I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 475 The Queen of Mischief (2-in-1)

"no problem."

Li Qiuzhi grabbed Hu Tao's white hand, felt the warmth and softness in it, and pulled her to him.

The "Lingge" was activated again, and the "Spiritual" fell on Hu Tao.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi learned what kind of entry Hutao had obtained:

[Lingge entry·Eccentric: This entry will only appear among intelligent creatures. Those who have this entry will be more successful in the great cause of being funny, and there is a high probability that people will not be disgusted by it. 】

"Weird?!" Hutao felt the extra information in her mind, raised her beautiful brows, gritted her teeth and said angrily:

"What a strange entry this is! Am I so weird in your mind?"

She grabbed Li Qiuzhi's wrist with her backhand and tried to bite his arm!

"shut up!"

Li Qiuzhi quickly put his other hand on Hu Tao's forehead. The smooth hair made him have the urge to rub it hard.

He did exactly that, rubbing Hu Tao's head and saying:

"Well, it is indeed a useless entry, but it is none of my business. It was given randomly and I have no control over it.

"But don't worry, the stored 'spirituality' can be given another entry. If that doesn't work, I'll continue tomorrow. I'll definitely give you a useful entry!"

"That's pretty much it."

Hu Tao slapped Li Qiuzhi's hand away in disgust, then crossed her arms and said.

"Hehe, okay, come over here." Li Qiuzhi opened his arms and said.

"What?" Hu Tao didn't know why.

"If you want to be given entries three times a day, you must be hugged by a girl to replenish your energy!"

Li Qiuzhi said seriously.

"Hey, you guy" Paimon was speechless. He could think of such a blunt reason to hug a girl.

The fair skin on Yun Jin's face also showed a faint red color.

Yeah, really, how could Mr. Li Qiuzhi make such a request? If he had made such a request to himself just now,

Yun Jin's face turned redder and redder as she thought about it, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Idiot, speak up!" He actually made such a request. While showing contempt, Ying pinched Li Qiuzhi's cheek.

"Aww, I was wrong, I was just kidding!"

Li Qiuzhi surrendered in a second and said in unclear words.

Hutao, who was holding his arms, looked at Li Qiuzhi in front of him, his pretty fair face showing a little shame.

Although she was usually carefree, even if Li Qiuzhi hugged her, she would only resist symbolically and let him hug her.

But if she was asked to take the initiative to hug Li Qiuzhi, Hutao would still be reserved in a girlish way.

But Hutao looked at Li Qiuzhi, hesitated for a moment, and finally took a step forward with her right foot on her square leather shoes, and opened her arms to hug Li Qiuzhi.

Humph, it will happen sooner or later anyway, let me let you guy take advantage now!

[Hutao has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (100/900)]

"Wow, Hu Tao is so bold!" Seeing Hu Tao hugging Li Qiuzhi, Paimeng covered his mouth in surprise and said.

Yun Jin next to her also opened her mouth slightly.

There was a sour feeling in my heart, and the thought "I want to do this too" suddenly came to my mind.


Suddenly being hugged by the girl's soft body, Li Qiuzhi felt that the cheek being grabbed by her no longer hurt.

Then he hugged Hu Tao and subconsciously slid his palms towards her buttocks.

Two seconds passed, and Hutao, whose heartbeat was beating fast, noticed a strange feeling, and her pretty face became even more rosy.

Then without thinking, he angrily bit Li Qiuzhi on the neck!

"--Hiss, it hurts so much, let go, let go quickly!" Li Qiuzhi said deliberately in timidity.

In fact, it doesn't hurt very much. After all, with his strength, being bitten is about the same as being kissed.

Generally speaking, the pain is there, and it has even become more acute, but the endurance has also been greatly improved, so it doesn't seem to be very painful.

But you have to pretend, so that you look more pitiful, and Hu Tao will feel that you have been punished and let you go.

"Humph, you bastard, don't push yourself too far!"

Hu Tao glared at Li Qiuzhi angrily.


Yun Jin's sour feeling just now disappeared immediately, and she stood on the same front as Hu Tao and spoke out.

Paimon and Ying were also full of disgust.

"Ahem, let's continue what we were doing!" Li Qiuzhi was also a bit thin-skinned and quickly changed the subject.

"hurry up!"

Hu Tao broke away from Li Qiuzhi's arms.

This time Li Qiuzhi didn't continue to act weird. He activated his "Lingge" again and gave Hutao a new entry:

[Lingge entry·Queen of Mischief: This entry will only appear among intelligent creatures. Those who own this entry can freely enter the "Queen of Prank" state, which lasts for one hour. During this period, if a prank is performed on any creature, the user will receive a 1x attack power bonus. During the duration, it can be superimposed up to oneself. The number of times the levels are equal. 】

oh? Is it a status skill similar to Ying? Li Qiuzhi felt the feedback and thought to himself.

You can enter the "Prank Queen" state at any time that lasts for one hour. During this period, you can get a layer of buffs by completing a prank on any creature.

Each layer increases one's own attack power by 1x, and can be stacked up to a number of layers equivalent to one's own level.

Hutao's level is now sixty-one, which is one level higher than before, which means that she can reach the highest level of sixty-one.

A total of six points and one times the attack power bonus, which is still very scary and can be regarded as a rare entry.

The only pity is that the conditions to achieve it are rather harsh. After all, you have to complete 61 pranks within an hour to reach the full stack and gain a six-point attack bonus.

Even for a professional prankster like Hutao, it would be a little difficult.

"How's it going? Is the entry this time useful?"

Paimon asked curiously.

"Hmph, it's not bad at all." Hu Tao simply told everyone about the entries he had obtained.

This entry can increase her strength. Even if she encounters powerful monsters when playing in the wild, she can easily defeat them.

She was quite satisfied with this.

[Hutao has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (420/900)]

"Yeah, yes, it suits you very well." Yun Jin thought about her experience of being pranked by Hu Tao, and she was indeed very talented in this area.

Even the obtained entries are related to it.

"It seems that whoever offends Hu Tao will be in bad luck in the future. After playing a prank, he can also improve his strength, so it will be easier to deal with some idiots!"

Ying looked at Li Qiuzhi pointedly.

Li Qiuzhi looked away awkwardly, and then saw that there were far fewer people packing things outside. They were probably ready to go to Qunyu Pavilion.

He reminded Yun Jin:

"It's getting late, let's go to Qunyu Pavilion to have a look."

Hearing this, Yun Jin also looked outside at the stage and found that it was almost the same.

She blinked her beautiful eyes with red eyeshadow and said, "Well, you guys wait here for a moment, I'll inform Yun Ning to let her lead the group."

After saying that, he turned around and trotted out.

The purple skirt with complex patterns swayed slightly, and you could vaguely see the back of her thighs wrapped in purple pantyhose.

Half past nine in the morning.

Yunhanshe's motorcade, loaded with various props, set off for Qunyu Pavilion. Li Qiuzhi and the others sat in one of the carriages.

While driving on the driveway, both Yun Jin and Hu Tao were curiously experimenting with their newly acquired entry abilities.

Yun Jin's one is relatively simple, just a little singing and acting to get familiar with it, while Hu Tao's one is more annoying.

This ability of hers has to be a prank to be effective.

But since there were only a few of them in this carriage, they were the only ones who could play pranks.

So he secretly released a little ghost to scare Paimon, and untied the laces at the back of her white long sleeves while Paimon wasn't paying attention. Then, looking for an opportunity, he suddenly put his hand into Li Qiuzhi's back collar.

There is no doubt that Walnut provoked public outrage.

This time Li Qiuzhi directly released two translucent tentacles the size of hemp ropes and tied her hands and feet together, and no one helped her.

He could only sit aside and look at them with pitiful eyes and said:

"Oh, it's so uncomfortable to be tied up. Let me go. I won't play pranks on you again."

"Hmph, you actually let the little ghost scare me. Before arriving at Qunyu Pavilion, you should reflect on it!"

Pamon flew to Walnut and said with his hands on his hips.

At this time, the carriage that was driving might have hit a stone, and the carriage jumped slightly.

Li Qiuzhi and the others were naturally fine, but Hu Tao couldn't keep his balance for a while because his hands and feet were tied, and he fell directly towards him.


Hu Tao bumped her head on Li Qiuzhi's shoulder and shouted subconsciously.

"Oh? It seems that it is a bit inconvenient to tie your hands and feet. In that case, let me hold you."

Li Qiuzhi smiled, picked up Hutao and let her sit on his lap, with his chest against her back, his chin on her shoulder, and his hands around her waist in a show of intimacy.

"You guy, you definitely did it on purpose to take advantage of others' danger!"

Hu Tao's face was slightly red, but she didn't resist.

Ying and Paimon held their foreheads speechlessly, feeling that both of them were hopeless. Listening to Yun Jin's opera was better than watching these two idiots flirt.

Next, Ying and Paimeng concentrated on watching Yun Jin practice opera next to them, completely ignoring the two idiots Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao.

Li Qiuzhi pressed her cheek against Hu Tao's and hugged her waist at the same time.

He also used his palms to gently caress and knead the snow-white thighs sticking out from under her shorts until an hour later, the carriage finally arrived at Qunyu Pavilion.

At this time, Qun Yu Pavilion was flying high in the sky, and they needed to wait for the teleportation formation to be activated to teleport them up.

This is simple, because Ningguang has arranged for people to receive them on the ground, and then directly activates the formation to teleport up.

However, with so many people and props, if you want to teleport to the Jade Pavilion, you may need to score several times.

Therefore, this place was left to Yun Ning, the manager of Yunhan Club. Li Qiuzhi, Ying, Paimeng, and Yun Jin flew up first with the wings of wind.

Soon, they arrived at the platform above Qunyu Pavilion.

The place is decorated with lights and colors, giving it a festive feel, and a stage is being built in the middle of the platform, presumably for tonight's performance.

"Ah, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, Miss Ying, Paimeng, Hu Tao, and Miss Yun Jin, you guys came here so early."

The person directing the work here is Gan Yu.

She was as elegant and demure as ever, wearing a short white cheongsam with a back hem, and a one-piece black backless tights exposed on her chest.

The slits on the side of the skirt also slightly exposed the black stockings that wrapped the soft legs.

"Hey, that's right. Is there anything you need our help with?"

Paimon waved to Gan Yu and said hello.

"Oh, no, you are guests, how can I let you do it?" Gan Yu raised her hands and waved them, indicating that she didn't need help, she could handle it.

"It doesn't matter, we are friends and don't need to see each other."

Ying put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

“Really no need”

Gan Yu said with some embarrassment that she couldn't cope with her friend's enthusiasm at all.

"Oh, Gan Yu, please don't refuse. They are known to like to help others. If you don't let them help, they might not be able to sleep at night?"

Hutao spread his hands and said, "I understand very well."

Hey, that's too much. It's not so exaggerated. Li Qiuzhi looked at Hutao speechlessly.

"Is this possible?" Gan Yu obviously believed it, because she thought so too, "Well, I'll leave it to you."

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (30/500)]

Seeing Gan Yu's favorable impression of him, Li Qiuzhi suddenly said with great motivation:

"Well, just tell me!"

Anyway, there’s nothing to do if you come here early, so it’s no problem to help decorate the venue.

"Okay, I actually have enough people here, but since Miss Ying is here, I want to build a temporary guardrail at the edge of the platform to prevent someone from accidentally falling during the banquet."

Gan Yu nodded and said.

"No problem, Ying masters the rock element and is the best at building walls and so on!"

Pamon patted his chest and said.

That confident look seemed to be talking about herself.

"Yes." Gan Yu agreed, and then continued, "Then Mr. Li Qiuzhi, and Miss Hutao, you can go to the formation center of Qunyu Pavilion and help Shen He maintain it."

"Humph, we have no problem." Hutao also patted his chest and said confidently.

Even if she doesn't know any formations, well, Li Qiuzhi doesn't know either, but Shen He can.

You can probably imagine that Gan Yu's original intention was not to let them maintain any formation, but just to accompany Shen He.

"Come on everyone, I will wait for the stage to be set up later, and I have to seize the time to continue the rehearsal."

Yun Jin said encouragingly with a smile on her face.

After Gan Yu assigned their respective tasks, Ying and Paimon stayed outside to build a temporary guardrail using elemental power.

Yun Jin continued to rehearse, while Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao walked into Qunyu Pavilion.

But before going to Shen He, let's go say hello to Ning Guang.

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