I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 514 The Demon God of Dust Returns (2-in-1)

Chapter 514 The Demon God of Dust: Ending (two-in-one)

The thunder in Lei Keqing's body looks similar to the thunder in Keqing, a holder of the Eye of Thunder Elemental God, on the surface, but they are essentially different.

After all, it is thunder formed by condensing the power of the demon god. It is much stronger in nature. It is not a big problem for such thunder to easily defeat the formation in front of you.

But just when Ying was about to destroy the formation and take out several ancient evil objects.

The formation in front of everyone seemed to feel danger, and a shadow with short turquoise hair emerged from above the formation.

She was wearing a white halter-neck off-the-shoulder skirt, and her white legs sticking out from under the skirt were not wearing shoes.

The white sleeves on the arms are very large, and the style is almost the same as the sleeves of the robe. They are separate from the skirt and have very long cuffs to put the hands inside.

"Huh?" Thunder Movie stopped preparing to attack, and the lightning on his body became calmer, "Demon God?"


Li Qiuzhi and the others were a little surprised when they heard what the shadow said, but when he looked at the shadow, he knew who she was.

Isn’t this the Demon God of Dust named Guiwen!

He has seen it in the plot animation in the game. With his current memory, he can basically remember and recall it as long as he has seen it.

But he remembered that the game plot said that she had died. Could it be that she was still here because of her residual consciousness?

Li Qiuzhi felt that this should be the case, after all, her current appearance was similar to that of Daci Shuwang and Thunderbolt Shin.

"Hello, my name is Guizhu, and I am the remaining consciousness of the Demon God of Dust in the formation." The girl with short green hair introduced herself.

"Thunder movie."

As both demons, even though the man in front of him seems to have only partial consciousness left, Ying still gives him equal respect.

"I left this ray of consciousness to maintain this formation, and the formation seals some of the remains of the cursed demon. They are very dangerous. Please don't take them away."

There were two long strands of turquoise hair on the side of the face that fell in front of him, and he told the origins of several sealed ancient evil objects.

And hoped that Li Qiuzhi and the others would not take him away.

"But now there are loopholes in this formation. Even if we keep it, it won't last long." Li Qiuzhi said to Gui Zhi.

"Indeed, this ray of consciousness of mine was also implicated in falling into a deep sleep due to the death of the main body, so the consciousness of the evil object took advantage of it.

"I finally woke up because I felt Miss Ying's demonic power just now. Now just leave it to me to repair the formation. You don't have to worry about the evil consciousness escaping again."

The one floating in mid-air finally explained.

"What do you want to do?" Lei Qianqian nodded. She didn't care whether she took these ancient evil objects or not. The main thing was that Li Qiuzhi wanted them.

She turned back to Li Qiuzhi and asked:

"What's your opinion?"

"Uh." Li Qiuzhi originally thought that the formation had been damaged, and leaving the evil thing here would only give it a chance to escape in the future.

That's why I wanted to use them to make an armor or something, but now the owner of Yunhai Cave Sky doesn't agree with them destroying the formation.

It is true that Li Qiuzhi is not easy to rob or anything. That would be too bad. He thought for a while and said: "In that case, okay."

"Huh, thanks."

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's agreement, he finally stroked his flat chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

With the little strength she had left, if Li Qiuzhi and the others wanted to forcibly destroy the formation and take away a few evil objects, she would be completely unable to deal with it.

[I finally developed a good impression of you and gained 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (60/300)]

Seeing that another girl was attracted to him, Li Qiuzhi suddenly felt that there was no regret in not being able to obtain the ancient evil object.

Just when he was about to ask if he wanted their help in repairing the formation after all, the evil consciousness sealed in the formation was reluctant.

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you humans really idiots? Believe whatever others say!" The evil consciousness immediately felt unhappy when it saw that Li Qiuzhi agreed to die so easily.

The power it possesses is a curse. Although the main body has been destroyed, only a trace of curse power is left, and it is still the kind that cannot be recovered temporarily after being used.

Unless it finds a new body and returns to the level of the devil.

But just this remaining power of the curse can transfer its consciousness to other cursed creatures in the world!

The premise is that the damn formation that sealed it is completely dissipated, otherwise it will not be able to use the power of the curse.

Thinking of this, it became more and more angry, and it laughed at Jiuling:

"Haha, so what if the formation is repaired? With your remaining consciousness, do you still have the energy to repair that damn seal? I'm afraid it will dissipate halfway through the repair!"

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi looked at Gui Zhi with a confused expression.

The remaining consciousness will indeed not have much power left, and it won't be worth it if it disappears due to repairing the formation.

After all, they may not be able to do anything about the ancient evil.

After all, she did not deny it. She nodded slightly and said: "It is true that my remaining strength is not enough to repair the formation. If possible, I would like to ask you for help."

"How can I help?" Li Qiuzhi asked in detail.

"If possible, I can guide you to repair the formation later. The damage to the formation is not serious, so it won't be too troublesome to repair."

The girl-like figure finally requested.

Li Qiuzhi was a little hesitant. If they were asked to take action, he would prefer to destroy the consciousness of the evil creature and turn its remains into armor.

After all, this can be done once and for all, and you can also harvest a good treasure.

He thought for a while and asked Ying in his mind: "Ying, do you have any way to prevent the consciousness of evil things from escaping?"

"I don't know much about the means of cursing power. You'd better ask the God of Wisdom." Lei Qianqian said that he was not very clear either.

Li Qiuzhi thought it made sense and immediately asked the Great Ci Tree King. After all, she was the incarnation of the World Tree, so there was a high probability that she knew how to deal with the power of the curse.

"The power of curse is a force similar to the power of fate. It can interfere with similar power. If the mental power is strong enough, it can also interfere forcibly."

King Daci Shu replied.

"If your mental power is strong enough, how strong should it be?"

Li Qiuzhi naturally does not have the skills related to curses, but he does have skills related to fate, and that is Mona's favorability skill.

But that skill was passive, and he couldn't control "Meiji's Shadow" to actively interfere with his destiny, so he had to ask about the mental requirements.

"It depends on the strength of the curse. If it is small, you can try to capture it yourself. If it is strong, just ask Miss Shadow to take action. She is already the top demon in Teyvat.

"I think no matter how powerful the curse you encounter, it will never be as powerful as Miss Ying, otherwise the cursed demon will not fall."

The voice of King Daci Shu came with a slight smile.

"Okay, I understand." Li Qiuzhi really didn't know much about the power of curses, so he asked out of caution.

It turns out that the way to deal with it is not difficult, as long as the mental power is strong enough, you can intervene.

That's right, the Demon God of Dust, the Emperor, and the immortals have not heard that any of them has the power to curse or the power of destiny.

And being able to seal it with a formation is probably the result of overwhelming strength.

Now the Demon God of Curse only has a trace of consciousness condensed from the remains. Even if there is still the power of the curse, it will definitely not be much stronger.

Maybe he could keep it with his mental power, but to be on the safe side it was better to let Shadow take action.

Li Qiuzhi had an idea and expressed his thoughts.

"But" he hesitated after all. The power of the curse was too weird, and if it escaped, it would cause a major disaster.

"Don't worry, Shadow is the current God of Thunder. He has the best strength in Teyvat. He can't escape."

Li Qiuzhi tried to persuade him.

After a few minutes of persuasion, I finally couldn't resist the temptation of solving the problem once and for all, so I reluctantly agreed.

"That's right, that's it. Wouldn't it be better to break the seal and kill me!" The evil consciousness echoed, but it didn't believe that anyone could really stop it.

Hum, as soon as the seal is broken, it will immediately escape. After a few decades to regain a certain strength, it must turn all the creatures in the world into its own cursed dolls!

"Ha, I hope you won't be so arrogant later!" Li Qiuzhi looked at the evil consciousness and showed some dissatisfaction. He looked at Ying and said:

"You can start now."

"Yeah." Lei Qianqing responded calmly.

Since she clearly knew that mental power could bind the power of the curse, she naturally did not think that there was a possibility of her failing.

After all, her meditation over the years was not in vain. In terms of spiritual power, she had already reached the level of materializing her soul.

This is also the strongest level among the Seven Gods.

Lei Xue's long dark purple braid swayed slightly. She was not ready to directly destroy the formation like before.

Instead, he first released his mental power to cover the table with three ancient evil objects, as well as the consciousness of the evil objects.

And continue to increase the output of mental power to ensure that it is tightly wrapped so that there is no possibility of the evil creature's consciousness escaping.

Feeling the powerful spiritual power surrounding themselves, the evil consciousness was a little panicked. No way, could they really

At this time, it is not very confident in its curse power.

But naturally it would not show its pride, and said stiffly: "It's just a little trick, it's too late to stop now, otherwise wait until I come out!"


Lei Movie didn't wait for the consciousness of the evil thing to finish speaking, and directly released lightning within the area covered by his mental power. The desk was instantly evaporated, and the already damaged formation was destroyed upon contact!

The purple lightning struck the evil object's consciousness and instantly destroyed it, but soon it revived on several evil objects.

The violent lightning continued to hit several ancient evil objects, and the consciousness of the evil objects was constantly being destroyed and revived.

Because lightning also contains the spiritual power of shadow, weak evil consciousness is often easily destroyed the moment it touches it.

The remaining lightning struck several ancient evil objects, trying to heat them and melt them to make weapons.

"Damn it! Bastard!"

The evil consciousness became much weaker as it was eliminated again and again. I didn't expect that the purple-haired woman could eliminate it dozens of times in an instant.

The pain prevented it from even using the power of the curse. It burst out with its last bit of strength and barely withstood the lightning bombardment for a moment.

Then he quickly used the power of curse!

Several ancient evil objects instantly turned into black light and followed the rules of the curse, trying to escape, but a large amount of spiritual power seemed to stick to them like glue.

It makes it difficult to walk and can't move at all!

"What, how is this possible!" The evil consciousness shouted in disbelief, and then was blown into pieces by the incoming thunder and lightning.

Li Qiuzhi was slightly relieved when he saw that the mental power was indeed useful.

After all, what King Daci Shu said is basically correct, but without having personally practiced it, I still feel a little unsure.


After a few minutes, the curse power of the evil object's consciousness was exhausted, and several evil objects fell down. Obviously, it did not successfully escape.

Lightning struck it one after another, and finally it lost the strength to scream. Several evil objects also tended to transform into liquid state under the influence of high temperature.

"Let me help too."

Li Qiuzhi saw that the consciousness of the evil object was almost wiped out, so he also guided the thunder element attack in, hoping to get the final blow.

After all, that evil creature is over ninety levels, and if defeated, it will have about 100,000 experience points!

Moreover, it would be more reliable to use the character panel to confirm that it has really been eliminated, just in case the evil consciousness is dormant by some means.

It would be troublesome if they suddenly run away when they think they have successfully eliminated it and let down their guard. There are many scenes like this in TV dramas.

Li Qiuzhi naturally had to be on guard.

He specializes in targeting the evil consciousness, and his hard work pays off. Soon, Li Qiuzhi successfully gets the final blow of the evil consciousness:

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 92355 experience points. 】

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of evil thing is really difficult to deal with.

"It's okay, I can't feel its existence anymore." Lei Shiqi, who was holding his chest, parted his lips and said calmly.

She could no longer feel the consciousness of evil objects, and the three evil objects had completely turned into black liquid and merged into a ball.

At this time, they are only changing their form, and the source of their power is not damaged. There is no need to worry about it causing a disaster.

Similarly, over time, it may give birth to new consciousness, and because of the complete integration of the three, it may become even more powerful.

Of course, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to recreate the glory of the once cursed demon god.

Next, you can add other materials to this black liquid to forge the armor. With Lei Movie's ability, it won't take long.

"I actually did it, thank you." After all, the girl with turquoise hair could no longer feel the existence of the evil consciousness. After confirming that it had been eliminated, she expressed her gratitude to Li Qiuzhi and the others again.

[I finally have a good impression of you and gain 460 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (220/400)]

"You are welcome."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said that he just chose the method with the highest profit.

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