Wonderland space.

After taking a short break after lunch, Li Qiuzhi pulled Noelle and asked her to choose a room she liked in the space.

There are many vacant houses on the first floor, all of similar sizes and specifications. You can choose one at will and decorate it to your liking.

When Noelle passed by Li Qiuzhi's room, he subconsciously looked at the houses on both sides and found that they were already occupied. A trace of regret appeared on his face inadvertently.

Li Qiuzhi noticed it, so he put his arm around her waist and said with a smile, "How about you live with me directly? My bed is big enough anyway!"

"Well, please don't think about such rude things!" Noelle's fair face turned red with embarrassment, as if a girl's little thoughts had been exposed.

Looking at such cute Noelle, Li Qiuzhi chuckled unconsciously.

Not long after, Noelle chose his room, which was behind Fischer's room, and Fischer's room was right next to Li Qiuzhi's.

So in fact, Li Qiuzhi and Noelle's rooms are very close to each other.

After choosing the room, Li Qiuzhi took Mona, who had just rested and was about to continue studying her astrology, and Fischer, who had just returned for lunch, to help decorate Noelle's room.

In fact, there is no need to decorate. The main thing is to go to the furniture store in Mondstadt and buy some beds, wardrobes, desks and other furniture.

Then return to the women's dormitory of the Knights and bring all the quilts, clothes, etc. from Noelle's room.

By the time I finished all these tasks, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, just in time to prepare afternoon tea.

Noelle asked Li Qiuzhi and the others to sit and wait in the living room while she went to the kitchen to prepare snacks for everyone.

"Huh, I didn't expect that moving things around would be so tiring."

Mona's back sank into the back of the sofa, looking exhausted, and the same was true for Fischer. Doing housework and so on, for some reason, felt more tiring than exploring in the wild.

"Maybe your physical fitness is not strong enough, let me help you."

After being strengthened many times by Li Qiuzhi, both Mona and Fischer were at level 80 or above. How could their physical fitness be so poor? It was obvious that they were lazy.

Li Qiuzhi didn't expose it, and used this reason to lie between the two of them and hold them in his arms.

"Hmph, you guy just wants to take advantage of us again."

Mona lay on her side in Li Qiuzhi's arms, pinched his cheek with her fingers, showing an expression of disgust.

After being together for so long, this guy's little thoughts can't be hidden no matter how hard he hides them.

"Anything that takes advantage belongs to an old married couple. This is an emotional exchange between us. How can we say it is taking advantage!"

Li Qiuzhi scratched her armpit dissatisfiedly. Mona seemed to feel the itch and instinctively pinched his hand.

"What are you doing, you idiot!" She pinched Li Qiuzhi's nose angrily.

Regarding Mona's behavior of pinching his nose and making him unable to breathe, Li Qiuzhi had no choice but to let her experience the same feeling!

With this thought in mind, he directly moved over and blocked Mona's mouth.


While Mona was being kissed, she also felt the familiar energy strengthening her body. While those energies strengthened her body, it also put her in a more comfortable state.

In this state, the body felt lazy, without any strength, and could only be manipulated by Li Qiuzhi.


Fischer, who was wearing a black eye patch, looked at Li Qiuzhi and Mona puffing up their white cheeks with dissatisfaction.

She spread her legs wrapped in asymmetrical black stockings, straddling Li Qiuzhi's body, then leaned down and leaned towards his mouth.

Nearly an hour later, Li Qiuzhi sensed that Noelle was about to come out in the kitchen, and Li Qiuzhi quickly sorted out the messy clothes of the two girls.

If Noelle, who had just moved into the Wonderland space, saw their slightly rude daily life, it would have to be said that it would have a bit of an impact on his image.

Noelle came out with freshly baked snacks and found nothing strange. She put the snacks in her hand on the table, looked at Li Qiuzhi and said:

"Mr. Honorary Knight, please call Captain Shangqin and Miss Lisa."

"no problem."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and immediately used the "road sign" to notify Captain Qin and Lisa, asking them to come back for afternoon tea and snacks.

Then he went to the kitchen with Mona and Fischer and helped take out the remaining snacks.

Soon, everyone gathered, and while drinking afternoon tea, Captain Qin brought good news to Noelle.

That is, the theoretical assessment results for knight selection have come out. The full score is thirty points, and it takes twenty-five points to pass.

Noelle just stepped on the line and scored twenty-five points, successfully passing!

"What, really? Really?" Even though Noelle had been very confident before, after learning that he had really passed, he still felt a little uncontrollably happy.

"Of course it's true, little Noelle, how could a serious guy like Qin still lie to you!"

Lisa, wearing a pointed witch hat, had a faint smile on her face.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Noelle also showed "I'm very happy" from the inside out. She nodded heavily and said:

"When I become an official West Wind Knight, I will definitely learn from my seniors and strive to become an excellent West Wind Knight. I hope to one day be able to fight alongside Captain Qin!"

"Noelle, your ability is obvious to all, and I believe that everything you say can be achieved." Apart from a slight lack of experience, Qin felt that Noelle was already an excellent Zephyr Knight.

"Yeah, I, I'll prepare some more snacks!"

Noelle was very excited after being recognized and affirmed by Captain Qin. He ran to the kitchen in a hurry and used his best skills to make more delicious snacks to express his gratitude.

"Haha, little Noelle is so cute." Lisa looked at Noelle's hurried figure and couldn't help but smile.

"Noelle is about to become a full-time employee, but she still lacks experience. How will Captain Qin plan to arrange her work?" Li Qiuzhi asked with concern.

"Amber's scout knight team is the only one on her own, and the scout team has less pressure. I want Amber, a senior, to lead her and Irene."

Jean already had plans.

"Well, that's fine." Li Qiuzhi felt that this arrangement was good. He thought for a while and said, "But without these two secretaries, there will be more trivial tasks. Then we won't have to work overtime every day." Days, right?"

"This" Qin has realized these days that having two secretaries to help with some trivial matters can indeed make her feel a lot more relaxed.

Noelle and Irene's sudden departure would inevitably make her need to deal with those trivial matters herself again.

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