I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 536 Explosion (two in one)

Can you use it on a target to obtain intelligence information about unknown things?

Li Qiuzhi looked at this favorability skill in surprise. It seemed to be pretty good. Fischer's favorability skill "Great Illusion Dream Senluo Vientiane Violent Qi Sin-Severing Eye" could see through other people's levels.

But it’s just level, that’s all.

The favorability skill given by Yae Shenzi is specialized in the ability to obtain information, although it does not have the characteristics of ignoring illusions like the golden sin-judging eye.

But the efficiency of obtaining intelligence information will not disappoint!

Li Qiuzhi curiously activated the "Baichen Phantom Soul Bell", and soon a large amount of information appeared in his mind.

He simply followed the prompts on the character panel and sorted it out a little:

[Hakushen Phantom Soul Bell: It is an artifact made by Kossai Palace, the Shrine of Narukami Taisha Shrine. It has been formed after thousands of years of historical precipitation. It is the treasure of the Baichen Fairy Fox clan and contains the sleeping spiritual consciousness of Kossai Palace. This object has the ability to cast illusions directly on the soul, and can greatly enhance the power of the illusions used. 】

Li Qiuzhi felt the information he had obtained and found that it was very comprehensive. Even the spiritual consciousness of Huzhai Palace sleeping in it could know it!

Checking the information on the favorability skills and using the skills on the "Baichen Phantom Soul Bell" are a matter of seconds. He replied to Yae Shenzi:

"Wait a moment, we have to deal with these monsters before going back."

After saying that, he summoned a specially customized version of "Count Rabbit". Of course, Li Qiuzhi had no intention of destroying this secret realm.

"Count Rabbit" is very powerful. If the secret realm is not stable enough, one will be enough to destroy the entire secret realm.

But it doesn't matter, he can input a little less energy when summoning "Count Rabbit", so that the power of "Count Rabbit" can be correspondingly reduced.

At the same time, the shield can be used to lock the scope of the explosion within the prison, so that all monsters can be burned to ashes without any possibility of escaping.

"Such a cute doll, is this a secret weapon?"

Yae Shenzi watched Li Qiuzhi take out a doll, and she could feel a very dangerous feeling from it.

"It's a bomb, watch it perform!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled, and then threw the "Earl Rabbit" in his hand directly down.

The cute "Count Rabbit" swayed its little butt leisurely during the fall, and soon it fell to the ground on the eighth floor with a "pop", and then continued to dance.

Its appearance attracted the attention of the dragon demon. After all, even though "Count Rabbit" looked very "smart", the sense of crisis that accompanied its sexy butt-twisting dance could not be ignored.

"Die, die, die, die, die!"

The dragon demon's scarlet vertical pupils were stained with a hint of madness, and it tried to destroy the doll before "Count Rabbit" exploded.

But because the formation was still running, it was sucked away as soon as it released its demonic power. In the end, it could only slap the iron bars of the cell with brute force.

The dragon monster's mind kept flashing back to hundreds of years ago, when the damn smelly fox was not around, he united with most of the monsters in the prison, and prepared to go out to level Ying Xiangshan and destroy Inazuma City when he had the opportunity.

And in the past few hundred years, the prison formation has become weaker and weaker, and there is a chance to escape!

Damn Huzhai Palace, they actually sent two more men over, and even tried to destroy them, bastard, damn it!

The dragon demon roared unwillingly in his heart.

Li Qiuzhi, who was flying above, ignored the question of whether it was willing or not. After leaving "Count Rabbit" behind, he directly condensed his golden sword intent into a protective shield.

The shield passed through the stone wall and enveloped all the cells and "Count Rabbit". Then with a slight movement of thought, "Count Rabbit" at the bottom of the eighth floor jumped and suddenly shone brightly!

The next second, there was a "boom" and "Count Rabbit" exploded.

The shock wave and fire elements of the explosion poured out at the same time. The iron bars of the cells were first shattered by the shock wave, and then evaporated by the high-temperature flames!

Even the formation couldn't resist it.

Behind the iron gate are those monsters. The moment the formation disappeared, they seemed to sense it and showed signs of waking up.

But before they had time to wake up, a moment later, the shock wave and fire element of the explosion hit them.

Evaporated from the continent of Teyvat without leaving even a speck of ash!

Li Qiuzhi felt the huge impact inside the golden shield, but it had no chance of breaking the shield.

The main reason is that his "Count Rabbit" has been weakened a lot, and his shield is hard enough, so it is not a problem to block this attack.

[Defeat powerful enemies*62 and gain 3125617 experience points. 】

After successfully destroying all the monsters, a prompt for gaining experience points popped up on the character panel, totaling more than three million experience points.

This is the most Li Qiuzhi has ever obtained in one go.

The strength of these monsters is indeed not weak. The sixty-two monsters are the same as they counted, and there is no mistake. On average, each monster has more than 50,000 experience points. Are they all leader-level at worst?

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised, and then looked at his character panel:

[Experience point: 5503027]

The experience points he has accumulated have exceeded five million, and he is already more than halfway to ten million, which is quite fast.

"Phew, everything has been settled, let's go."

Li Qiuzhi waited until the impact of the explosion and the fire element calmed down within the shield, and was sure that removing the shield would not destroy the secret realm, so he removed the shield.

A large amount of fire elements poured out, and Li Qiuzhi used water elements to extinguish them. A large amount of water vapor rose up, and the temperature in the secret realm also increased.

He called Yae Shenzi and left quickly.

"Incredibly powerful"

Yae Kamiko scanned it with her mental power and confirmed that there were no living monsters. She then looked at the prison as if something had swallowed it up, and she couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

"That's of course, now I can even counter the shadow with two moves!"

Li Qiuzhi and Yae Shenzi flew out of the secret realm, thinking that they would challenge Ying again in two days and make her willing to practice with him!

"Oh, don't talk nonsense~"

Yae Shenzi knows the strength of the shadow very well, and the shadow can naturally do the kind of thing just now more easily.

"When I get a little stronger, I will challenge Ying to show you."

Li Qiuzhi said confidently.

"That's really what I'm looking forward to" Yae Shenzi chuckled.

It didn't take long for the two of them to fly out of this secret realm of suppressing monsters. Today's monsters rarely appear, and few harm society, so this secret realm cannot play its role.

Let it remain hidden for now.

Yae Shenzi re-closed and sealed the stone door at the entrance, and then returned to Huashanli with Li Qiuzhi to see if she had managed to seal Wubai Zang.

Because the distance was not far away, we soon returned to the sealing place of Wubaizo.

Huasanli was still standing in front of the stone statue of Wubaizo as before they left, but at this time Wubaizo was no longer completely a stone statue.

Its upper body has been lifted from petrification, revealing a huge round head of a civet cat, with several small civet cats jumping excitedly beside it.

Wubaizang turned his round head and looked at Li Qiuzhi and Yae Shenzi:

"Oh, you two are back. Thank you very much. Otherwise, I don't know how long I would have been sealed by that guy Harunosuke!"

"Well, it's all Hua Sanli's credit." Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

"Senior Gohyakuzo, do you have any plans after coming out? Are you interested in coming to Narukami Taisha Shrine to help?"

Yae Kamiko said with his arms crossed.

Because Wubai Zang has been sealed, the Yao Tanuki clan is a little depressed now, and she wants to help this senior.

"Hmph, little fox, thank you for your kindness, but after all, I am also an official granted by the Great Imperial Palace, a big shot known as the 'Yin Shen Baosheng Si Zheng Wubai Zang', and in the end I have to work under the subordinate of the stinky fox in the Fox Palace Palace. , that’s too embarrassing!”

Wubaizo said without any tact.

"Well, since Senior Five Hundred Zang is still thinking about your 'Baosheng Sizheng', then I will go to the general and ask her to continue to let you guard the forest."

Yae Shenzi knew that Wubaizo had such a straightforward temper, but he was not angry at all.

Gobaizang's former duty was to guard the forest and protect the water, soil and ground here. Since it liked this job, there was no problem.

As a big monster, it also has this strength.

"Thank you very much, little fox. When you talk to the General, remember to mention that even though we were turned into stone statues, we have not forgotten to protect the forest. Mention the hardships and dangers I have endured over the years, so that she can It would be best to give me a promotion or something!"

Wubaizo's tone revealed the bitterness he had experienced over the years.

"Haha, of course I will not forget the contribution of my seniors." Yae Shenzi nodded with a smile.

"Miss Kamiko, Kami Harunosuke's seal is a bit tricky. It will take more than half a day to completely lift it. If you have anything to do, please leave first. I can handle it here."

Hua Sanli, who was wearing a fox mask, said to Li Qiuzhi and the other two.

"Well, then I'll leave this place to you." Yae Shenzi also wanted to settle Master Foxai Palace's mental consciousness as soon as possible so that she could recover as soon as possible.

Li Qiuzhi also nodded, said goodbye to Hua Sanli, Wubai Zang and those little demon raccoons, and teleported back to Narukami Taisha Shrine with Yae Shenzi.

Returning to Narukami Taisha Shrine, the bright sunshine cast a light golden color on the sacred cherry tree. Yae Shenzi took out the "White Chen Phantom Soul Bell" and looked at Li Qiuzhi:

"Let's go to your fairyland space."

Li Qiuzhi tapped his chin, immediately opened the "door" to the fairyland space, and walked in with the Son of God.

The moment he walked into the living room, "Bai Chen Phantom Soul Bell" was regarded as successfully collected, and a prompt popped up on the character panel:

[Successfully collect the rare treasure "Baichen Phantom Soul Bell" and obtain the space characteristic Requiem: In the "Golden Treasure House" space, everyone's soul will be in its most comfortable state. 】

Sure enough, it is impossible for such an artifact to have no spatial characteristics.

It's just that this spatial feature seems to improve environmental comfort, and its effect is ordinary.

On the contrary, the wonderland space has become larger by fifty square meters. With the recent improvement in the level of sugar and some collections brought back by everyone, the wonderland space has reached 600 square meters.

It’s already the size of a large villa plus a garden, and it’s four stories tall!

"Is this where you and those girls live? It feels pretty good." The moment Yae Kamiko came in, she felt that this place was very comfortable.

And there is some kind of energy that continues to strengthen her soul. Although the effect is not too great, it is always effective and will not decay.

This is very outrageous, which means that as long as you stay here, your strength will continue to increase. No wonder Li Qiuzhi said that Master Huzhai Palace can be rescued here.

"Hehe, that's right. If Shenzi likes it here, you can live there. There are many rooms here. After all, the conditions here are very good, right?"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

The relationship between the Eightfold God Son and him is so close, so Li Qiuzhi naturally wants her to live there. She is very powerful, and if they practice together, they will get a lot of improvement.

"Oh? It's not impossible if you want to live with me. After all, I still have to take care of Master Huzhai Palace to see when she wakes up!"

Yae Shenzi said with a faint smile on his fair face.

The fairyland space is indeed a miraculous treasure. There is no need to avoid anything when she has such a good relationship with Li Qiuzhi, and she can also feel the aura of that guy Ying here.

Unexpectedly, this guy Li Qiuzhi had already captured Yingdu without telling her! You don't need to guess the Yao Shenzi to know that Li Qiuzhi also used the fairyland space to lure that guy Ying in.

It can strengthen the soul, and seems to have the effect of stopping the flow of life. That guy Ying is thinking about eternity, how can he refuse it.

"Okay, let's put the 'Bai Chen Phantom Soul Bell' away first."

Li Qiuzhi took Yae Shenzi to the warehouse on the fourth floor and introduced her to the environment of the fairyland space.

Yae Kamiko expressed her liking for the hot spring pool on the second floor, mainly because she liked the feeling of taking a bath. When she arrived on the third floor, she first went to the meditation room to see the guy in the movie.

Unexpectedly, Raiden Zhen was also there. Yae Shenzi, who originally wanted to tease Kage, restrained himself a little.

After all, Raiden Makoto, the former God of Thunder, is Kage's sister, so it's hard for her to act like this in front of Makoto.

Lei Qianqing was also a little surprised that the Eightfold Divine Son would appear here, so he gave Li Qiuzhi a roll of his eyes. It was obvious that this guy was obsessed with her and wanted to be her dependent.

"Ahem, you guys talk first, I'll go put something away."

Li Qiuzhi felt a little embarrassed, so he had to take the Baichen Phantom Soul Bell to the fourth floor to find a place to put it, and asked Heulia to help take care of it.

Then come down and listen to Yae Kamiko telling Raiden Makoto and Raiden Movie about recent events, and ask about Raiden Makoto.

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