The secret palace of Huaqing is hidden in a sea of ​​clouds and a cave in the sky.

After destroying the will of several ancient evil objects, Ying continued to add some rarer hard metals to merge with the black liquid in front.

Then the runes and embedded formations were weaved with the power of the demon god, and they were driven into the black liquid in a certain pattern.

Not long after, a piece of pure black armor with a metallic luster slowly took shape.

In order to avoid destroying several ancient evil objects as much as possible, the shadow was not mixed with other materials containing elemental power or other energy.

It only uses a few pieces of finely forged secret steel alloy. The characteristic of this alloy is that it is hard, very hard, and it can withstand attacks at the level of the devil.

Coupled with the fusion with ancient evil objects, there should be no problem in normally resisting demon-level attacks.

Although this level has no effect on Li Qiuzhi, it is basically enough for girls.

As long as this armor is not damaged, they can use the favorability skills Li Qiuzhi just obtained from Ke Qing to deflect most of the attacks, which is very practical.

"That's it." Lei Qianqian handed the forged armor to Li Qiuzhi with his spiritual power. "This object also contains the power of a curse. Try not to touch it with your hands."

"Uh, armor that can't be touched?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the black armor in front of him, which was at most slightly larger than a wash basin. He felt that even if there was no power of curse to touch it, no one could wear it.

"Thanks a lot."

He nodded, summoned his spiritual tentacles to take over the armor, and said to Lei Movie at the same time.

Lei Qianzhi shook his head and said you're welcome, then asked Li Qiuzhi to open the door to the fairyland space and go back.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the black cursed armor in front of him. He first marked it with "Night's Neon Ribbon".

Then he looked at Yelan, Keqing and the rest of them:

"How do you think this thing should be arranged better?"

For something as dangerous and weird as the cursed armor, he didn't want to put it in the fairyland space for collection, for fear of any accidents.

"Since it is of no use, why would you ask the Thunderbolt General to train it into armor? It should be enough to destroy his will and re-seal it."

Ye Lan, who was holding her arms and slightly lifting her chest, wondered.

"The main reason is that I have a special ability." Li Qiuzhi told a few people about the effect of "Night's Neon Dress", and then continued:

"Hehe, that's awesome. I'll also mark your clothes. You won't be afraid of most attacks when you wear these clothes in the future."

After saying that, he was not stingy and directly marked Yelan and Keqing's clothes. In the end, there was nothing he could do.

She is now only a spiritual body, and the clothes on her body are all transformed and cannot be marked.

"Can it only work on this piece of clothing?"

Keqing looked down at her clothes, which had not changed much.

"It's normal for such a powerful ability to have some minor flaws."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and explained:

"You should be able to discover the existence of the 'mark' if you feel it carefully.

"When changing clothes, just transfer the 'mark' to other clothes. It's not too troublesome."

The purple-haired Keqing tried it briefly and found the invisible "mark" on her clothes.

Because this "mark" seems to be only applied to the clothes, but it is actually related to the person wearing it.

Keqing can transfer the "mark" to other clothes. If you are not worried about trouble, you can also set the follow function for the "mark".

When you wear something, it will automatically transfer to the clothes you are wearing.

"I see."

At this time, Keqing also used the information fed back by "marking" to understand how to use it.

"Well, it seems that I have been favored by you again." Yelan thought that Li Qiuzhi first gave him the ability to teleport through space, and then gave him the ability to deflect damage.

It doesn't take much to think about it to know that these abilities are very precious, and she can't think of anything she can give in return.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Lan approached Li Qiuzhi, leaned forward, and took the initiative to kiss him on the mouth.

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 350 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (200/800)]

Um? Feeling the softness from his lips, Li Qiuzhi instinctively wanted to hug Ye Lan, but was pushed away by the blushing Ke Qing:

"What are you two doing? You are shameless!"

"No, I just couldn't help myself," Ye Lan wiped her lips and said with a chuckle.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ke Qing, who was blushing, and could see that she was a little jealous, so without saying anything, he quickly moved his face towards her and kissed her soft lips.

"Well" Ke Qing was speechless, her eyes widened in shock, she instinctively pushed Li Qiuzhi away, and said with a blushing face:

"You, you, what are you doing, shameless person!"

As he spoke, he raised his fist and punched her. Li Qiuzhi easily grabbed her wrist, pulled her gently and Ke Qing fell on his chest.

Maybe she was still in a shy state, so she simply couldn't hide it and needed to calm down her chaotic emotions.

"Haha, the relationship between you guys is really good."

The person watching from the side finally covered his mouth and laughed:

"Speaking of which, if you don't have a place to store this armor, how about sealing it here again. With the energy I have left now, I should be able to guard it for a while."

"Well, this plan is not good."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and continued:

"The formation outside has been damaged. Adventurers will come here sooner or later. Even if the cursed armor is re-sealed, it may be taken away. It is better to find an inconspicuous place again.

"And you have been guarding this formation for so long. It would be a pity if the last trace of your consciousness dissipated in this boring work.

"Miss Jieying, don't you want to see the outside world again and meet your old friends by the way?"

Like Sugar, the green-haired girl sighed:

"What you said makes sense, but I only have this glimmer of consciousness left, and it will dissipate soon.

"If I meet my former friends like this, wouldn't it just add 'wear and tear' to them? Let's forget it and just treat me as having fallen in the past."

"I have ways to solve both problems." Li Qiuzhi explained the fairyland space and Shen He's favorability skill "Goddess Wuchen", and said to the final invitation:

"How about, if you want to continue to see this colorful continent of Teyvat, you can recover for a while in my portable space.

"When your soul body reaches a certain level, you can walk on the Teyvat continent again!"

"Are the humans who once asked us to be protected by the devil so strong? They can even solve things like 'wear and tear'!"

After all, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty fair face.

She crossed her arms and thought for a while, then asked: "If you work so hard to help me, you can't ask for nothing. Is there anything you want me to do?"

"As a demon, Miss Guiyuan has fallen and only a ray of divine consciousness remains, but even so, the knowledge you possess is unmatched by ordinary people, let alone the possibility of recovering your strength in the future."

Li Qiuzhi knew that he had mastered very powerful mechanism skills after all.

If we could design some mechanical creations similar to the excavators, bulldozers, and drones on earth to participate in the construction of various infrastructures in the future, the efficiency of construction would not be so high!

And the most important thing is that when designing spacecraft in the future, it will be much smoother with a master of mechanics like her.

He told Gui Zhi without any concealment of what he had thought above.

"I see, only Liu Yun can compete with me in machine skills. If you have the idea of ​​exploring the star sea, it is indeed normal for you to need me."

After all, I could hear Li Qiuzhi's admiration for his own machine skills from his words. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and he nodded frequently with his arms folded in a slightly complacent manner.

"How about, I help you, you help me, no one loses in this deal."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Well, if that's the case, then I promise you!"

Just by using his own knowledge to help Li Qiuzhi, he can avoid the fate of extinction. After all, there is no reason to refuse.

[I finally have a good impression of you and gain 480 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (300/500)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi knew that this was a result that both parties were satisfied with.

He did not hesitate, letting Yelan and Keqing look at the cursed armor outside first, while he opened the fairyland space and took Guiying in.

Now around two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone has gone to work and there is no one in the living room. Li Qiuzhi finally chooses a place to live.

Because he is only a spiritual body and has not recovered to the level of having a physical body like Kage, there is no use in asking for a room.

So I finally thought about it and decided to stay in the library like the Great Ci Tree King for the time being.

At least there were books to read there that allowed her to study mechanism techniques, and there were gods who were almost the same as her who only had spiritual bodies to chat with to pass the time.

Li Qiuzhi naturally agreed with the choice of dying. He took her to the third floor to meet the Daci Tree King and Ying. After seeing that nothing happened to him, he returned to the outside of Yunhai Cave.

Yelan and Keqing have been waiting for a long time.

"Okay, the matter is basically settled. Next, while we are investigating the hidden dangers, we can find a secret location and seal this cursed armor."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the two ladies and said.

"You can just go on your own. My mission has been completed. I will go back to Liyue Port and tell the General Affairs Department first."

Ye Lan brushed the soft hair that had been cut diagonally on the side of her face, then crossed her arms and looked at Li Qiuzhi and said with a smile:

"If you miss me, come see me at the Iwagami Tea Room when you have time."

"Yes." Li Qiuzhi nodded with a smile and said invitingly, "But instead of me looking for you, Ye Lan, would you like to come live in my personal space? There are still many free rooms!"

"Living together? Let me think about it first."

Even Yelan felt that this development was a bit too fast. Li Qiuzhi also asked Keqing about it, but she was naturally too embarrassed to refuse.

Well, it seems that it will take some time for the two of them to live together. Li Qiuzhi secretly regretted it.

Next, several people left Yunhai Cave Sky and returned to the outside of the ruins. Ye Lan tried to use "Star Travel" to teleport to Ning Guang's side, so as to teleport directly back to Liyue Port.

Li Qiuzhi and Ke Qing continued to start their unfinished tasks.

Soon, they used the Wings of Wind flight method to quickly investigate to the Wangshu Inn, and basically found no hidden dangers on the road.

While continuing to investigate Dihuazhou, Li Qiuzhi found Mandrill at Wangshu Inn and used "Goddess Wuchen" to help purify the "wear and tear" on his lower body.

Of course, the permanent "Goddess Wuchen" state was not given to him, but the short-term one was used. After all, there is a limit to the number of permanent "Goddess Wuchen" status.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi wants to use it permanently on girls, so he can use it on Mandrill for a short period of time.

Anyway, the purified "wear" is really purified. Even if it has to be "worn down" to the current level again, it will probably take thousands of years.

I will help him purify it if I have the opportunity in the future. After all, he is never stingy with his friends, so this little thing is not troublesome.

Mandrill is a person who is not good at words. He was very grateful to Li Qiuzhi for helping him purify "wear and tear", but after holding it in for a long time, he could only say "thank you".

When Li Qiuzhi helped him deal with the demon's resentment before, he promised that he could come to him if he encountered any difficulties.

Now Mandrill has nothing left to promise.

Li Qiuzhi said that he didn't need to care about this, it was just a matter of effort, and that the emperor and other immortals would help them when they met in the future.

The mandrill was no longer troubled by the demon's resentment and was no longer worn out. He was very moved in his heart. If Li Qiuzhi could see his favorability towards him, it must have reached a very high level.

However, because Mandrill is not a girl, the highest level is around level five or six, which is the limit of friendship.

In his mind, Li Qiuzhi should have almost the same relationship with the Emperor and the Immortals.

Only by developing girls can they have the opportunity to develop from friendship to love and reach a higher level of favorability. Li Qiuzhi feels that it is good enough now.

If he is taller, he will be a little panicked, wondering if Mandrill has any evil intentions towards him, haha

After bidding farewell to Mandrill, Li Qiuzhi and Keqing continued to fly towards Dihuazhou.

They found that the geology here is relatively soft. If hardened roads are laid, they may be prone to damage and sinking due to insufficient bottom support.

Of course, this is easy to solve. When the hardened road is laid here, just use the rock element force to reinforce the bottom.

Before Li Qiuzhi and Ke Qing went to Shimen, he and Ke Qing discussed it and decided to seal the cursed armor first.

The bottom of the water near Dihuazhou is quite secretive, although the possibility of discovery may still be inevitable.

But as long as it is buried deep enough, it is not easy to find, and even if it is found with his seal, it is not easy to touch it.

After settling the matter of the cursed armor, Li Qiuzhi and Keqing investigated Shimen and confirmed that there were no hidden dangers, and then prepared to return to Liyue Port.

Sorry, the update is a little late.

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