I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 507 The prototype of a world-class chamber of commerce (two-in-one)

Half an hour later.

Wonderland space, living room on the first floor.

When Li Qiuzhi and Lisa came down, they found that Ningguang had already found several key figures such as Ying, Captain Qin, Lei Qianqian and Nasida.

It's just them.

"You're such a procrastinator." Little Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, glanced at Li Qiuzhi with disgust.

"Don't you need some time to take a shower?"

Li Qiuzhi saw that there was still space next to Lei Qianqian and Nasida, which should be reserved for him, so he went over and sat down.

Lisa went to sit with the other girls on the couch.

This meeting was mainly about cooperation between managers from several countries and the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce", so it was mainly Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Ningguang's discussions.

"Oh? Do two people need to stick together to take a bath? Is it necessary to wash cleanly?"

Lei Qianqi next to him asked doubtfully.

"" Li Qiuzhi coughed slightly in embarrassment, "Now that we're talking about business, please stop teasing me."

Nasida on his left also knew something about Li Qiuzhi and the girls' unruly lives.

According to the knowledge I have learned, human beings are indeed quite enthusiastic about this. Although I don’t understand it a little, it should feel similar to a person who often does something he likes.

She did not delve into this matter, but looked at Ning Guang across the table and asked:

"Are we going to collaborate on any other projects this time?"

Since the last meeting, Xumi has cooperated with Meng, Liyue and Daozhi on many projects. As a result, all walks of life in Xumi have become more prosperous.

With a "road mark", you can communicate with managers from other countries at any time, which is very convenient no matter what you talk about.

"This time it's about establishing a joint chamber of commerce."

Ningguang explained in detail the peace talks he had just had with Li Qiuzhi in the hot spring pool, mainly hoping that everyone would invest in the development of the "Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce".

Then through the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce", newly emerging elemental technologies and other advanced technologies will be quickly spread to the entire Teyvat continent, promoting the overall technological development of the world.

When the "Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce" achieves profitability, it can distribute dividends to each country.

Under the premise that only the "Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce" has advanced elemental technology, such a business is basically a sure profit.

"It seems to be a good idea, but how much money will be invested specifically, and how many shares will each country hold?"

Nasida thought for a moment and asked.

“This matter is simple, we compare all the funds of the ‘Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce’ to a capital pool, and those who invest funds in it will occupy the corresponding part of the shares.

“Whoever invests more will have more shares, and can invest more funds at any time, but no matter how many shares they hold, it has no bearing on the power in the chamber of commerce.

"Any important decision must be executed with my consent."

Ningguang has been in business for many years and knows that it is easy for outsiders to meddle in the operation of a chamber of commerce and make mistakes in decision-making, which will push the chamber of commerce that she has worked so hard to run downhill.

So she must have the highest rights!

"Wow, the condensed light is so powerful!" Paimon said in amazement, and there were two gods present.

Ying nodded in agreement.

"Shall I leave the highest decision-making power to you?" Nasida fell into thinking.


Lei Qianqian said it didn't matter. She really didn't know much about business. She could just leave it to her sister and Shenzi to decide how to cooperate.

Anyway, we are all on our own, so there is no need to worry about being at a disadvantage.

"All right."

Nasida recognized Ningguang's professionalism in the field of economics and trade, and after thinking about it, she finally agreed to this condition.

Seeing that both gods agreed, Captain Qin naturally would not refuse, but even though she was the manager of Mondstadt.

But it cannot be like two gods. No matter what decision is made, the subjects under the rule can only unconditionally agree.

Although she can represent Mondstadt as acting leader, if she does not perform well and dissatisfies the people, she can be impeached and replaced.

Qin held her fair chin and thought for a while, then said to Ningguang:

"I can accept the conditions you mentioned, but if there are unfair and unjust decisions that harm the interests of our country, we need to have the right to deny it."

"Of course there is no problem." Ningguang nodded gently, holding her chest.

If someone invests in a chamber of commerce, there is no reason for the chamber of commerce to make decisions that harm the interests of investors.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying were both willing to facilitate this matter, and naturally they would not object.

The next step is to discuss how much mola to invest, what business to develop and how to arrange the organizational structure of the chamber of commerce.

How much money to invest mainly depends on how much money each country can put out. There seems to be nothing to say about this. You have to go back and calculate how much it can put out.

The business developed by the Chamber of Commerce is naturally focused on products that promote the technological level of society. After all, the existence of the "Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" is more to promote the development of science and technology in the world.

It's not about making money, as long as you don't lose money, there will be no problem.

In terms of organizational structure, the Chamber of Commerce President Ning Guang, who has the highest authority in the Chamber of Commerce, was initially determined, followed by the Chamber of Commerce executives who own shares:

Li Qiuzhi, Ying, Qin Tuanzhang, Lei Qianqian, Naxida.

Further down are various departments, such as the R\u0026D and Manufacturing Department that specializes in developing cutting-edge element technology.

There is also an audit department to avoid corruption and verify wages when there are more employees.

Finally, there is the product promotion department and business development department.

These departments will set up branches in various countries to recruit local people for localized operations and drive employment rates in each country.

In order not to cause problems with the goals and direction of the Chamber of Commerce, several senior officials in charge of power, including the president, generally do not make changes.

This is the preliminary plan, and the specific personnel arrangements still need to be discussed in depth.

Several people present have "road signs" and can communicate at will, so it is not a problem to improve the structure of the chamber of commerce in the future.

And under the current basically negotiated situation, as long as the funds are in place, the "Tiantian Flower Chamber of Commerce" can fully develop in various countries!

Until late at night, the meeting was over. Regarding inviting several countries to invest in the Chamber of Commerce, both Ying and Nasida could make their own decisions.

Because both Inazuma and Sumi have the final say.

Captain Qin and Ningguang need to talk to Mond and other senior officials in Liyue. After all, the amount of money they need to invest in Mora is not a small amount.

They have the right to invest, but they have to discuss it with other people.

Only with the consent of the majority of people can the use of mola from the national treasury for investment not be questioned.

After all, those moras are taxes paid by ordinary people, so it is natural to explain how to use them.

The meeting is over and everyone is ready to take a break.

Before everyone took a break, Li Qiuzhi used "Universal Energy" to help them improve their strength.

First of all, Ningguang upgraded from level 88 to level 90 and completed a breakthrough, which greatly improved his strength.

Then Captain Qin also reached the limit of his body when he upgraded from level 86 to level 88. If he wants to continue to improve, he needs to adapt to the increased strength.

From this point of view, it is more troublesome to improve strength only through physical contact than through sticking.

The latter is not like the former, which transfers a large amount of energy at once through contact and cannot adapt for a while. Instead, it slowly adapts to the increased strength in the process of sticking.

From this point of view, although the efficiency of the sticker method is lower, it is not without its special features.

Next came Youla, Lisa, and Sugar. Li Qiuzhi helped Youla rise from level seventy-eight to level eighty-two, and Lisa from level eighty-one to level eighty-five.

Sugar has been upgraded from level 43 to level 50. Maybe the level is low and does not require much energy, so it took him seven levels in a row to reach his physical limit.

The wonderland space also expanded by seven square meters to 469 square meters.

Later, there are Mona, Yun Jin, Hu Tao and other girls living in the fairyland space who have improved their strength.

And Li Qiuzhi, who had ten times the "universal energy", only consumed about 30% of it, and it didn't take long to fully recover.

Of course, this does not include gods such as Raikage and Nasida. Their levels are higher than mine, and even the "universal energy" in their bodies has no effect on them.

When Li Qiuzhi helped Ning Guang break through level 90, he felt that the effect of "universal energy" was weakening.

Based on this speculation, with his current strength, he can probably help one person reach level ninety-two at most.

If you continue to improve the efficiency, it will become much lower. It may not be able to increase one level even if all the energy is transmitted, and it may only play a role in replenishing energy.

This has nothing to do with the amount of energy. Higher quality energy is needed to achieve the strengthening effect.

This requires Li Qiuzhi to become stronger so that they can quickly follow suit.

It is worth noting that while helping the girls strengthen their affection for him, Yun Jin and Shen He, who were not yet satisfied with his favorable impressions, naturally had a slight improvement in their favorable impressions:

[Yun Jin has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (460/800)]

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (440/900)]

Probably because of their exclusive specialty "Girl Lover", they had a great impression of Li Qiuzhi.

Thinking about it, it doesn't take long for Li Qiuzhi to be able to fill up their favorability. He is a little bit looking forward to what kind of favorability skills they will give!

In the end, Li Qiuzhi actually helped little Paimon improve his strength. Maybe little Paimon's talent lies in eating.

I just gave her a little energy and raised her from level 22 to level 25, but she said she couldn't hold on any longer, but since she was protected anyway, it didn't matter to her whether she was strong or not.

With such an efficient method that can help everyone improve their strength, Li Qiuzhi decided to help everyone improve their strength in the next period of time.

After all, the improvement of the girls' strength means that the ability of the Fate Seat given by them will also become stronger. The improvement of the favorability skill means that Li Qiuzhi has become stronger!

There was no reason for him not to put some thought into this.

Soon, half a month passed.

During this period of time, Li Qiuzhi basically used "universal energy" to improve everyone's strength, mainly those with lower levels, such as Sugar, Amber, and Fischer.

Whenever the girls reached their limit, Li Qiuzhi would stick with them to help them digest the surge in power.

He found that through the act of sticking, they could quickly master the power of the surge in two or three days.

Following this cycle, Li Qiuzhi successfully promoted the girls who had not reached level 80 to around level 80 within half a month.

The girls who were already at level 80 and above have also made considerable progress. Ying, Ningguang and Qin have all reached level 92, and Lisa and Youla have also reached level 90.

Li Qiuzhi's favorability skills have also improved a lot as a result.

For example, when Sugar reached level 80, the wonderland space expanded by another 30 square meters, reaching a size of 499 square meters.

The effects of improving other favorability skills are also very similar, and they all improve a lot as the two people's levels increase.

During this period, Yun Jin, whose favorability level was almost at full level, in the charming atmosphere of the fairyland space, he also used the pretext of speeding up the digestion of "universal energy" to win it through hard work.

He even pulled Hu Tao and Shen He to sleep together under a big quilt, and it was the first time for Hu Tao and Shen He to sleep with him.

Naturally, Shen He would not refuse Li Qiuzhi's desire to have sex with her, and Hu Tao also had a hard time flirting with her like Yun Jin.

In the process of using "universal power" to strengthen and paste many times in half a month, Yun Jin and Shen He naturally had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi, which was low at the end:

[Yun Jin’s favorability level for you is 10 (full level)]

[Shen He’s favorability level for you is 10 (full level)]

After the relationship between the two was full, Li Qiuzhi not surprisingly obtained the friendship skill provided.

They are Yun Jin’s “Feiyun Flag Formation”:

[Feiyun Flag Formation: It can summon one hundred and eighty flag phantoms (the sum of the levels of two people), and arrange the "Flying Cloud Flag Formation". The flag formation has three effects: attack, defense, and trap. Each flag has three effects: The flag became a shadow, and the range of the flag array expanded by one hundred meters. 】

There is also Shen He’s “Goddess Wuchen”:

[Goddess Wuchen: The "Goddess Wuchen" state can be applied to the target. Those who obtain this state can purify any negative state of the body, and during the duration, they will not be affected by anything with a power level lower than "the sum of the levels of Li Qiuzhi and Shen He". Negative status effects, short-term casts can last for "the sum of two people's levels" seconds, and the maximum number of permanent casts is the sum of two people's levels. 】

The favorability skill given by Yun Jin can set up a flag array with a range of 18,000 meters, which has powerful attack, defense and enemy trapping effects.

Li Qiuzhi still feels very good.

And the "Goddess Wuchen" given by Shen He is even more powerful. It is said to be able to purify any negative state, but it really can purify any negative state, even "wear and tear"!

He has already tried this on several gods who live in the fairyland space. The "wear and tear" existing on the bodies of Thunder Movie, Raiden Zhen, the Great Merciful Tree King, and Heulia have all been purified.

They were very surprised at that time, and everyone had a lot of affection for Li Qiuzhi:

[General Thunder and Lightning (Thunder Movie) has a good impression of you and gains 580 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (500/900)]

[Thunder and Lightning is really fond of you and gets 600 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 6 (360/600)]

[The Great Merciful Tree King has a good impression of you and gains 530 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (400/600)]

[Heulia has a good impression of you and gains 520 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (320/500)]

During this period of time, in addition to the major changes in the strength of the girls in the Wonderland Space, the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce" has also made major progress.

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