I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 476 The power of covering the moon (two in one)

Compared to the hustle and bustle outside, Qunyu Pavilion is much quieter inside.

After all, the banquet venue is outside, and the space layout is not suitable for setting up a stage for people to perform.

Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao walked down the graceful stairs.

During this period, I met several Ningguang secretaries, Baixiao, Baiwen, and Baishi. They seemed to be preparing for the banquet.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao come in, he probably guessed that they were here to see Ning Guang.

So he informed Master Ningguang that he was in the office and was meeting with Master Yu Hengxing.

"Oh? In this case, it's not appropriate to disturb you." Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"So, may I ask the secretaries, where should the formation center go?"

"Array center?"

Baiwen looked surprised, thought for a while and said:

"You should go find Miss Shen He, but the center of the formation is the important place of Qunyu Pavilion. You have to ask Lord Ningguang before you can go there."

"Okay, then we have to disturb Ning Guang."

Li Qiuzhi was helpless, but he also expressed understanding.

Baiwen and the other three nodded, then walked away to continue their work. Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao walked to Ningguang's office.

After a while, the two of them walked near Ningguang's office.

Because it was an open room, they caught the attention of the people chatting inside when they first walked in.

"Li Qiuzhi, Hutao, it's you!"

Keqing, who was sitting on the armchair, looked at the two people coming in from outside and said hello.

"Hey, long time no see, Keqing!"

Hu Tao waved his hand and said with a smile.

Ning Guang, who was sitting behind the document with his right leg resting on his left leg, also looked at Li Qiuzhi and Li Qiuzhi with a slight smile:

"Why did you come here so early?"

Of course I miss you. Even though Ke Qing and Hu Tao were there, Li Qiuzhi still didn't say these words.

He smiled and said:

"Yun Jin is coming over to continue rehearsing, so we are coming with her."

"That's it." Ningguang's crimson eyes showed a smile, pointing to the chair next to Keqing, "You can sit down as you like, I just happened to be chatting with Keqing about some recent things, and the famous traveler can also help me with the details. ?”

"Stop teasing me, how can I show off in front of Lord Tianquanxing?"

Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao sat down on the chairs together and said.

"Hmph, you can't do it, but this Hall Master can. If you encounter any 'difficult diseases', tell me and let this Hall Master listen!"

Hutao folded his arms, raised his snow-white thighs, and his right foot, wearing small square leather shoes, hung in the air, swaying.


Ke Qing cursed secretly.

You may be too confident, since you haven't said anything yet.

"Haha, Hall Master Hu has an extraordinary vision. He can look at anything at a glance and see the mystery within it.

"It's natural to get your help."

Ningguang knew that Hu Tao and Li Qiuzhi also had a close relationship, and there was no need to be too scrupulous about talking about some things.

She parted her soft lips up and down and said:

"Some time ago, Li Qiuzhi and Ke Qing controlled some treasure-thief gangs, pirates and other criminals, and worked as undercover agents in their circles.

"Well, in just the past two months, the Qianyan Army has captured many major criminals, which greatly shocked them.

"This directly led to the improvement of public security in the entire Liyue."

Listening to what Ningguang said, Li Qiuzhi understood that this was what she and Keqing were talking about.

Since the implementation of this "treating evil with evil" plan, Li Qiuzhi has continued to use "command spells" to control several batches when manpower was insufficient.

Seeing that the results were good, he also mentioned it to Captain Qin and Thunder Movie, suggesting that they also implement a similar plan with Mondstadt and Inazuma.

Since it was a good thing, they had no reason to refuse. With the help of Li Qiuzhi, they quickly implemented it.

The effect is naturally good, and there are far fewer incidents of theft and robbery in Mondstadt and Inazuma.

Many treasure-thief gangs and ghosts were too frightened to show their faces.

The plan should have gone smoothly. Did something unexpected happen? Li Qiuzhi felt a little confused and continued to listen to Ningguang.

“But because the effect is so good, many criminals have discovered the anomaly and have begun to hide more secretly. At the same time, they have joined forces with each other to become more powerful.

"In other words, there are fewer treasure stealing groups in the wild, but the remaining ones are the elites, and there is a faint tendency of these elites to unite.

"We are a little worried that they will cause more harm to Liyue."

Ning Guang finished the matter simply.

"Oh, no wonder I rarely meet those guys when I visit Wuwangpo recently," Hutao said thoughtfully.

"How? Hall Master Hu, do you have any advice on this situation?"

Keqing, who was sitting on Li Qiuzhi's left hand side, asked with a slight smile.

"Well, this is not a problem for me. Since those guys have joined forces and are hiding more secretly, it means they are still afraid.

"Then let your people hide in the dark as much as possible, hide them so that they can no longer tell who the spies are and continue to let them fall into suspicion.

"Whenever someone can't help but show up, you will immediately know that he is a bad person and just arrest him."

Hu Tao thought for a moment and said.

In fact, since they are hiding, Liyue can't do anything extra. It would be best to empty the pond and wait for the fish to emerge on their own.

We can't let the Qianyan Army search all over the world. If someone hides in some hidden secret place and can't find it no matter what, it will just be a waste of manpower and material resources.

"Well, what Hall Master Hu said makes sense." Ningguang nodded, then looked at Li Qiuzhi, "Do you have any ideas?"

Li Qiuzhi rested his chin and thought for a while:

"Although cold treatment is good, we must also prevent them from jumping over the wall, so how about strengthening patrols around each city?

"If necessary, I can summon an incarnation of Sword Intent to patrol the outskirts of Liyue and look for traces of the treasure-stealing group."

The "Ying Sword God" who stayed in the ruins of the upside-down city in the giant rock abyss has almost cleared away the black snake knights there.

A total of more than 300,000 experience points were gained.

Now the total number of experience points on his character panel has reached 550,000, of which more than 100,000 are originally there, and more than 300,000 are from the Black Knight.

The rest come from the "Sword God of Ying" who stayed in Sumeru and the Beast Realm. They have also killed a lot of monsters recently.

In this way, the total is more than 500,000, which is almost the same as improving the level.

So I simply let the "Sword God of Ying" continue to patrol around the Liyue area. While looking for the treasure stealing group, I also cleaned up monsters and gained experience points.

In this way, he will have the "Sword God of Ying" in Xumi, Liyue, and Beast Realm, and then put one in Mondstadt and Inazuma. The efficiency of gaining experience points should be greatly improved.

The slight disadvantage is that he has to divide his attention into controlling several "Sword Gods of Ying" throughout the day.

The consumption of mental energy will be much greater, and you will eventually feel tired in the long run.

Of course, this is still very worthwhile for efficiently gaining experience points. He may be lucky if he encounters a powerful monster.

Then it will take at most two or three days to level up, if you encounter the elite group of treasure thieves that Ningguang said he had united with.

Maybe if you defeat them, you will have enough experience points to level up.

"Li Qiuzhi is right, we still have to be more proactive against those gangsters, as long as we successfully arrest the treasure-stealing group.

"Then Liyue's treasure-stealing group will fall into an unprecedented weakness and will not be able to recover for more than ten years. This opportunity cannot be missed!"

Keqing clenched her fists, her fair face showing a hint of excitement, and she felt a little better about Li Qiuzhi, who had the same idea as her.

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (260/700)]

Li Qiuzhi smiled and looked at Ning Guang sitting inside the document:

"What do you think?"

"Well, that's a lot of work for you." Ning Guang thought for a moment and nodded gently.

"Okay, now I will let the incarnation of the sword intention of the layered rock abyss start taking action."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Ningguang smiled and continued:

"Speaking of which, the treasure I promised you the day before yesterday to expand your carry-on space is ready. Come and have a look with me!"

After she finished speaking, she put down her white thighs with a smile, stood up on her high heels and walked outside.

"Oh? It took two days to prepare. What kind of treasure is it?" Li Qiuzhi asked expectantly.

"Don't worry, just come and take a look and you'll find out."

Ningguang temporarily gave up and did not tell what the treasure was.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded, then looked at Hutao and Keqing, "You two should come together, hey, let's see what kind of treasure Ningguang has prepared for me!"

"This guy Ningguang is quite generous in giving gifts." Ke Qing straightened her sleeves and said with a smile.


Li Qiuzhi felt the same way. He asked Hu Tao to follow him, and then followed Ning Guang out of the office with everyone else.

After walking to the right along the corridor for about two minutes, Ningguang opened a room next to him and took everyone in.

When he first entered the room, Li Qiuzhi was shocked by the scene here!

If you guessed correctly, this should be a treasure room or something, with three large and long five-story shelves placed throughout the room.

Each shelf holds something different.

The first is the shelf on Li Qiuzhi's left. There are some books and scrolls placed on each floor. Just looking at their appearance, they feel valuable.

Then there is the shelf in the middle. Here are various porcelains, which look like they are antiques.

The last shelf contains many holy relics, all of which appear to be of purple quality.

Although it is not as high quality as five-star, it is still good for collection.

"Are these the original calligraphy, paintings and classics you collect?"

Keqing walked to the shelf with her legs clinging to the black pantyhose, picked up a scroll, opened it and looked at it.

It was a landscape painting, which seemed to be drawn with ink. It was very artistic and gave people a majestic feeling.

"Yes, this painting was the work of a Taoist master hundreds of years ago and is worth more than 10 million molas."

Ning Guang glanced at him and said.

"Well, it's quite expensive!" Li Qiuzhi said with some surprise.

"Antiques have history embedded in them, so they are relatively valuable."

Walnut said with her arms crossed.

In fact, she has no interest in antiques or anything like that, but there is Zhongli Keqing who knows a little bit about everything in the Hall of Purity.

Especially the historical aspects are very convincing.

Therefore, occasionally people would come to Shengtang to ask for help from Zhongli Keqing to help identify some antiques, cultural relics, etc.

She usually listens to his comments on various antiques, and naturally she learns a little bit from them.

"Yes." Li Qiuzhi nodded, then looked at Ningguang, "Do you want me to pick any of the treasures you mentioned and take them away?"

If this is the case, there is no way to improve the fairyland space too much. At least two or three pieces are needed to have a significant effect.

After all, there are relatively few gold-quality items.

"Haha, why would you only give me one piece? This is not in line with my style." Ningguang shook his head.

"Oh, can I just pick up a few items?" Li Qiuzhi said expectantly.

Although the holy relics are only four-star at most, taking a few more is enough to expand the space of the fairyland by one or two square meters.

Still very good.

"Do I seem to be such a stingy person?" Ningguang still shook his head and said no longer pretentiously:

“These are some gadgets I have collected over the years and were salvaged when the Qun Yu Pavilion crashed last time.

"It's useless to keep them anyway, so I decided to put them all in your portable space!"

"What?! Did I hear it right Ning Guang? Give all these things of yours to Li Qiuzhi?"

Before Li Qiuzhi could be surprised, Ke Qing was shocked first.

Although she knew that Ningguang was generous, she was not generous to this extent. Everything in this room was worth less than ten million mola!

It is no exaggeration to say that the total value of everything is worth a fortune. Can this be given away casually?

"Haha, I just moved it to a different place to keep it, I didn't say send it away." Ningguang said with a faint smile.

"Even this"

Ke Qing shifted her gaze from Li Qiuzhi to Ning Guang, with a suspicious expression on her face.

Do the two of them have some strange relationship? If you ask me to put so many valuable things in another place, I will put them in another place.

"Based on my intuition, your relationship must not be simple!" Hu Tao also had the same suspicion.

Li Qiuzhi suppressed his excitement and said calmly:

"Ahem, Ningguang, it's true that you put so many valuable things here with me. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

"No, as long as you are satisfied."

Ning Guang folded his arms, looked at Li Qiuzhi with his vermilion eyes, and said with a slight smile.

[Ningguang has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 10 (full level)]

Suddenly, Li Qiuzhi saw a prompt for gaining favor pop up on the character panel, and Ning Guang was filled with favor.

Immediately afterwards, a second prompt popped up:

[With sincerity and perseverance, you will be deeply connected with your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's destiny star will shine with you, and you will gain the ability: the power to cover the moon. 】

Phew, the remaining 100 points of favorability were filled so suddenly, and Li Qiuzhi was a little caught off guard.

He subconsciously activated the favorability skill and checked the specific information:

[Moon-covering power: Valuable treasures such as money within the range will be automatically sensed and completely controlled. The range (unit meter) and upper limit of control (level) are the sum of the levels of himself and Ningguang. 】

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