I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 540 Shadow and Son of God (two in one)

Obviously this idea is a little difficult, after all, he did not continue to ask Zhongli to take action in return.

The deal was completed, and Zhongli went to help Ruotuo Dragon King lift the seal.

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Qiuzhi felt that it was time to pick up Yanfei, so he teleported to Naganohara Fireworks Shop.

After being intimate with Xiao Gong for a while, he went to the Huanglong Sect to take Yan Fei back to Liyue Port.

After returning, Yan Fei did not forget to give the promised rough stones to Li Qiuzhi. She found these rough stones at home last night, more than three hundred in total.

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect that there were so many.

In this case, Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang gave more than 1,200, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng gave 1,000, Zhongli gave 2,000, plus Yan Fei gave more than 300, he now There are a total of 4,522 rough stones!

Each rough stone has 3,000 experience points, and 4,522 of them have 1,3,566,000 experience points.

In addition to the more than 5.5 million that he already had, when Li Qiuzhi absorbs these raw stones, his experience points will reach more than 19 million!

I was originally worried about going up to one level, but I didn't expect that I would be able to go up to two levels all of a sudden!

Li Qiu bid farewell to Yan Fei and returned to the fairyland space, eager to improve his level.

He took out all the rough stones, piled them in front of him, and then pounced on them, just like throwing himself on the bed.

With a "crash", the shiny pile of rough rocks like a hillside was crushed by him, and then the rough rocks began to disappear one by one.

The character panel is like a waterfall, with prompts popping up:

[Be illuminated by the light of dreams and hopes, and gain 3,000 experience points. 】

Experience points +3000

Experience points +3000

Experience points +3000

Not long after, all the raw stones were absorbed by him, and the experience points on Li Qiuzhi's character panel officially reached more than 19 million:

[Experience point: 19069027]

Next, it’s time to level up. Li Qiuzhi stood up and invested a lot of experience points directly into the level, maxing out the progress of leveling up in an instant!

Experience point-9738385

Lv100 (261615/10000000)→Lv101 (0/11000000)

A huge flow of heat appeared in his body, constantly nourishing every cell of his body and soul.

Li Qiuzhi felt that his strength had been greatly improved and he could easily defeat his previous self.

Various skills have also become much more powerful.

He currently has over nine million experience points on his character panel:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv101 (0/11000000)

Race: human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiqi

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Ying·Divinity 10 (Star Sea Ten Thousand), Wuxiang's Sword·Divinity 10 (Wuxian Wushuang), Shadow of the Abyss·Mystery 10 (Deep Jump), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique·Mystery 10 (Frost Flower Arrow) ), Elemental Control 10 (full level), Fighting 10 (subtle)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience point: 9330642

Although after reaching level 101, he would need 11 million experience points to continue upgrading, but he only needed about 1.67 million experience points to level up again.

Recently, with his help, the girls' strength has been greatly improved. As long as I work harder and stick to them, it will be enough in just a few days!

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi didn't want to waste time, and was going to see which girl was free, so that he could help her continue to improve her strength, and also improve his own strength by the way.

Through the feedback from the Wonderland space, Li Qiuzhi knew that Noelle, Sugar, and Amber were preparing dinner in the kitchen, so it was not appropriate to disturb them.

Mona is still in her laboratory, and due to her improved strength, her research on the starry sky in Wonderland has progressed rapidly.

It's about 12%. Yae Shenzi and Raikage were taking a bath in the hot spring pool, and they seemed to be chatting quite happily.

Li Qiuzhi accidentally discovered the two people in the hot spring pool through his perception of fairyland.

Very good, it won't be a problem for his current strength to be recognized by Ying. Now he will go to her to compete, and if he succeeds, he will let her rectify the law on the spot!

Li Qiuzhi had just improved his strength, which was when his emotions were high.

So he walked up to the second floor with full confidence. When he walked up to the second floor, Li Qiuzhi found that there were many more cherry blossoms here, and there were also pink petals floating.

The ceiling transformed into a night sky with a high moon, illuminating the entire second floor.

Obviously this is someone who used the function of changing the scenery of the cave sky, which is a space feature, and the scenery that has this kind of leisurely elegance and change is still a scenery with Inazuma's characteristics like cherry blossoms.

Without thinking too much, you can guess that it is the handiwork of Yae Shenzi.

Li Qiuzhi watched the floating petals fall to the ground and piled up all over the ground. When he stepped on them, they didn't feel like they were touching the real thing. He smiled softly and said:

“Quite sentimental”

After saying that, he walked into the hot spring bathhouse, changed his clothes in the changing room, then opened the curtain and walked into the hot spring pool.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi come in, Yae Shenzi's fair and pretty face, which was warmed by the steam, was stunned for a moment, and then a blush appeared, but it was quickly covered up by the steam.

She smiled faintly and said:

"Oh, there is a girl taking a bath. It would be very impolite to barge in suddenly~"

Lei Movie didn't have any feelings for Li Qiuzhi without clothes. After all, they had lived together in the same place for so long and had seen many scenes of him cuddling with other girls on the bed.

"Ahem, I'm here to challenge Ying again. I failed a little bit last time, but I feel like there will be no problem this time!"

While speaking, Li Qiuzhi also walked into the hot spring pool and walked towards the two of them.

"If you want to challenge Ying, why don't we go find her after we take a bath later? Come here now and I feel like you have something wrong with your mind~"

Yae Shenzi turned away his face and looked at the shadow next to him.

"This is an attack. This is a sudden attack. There is no right or wrong occasion!" Li Qiuzhi defended.

"Sit down if you want to take a bath. I'm not in the mood to fight with you now."

Lei Qianqian's body was wrapped in the warm water. He felt so warm and relaxed that he didn't want to fight with him at all.

Not to mention, I haven't even put on my clothes yet, so it would be a bit rude to fight.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll treat you as giving up. Let's start practicing now." Li Qiuzhi was not surprised when Ying refused. He soaked in the water and opened his hands to hug Ying.


Lei Yingying sighed slightly, gently stretched forward his white right hand under the water, grabbed Li Qiuzhi's weak point, and made him instinctively raise his hands to surrender.

"Calm down, I was wrong!"

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect Ying to use such a damaging move, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.

"Hmph, in the face of a sneak attack by someone with evil intentions, you can't blame me for using any means to deal with it, right?" Lei Jianqing said with a slight smile as the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

Li Qiuzhi pushed Lei Qianqian's hand away with difficulty and relaxed a little. Now he didn't dare to be presumptuous, so he had to squeeze in between the two of them and sit down obediently.

Lei Qianqian didn't care about this. He looked up at the moonlight and ignored Li Qiuzhi. If he felt that he was being touched, he would just take advantage of his weaknesses.

"Haha, it was really a wonderful showdown. It really opened my eyes." Yae Shenzi couldn't help but cover his mouth and smiled softly.

""Li Qiuzhi was very sorry to return in defeat. Seeing that the Eightfold God Son actually made fun of him, his bad intentions started again.

Hum, if I can't deal with the shadows, why can't I deal with you?

While Li Qiuzhi was thinking to himself, he hugged Yae Shenzi, then turned over and sat between her white thighs and belly, and kissed her quickly.


The Eightfold Divine Son did not expect that Li Qiuzhi would sneak up on him. He screamed and instinctively pressed his shoulders, trying to push him away and turn his face away.

But Li Qiuzhi quickly held his cheek to straighten it, and then they kissed her smoothly!


Yae Shenzi pinched Li Qiuzhi's shoulders with her nails and pressed her knees against Li Qiuzhi's back. As the palace secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine, she had never been so passive in the face of anything.

After a while, when she felt her lips being stretched open, her body felt a forced comfort.

Realizing this, Yae Shenzi felt humiliated and a little embarrassed at the same time.

In order to prove that she was not such a person, Yae Shenzi did not stop, flipped Li Qiuzhi to the left, pushed him onto Ying's body, and straddled him directly, seizing the initiative!

Li Qiuzhi felt something soft resting on the back of his head, and then watched Yae Shenzi take the initiative to kiss her.


Seeing that Li Qiuzhi was so presumptuous, Lei Yingying was angrily trying to pick on his weakness again, but when he stretched out his hand, he only touched Yae Shenzi's soft belly.

The next day, early morning.

Li Qiuzhi woke up in Yae Shenzi's room, and Ying was also here, hugging them both on the left and right.

Last night, he and Shenzi accidentally pressed on Ying.

When she was angry and wanted to counterattack Li Qiuzhi, she found that she was unexpectedly protected by the Son of God and failed.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuzhi felt that he no longer had any weaknesses, so while letting the Son of God alone, he also became dishonest to Lei Qiuzhi.

He stretched directly to the inner side of the snow-white thighs and gently stroked and kneaded them. When Yae Shenzi was tired, Raikage couldn't hold on even as a demon, so he turned over and sat astride him.

What follows can be said to be a reenactment of the ancient demon war!

However, Li Qiuzhi may still lose to Lei Yingying in battle, but in the post, he finally defeated both Ying and Shenzi with his rich experience.

It’s no exaggeration to say that he is the ultimate winner!

After the victory in the hot spring bathhouse and dinner, Kage and Shenzi expressed their dissatisfaction and dragged him back to the room to fight again, which didn't end until two or three in the morning.

The result is obvious, they are still lying down and unable to get up!

Li Qiuzhi teased Yae Shenzi's pink fluffy fox ears and thought, then turned his head to kiss Ying's soft lips.


Half asleep, Ying subconsciously put his hand on Li Qiuzhi's shoulder and tried to push it away, but he didn't seem to have any strength.

After Li Qiuzhi continued to be affectionate with the two of them for a while, he got up and prepared to follow Ying and Paimon to Xumi to see how the "void" system was developing there.

Stop by and see if there's anywhere I can help.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi no longer rested in the warm embrace of the two of them. He quickly got up and washed himself briefly. After breakfast, he, Ying and Paimon used "interstellar travel" to teleport to Nasida in Xumi. around.

Xumi City, Jiaolingyuan.

At this time, at the upper level of the Wisdom Palace, Li Qiuzhi, Ying, Paimeng and Naxida were all watching the changes in the "Void" system.

The "void" system, which was like a planet with planetary rings, quickly calmed down after several planetary rings flashed twice quickly.

Then little stars of light lit up on the "void" system.

"Huh, very good. This hot update is completed. This marks that the framework of the 'Void Forum' has been relatively complete and can be officially run!"

Nacida wiped her sweat-free forehead with her white hands, then turned around and said with her hands on her hips.

"Oh? So fast?"

Li Qiuzhi said with some surprise.

"Of course you don't know because you are lazy and don't come here often. Some time ago, we mainly discussed the various functions of the 'Void Forum'. After it was determined, the construction of the 'Void Forum' software program did not take much time for me.

"That is to say, now we only need to test it on a small scale and confirm that there are no problems before it can be officially launched!"

Nasida was quite happy after completing such a task.

"Of course I know."

Li Qiuzhi is naturally aware of Nasida's abilities, but in the final analysis, even if it doesn't take long for her to "write" the software, the various merits and demerits of the forum will not be the same as those in the other world.

We also need to consider the localization of Teyvat. After all, no one has ever been exposed to forums, so we should start with the simplest functions.

If you directly copy the forum that has been developed for a long time in another world and has many functions, it will not be easy for everyone to adapt.

That is to say, the learning cost is high, it is difficult to get started, and everyone is confused, and the enthusiasm for exploration will dissipate a lot.

"Hehe, we have considered many issues. If you are curious, then let this playboy who only sleeps on girls' bellies every day try it yourself!"

Paimon handed over a green void terminal and continued:

“Even though this Void Terminal looks the same as before, it has actually been iterated many times and contains a lot of software including the ‘Void Forum’.

"Now it's time for you to do your part. First put them on and try them one by one, and then give an evaluation to see if there are any shortcomings!"

"Haha, of course there is no problem."

Li Qiuzhi has not been to Xumi recently, and the signal of the "Void" system cannot currently cover places other than Xumi, which makes it impossible to use the Void terminal.

So I am quite curious as to how far Void Terminal has developed.


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