Li Qiuzhi took a palmful of warm water, lightly poured it on Lisa's long chestnut hair, and gently stroked her moist and smooth hair.

After hearing Lisa's inquiry, he thought for a while and said:

"...Well, I have no objection. It's up to you to decide."

Give the design drawings to the "Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" agent, and let the chamber of commerce produce the finished products and sell them to Liyue.

Through such a relationship, Liyue does not have to bear the huge cost of purchasing element memory blueprints.

And the "Tiantian Flower Merchant Guild" belongs to him, Ying, and Ningguang. We are all a family. No matter who earns more, he earns it himself. You can talk casually.

"In that case, let's decide like this."

Lisa looked at Li Qiuzhi with a confused expression, but she didn't care about it.

“Speaking of which, a country’s power is limited, and only through interconnection and mutual advantage can each country’s technological level be rapidly improved.

“Then, I think the ‘Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce’ can serve as a link to unite various countries, just like it does now, acting as an agent for high-tech products from various countries.

"Assist them to quickly form an industry, and then sell it through the chamber of commerce to all places where there is demand for the product. Do you think this business model is feasible?"

Li Qiuzhi's hands under the water stroked Lisa's soft waist up and down, and at the same time looked at Ning Guang beside him and asked.

"Yeah." Ningguang fiddled with some hair with his fingers and thought for a moment before replying, "Normally speaking, the feasibility is relatively low. After all, no country will hand over the scientific and technological achievements it has worked so hard to research to outsiders."

"I can help with this." Li Qiuzhi put his palm on Lisa's waist and slid it down, thinking for a while and said.

The gods in Mondstadt do not care about things, and Captain Qin, who is in charge of things, is his lover. The gods in Liyue do not care about things, and the Tianquan star among the seven stars that manages business is also his lover.

Although the gods on Inazuma's side are in charge, she and her sister both live in the fairyland space, and she has a good relationship with them.

As long as the request is not harmful to the people of Daozuma, I will agree to it if I think about it.

The same is true for Xumi's Nasida. Li Qiuzhi also has a good relationship with her and has even saved her, as long as it was beneficial to Xumi.

I think she will cooperate.

——Hiss, after such a simple combing, Li Qiuzhi found that he could easily influence various decisions of the four countries.

Could it be that the big boss behind the scenes is myself? !

“Despite this, the ‘Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce’ is still in the early stages of development, and the costs of research and development, production, publicity and other aspects remain high.

“Currently, the business of the Chamber of Commerce is very prosperous, but after deducting various costs, we have not actually made a profit yet.

"Do you think that before the chamber of commerce achieves profitability, I can support a world-class large-scale chamber of commerce with only my funds?"

Ningguang approached Li Qiuzhi and leaned against his shoulder, with a slight smile in his vermilion eyes.

"Uh, okay, I'm impatient." After all, Li Qiuzhi was not a serious businessman, and his knowledge of the economic field was relatively shallow.

Therefore, the consideration may not be so thorough. It seems that the development of science and technology still needs to be gradual and gradual. It may be possible to encourage the development of new things, but that will require a large investment of funds.

Although Ningguang is very rich, it must be said that it is obviously difficult for her to support the stable operation of a world-class chamber of commerce that is not yet profitable.

The current scale is quite easy for her. As long as the chamber of commerce achieves profitability, it can slowly grow towards the world-class chamber of commerce envisioned by Li Qiuzhi.

Moreover, products with relatively low technical capabilities, such as bicycles, are also authorized to cooperate with other chambers of commerce in Liyue to earn net royalties.

I think it will take a few years for the "Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" to grow into a world-class chamber of commerce.

By then, the best science and technology from Teyvat Continent will be able to be circulated and developed in various countries.

"Actually, there are no other ways." A smile appeared on Ningguang's fair face.

"Oh? What can I do?"

Li Qiuzhi kneaded Lisa's soft buttocks with his left hand, stretched his right hand over Ningguang's side to embrace her, and gently stroked her white belly.

“I personally don’t have that much money, but countries like Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma and Xumi do.

"Let them bring their technology and capital to join the 'Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce' and make it a chamber of commerce jointly operated by various countries. Then everything will be possible."

Ningguang bent his legs, and his soft knees just emerged from the water.

Let all countries jointly run a chamber of commerce. I have to say that this is a very good idea.

This is equivalent to directly integrating the strengths of all countries for common development with complementary advantages!

Generally speaking, if multiple countries want to jointly operate a chamber of commerce, it may be difficult to succeed due to various interest issues.

But since the relationship between managers in various countries and Li Qiuzhi is not shallow, it is obvious that this plan that has a positive effect on all countries is not a fantasy.

But as long as he wants to, it is a plan that can be implemented and promoted quickly!

Li Qiuzhi was secretly happy. He agreed very much with Ningguang's idea, nodded and said:

"Well, this plan seems to be very good. The time now should be around eight o'clock, which is not too late. It just so happens that everyone is not busy at this time.

"How about we hold a meeting immediately to discuss specific cooperation matters?"

"No, no, no."

Ning Guang stood up, water droplets flowing freely on the snow-white skin on her body, and her wet platinum long hair covered her snow-white back and soft elastic buttocks.

The remaining hair fell on the water above her knees and spread out.

After learning that there really are more planets and civilizations outside of Teyvat, rather than the fantasy of stories and novels.

Ningguang's gaze moved from the surface to the sky.

Her goal is no longer to let the shadow of Qun Jade Pavilion shroud the Seven Kingdoms, but to develop the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce" into a super chamber of commerce that is also important in all the worlds of the Star Sea!

Such an ambitious goal cannot be achieved by herself. It is very important to cooperate with others.

Especially when the partner you are working with is a family member, there is no reason to miss such a resource.

She looked at Li Qiuzhi and Lisa who were still hugging each other, with a faint smile on their fair faces:

"I'm going to change clothes first, and I'll wait for you downstairs with everyone later."

"Ahem, no problem." Li Qiuzhi stroked Lisa's shoulder blades and shoulders, coughing slightly to cover up his embarrassment.

Lisa hugged Li Qiuzhi's neck tightly and rested her slightly rosy cheek on her own white arm.

A little warm breath from his slightly parted lips gently hit Li Qiuzhi's neck.

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