I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 537 Business (two in one)

After learning that Raiden Shinya was slowly recovering in the fairyland space, Yae Shenzi became more confident about the awakening of the Foxsai Palace.

Lei Dianzhen and Lei Qianqian were also very happy about Li Qiuzhi's rescue of Huzhai Palace, and they felt a little fond of Li Qiuzhi:

[Thunder and Lightning really likes you and gets 500 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 7 (260/700)]

Huzhai Palace has a good relationship with the two sisters Lei Dianzhen and Lei Qianzhi. If there is a chance to see this good friend again, he will naturally have a better impression of Li Qiuzhi.

However, because Ying's affection for him was already full, only Raiden's real affection prompt popped up.

Li Qiuzhi felt a little happy. After Yae Shenzi finished chatting with them, they went to choose a room. Shenzi officially lived in the fairyland space.

It's noon now, and picking up Yanfei is a matter of morning and evening. He doesn't need to go to the Arataki sect yet.

The task of making lunch was taken over by Noelle who came back from get off work, and Li Qiuzhi seemed to be free for a while.

Speaking of Yan Fei, she said she would give herself some rough stones as transportation fee for her round trip!

You can ask her when you pick her up tonight. As for the afternoon, Li Qiuzhi wants to develop his personal business and do business.

For example, he asked Zhongli and the immortals to promote his "wear and purification" service. Last time he and Keqing passed by Wangshu Inn, he purified Mandrill without asking him what compensation he wanted.

After all, Mandrill seemed to be living a poorer life than Zhongli, and he didn't look like Maura. Moreover, it was something he could do with just a little effort, so he didn't care.

However, I heard Yan Fei say that her father used the original stones as toys for her to play with, since this immortal who had not appeared in any scenes seemed to have no shortage of treasures.

Then the other immortals may have collected a bunch of treasures over the years, and the rough stones may have been piled up in their caves unintentionally!

Anyway, they retreated to the mountains and forests, and there was no use in collecting so many treasures. They might as well leave them to him to collect, or use them to improve their strength.

Li Qiuzhi came up with the idea of ​​​​the treasures of the immortals!

I believe that the ability of "purification and wear" is something that no immortal being can refuse, let alone what he wants is only something that is not too necessary for them.

Moreover, the immortals all have great wisdom and ability. It is too wasteful to stay in the valley. The development of Liyue and Teyvat needs them.

If they join, I believe that Teyvat's technological level will develop faster. Especially for Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, an intellectual, letting her join the research on elemental technology will be a great boost.

The reward can be paid with the opportunity of "Purifying Wear" in the future. They don't need Mora, but there is a demand for "Purifying Wear".

After all, as long as you live, there will be wear and tear.

It's just that as immortals, it should be difficult for them to work with humans, and humans will subconsciously feel extreme respect or fear for such existences.

It seems that Nasida must quickly develop the business of "Void Terminal" to Liyue. With the investment and agency of "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce", there will be no problem in terms of funds or channels.

In this way, when the time comes to set up an online organization on the "Void Internet" that gathers Teyvat's top scholars and allows them to study the most cutting-edge technology, wouldn't it perfectly solve the identity problem?

Li Qiuzhi's eyes were slightly bright, and he had new ideas on how to develop Teyvat's elemental technology.

After he had a concrete idea, he acted very quickly.

After having lunch with everyone, Li Qiuzhi teleported to Hutao in the Hall of Life, and he came to see Zhongli.

The plan must be implemented step by step. First, do the business, get the original stone to improve your strength, then go to Nasida to see how the "Void" system is developing, and finally mention the "Void Terminal". Development issues.

When you are almost ready, you can set up the top online scholar exchange organization!

"You guys, did you come to the Hall of Rebirth to find the master of this hall?" Outside the door of the Hall of Rebirth, Hu Tao crossed his arms and glanced at Li Qiuzhi next to him.

"No, I want to discuss something with you, Guest Minister Zhongli."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

"He's inside, go find him yourself." Hutao turned around and looked inside the Hall of Life, jumped lightly and sat on the wooden guardrail.


Li Qiuzhi smiled, pinched Hu Tao's soft and white calf when no one was paying attention, and then walked into the Shengtang.

"Idiot!" Hutao said with a slight blush.

Walking into the Hall of Purity, Li Qiuzhi saw Zhongli on the right side of the hall talking to two employees of the Hall of Purity.

Noticing Li Qiuzhi's gaze, Zhongli could tell that Li Qiuzhi seemed to have something to look for him, so he said something to the two employees and then walked over.

"Hey, good afternoon, Zhongli." Li Qiuzhi waved hello.

"Good afternoon to you too. I see that you are here to see me. What's the matter?"

Zhongli asked doubtfully.

"Ahem, I recently learned a new ability, and I'm here to sell it to you." Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly and said somewhat mysteriously.

There were many people in the Rebirth Hall, so it was slightly inappropriate to talk about "wear and tear". It would be bad if his identity as Prince Yan was exposed.

"Promotion? A surprising answer." Zhongli didn't connect Li Qiuzhi's new ability for a while with why he was promoting to him.

Could it be that the new ability he learned is something useful to him? Did you come here specifically to find yourself? Zhongli was confused, and then became a little curious, so he continued:

"Haha, I guess it's something interesting. Let's go aside and talk in detail."

Purifying "wear and tear" was too counter-intuitive to the Demon God of Teyvat, so Zhongli didn't even think of going there.


Li Qiuzhi and Zhong Li walked into a reception room together, and then closed the door to make sure no one would hear what they were saying. Then Li Qiuzhi sat down and said slowly:

"Zhongli, I have mastered the ability to purify 'wear'!"

"Huh?" Zhong Li glanced at Li Qiuzhi unexpectedly to confirm that he heard correctly. If it were someone else, he would inevitably think that the other person was joking or trying to deceive.

But according to Li Qiuzhi, he is not Hall Master Hu. He does not look like someone who would take things seriously and joke around to make fun of others. Is this true?

Zhongli tended to believe it, but based on what he had seen and heard over the years, he had never heard of anyone who could purify "wear".

This is a natural law. If you live for a long time, "wear and tear" on the soul will inevitably occur, and "wear and tear" does not cause harm to the soul.

It is a subtle negative change in the mental state and cognitive emotions, just like when a child grows up and becomes an adult, he will feel a little ashamed when he talked about his dreams with his friends when he was a child.

It cannot be repaired. The only thing you can do is to try your best not to let yourself encounter anything that will cause negative emotions, such as life and death.

In this way, you can barely avoid wear and tear. Meditating or sleeping all day like General Thunder is the most effective way.

"Zhongli, you know me. Although I know humor, I am not a joker. A few days ago, I passed by Wangshu Inn and had Mandrill purified of the 'wear'. Now his condition is better than ever. Don't believe me. You can ask.”

Li Qiuzhi saw the confusion in Zhongli's eyes, so he explained a little bit.

"Mandrill, since it's so natural, there's no reason not to believe it. When you just said you wanted to sell me, did you want to help me purify the 'wear' in exchange for something?"

Zhongli did not feel that Li Qiuzhi was lying, and it should be true that the "wear and tear" on Mandrill's body was purified.

If Li Qiuzhi can really do this kind of thing, then if he owns the things that need to be traded, there seems to be no reason not to trade them.

It can purify "wear and tear". No one wants to live with "wear and tear".

"Hehe, as expected of the emperor, he really understands me. What I need is nothing. It's just a thousand rough stones or a gold-quality treasure that can be exchanged for a 'purification and wear' service."

The market price of a thousand rough stones is only 100 million molads. This price is not too expensive, and gold-quality treasures, if they are not artifacts, are almost the same price.

And 100 million mola is nothing to a demon or immortal. It is basically a friendship price. If you don't know someone else, the price must be increased by at least ten times!

It's just that he doesn't accept molas, because collecting 100 million molas in the fairyland space can only increase the fairyland space by one square meter.

And even if all of them are 10,000 molas, they are still 10,000 golden, round molas, and they may occupy more than one square meter.

All in all, the price-performance ratio is a bit low, unless Zhongli gives a mola with a face value of 100 million, in which case it is acceptable.

Needless to say, raw stones are used to enhance strength. It is best to be able to exchange them. One thousand stones are equivalent to three million experience points!

"Is it a rough stone or a gold-quality treasure?"

Zhongli was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Li Qiuzhi's charges were so low. He didn't think that Li Qiuzhi didn't know the value of purifying "wear and tear" to a demon god.

Regarding this friendship, Zhongli nodded and accepted it. He thought for a moment and said, "Come to the Rebirth Hall again tonight, and I will give you the reward."

He does not have a single mola on him, nor any rough stones or other treasures.

But as the Rock God, the earthly ruler of Liyue, it would not be too easy for him to find rough stones or treasures on the land of Liyue.

Through the resonance of power and rock elements, he can sense various treasures on the earth, and just take a moment to pick them up.

"Okay, then let me help you purify the 'wear' now."

Li Qiuzhi did not insist on receiving payment to provide the service of purifying "wear and tear". The dignified Prince Yan would never evade the order.

"Oh? That's fine. Do you need me to cooperate?"

Zhong Li nodded lightly. Since he had already accepted Li Qiuzhi's kindness, this would be enough.

"No, Zhongli, just keep sitting."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head, then stood up and stretched out his hand towards Zhongli, targeting Zhongli. A white light flashed on his palm, and at the same time, a white light appeared on Zhongli's body.

The favorability skill "Goddess Wuchen" from Shen He was activated and began to continuously purify the "wear and tear" on Zhongli's body.

Zhongli felt a sense of comfort from the inside out. After so many years, various memories of life, separation, and death emerged in his mind.

If he thought of these memories before, he would only feel pain and guilt, and there would even be voices from his former comrades blaming him for his shortcomings.

It is because of his various shortcomings that these separations of life and death occur.

Although Zhongli knows that these are not all his fault, he always doubts himself every time he hears those voices. In the long run, the emotional "wear and tear" caused is inevitable.

But now I can face it calmly, those disturbing sounds have disappeared, and my whole body feels refreshed as never before!

After the purification was completed, Li Qiuzhi took back his hand and said with a smile:

"How about Zhongli, the effect is not bad, right?"

"It's really good."

Zhongli nodded and admitted that although he was happy that he had purified the wear and tear, his rock-like calm personality prevented him from having too many emotional fluctuations no matter whether he encountered good or bad things.

"Well, that's good. If your level encounters 'wear and tear' next time, just come to me for purification. Next, I'm going to do business with other immortals!"

Li Qiuzhi was very happy to see that there was no accident and he had successfully earned a thousand rough stones or a gold-quality treasure.

Zhong Li looked at Li Qiuzhi in surprise. Although he didn't know how he did it, it seemed that using the ability to purify "wear" was relatively easy for him.

So he stopped Li Qiuzhi and said:

"Wait a minute, Ruotuo also asks you to help purify his wear and tear, and I will prepare his share of the reward."

The main thing that troubles Ruotuo now is that the "wear" is too serious. As long as he can help him purify the wear, he may be able to return to normal and no longer need the seal.

"Hey, no problem!"

There was another piece of business. Li Qiuzhi patted his chest and promised to complete this commission. After all, it wouldn't take much time to go to the bottom of the Fulong Tree.

Li Qiuzhi left the Hall of Life and said goodbye to Zhongli. His next goal was to find Grandma Ping, who was also in Liyue Port.

She should be at the tea stall on the Yujing Terrace now. As far as Li Qiuzhi knew, Grandma Ping had a lot of treasures.

For example, dust-cleaning bells, dust-singing pots, etc., they are all artifacts at the very least, and storing them in a space can add a lot of square meters.

Li Qiuzhi was still a little greedy.

Soon after, Li Qiuzhi used the space shuttle method to come to Yujing Terrace. Near Yujing Terrace, he saw a tea stall under the shade of a tree, and Grandma Ping who was sitting next to the tea stall and smiling at the passers-by.

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