I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 538 Chensong Pot (two-in-one)

Liyue, Yujingtai.

Grandma Ping, who looked no different from an ordinary old woman, looked at Li Qiuzhi who was walking over and smiled kindly and said:

"Haha, it's you young man, do you want to come and have some tea?"

"Okay, thank you, Grandma Ping."

Li Qiuzhi did not refuse, and then sat down and told Grandma Ping the reason for his visit while preparing tea.

"The purification wear is really surprising," Grandma Ping said with some surprise.

"This is what Immortal Mandrill and Prince Yan have agreed upon. It only takes a thousand raw stones or a gold-quality treasure to purify the wear and tear. It is obviously worth it!"

Li Qiuzhi took out Mandrill and Zhongli as his spokespersons.

"Have the Great Sage of Conquering Demons and the Emperor also purified wear and tear with you?" Grandma Ping fell into deep thought.

The value of purification and wear is immeasurable. Now it only takes a thousand raw stones to purify it. Li Qiuzhi naturally understands that others would doubt it.

"I am a person who has been half buried in the earth. I have experienced a lot and have seen many things. I have never thought that wear and tear can be purified.

"I didn't expect that in this new era, you young people can even solve the problem of wear and tear that plagues many immortal families. Alas, it seems that we are really old."

Grandma Ping sighed while taking out a red teapot from somewhere.

She continued:

"I naturally have no reason to refuse if I can accompany my old friends and continue to see more of the rise and fall of Liyue. This thing is called the 'Chen Song Pot' and there is a side of the cave sky inside. How about your reward?"

"A teapot with a cave inside sounds like something extraordinary. Hehe, thank you, Grandma Ping. I'll accept it without any hesitation!"

Li Qiuzhi was secretly happy. As expected, Grandma Ping gave him the Chenge pot that she no longer used much!

After accepting the Chenge Pot, Li Qiuzhi did not take a closer look at it for the time being. As an honest businessman, he must first hand over the goods he sells to his customers.

He didn't hesitate and immediately activated his skills to purify and wear Grandma Ping!

A faint white light lit up, and the purification was quickly completed. Li Qiuzhi asked with a smile:

"How do you feel, Grandma Ping? Is it effective?"

"Haha, I feel like I am back when I was young. The effect is very good. Thank you, young man!"

Grandma Ping said with a kind smile.

"As long as it works, then I won't bother you anymore. I'm going to go to other immortals to sell my 'product'. Grandma Ping, when you feel the wear and tear again next time, remember to come to me. The price is still the same. It won’t change!”

Li Qiuzhi took a sip of tea, stood up and prepared to leave.

The immortals have lived for thousands of years, and the wear and tear accumulated during this period has not affected them too much. Li Qiuzhi feels that it will take hundreds or even thousands of years before he wants to do their second business.

He said this just to be polite, or if they had other immortal friends they knew, they could introduce them to him.

"Okay, no problem." Grandma Ping said with a smile.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, said goodbye to Grandma Ping, and started to go to the next immortal's house. In Liyue Port, it seemed that the only person he knew who lived a long time was Gan Yu.

Gan Yu is relatively young among the immortal families, but he once participated in the Demon God War with Prince Yan.

So she is at least several thousand years old, but she is half human and half immortal. Compared to the immortals, her way of thinking has some concepts and the like, which is closer to humans.

It doesn't seem to be bothered by wear and tear, probably because it is younger than the immortals and has experienced less.

After all, her master and other immortals are still alive and well. There is no separation or death, so the wear and tear will naturally be less.

However, after living for such a long time, it is not without any wear and tear. Gan Yu should also have a need to purify the wear and tear.

It's just that Gan Yu's need for purification and wear may not be as urgent as other immortals. I don't know if she will buy this purification service?

While Li Qiuzhi was thinking about it, he walked in the direction of Yuehai Pavilion and took out the Chensong Pot that he had traded from Grandma Ping.

He first used the favorability skill of the Son of God "Fox Immortal Palace Secretary's Prophetic Gift" to check the following information:

[Chen Song Pot: The cave in the pot created by the immortals using the art of exterior scenery. The cave has an upper and lower area of ​​ten square kilometers. The scenery of the cave can be changed at will. The Dongtian Pass can be made. With the Dongtian Pass, you can freely enter and exit the cave. 】

oh? Looking carefully at the feedback information, Li Qiuzhi found that the Chenge pot given by Grandma Ping was a little different from the one in the game.

The Chenge Hu in the game has the Hu Ling A Yuan to help take care of the cave. The Cave Heaven Pass was also given by the Hu Ling, but now he needs to do it himself.

Is it because Grandma Ping has considered that the Chensong Pot is for trading, so it’s not good to trade the pot spirit as well?

Li Qiuzhi understands this. After all, the pot spirit is also a life. It is natural for Grandma Ping to trade it with him. The Chensong Pot in the game is given to travelers.

It doesn't involve the meaning of "buying and selling", so it doesn't matter if Hu Ling Ayuan helps Chen Song Hu take care of it.

But when it comes to business, the nature is different. This will hurt Hu Ling's self-esteem. Naturally, Grandma Ping will not do such a thing.

Li Qiuzhi didn't care about this.

Anyway, the Chensong Pot is here to be collected. It is enough that there is a fairyland space in the place where I live. After all, although the Chensong Pot is very big, it does not have as many spatial characteristics as the fairyland space!

On the other hand, it would be difficult to deal with the pot spirit. After all, I don't live in the Chensong Pot, so the pot spirit may be left alone to dry in the Chensong Pot.

How embarrassing.

Speaking of spatial characteristics, Li Qiuzhi couldn't wait to put the Chensong Pot into the fairyland space. It seems like what kind of spatial characteristics it will give!

[Successfully collect the rare treasure "Chen Song Pot" and obtain the space characteristic·Dongtian: With this characteristic, the space of the "Golden Treasure House" will be expanded by one hundred square meters, and it has the ability to change the scenery at will. 】

When Li Qiuzhi put the "Chen Song Pot" into the fairyland space, a prompt popped up quickly on the character panel.

The Chensong Pot is indeed a treasure of golden quality, and as expected, it has a new spatial characteristic when collected in the fairyland space.

And this spatial feature actually allows the wonderland space to be expanded by one hundred square meters, which is equivalent to the improvement effect brought by collecting "Dream One Heart"!

Not to mention that the collection of the Chensong Pot itself also expanded the space of the fairyland by twenty square meters. In other words, the Chensong Pot suddenly expanded the space of the fairyland by one hundred and twenty square meters, and now it has reached seven hundred and twenty square meters.

It feels like we can accommodate as many people as we want now, and we don’t have to worry about lack of space at all!

As for the second effect, the ability to change the scenery at will is somewhat similar to the "phantom" space feature that is already useful in the fairyland space. They both change things that can only be seen but not touched.

It's just that the former is a changing scenery, and the latter is that anything you want can be changed.

From a practical point of view, the spatial characteristics of "phantom" are better. People like Mona and Sugar often use this to create virtual full-length images of some things to assist in research.

It feels like a very real hologram!

After collecting the Chenge Pot, Li Qiuzhi arrived not long after since Yujingtai was not far from Yuehai Pavilion.

He first told the Qianyan Army soldiers on duty here that he would come to find Gan Yu.

Naturally, the Qianyan Army soldiers would not neglect Li Qiuzhi, the hero of Liyue Port. They went in to inform Li Qiuzhi and then let Li Qiuzhi in by himself.

Li Qiuzhi had been here many times and walked to Gan Yu's office with ease. When he was about to knock on the door, the door opened by itself.

It was Shen He who helped open it. She was holding a lot of information documents and the like in one hand and looked very busy.

"Shen He, is Gan Yu here?"

Li Qiuzhi originally wanted to hug Shen He, but there were staff working nearby, so he gave up the idea.

"Yes, senior sister is here."

Shen He nodded and closed the door after Li Qiuzhi came in.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the desk on the left side of the office door, and then saw Gan Yu's head moving little by little, as if he was a little sleepy, and he was writing something with a pen in his hand.

"Uh, did your senior sister not sleep last night?" Li Qiuzhi looked at Shen He and asked.

Although he was asking, based on his understanding of Gan Yu, it was obvious that this was something close to the same thing.

"I don't know, it's just that when I came here this morning, I saw my senior sister still working."

Shen He shook his head first, then nodded and said.

The long silver-white hair swayed gently as the head shook, and the ends of the hair caressed the thighs.

"Haha, it's true." Li Qiuzhi smiled, walked to the desk, coughed lightly, looked out the door deliberately and shouted:

"Hey, why are you here, Lord Emperor?"

"Eh!" Hearing Li Qiuzhi's voice, Gan Yu suddenly shook his head and cheered up. He subconsciously looked at the door. After finding that there was no one there, he slightly puffed up his fair cheeks and looked at Li Qiuzhi angrily:

"Well, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, please don't tease me!"

Just now she thought it was really the Emperor who came over. Although he had retired and ignored Liyue's affairs, it was still very shameful for the Emperor to see her dozing off and look so embarrassed.

"Oh, I thought that if Shen He came to help you, you would have more time to rest, but I didn't expect that Gan Yu still looks so tired."

Li Qiuzhi spread his hands, showing a helpless look.

Gan Yu's face turned slightly red. She lowered her head to look at the information on the table and whispered:

"Thank you for your concern. After Shen He came to help, he found that he had a lot of free time, and then he couldn't help but do more work."

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (330/500)]


Is this the reason? Li Qiuzhi didn't know what to say for a moment.

It seems that Gan Yu is used to this kind of working situation. Even if someone helps and she has a little free time, she will not choose to rest, but will do more work.

Sure enough, Gan Yu's hobby is actually working overtime! Li Qiuzhi thought a little funny.

Although she is an immortal, her body is not always tired, but it seems that he will not be able to convince her for a while, so he has to ask Shen He to occasionally remind Gan Yu to take a rest.


Li Qiuzhi suddenly thought of a way to gain Gan Yu's favor. Since her hobby is working overtime, wouldn't it be great to find a way to keep her in the best condition and work overtime!

The state of "Goddess Wuchen" is not affected by any negative state, which naturally includes fatigue.

As long as Gan Yu is permanently given the status of "Goddess Wuchen", he can naturally work overtime as he pleases!

Anyway, Li Qiuzhi has given all the girls living in the fairyland space a permanent "goddess without dust" state.

And Gan Yu's favorable opinion of him is also very high. It is only a matter of time before she can live in the fairyland space. Giving her the "Goddess Wuchen" state as a gift is to speed up the process of gaining favor.

As for the fees, there is no need to charge. When the favorability level is higher and Gan Yu is successfully invited to live in the fairyland space, her belongings will naturally be brought in.

Doesn’t this also mean that the collection is successful?

There was nothing wrong with Li Qiuzhi's idea, so he thought about it for a while and found a less abrupt reason and said:

"Originally, I came here to see if Shen He was used to working, but Gan Yu seems to like working overtime, so I'll give you a gift to help you work better overtime!"

For Gan Yu, maybe overtime work is more important than purification and wear and tear. If you do what he likes, you can obviously gain more favor.

"A gift to help you work overtime better?" Gan Yu looked confused, a little confused as to what Li Qiuzhi meant.

"that is"

Li Qiuzhi briefly introduced the effects of "Goddess Cleansing" to Gan Yu, purifying wear and not being affected by any negative status.

The focus is on its ability to resist fatigue and maintain energy to keep working!


Upon hearing Li Qiuzhi's introduction, Gan Yu's eyes widened in surprise, and a bunch of blue hair on his forehead seemed to be shaking in excitement.

"Can you, be able to maintain your energy to work all the time, do you really have this ability?!"

Sure enough, Gan Yu really didn't care about the effect of purification and wear. He cared about his ability to assist in work. Li Qiuzhi looked as expected.

Although after attaining the "Goddess Wuchen" status, it was okay to work overtime, but just thinking about Gan Yu working twenty-four hours a day, he still sighed with a headache.

But there is no way. When the favorability level is higher, we can find a way to stop her from being so busy. For now, it is better to increase the favorability level first.

He nodded and said:

"Of course it's true. Shen He is also using it now. You can ask Shen He about his specific feelings and whether he feels less tired at work.

"Well, how about I put you in a good state directly, and you can feel it yourself."

"Yeah!" Gan Yu thought for a while and realized that Li Qiuzhi said it was a gift, so there was no need to lie to him, so he nodded in agreement.

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 500 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (330/600)]

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