I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 527 Dispute (two in one)

Inazuma City, Arataki Sect.

The inside of the house is equally simple, but it is quite tidy, and the windows are in a good position, allowing sunlight to shine in, making the whole house appear brighter.

Thinking about it, this should be the credit of Kuki Shinobu. For example, Ichito and his younger brothers probably wouldn't have thought so carefully.

"Senior sister and the other two of you, please sit down first and I'll make a pot of tea first."

Jiuqi Ren took Li Qiuzhi and others to the reception area and sat down. She did not expect Yanfei to arrive at Inazuma so quickly, and thought it would take more than a week to arrive at the earliest.

So I haven't prepared anything for the reception yet. Alas, it's really rude.

"A-Ren, you don't have to be so polite." Yan Fei smiled and sat down on the sofa first, followed by Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong.

The seating arrangement and the material of the sofa here seem to be very good. Some thought must have been put into it so that guests who come here to discuss business can have a more comfortable experience.

"Speaking of which, why did Senior Sister come so quickly?"

Kuki Shinobi asked curiously while preparing tea.

"Well, there was just an accident."

Yan Fei had no choice but to ask Li Qiuzhi to bring the ship because the ship was delayed by wind and waves. Instead, she briefly discussed the matter a lot in advance.

"Huh, that's okay. If senior sister can't come, then I won't be able to deal with this trouble."

Hearing that there was an accident during the delivery of the letter, Jiuqi Ren was a little surprised. Fortunately, there was no accident in the final result. Senior Sister Yanfei finally arrived.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little fond of Li Qiuzhi, who had been so helpful:

[Kuki Shinobu has developed a good impression of you and gained 330 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (30/300)]

Then she made tea for several people, took out the information from the Eye of God space, sat down and slowly began to tell Li Qiuzhi and the others what was going on:

"This is a labor dispute case involving a large amount of money, and the situation is slightly complicated."

Jiu Qi Ren and Yan Fei talked about the details of the case carefully. Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong's understanding of the law was at the level of ordinary people.

However, I don’t know why I feel very confused when listening to them talk about such professional fields that require in-depth understanding, but I am still enjoying it.

Maybe it’s the nature of watching the excitement that comes into play.

Ten minutes later, Jiuqi Ren finally explained the details of the case clearly. Because her words were concise and easy to understand, even two non-professionals, Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong, understood what was going on.

To sum it up, a businessman wanted to build a large shopping mall, and then a good friend who worked in civil engineering came to say that he could do it.

The businessman knew his good friend well and had been friends for many years, so he trusted him and paid part of the money to him and asked him to recruit people to start work.

After all, it is better for Mora to make money for others than to make money for his friends, who can also get a lot of discounts, so basically all subsequent matters related to construction will be taken care of by that friend.

The businessman's friend also acted very quickly and quickly found enough manpower to start construction.

He also gave more molas and asked his friends to contact building materials dealers to purchase materials needed for construction.

The friend lived up to the expectations of the businessman, and with the help of recruited workers, everything was done quickly and the official construction started soon.

Everything went very smoothly in the first three months, but one morning three months later, the workers came to work as usual, but were surprised to find that the contractor did not come!

Unexpectedly, the workers first went to the contractor's home to look for him, but found no one. Then they naturally searched everywhere, and finally found that the guy had fled abroad with a huge sum of money!

Because it was originally agreed that the salary of the previous month would be paid in the middle of the second month, it is easy to understand that the salary of the previous month should be calculated in the first few days of the month.

Although it's not a daily settlement, everyone doesn't have any opinions on this.

The businessman's friend told the businessman that the construction could be completed relatively quickly by recruiting more people. The businessman also trusted his friend very much, so he went with his friend's arrangement.

The next step was that the businessman's friend recruited forty or fifty workers to help with the construction. The average daily salary per person was 30,000 to 40,000 molas, which was relatively high.

The daily salary of workers transporting goods at Liyue Wharf is about 20,000 molas, so the daily salary of 30,000 to 40,000 molas is very attractive.

It is no problem to easily recruit dozens of workers.

Even if it is calculated based on 30,000 molas per day for a minimum of 40 workers, the minimum wage for workers is 1.2 million per day, which is 36 million molas per month.

Construction lasted three months, and in the second month, the first month's mola was given to the workers.

In the third month, when the second month's mora needed to be paid, the salary was delayed on the grounds that the statistics were wrong and had to be recalculated, but it was said that an additional 5% would be paid as compensation.

The workers are very satisfied with this.

As expected, by the middle of the fourth month, the contractor will have to pay the workers wages for the second and third months, a total of two months, which is at least 72 million molas.

In other words, the contractor took away at least so many molas and ran them abroad. When the workers discovered this fact, they were naturally extremely angry!

There was no way they could get back two months' wages, so they had no choice but to find a contractor and ask for it from a businessman.

The businessman was stunned when he heard the news. His good friend actually ran away with the money?

When workers come to him asking for money, although he sympathizes with their plight, he is also a victim. He has already paid all the monthly wages he needs to pay.

There was no reason to give it again, and what I learned later was that when his friend went to the material dealers to buy the materials, he only gave a deposit and said he would pay the balance after the completion.

However, because the businessman had a very trusting relationship with his friend, after confirming that there were no problems with the bill before construction, he had already given the friend enough money to purchase the materials.

In other words, in addition to the wages of the workers, the foreman also took away the final payment for various building materials, with a total amount of more than 100 million molas!

With such a huge figure, it is impossible for a businessman to be taken advantage of and pay again.

Naturally, the workers and material dealers were unwilling to do so, so they had no choice but to use the law to solve the problem, but the consulting fees they could afford were not much.

Taking into account the ability and cost-effectiveness, we invited the deputy of the Arataki faction, who had recently become famous in Inazuma Castle, namely Kuki Shinobu, to take action.

At this time, Kuki-nin has helped many ordinary people and solved many legal cases. He has a very good reputation and never bargains too much.

Therefore, it is naturally the first choice of workers.

The businessman also expected this. He spent a lot of money to hire a team of legal consultants who were also very famous in Daozuma. He thought that even if he couldn't win the lawsuit, it shouldn't be a problem to reduce the compensation.

After learning about this, Kuki Shinobu also felt the pressure. After all, his opponent was an entire team of veteran legal consultants.

Although she believed in her abilities, she was not conceited. The huge wages involved for the workers meant that she had to hire foreign aid to be on the safe side.

That is her senior sister Yan Fei.

Of course, the best way is to catch the contractor who ran away with the money, so that both parties can recover their own profits and losses.

But that person had already planned and ran away without a sound. He didn't know how long he would have to wait to find the others.

The workers knew this very well and had no other choice, so they went to the businessman, so they said this matter was more complicated.

Even with Li Qiuzhi's limited knowledge of law, he knew that such a case would definitely take a long time.

However, he can provide some help. He can ask Captain Qin, Ning Guang and Nasida to join forces with Dao Wife to arrest this person who ran away with the money.

Of course, it doesn't matter if that person goes to the three countries of Fontaine, Nata or Zhidong. Just ask Tian Ling to contact the law enforcement agencies of those three countries and jointly arrest him.

Thinking about such a small thing, the other party probably wouldn't refuse.

Maybe we can also take this opportunity to formulate an agreement such as an international joint wanted document.

That is, information on wanted criminals is shared with each other. Whichever country catches a foreign wanted criminal will notify the corresponding country to claim it and escort it back.

It feels like a good idea that is positive and beneficial to every country. Let Captain Qin and the others push it, maybe it can really happen!

Li Qiuzhi waited until the exchange between Jiuqi Ren and Yan Fei stopped temporarily, and mentioned that he could help contact Mond, Liyue, and Xumi to help arrest the wanted contractor who ran away with the money.

As for the international joint arrest of fugitives, I have not told them yet.

Because he had no say in this matter, Captain Qin, Ningguang, Nasida and the general had to discuss it before contacting other countries to discuss it.

In the end, all seven countries had no problems before it could be implemented.

No matter how good the proposal is, whether it is suitable or not must be considered based on the respective national conditions.

Li Qiuzhi can ask someone to find someone, but when it comes to legal matters, he is not a professional and naturally he does not dare to use his influence indiscriminately. He must do it in this way, otherwise he will only do bad things with good intentions.

"Hey, that's right. You have made great contributions to Mondstadt, Liyue and other countries. It's really easy to ask for such a small favor."

Yan Fei took a sip of tea and said thoughtfully.

"It would be best if we could really catch the person who ran away with the money, but no one knows which country he went to, and even if we catch him, we may not be able to recover those moras."

Kuki Shinobu was not so optimistic.

"But we can't just let him get away with it, right?" Li Qiuzhi said with a smile, leaning on the sofa.

"Yes, that's true." Jiuqi Ren and Yanfei nodded in agreement.

[Yan Fei develops a favorable impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (200/500)]

[Kuki Shinobu has developed a liking for you and gained 380 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 4 (110/400)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorable impression prompts that popped up on the character panel and knew that they had a favorable impression of him again for his active helping behavior.

The exclusive specialty "Girl Lover" is as powerful as ever, making it much easier for him to gain favor. Maybe this is his personal charm, the young adventurer thought happily.

"However, arresting the prisoner is not within the scope of this commission. We still have to focus on the labor dispute between the workers and the wealthy businessman."

Kuki thought for a while and said.

"That's right, the interests of workers must be prioritized."

Li Qiuzhi nodded in agreement. After all, Jiuqi Ren accepted the commission from the workers, and even if he was captured, there was a risk that Maura would not be recovered.

Naturally, these risks cannot be borne by workers.

After taking a short rest, Kuki Shinobu and Enhi then continued to discuss the relevant details of the case with Enhi.

It stopped after about half an hour. According to Kuki Shinobi, there were still about ten days before the trial of this labor dispute case was to begin.

Just let's understand the matter first. There is no need to be so anxious about other matters. She originally expected that Senior Sister Yanfei would be able to come to Daozuma City three days before the court session.

In other words, she believed that three days was enough time for them to prepare. Now that it was so many days ahead of schedule, there was nothing wrong with slowing down the pace.

"By the way, senior sister was only busy talking to you about the case, and she forgot that you just arrived at Daozhi, so she should take you to arrange a hotel first!"

After talking for a long time, Kuki's throat felt a little dry. Just when he picked up the cup and was about to take a sip, he suddenly thought of something and said.

"Hey, there's no need to worry about finding a hotel in a place as big as Daozuma City. Don't be so anxious, A-nin." Yan Fei waved her hand to show that she didn't care.

Hearing the two of them talking, Li Qiuzhi felt that he had found another opportunity to improve his favorability. He thought for a while and said to Yan Fei:

"Actually, if you don't want to bother me, I can take you back to Liyue Port when you're done. After all, sleeping in a hotel is not as comfortable as at home."

"Well, it seems so, but won't this be too much trouble for you?" Yan Fei showed emotion on her face, and then said slightly hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of a moment anyway, so it's not really a trouble."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

"Yeah, it's really best to go home. How about I pay you the cost of staying in the hotel as a reward!" Yan Fei said happily.

[Yanfei has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (20/600)]

"Well, you don't have to be so polite. If you feel bad and don't want my help to be in vain, then just give me a rough stone. I'm quite interested in the rough stone."

The market price of a rough stone is 100,000 molad, and staying in a hotel for ten days is about the same price. Li Qiuzhi didn't say much.

He said this mainly to see if Enhi and Kuki Shinobu had any rough stones left, and if so, they could express their willingness to acquire them.

Previously, he had taken the time to absorb the rough stones purchased from the Mondstadt Adventurers Association as a commission, as well as the rough stones given by Captain Qin as a reward, a total of more than 300 stones.

Now the experience points on the panel have exceeded two million:

[Experience point: 2216889]

Later, I went to the Adventurers Association in Daozhu City to see how many rough stones had been purchased there. When I sent Yan Fei back to Liyue, I also stopped by the Adventurers Association in Liyue Port to have a look.

If only there were as many as there were in Mondstadt!

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Thanks to "Thirteenth Son of Chuixiao" for the 800-coin reward!

Thanks to "Eldest Son's Tentacle" for the 500-coin reward!

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