I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 526 Kuki Shinobu (two in one)

Seeing Li Qiuzhi agreeing so readily, Yan Fei couldn't help but feel a little fond of him:

[Yanfei has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (260/300)]

She put her hands on her hips and continued:

“I’m here to provide legal counseling services, and all the legal knowledge is already here!”

Yan Fei pointed to her head, looking more confident, saying that she didn't need to bring anything with her and could leave at any time.

"Well, come to my house and sit for a while. I'll teleport you there and let you out."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said, and at the same time opened the fairyland space and asked Yan Fei to sit in the living room for a while.

The teleportation of "interstellar travel" cannot bring people, but the solution to the problem is also very simple. Just let Yan Fei stay in the fairyland space for a while, teleport there yourself, and then let her come out.

Not even taking a sip of tea.

"Yeah, please."

Yan Fei still trusted Li Qiuzhi, so after saying that, she walked into the fairyland space.

After closing the space rift, Li Qiuzhi said goodbye to Gan Yu and Shen He, and then launched the "interstellar travel".

Inazuma Castle, Naganohara Fireworks Shop.

Xiaogong, who tied up the golden orange, was playing skipping with the children nearby outside the store. After hearing that Li Qiuzhi was coming over, she said to the children:

"Huh, Sister Xiaogong is a little tired. You guys can play first while I rest for a while."

"Ah~ Sister Xiaogong is lying. Sister Xiaogong is an adult. Adults are better than children. We are not tired. How can Sister Xiaogong be tired as an adult!"

The little girl swinging the hemp rope retorted very logically.

"Oh! I know, it must be the big brother who always brings us candy!"

The little boy on the other end of the hemp rope said in surprise as if he had remembered something.

"Hey! Can you guess this?" Xiao Gong's fair and pretty face showed a look of surprise, secretly lamenting that the child's thinking is so easy to jump to, but he can still jump to the correct answer.

"Great, we are going to have candies again!" The two children swinging the hemp rope and the third child beating the rope in the center of the rope were all extremely excited.

The big brother appeared out of thin air every time and would give them delicious candies when he saw them there, so they came to the fireworks shop more frequently and felt that it was no problem to stay in the fireworks shop all day long.

After all, if you miss that big brother, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Amid the expectations of adults and children outside the fireworks shop, Li Qiuzhi appeared beside her quietly.

"Wow! He is really a big brother!"

The moment he appeared, the children noticed him and shouted excitedly, big brother, big brother and so on.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and skillfully took out the prepared candies and handed them to them:

"Come on, take a pack per person and share it with other friends. Remember not to eat too much, as it will cause tooth decay!"

"I know, thank you, big brother!" Several children thanked politely in unison, and then ran away impatiently.

"Shuzi, Mingye, walk faster. Don't let that bastard Yidou find out that we have something good, otherwise he will definitely steal it!"

The child running at the front said loudly.

"Running so fast." Xiaogong watched the children running away, put his hands on his waist and chuckled, then looked at Li Qiuzhi next to him:

"Did you come here to play with me today, or did you have other matters?"

Li Qiuzhi hugged Xiao Gong's soft waist, causing a slight blush to appear on her cheeks, but it quickly disappeared. He explained:

"I accepted the commission today and sent someone here."

After such a long time, after getting along with Li Qiuzhi, Xiaogong's favorability towards him has been upgraded from the previous "favorability level 7 (360/700)" to "favorability level 8 (200/700)".

I have tried holding hands, cuddling and so on many times. Xiaogong has become accustomed to it from being shy at the beginning. As long as it is not cuddling in public, he will not be shy.

"Send it away? Is there something going on?" Xiao Gong looked puzzled.

"I don't know the specific situation. I'll let her come out first and then ask if there is anything I can do to help."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head slightly, then opened the fairyland space and went in, taking Yan Fei out.

"Wow, we actually arrived at Daozhu City so quickly!" Yan Fei looked at the buildings on both sides of the street that were completely different from those in Liyue.

"Of course." Li Qiuzhi continued with a smile, "Where are you going next? I am quite familiar with Dao Wife."

"My junior sister seems to work in a place called Arataki Sect. Do you know where it is?"

Yan Fei was not polite and asked directly.

Well, of course he knew about the Arataki sect, and he had already guessed that Yanfei's junior sister was Kuuki Shinobu, but he really didn't know where the Arataki sect was.

Li Qiuzhi touched his cheek with his fingers, looked at Xiao Gong, and asked, "Do you know where the Huanglong Sect is?"

"The Arataki faction, I know they have a boss named Arataki Idou, and he seems to be quite familiar with the children in the area."

Although Xiaomiya had heard of the Arataki sect, Inazuma City was so big that she didn't quite know where it was. She crossed her arms and thought for a moment:

"Okay, let's go find those children nearby and ask. They are familiar with Arataki, so they should know where they are!"

"It's indeed a good idea."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. Based on his understanding of Arataki Yidou, that guy was the child king of Daozuma City.

There's a good chance the kids in the city know where he is.

"It seems that we have something in mind." Yan Fei saw that the two people had a direction to find someone between their words, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She approached Li Qiuzhi as if she remembered something and whispered:

"Speaking of which, I came to Inazuma through space transfer. I did not register on the outlying island. I am considered a stowaway. Is there any way you can help me?"

As a legal expert, Yan Fei is naturally very keen on legal matters. She came here to do legal consultation-related commissions, which is equivalent to consultant work.

But as a legal worker, if you come to help but use illegal methods such as smuggling, it will be easy for your opponents to catch you.

After listening to Yan Fei's words, Li Qiuzhi understood what she meant, nodded and said:

"This question is simple. You and I will go to the castle tower to ask General Raiden for a warrant. With her permission, you will be legal."

"Thunder, General Raiden, isn't this a bit too much?"

Yan Fei had heard about the various deeds of General Thunder and Lightning from her parents, and was inexplicably afraid of such a prestigious figure.

"It doesn't matter. I have a very good relationship with her. It's much easier and more convenient to go to her directly to ask for the warrant than to go to someone else."

Li Qiuzhi said.

"Uh, then, okay then." In this case, Yan Fei had no choice but to go meet the legendary Thunder and Lightning General.

[Yanfei has a good impression of you and gains 340 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (300/400)]

The character panel popped up prompts for gaining favorability points in a timely manner. Li Qiuzhi was slightly satisfied, and then looked at Xiao Gong:

"Come out for a walk with us. When we ask the children for help, you, Sister Xiaogong, will be asked to come forward!"

"Yeah, of course there's no problem." Xiao Gong patted her lightly, revealing her snow-white chest under her half-undressed orange shirt.

The castle tower is a bit far away, but with the help of Li Qiuzhi's space shuttle, it didn't take long to arrive.

As Li Qiuzhi said, with his relationship with General Leiden, it was not difficult to get a warrant allowing Yanfei to stay in Daozuma City legally.

After settling this most important matter, Li Qiuzhi asked Xiao Gong to ask the children on the street and asked them to help take a few people to the Huanglong Sect. The reward was a bag of candies from Liyue per person.

It's actually maltose wrapped in hawthorn fruit.

With candies as reward, these children were very active and jumped around for about half an hour before arriving at the Arataki sect's station.

This place is located on the edge of Inazuma Castle. A simple wooden house has been built in the open space. On the edge of the wooden house, there is a front desk that looks like an Adventurers Association.

A fat man wearing a bamboo hat was sitting at the front desk and dozing off. Perhaps he woke up as Li Qiuzhi and the others approached.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others, then lowered his head slightly to see the children leading the way. The fat man suddenly woke up and ran inside while yelling:

"No, no, boss, those brats who defeated you in the insect fight last time are here to cause trouble again, and they even brought someone with them!"

Before Li Qiuzhi and the others could say anything, an unconvinced voice came from inside:

"What! Damn brats, I was just careless last time! I was just careless! This time I will show you the power of my new partner, the 'Blank Ghost King'!"

"Uh, what's going on?"

Yan Fei looked at the children in front of her with some doubts. She had a very strong intuition that she must have gone to the wrong place.

Why is my junior sister with excellent grades in such a strange place? Could it be that these children have remembered the wrong way.

"Oh, big sister, we are not in the wrong place. This is the Arataki sect. That guy Yidou lost the last time he competed with us Douchong for the title of 'Douchong King'. He has been unconvinced and wants to win the title back!"

A little boy named Gangzhi spread his hands and shook his head and said helplessly.

"Haha, he looks like a very interesting person." Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but smile.

"Bang!" The sound of the wooden door being kicked open came.

Arataki Ito, a tall man with two red ghost horns on his forehead, walked over with a bastard step and looked very angry:

"Tsangzhi, Yunzi, Kangtai and you guys think that I am too powerful, so you are asking for foreign aid this time!"

"If you want to fight, you don't need foreign aid at all. We brought these big brothers and sisters here because they came to see you for something."

The little girl Yunzi shook her head.

"Ah?" At this time, the slow Arataki Yidou seemed to have just realized what was going on. He looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said with sudden realization:

"——Oh! Could it be that you are here to entrust our Arataki faction to do something?

"Our Arataki faction is the most famous gang in Inazuma, and our business scope involves law, eh."

Seeing that his boss couldn't remember for a moment, Fatty Ah Huang, who was following behind, quickly went over and whispered a reminder:

"Boss, our Arataki sect's business includes: legal consultation, business negotiation, banquet hosting, clothing customization, etc."

"Oh, that's right. In short, we can do everything. No matter what your needs are, the Arataki Sect will definitely help you get them done!"

Arataki Yidou said boldly and cheerfully.

"Legal consultation, business negotiation, uh" It wasn't that Yan Fei looked down upon the Arataki sect, but that they gave people the impression that they couldn't be trusted at all.

"Haha, the reputation of the Arataki sect is far-reaching, especially the bravery of the gang's leader, Arataki Ito, is well known. However, we are not here to entrust you with work this time, but to find someone."

Li Qiuzhi felt that he understood Arataki Yidou's character quite well. He was very childish, and if he boasted about it, he might be immediately cited as a confidant.

"Oh, that's right, I didn't expect you to know our Arataki sect so well. Brother, I am determined to be your friend!"

When Arataki heard someone saying that he was brave, he instantly got carried away and reached out his hand excitedly.

Li Qiuzhi also stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and said with a smile: "I am also honored to be recognized. Oh, by the way, my name is Li Qiuzhi."

He also prefers pure people like Arataki Yito.

Just when the two were chatting happily, another figure walked out of the room.

She has green hair, purple eyes, her mouth is covered by a black mask, and she wears a black sleeveless midriff-baring top with a hooded purple short coat.

Below the waist with some red marks, she wears a pair of black shorts, exposing her snow-white thighs, and wrapped underneath are open-toed, over-the-knee black boots.

According to Li Qiuzhi's memory, this person who is exactly the same as the one in the game is obviously the second-in-command of the Arataki sect. The Arataki sect, which has been regarded as a troublemaker, has a new and powerful figure - Kuki Shinobu!

He is a high-level talent that is highly recognized by Kujo Sora, the great general of Tianling!

"Senior Sister Yanfei, long time no see, hello to you two. And the boss is not here to entrust us, but we are entrusting them here. Have you forgotten?"

Kuqi Ren first greeted Yan Fei, then Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong, and finally reminded Arataki Yidou.

"Oh! I told you earlier, it turns out that you have accepted our commission!" Arataki Yidou really suddenly realized this time.

"" Yan Fei was helpless. She also wanted to explain the situation early, but wasn't it just because you people here were so weird that she was confused.

She secretly took a deep breath, decided to ignore Arataki Ito, looked directly at Kuki-nin and said:

"A-Nin, tell us what's going on now."

"Well, please come inside the house." Jiuqi Ren nodded his chin lightly, but it was not appropriate to talk about things at the door, so he invited Li Qiuzhi and the others into the house.

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