ordinary person.

Although the outside situation can be seen in the "shallow space", the sound cannot be transmitted in.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi was not interested in observing what academic issues the students were talking about.

Instead, he began to walk around in the Teaching Order. As he walked further inside the Teaching Order, he looked around to see if the Great Sage was nearby.

After a while, Li Qiuzhi walked to what seemed to be the "Wisdom Palace", which was actually a very large library.

Even the walls here are built with wooden bookshelves, filled with all kinds of books, and visually estimated to be dozens of meters high.

Very outrageous! It is indeed the academic holy land of Teyvat continent.

These should be very valuable research materials.

If you want to come here, there is no shortage of astrology information. If Mona comes here, she will be so excited!

You must know that many of the books worth more than 10 million molars purchased last time were purchased from Xumi.

If she could come here to borrow materials directly, how much would she save!

Just when Li Qiuzhi was thinking, he suddenly saw a handsome man with green hair standing on the bookshelf next to him.

He also knew that this person was Elhaysen, the secretary of the Order Academy, a powerful figure who had a very clear understanding of himself and his position.

He should now have discovered the anomaly of the Great Sage just like in the original work, and then in order to maintain his current stable life, he will make a plan to destroy the Great Sage's conspiracy.

Overall, he is a kindred spirit.

His first step seems to be to get the "canned knowledge of gods", which is necessary for "skirmishers" to become gods.

Without it, the result is just like in the original work. The "skirmisher" only becomes a demon god physically, but remains the same intellectually and spiritually.

Without the "canned knowledge of the gods," Skirmisher, the "god of opportunity," is just a half-ass.

That's why in the original work, he was easily pulled into the dream by Nacida and cooperated with Ying to defeat him.

It can be said that without the help of Elhaysen, maybe the plan of "Doctor" and the Great Sage would have succeeded!

However, the divine knowledge contained in the "canned knowledge of the gods" has been contaminated by "forbidden knowledge", and there is a high probability that the "skirmishers" will not be able to escape even if they use it.

Whether you can still maintain your sanity at that time is a question.

Although there are various problems, "God's Canned Knowledge" is indeed a very rare treasure.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi also had the idea of ​​collecting it.

If Ying can really clean up the pollution of "forbidden knowledge", then the normal "canned knowledge of gods" will obviously have a higher value!

It seems that we need to pay attention to Elhaysen's subsequent movements, so as not to miss the opportunity to get the "canned knowledge of the gods".

Without disturbing Brother Hai for the time being, Li Qiuzhi continued to walk forward.

After passing the "Wisdom Palace", Li Qiuzhi came to a stone elevator that might be driven by a formation mechanism or runes.

He does not interact with reality in "shallow space" and even standing in the elevator has no effect.

Of course, it doesn't matter. If you want to go up there, just use space to travel.

Li Qiuzhi raised his head and looked upward. His thoughts moved slightly and he disappeared from the place in an instant. The next moment, he appeared on the upper floor of the "Wisdom Palace".

This is also a place filled with books.

Even so, there are far fewer people here, because this is where the great sage and other administrators of the Order House work.

At this time, the great sage Li Qiuzhi was looking for was indeed here. He was wearing a blue hat with rolled edges.

His hair and beard are gray and he is an old guy.

There is a round monocle on his right eye, and he is handling official duties meticulously.

When ordinary scholars come up and see him, they may think that he is a great sage who does his duty. How could they have thought that he would secretly collude with fools to study artificial gods?

Li Qiuzhi glanced at the great sage with his golden sin-judging eyes, and found that his level was only a dozen levels, not even the level of an ordinary soldier, but about the same as an ordinary person who had received some training.

As a scholar, he is not young at all, and his physical level is pretty good.

After confirming that the Great Sage was not some guy with hidden strength, he could rest assured.

It's just that there are too many people now, so he can't take action against the great sage for the time being.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and decided to wait here. It is impossible for the great sage to handle official business here all the time.

After all, if a person has three urgent needs, he will always wait until he is alone.

Experience points +3285

Experience points +2842

Experience points +2754

Li Qiuzhi looked at the character panel that kept popping up prompts. These were several "Sword Gods of Ying" who were already clearing the dead zone in Daocheng Forest.

He has one incarnation of Sword Intent in the Beast Realm, two in the Layer Rock Abyss, and now three more in Daocheng Forest.

Among them, the incarnations of Sword Intent in the Beast Realm and the Rock Abyss have not encountered many groups of monsters for the time being, so they do not have much experience point income.

The current experience point output is mainly from the dead zone.

But even so, cleaning up monsters in the beast realm and cleaning up the black mud mouth in the layered rock abyss, these two tasks still allowed him to earn more than 600,000 experience points one after another.

My total experience points have exceeded two million:

[Experience point: 2513251]

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, and now he has divided into six incarnations of sword intent, although it is not up to the limit of nine that he can sustain continuously.

But even so, controlling six "Ying Sword Gods" at the same time occupied most of his attention and mental power.

Appropriate reduction is necessary.

The "Ying Sword God" in the beast realm needs to be kept to explore there. Just leave one in the layered rock abyss. It is mainly used to clean up the newly emerged black mud.

The three of Dao Chenglin will not be reduced for the time being until all the dead zones marked on the map are cleared.

Just leave one to control her in the Daocheng Forest, and continue to search for the dead zone, defeat the monsters, and gain experience points.

Now there are three incarnations of Sword Intent in Daocheng Forest, clearing three dead areas at the same time, the efficiency is very high!

He estimated that he would be able to clear at least six dead areas this morning.

This, plus Tinari's cleaning up, should be about the same. I don't know how many experience points it will bring to him by then!

Li Qiuzhi was slightly looking forward to it.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the great sage standing up while rubbing his temples.

It looked like he was going to the bathroom or something, after all, the various files on the desktop were not sorted out.

Probably thinking that he would be back soon, he was so casual.

Li Qiuzhi quickly followed.

No one could find him in the "shallow space", and soon he followed the great sage to the side corridor.

There are also many scholars scattered here, and when they see the great sage, they greet him respectfully.

Now is not a good time to take action.

After more than ten seconds, the Great Sage turned left and entered a place with "Reference Room" written in Teyvat's common script.

oh? It turns out he wasn't going to the toilet, and he didn't know if there was anyone in the information room. Li Qiuzhi thought with some doubts.

If there was someone, he would have to wait. After all, he didn't want to affect innocent people.

But luckily, there was no one else in this small data room.

The great sage came in and walked straight to the information rack.

After Li Qiuzhi was sure that there was no one there, he quickly floated up in the "shallow space" and jumped out of the "sea surface" at the interface with the "surface space" and returned to reality.

He was still invisible at this time and did not reveal his figure.

The next second, Li Qiuzhi took advantage of his unpreparedness and directly released his mental power, controlling it just enough to make the great sage faint.

Soon, his mental power hit the great sage without any surprise, who was reaching out for information.

Because there was no warning during the whole process, he closed his eyes and fainted without any change in his expression.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 69 experience points. 】

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompt that popped up on the character panel and felt inexplicably irritated.

I am over ninety levels, and I used disgraceful means like sneak attacks against an old man who was ten or more levels, and then my character panel said that I defeated a "strong enemy".

It did make him a little embarrassed who was only thick-skinned in front of girls.

However, he quickly put all this behind him, and now he had to use the "Command Spell" quickly to prevent anyone from coming over and discovering anything unusual.

When using the "Command Spell", Li Qiuzhi also remained invisible.

The main thing is to prevent, if he really succeeds in stealing the "Heart of God", then when the Fools or the Queen of Winter are looking for him, they will use some way to look back on the image to find him.

Although with his current strength, Li Qiuzhi would basically not be afraid of the Fools and Executives as long as the Queen of Winter didn't come looking for her in person.

But he is afraid of trouble. As long as he is cautious, it will be worth it to reduce a lot of trouble. If you think about it this way, then it is better to keep a low profile...


Li Qiuzhi set the "command" he had thought of in advance into the "Command Spell" and used it on the fainted great sage.

The first order is still the same as before, which is to obey yourself. He has to do and say whatever he asks the great sage to do.

And then the second command is: Do not harm anyone in any way.

This is basically the same. With these two "orders" to restrain it, the great sage can no longer make any trouble.

After finishing these things, Li Qiuzhi used his sword intention to condense a golden pinwheel chrysanthemum, and quietly exerted the power of "healing" on the great sage.

About two seconds later, the great sage woke up.

After all, he had paid attention to keeping his hands, so he wouldn't have been seriously injured, even if he didn't use the healing properties of "Ying's Power".

He would wake up on his own in a few minutes at most.

But there is a risk of being discovered by others, and if the great sage does not go back to handle official business for so long, someone may come looking for him.

Therefore, after setting the "Command Spell", he must wake up quickly.

"what happened?"

The Great Sage sat up on the ground and rubbed his swollen head in confusion.

Just now, his vision went dark and he seemed to have fainted. Could it be that he was too tired from work and his rotten body could no longer bear the workload?

Or is it because I didn't eat breakfast and had hypoglycemia?

Just when the great sage fell into deep doubts, a voice that seemed to be mechanically synthesized sounded in his mind through spiritual transmission:

"Where did you keep the little Lucky Grass King?"

The Great Sage's pupils shrank suddenly. Apart from him and the two Fools, how could anyone know that Little Lucky Grass King was under house arrest!

Before he had time to look around and see if the person who asked him this question was nearby, the great sage was horrified to find that his mouth was speaking uncontrollably:

"The Little Lucky Grass King is locked up in the 'Jingshan Palace'."


After telling the answer, the great sage found that he could control his mouth again, and immediately instinctively wanted to question.

But before the tone of "who" could be raised, he was directly interrupted by the sentence "Shut up" that rang in his mind.

The great sage was horrified to find that he was very obedient to that voice. He couldn't say anything even if he told him to shut up!

There are so many people here, it would be bad if someone is attracted by the sound.

Li Qiuzhi, who was hiding, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the little grass god Nasita was imprisoned in the "Jingshan Palace" just like in the original work. After confirming this, Li Qiuzhi continued to ask how to release her.

Bastard, why do you want to release that half-hearted god who is no different from a child and knows nothing? She will only interfere with my plan!

The great sage was filled with reluctance, but his body continued to speak honestly:

"The container used to imprison the Little Lucky Grass King is an artifact used by the previous Xumi ruler, the Great Mercy Tree King, for meditation. After modification, I need to go there in person to open it from the outside."

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