I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 539 A large number of rough stones (two in one)

The faint white light of "Goddess Wuchen" is once again revealed from Gan Yu, who is wearing a short cheongsam and a black one-piece tight-fitting halter top.

Then he quickly hid it again.

In terms of external appearance, there is actually no difference between the permanent "Goddess Wuchen" and the one-time one.

Gan Yu only felt that his body was exhausted from working overtime, and the feeling of not wanting to move was instantly wiped away, and his whole body became energetic!

"How are you? How do you feel?" Li Qiuzhi asked.

"Well, I immediately cheered up and felt great!"

Gan Yu looked at him with his head slightly lowered, happily saying that he was doing better than ever.

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (50/700)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the character panel and another favorable opinion prompt popped up. It seemed that Gan Yu really liked this ability that could help her work overtime.

He thought for a while and reminded:

"Although this ability can prevent your body from being affected by negative states, you will still feel it when you are tired, and you still have to rest when you need to."

The ability of "Goddess Wuchen" to prevent people from being affected by negative states can indeed perfectly prevent negative states caused by wear, curses, toxins or other external forces acting on the body.

But if you haven't eaten, are hungry, worked for a long time, or are physically and mentally exhausted, these negative states will not have any harmful effects on the body.

However, it does not have the function of automatically replenishing physical and mental energy, so the feeling of hunger and fatigue caused by the lack of energy replenishment is still there.

It’s just that the body will not be substantially affected by these negative states.

Just like the current Gan Yu, she dozed off due to fatigue caused by staying up late and working overtime. After being blessed with the "Goddess Wuchen" state.

The body will not be weak and unable to work because of fatigue, but the feeling of fatigue will still exist, but this feeling will not have a substantial impact on her body.

Just a normal physical sensation.

But if you continue not to eat or rest to replenish your energy, your body will feel like a normal person, and you will feel increasingly uncomfortable.

But even if the body eventually reaches its limit due to the lack of replenishment of the energy consumed in life-sustaining activities and triggers the body's protective mechanism, there will be no weakness or fainting.

This means it will not have a substantial impact on the body.

It's just that life activities require energy. Since "Goddess Wuchen" has no effect of replenishing energy, the energy that should be consumed will still be consumed.

The specific manifestation is that as people become thinner and thinner, their originally high mental strength will gradually decrease due to overuse.

Therefore, although Gan Yu, as a half-human and half-immortal being, can probably go without food for a long time, he still needs to be reminded.

Lest she really think of "Goddess Wuchen" as a perfect overtime tool that doesn't require eating, drinking or resting.

"Well, I got it."

Gan Yu knew that his situation of staying up late and working overtime was a bit serious, so it was hard for him to refute.

"Yuehaiting can't rely on you for everything. Instead of doing everything by yourself, it's better to take some time out and systematically compile your work experience into a book.

"Then you will teach these experiences to the intelligence personnel of Yuehai Pavilion. When everyone has mastered your work experience, you can share the work at hand.

"After everyone has mastered it, they can also pass on their work experience to new employees. In this way, no one can run without anyone, and an organization that can operate sustainably on its own is healthy."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and finally expressed his shallow understanding.

If the problem that Gan Yu still needs to be compiled and sorted out a large amount of intelligence work is solved, then recruiting more manpower can make Gan Yu less busy.

The solution is simple, just share your experience with everyone.

"I've thought about this too, but I'm not good at teaching."

Gan Yu had also thought about this problem, but it was okay for her to immerse herself in work, but if she taught people like a teacher, she really wouldn't be able to do it.

And with Shen He helping to handle chores, she is actually not that busy anymore, but she will feel restless when she is free, and then she will have random thoughts.

Strange thoughts like whether Liyue will no longer need her will appear in her mind inexplicably.

Only work can give her a sense of security.

That's why she seemed so happy that Li Qiuzhi gave her the ability to help her work better.

Li Qiuzhi was more or less aware of Gan Yu's thoughts. After all, she had helped the emperor with his work when Liyue was born. After getting used to a certain work style, it was difficult to change.

While it was still early, Li Qiuzhi continued to persuade Yuehaiting for a while by saying that the model of relying heavily on one person was very fragile and difficult to achieve healthy and sustainable development.

In the end, Gan Yu also felt that it made sense and decided to go to Ning Guang to discuss how to do it.

As for Liyue not working, she would feel that Liyue didn't need her own psychological problems. Li Qiuzhi suggested that she go out with Shen He or find friends to divert her attention.

The essence of this is the slight discomfort caused by being separated from a familiar environment. Generally speaking, it can be resolved after getting used to it for a while.

I am afraid that I will keep thinking wildly and not dare to make changes because of fear.

Thinking that Liyue is developing faster and faster now, if Yuehai Pavilion does not carry out reforms, it will be delayed, and Gan Yu is unwilling to do so.

She had no choice but to try to change herself.

When Li Qiuzhi saw that the psychological work was almost done, he was ready to leave and go to the next business. However, before leaving, he secretly talked to Shen He through the "road mark".

He asked her to remind Gan Yu more not to be too tired from work. He felt that with Gan Yu's introverted temperament, if he wanted to really change, he might have to hesitate for a while.

After leaving Yuehai Pavilion, Li Qiuzhi was going to go to Jueyunjian to find the Moon-Cutting Yang-Building True Monarch, which was closer.

Because there was no way to use the "interstellar travel" relationship, he had to use the "power of light" to travel through space.

The perceived distance of mental power is the distance that he can travel through once used. If he uses it continuously, he can quickly cross the space.

In less than a minute, Li Qiuzhi arrived at Jueyunjian.

His arrival naturally attracted the attention of Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun, who showed up and asked him why he came to see him.

Li Qiuzhi didn't waste any time and directly told him that he could purify and wear away and wanted to do business with him.

He also took out several clients such as Mandrill, Prince of Hell and Grandma Ping to endorse him, guaranteeing that he would be absolutely innocent and there would be no problems.

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang already had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi, who had helped Liyue. After showing the emperor's endorsement, he naturally believed him even more.

He did have a need to purify wear and tear, and Li Qiuzhi didn't need many things, so he was willing to give it a try.

Returned to the cave and wandered around for a while.

Zhenyuezhuyang Zhenjun searched for a long time in the cave he used as a utility room, and barely found more than 1,200 rough stones.

These have been thrown into the cave for thousands of years when I occasionally see them when I go out.

After all, raw stones are very convenient for emergencies when arranging formations or using certain magical techniques that require a medium, but there are not enough materials.

Since Li Qiuzhi wanted it, there was no problem in giving it all to him.

After all, if it can really purify wear and tear, it cannot be exchanged for just some rough stones.

Li Qiuzhi would naturally not refuse the rough stones presented to him, but what matters in business is integrity. If you say a thousand stones, you will get a thousand.

So for the extra two hundred rough stones, Li Qiuzhi said that next time he wanted to purify and wear them, he only needed to give them eight hundred.

Of course it doesn't matter to the True Lord who cuts the moon and builds the sun.

Soon, another faint white light appeared on the body of the deer-shaped Moon-Cutting Yang Zhenjun, and the one-time "Goddess Wuchen" was completed.

After successfully helping Zhenjun Peiyue Zhuyang to purify and wear it out, Li Qiuzhi took the original stone and said goodbye to Aozang Mountain, where Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng went.

She was also in the cave at this time. After Li Qiuzhi shouted a few times to wake Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng out, he directly told her the reason for her visit without waiting for her to complain.

And this time, there was one more person who endorsed him, the Moon-Cutting and Yang-Building True Lord.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who also had the need to purify wear and tear, looked at Li Qiuzhi in surprise, believing that it was better to believe in him than to believe in him.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun flapped his wings and threw a thousand rough stones over.

Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to catch the rough stones and put them away. Looking at her, it seemed that a mere thousand rough stones was nothing to her.

He said a little greedily:

"Ahem, Lord Liuyun, if you still have the original stone, you can pay it to me in advance, and I will give you a 20% discount on future purification services?"

Li Qiuzhi felt itchy when he thought that Zhenjun Liuyun might still have the original stone in his hands. These were all points that could improve his experience!

"Hmph, there is no reason to prepay so many rough stones hundreds of years in advance. Stop talking nonsense and try to purify it for me first!"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun did not accept Li Qiuzhi's trick. She had the original stone, but she was different from the other two immortals. She often did some research on mechanism skills, so she still had some demand for the original stone.

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi regretted that since Lord Liuyun was unwilling, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​asking her to book future purification and wear services.

The same white light as always appeared on the body of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun in the form of a crane. As expected, the purification process went very smoothly.

After Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun confirmed that the wear and tear accumulated in him had been completely purified and there were no problems, Li Qiuzhi also said goodbye and left, preparing to go to Hulao Mountain to find Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan.

When we were traveling to Hulao Mountain, we happened to see Lord Lishui Dieshan stretching his red-colored wings outside the cave.

Li Qiuzhi greeted politely and expressed his intention.

Like the previous two immortals, Lord Lishui Dieshan was surprised at first by the service of purifying wear and tear, and then he was willing to trade.

It's just that he didn't have any rough stones, because he was good at casting spells with amber, and the rough stones were useless to him, so he used a golden quality material called "Amber Essence" as reward.

Although Li Qiuzhi prefers raw stones, he doesn't mind gold-quality materials.

After accepting the "Amber Essence", Li Qiuzhi quickly purified and worn it out for Lord Lishui Dieshan. Finally, he had to go to the bottom of the Fulong Tree to purify it for Dragon King Ruotuo.

So he didn't stay any longer and said goodbye to Lord Lishui Dieshan immediately.

The base of Fulongshu was near the foot of Hulao Mountain. Li Qiuzhi quickly arrived outside the seal and entered easily by using space shuttle.

Since the seal was loosened last time, Zhongli strengthened the seal on Dragon King Ruotuo and seemed to put him to sleep, so what Li Qiuzhi saw under the Dragon Tree was the unconscious Dragon King Ruotuo.

This was just right. Li Qiuzhi didn't want to hear the malicious side of Ruotuo Dragon King born out of wear and tear.

After the purification is completed, the malicious side of Ruotuo Dragon King should disappear without the wear and tear, and the original normal goodwill should be retained.

Perhaps because of the more serious wear and tear, Li Qiuzhi obviously felt that he consumed a lot more when using "Goddess Wuchen" on Ruotuo Dragon King.

But for Li Qiuzhi now, there is no big problem.

After the purification was completed, Dragon King Ruotuo did not wake up because the seal was still there, and Li Qiuzhi had no idea of ​​forcibly destroying Zhongli's formation.

It's better to go back to the Hall of Purity to see if he has found the original stone, tell him the situation, and let him lift the seal by himself.

After Li Qiuzhi took care of Dragon King Ruotuo, he directly used "interstellar travel" to teleport to Hutao in Liyue Port.

Hutao was dragged by Xiangling to Wanmintang to try out new dishes.

Although Li Qiuzhi really wanted to try Chef Xiangling's new dishes, he had better go back to the Palace of Purity to find Zhongli and get the original stone first.

It was already dusk at this time, and Zhongli should have returned.

Li Qiuzhi left Wanmin Hall, walked past the alchemy platform, and saw Zhongli from a distance, who was leisurely and elegantly looking at the river under the guardrail outside the Rebirth Hall.

Phew, I'm back indeed! Li Qiuzhi thought with some joy.

He quickly ran over to greet Zhongli and said:

"Hehe, Zhongli, fortunately you have fulfilled your mission and successfully helped Dragon King Ruotuo purify the wear and tear. If you have time to go over and unseal him, there should be no problem!"

"Thank you for your hard work, this is the rough stone you want."

Zhongli, who was holding his hands behind his back, smiled slightly, then stretched out his hands and raised them gently, and a dark space crack appeared in the downward palm.

A maroon cloth bag as big as a wine barrel fell down. The mouth of the bag was not tied, and a large pile of shining rough stones was revealed.

Li Qiuzhi glanced around subconsciously and found that no one was caught by the large amount of rough stones. He thought Zhongli had used some magic to cover them up.

So he scanned it with his mental power and found that there were exactly two thousand pieces, no more, no less!

"As expected of Lord Yan, he collected so many rough stones so quickly!" Li Qiuzhi suddenly had the urge to ask Zhongli to help find the rough stones.

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