I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 522 Practice (two in one)

After final consideration, Captain Qin decided to continue to serve as her secretary while arranging for Noelle and the others to study in Amber's reconnaissance team.

After all, the official Zephyr Knights also have civilian support staff.

Noelle and the others can join Amber's reconnaissance team while serving as the acting captain's secretary. Under the leadership of Amber, a senior, they can become familiar with the work of the official Zephyr Knights.

There is a slow transition period in this way, which is also a better method for the inexperienced Noelle and others.

Not long after, Noelle made many more exquisite snacks.

Moon pie embellished with rose petals, golden stuffed apples, mint jelly that sounds very refreshing just from the name, and finally the very famous Mondstadt potato cake!

Noelle is worthy of being an all-around talent in housework, and his cooking skills feel even more impressive than Xiang Ling, the chef of Wanmin Hall.

Everyone enjoyed the whole afternoon tea party quite happily.

But Noelle may have been happier because she made too many snacks at once, so everyone didn't finish them and had to save them for dessert after dinner.

Soon after the afternoon tea party ended, Captain Qin and Lisa continued to return to work in the Knights. Mona also went to study her astrology, and Fischer had to write an investigation report.

Li Qiuzhi was relatively leisurely, and later he took Noelle to get familiar with the environment in the fairyland space.

I also visited the hot spring bathhouse and beach swimming pool on the second floor, the library, meditation room and Mona and Sugar's laboratory on the third floor.

By the way, I got acquainted with King Dacishu, Jiayuan, Raikage Kazuma and the others.

Arriving at the warehouse on the fourth floor, Li Qiuzhi continued to introduce Heulia to Noelle, and said that anything he had in the future could be stored here.

Especially when you find some treasure, storing it here can expand the space.

"Well, if I find treasures in the future, I will put them here to contribute to the growth of Wonderland!" Noelle had a serious look on his fair and lovely face.

Being able to successfully pass the knight selection and have the opportunity to live with Captain Qin, whom he has admired since childhood, Li Qiuzhi's help is not insignificant.

The most important thing is that the two are now lovers, and it is natural for them to help each other.

Since he needs various treasures, Noelle will naturally pay attention to them.

"You've been busy all afternoon. Noelle, you must be tired. Why don't you go take a bath in a hot spring together? It will relax you all at once!"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"One, together!" A blush appeared on Noelle's face, and he quickly shook his head and said, "No, no need, I'll take a bath in the bathroom as well."

"Taking a bath? That's okay. I'll go with you." Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Honorary Knight, please don't tease me. I can go alone!"

Noelle shook her head, and the soft hair on her head swayed slightly, as if if Li Qiuzhi continued to speak, steam would come out of her head.

"Okay." Seeing Noel's refusal, Li Qiuzhi nodded with regret.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi no longer said embarrassing things, Noel also breathed a sigh of relief.

She wasn't mentally prepared for taking a bath together or something like that.

The two of them walked downstairs, Noelle seemed a little shy, looking at the ground and not knowing what he was thinking about.

The corners of Li Qiuzhi's mouth raised slightly, and some bad thoughts secretly emerged.

When he was about to reach the second floor, he took Noelle's soft hand and hugged her. Noelle was used to these actions, so he didn't react much.

He rubbed it, and the back of her white hands let go, and then he hugged Noelle from behind.

"Well, please don't do this. I can't walk anymore."

Noelle's shoulders shrank, the gold-rimmed and white shoulder pads also swayed, and his legs swinging back and forth stayed in place.

Li Qiuzhi put his arm around Noelle's waist, but unfortunately he couldn't touch her soft belly because of the armor he was wearing.

"I seem to smell the fragrance of roses in your hair. I want to get closer and smell it carefully to see if I smell it wrong."

He made an excuse and at the same time put his nose close to the girl's hair and smelled it carefully.

"The only thing she wears on her head is a simulated rose hair accessory. How can there be no smell?" Noelle refuted Li Qiuzhi's excuse in a weak tone.

"Ahem, it seems I was wrong. This is not the fragrance of roses. It is the fragrance of your body, right?"

Li Qiuzhi smiled lightly, lifted Noelle's hair hanging down her face with her nose, and kissed her cheek gently.

"No, it's not." Feeling the warmth coming from his face, the white skin on Noelle's face turned red visibly.

She twisted her body, trying to break free but failed.

Soon Noelle felt the warm touch and moved it to the corner of her mouth, just in time to say something.

"Well!" His mouth was blocked, and everything he wanted to say was suppressed.

Noelle's eyes widened slightly, and it took him a moment to react and move his mouth away. He instinctively covered his blushing face with both hands and whispered:

"Mr. Honorary Knight is too much"

"It's normal for lovers to be affectionate and affectionate." As Li Qiuzhi said this, he squatted slightly, stretched his left hand to Noelle's back knee, picked her up, and continued, "Let's go together now. Let’s take a bath in the hot spring.”

"Although, it's a bit too fast," Noelle said shyly.

But her resistance had no effect. After a while, she was carried into the changing room of the bathhouse by Li Qiuzhi.

"Before you go to the hot spring, please change your clothes first." Li Qiuzhi put Noelle down, then turned around to get a clean towel.

Noelle only felt that his face was a little hot, and his head became groggy because the heat was not dissipated quickly enough.

Her heart was beating fast, she held the hem of her skirt with both hands, nodded sometimes, then shook her head, looking hesitant.

Li Qiuzhi knew that for a girl like Noelle who was as shy as sugar, she had to be proactive.

Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take for her to take the initiative to take a bath with him. As long as there is a breakthrough, she will not refuse the second time.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi, who had taken the towel, had no choice but to help Noelle, who was still struggling, make a decision.

He first took off the hat on her head and placed it on the shelf next to her, followed by the two rose hair accessories.

While Li Qiuzhi was doing these things, Noelle seemed to have finally made a decision.

She closed her eyes and chose to let Li Qiuzhi do what she wanted. After all, she was a little confused at this time because of her shyness, and she would be in a hurry if she wanted to change her clothes.

Then just don't move. We are lovers anyway, so there is nothing wrong with taking a bath together. This is normal behavior between lovers.

Noelle tried to use these hints to convince his body, which was overly tense due to shyness.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Noelle who was so cute and couldn't help but smile. At the same time, he quickly replaced her shoulder pads and breastplate.

By the way, he also took off his black, white and rose skirt, and then said:

"Next, it's your boots. Please lift your legs."

While speaking, Li Qiuzhi asked Noelle to lean against the wall, and he helped hold up her over-the-knee high-heeled boots.

"Yes." Noelle was still blushing. She responded in a low voice and took off a pair of boots in cooperation.

After changing out of her skirt and boots, Noelle was still wearing a backless long-sleeved black tight top, and her legs were wrapped in panty-style semi-transparent black stockings.

Through the black semi-transparent stockings, you can see the black briefs underneath.

Noelle folded his palms in front of him, looked to the side shyly with his lovely white and rosy cheeks, parted his lips slightly and whispered:

"Oh, Mr. Honorary Knight, please don't keep staring."

"In that case, I think it's okay to take a bath dressed like this."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and did not continue to take off Noelle's clothes. Instead, he put a white towel on her shoulders, took her hand and walked out.

"Hey, if you still have clothes, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to take a bath?"

Noelle said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Then take it off after you feel uncomfortable." Li Qiuzhi led Noel to the hot spring with wisps of steam floating on the water.

Although he was a little confused, Noelle was slightly relieved that he didn't have to take off the last of his clothes to be honest with her.

"The temperature of the water is just right, let's go down."

Li Qiuzhi entered the hot spring pool first, then opened his arms, indicating that Noelle could jump into his arms and he would catch her well.

"Please be careful!" Noelle caressed his chest, and then threw himself into Li Qiuzhi's arms.

Li Qiuzhi caught her, but there was still a splash of water.

The warm water splash wet Noelle's clothes, and the color of her tight top became darker. The black pantyhose stockings clung to her snow-white skin, outlining the graceful curves of her legs.


Noelle also realized that she was not in line with the graceful manners of a lady at this time. She screamed in shock and quickly immersed her body in the water, leaving only her red and hot head exposed.

Li Qiuzhi smiled, sat down next to her and put his hands around her waist, then gently picked her up and let Noelle sit astride him.

Looking at her pretty red face, he slowly kissed her.

Even though they had kissed him before, Noelle was still a little nervous. He grabbed Li Qiuzhi's shoulders with both hands and unconsciously exerted some strength.

Although Noelle's strength is much greater than that of ordinary people, it is nothing to Li Qiuzhi.

His hands caressed the back and waist exposed by her black tights and top, and then gently slid to her buttocks wrapped in black stockings.

The warm spring water covered up the sound of tearing thin cloth

After taking a bath in the hot spring, Noelle was not only a little tired, but her level had been greatly improved and her body had become stronger.

During this period, Li Qiuzhi also tried to practice using the method brought by the Lingge entry "breath circulation".

He found that in just about an hour, he had made a lot of progress on his way to level 101.

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv100 (112561/10000000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiqi

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Ying·Divinity 10 (Star Sea Ten Thousand), Wuxiang's Sword·Divinity 10 (Wuxian Wushuang), Shadow of the Abyss·Mystery 10 (Deep Jump), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique·Mystery 10 (Frost Flower Arrow) ), Elemental Control 10 (full level), Fighting 10 (subtle)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience point: 1280889

The original progress of 10 million was only filled up by 100,000 points due to absorbing the dragon blood jade, but now it has become about 110,000.

In other words, Li Qiuzhi can improve his progress by about 10,000 by using the term "breath circulation" to practice in the form of stickers for one hour!

Hiss, he instinctively had great expectations for the entry "breath circulation", but he didn't expect it to exceed his expectations!

You can improve 10,000 points of progress in one hour, 240,000 points in one day, 2.4 million points in ten days, and 24 million points in 100 days. You can upgrade two levels in a row!

This is a bit scary. Of course, it is impossible for him to continue practicing using "breath circulation" for a hundred days without rest.

But even so, it cannot be denied that the cultivation effect of this entry is really good, and it can easily help him save a lot of experience points.

And it’s much easier than practicing on your own.

Of course, you still have to practice by yourself when you should practice. After all, everyone has to go to work during the day, but there is no way to accompany him to practice all the time.

On the other hand, Ying has been staying in the fairyland space, so she can practice with him all day long, and the practice of "breath circulation" is also effective for him.

It's just not as good as the owner of the entry, Li Qiuzhi.

When Lei Qianqian's affection for her was almost at full level, telling her that this kind of practice would also improve her.

Maybe she would agree.

After all, at the level of Lei Movie, no matter how much practice you practice, the improvement in your strength will be minimal. If there is a new and more effective practice method, there is a chance that you will be curious to try it.

Especially with Li Qiuzhi, whose favorability level is close to full.

Speaking of which, Lei Qianqian is much stronger than Noelle. I wonder if the improvement gained from practicing with her for an hour is the same as that with Noelle?

One hour of training with Noelle will increase your progress by 10,000 points, so how many movies with Lei will there be!

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but think about it.

But one problem that cannot be ignored is that although Lei movies have entities, they are essentially soul bodies.

I don’t know if practicing with her will help, or will it work with General Thunder?

Li Qiuzhi decided to find an opportunity to discuss with Lei Film as soon as possible to see if he could win her over and understand the specific situation.

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