I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 542 Questionnaire Survey (Two in One)

Li Qiuzhi was also surprised to learn that Fengdan possessed a mechanical device such as the "Cardinal Enlightenment".

If it is true what Nasida said, the "Cardinal Advocate" really has the ability to collect faith, and the act of collecting everyone's faith through the "void" terminal is also feasible.

That can indeed solve the problem of insufficient energy in the "void" system.

However, through Nasida's introduction, Li Qiuzhi also knew that the machine was a national treasure of Fontaine. If he wanted to cooperate with the Water God, it would not be easy.

At least the favorability level has reached a certain level.

But there is no rush. The "Void Internet Network" of the "Void" system is still in the initial stage of construction. After various frameworks are built in Xumi, it can also be developed abroad.

This time should be enough for him to understand the water god Fukalos and find a way to gain a certain favor.

It shouldn't be difficult to get her to join the team and develop the "Void" system together with the "Cardinal Adjudication".

"If you want the 'Void' system to cover other countries, Fontaine's 'Cardinal Apocalypse' is very important."

Nacida crossed her arms and nodded her little head.

"Then I'll leave this task to you. Anyway, you are the best at dealing with girls."

Paimon looked at Li Qiuzhi and said with a smile, Ying also nodded in agreement.

"That's no problem. When are you going to go to Fengdan?" Li Qiuzhi smiled and pinched Ying's pretty face.

Ying turned her face away, her golden hair swayed slightly, shook off Li Qiuzhi's hand, parted her soft lips and said:

"Nascida and I still have some ideas about the 'Void Internet' that have not yet been implemented. Let's wait a while before going."

"That's fine." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"In that case, let's put this matter aside for now."

Nasida looked up at Li Qiuzhi and Ying and said:

"Speaking of which, as you are the ones who saved Xumi and me, and then helped Xumi develop, do I have to reward you well?"

"In this case, didn't you give me the artifact before? There's no need to go to such trouble."

Li Qiuzhi said politely.

"Well, what you said makes sense. The title of 'sage' can only be given to one person."

Nacida pressed her lower lip, thought for a moment and said.

"Well, actually, I think it doesn't matter if it's troublesome." Li Qiuzhi coughed slightly and said with some embarrassment.

He thought that Nasita wanted to give him some treasure, and just wanted to be polite, but he didn't expect that she actually wanted to give them an official title.

You can't refuse this. After all, it's rare to be able to get a title and spread your reputation.


Ying hugged the snow-white chest that was half exposed in the dress and looked at him with a slightly contemptuous expression.

"Idiot!" Paimon echoed.

Li Qiuzhi's cheeks felt a little warm, and he silently stretched out his hands to grab little Paimon's cheeks, asking you to make fun of me!


The bullied Paimon got angry and tried to use Super Pamon Scud to teach the arrogant Li Qiuzhi a painful lesson, letting him know how powerful Super Pamon is!

However, it is a pity that Little Paimon's legs are too short, and Super Paimon's Scud cannot touch Li Qiuzhi at all.

"Don't bully Paimon!" Ying Gangmeng opened Li Qiuzhi's hand and gave him a helpless look.

Really, such a big man is like a child.

"Okay, this is the Wisdom Palace, not a place for you to play around. If you want to be a 'sage', you have to notify others to come and witness. Let's set the time tomorrow."

After Nasida finished speaking, she looked at Li Qiuzhi:

"Ying and I still have to continue to improve the 'Void Internet Network'. Can you please collect everyone's suggestions for the 'Void Internet Network' this afternoon?

"Although I have sent a questionnaire to everyone through the 'Void Internet', it seems that because I developed the 'Void Internet', everyone filled it out with complimentary words and very few useful suggestions."

"I see."

Li Qiuzhi said he understood. Everyone knew that the "Void" system was managed by Little Jixiang Grass King, and they also knew that she built the "Void Internet Network".

Out of respect for the Little Lucky Grass King, even if there are some flaws, it will be said euphemistically, not to mention, there are really no flaws.

But it is necessary to ask, after all, only by brainstorming can the "Void Internet Network" develop better.

"Okay, I'll go out in the afternoon to collect everyone's suggestions."

Li Qiuzhi would naturally not refuse such a trivial matter.

After continuing to chat for a while, Li Qiuzhi prepared to return to the fairyland space. There was still a while until the afternoon, so the time during the period should not be wasted, so he should seize the time to practice.

He had already calculated it yesterday.

An hour of practicing with Lei Movie and Tie Tie can increase the progress by 50,000 points, and with the Eighth Level God Son, it can also increase by more than 17,000 points.

Miko usually returns to Narukami Taisha Shrine during the day, or goes to the Yaedo Hall to watch, but as for Kage, he basically retains his previous habit of staying in the "Isshin Pure Land" all day long.

If you want to practice with her, you can do so at any time.

In other words, as long as he works hard and doesn't rest, he can improve his practice progress equivalent to 2.4 million experience points in two days.

The effect is still very good.

But in this case, other girls will be left out, which will not be good for everyone's harmonious coexistence.

So there is no need to be too anxious and ignore everyone's feelings in order to improve your strength.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi opened the door to the fairyland space and said goodbye before going back. In the afternoon, he would come over to Xumi to do the tasks arranged by Naxida.

Returning to the fairyland space, because it was still early, everyone had not returned from work.

Li Qiuzhi returned to Shenzi's room and found that Yae Shenzi and Lei Qianqiu were not there. They must have gotten up.

He walked to the meditation room on the third floor, and sure enough, he saw Lei Movie sitting half-sitting in the air meditating.


Ying opened her purple eyes and glanced at Li Qiuzhi, and let out a soft "hum", obviously a little angry about what happened last night.

She had clearly agreed to practice with him only after he defeated her in terms of strength, but she accidentally succeeded and Li Qiuzhi succeeded!

What's even more disgusting is that he actually got the upper hand in the end!

Li Qiuzhi walked up to Ying and smiled and said:

"Speaking of which, there will be no wear and tear in the fairyland space. There is no need for you to meditate often. Isn't practicing with me better than your meditation?"

As he spoke, he stretched his hands to the white thighs exposed between the purple knee-high socks and the hem of the kimono, and gently stroked them.

The effect of practicing when spending time with Li Qiuzhi is indeed much better than meditating, but can he still be with him all day long?

Lei Qianqian closed his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Seeing that Ying didn't speak or resist, Li Qiuzhi knew that she just couldn't let go of a girl's reserve.

At this time, he needs to be more active.

So Li Qiuzhi smiled, touched her thigh for a while, and moved his hands down the back, all the way to her soft calf wrapped in stockings.

Kneading it gently with his fingers, Ying's soft calf sunk slightly, and a slight rebound force acted on Li Qiuzhi's fingertips.

Li Qiuzhi took another look at Lei Movie and found that she still had no reaction with her eyes closed. She should have tacitly allowed him to do this.

That's right, she had done everything she needed to do last night, so there was no need for her to refuse.

Li Qiuzhi felt at ease, caressed her calves to ankles with his hands, took off the wooden high-heeled shoes of Lei Movie, and continued to rub the back of her ankles for a while.

Lei Qianqian opened his eyes impatiently, looked at Li Qiuzhi and said, "Can you stop dilly-dallying, and hurry up if you want!"

It was obvious that her fair face turned a little rosy.

"Hmph, okay." Compared to hugging each other directly, Li Qiuzhi still prefers a more romantic approach.

He let go of Kage's ankles, walked behind her and gently lifted the hem of the purple kimono, revealing the purple shorts that covered her hips.

Li Qiuzhi slid the purple shorts down onto her white thighs, then stepped forward and pressed against Ying's back and hugged her waist, suppressing her dark purple braid in the middle.

Lei Qianqian frowned and quickly relaxed, turned around and parted his soft lips to kiss Li Qiuzhi.

He pulled down the placket that revealed Ying's snow-white chest, then opened the character panel and watched as the progress of his practice began to increase:

[Level: Lv101 (310235+1+1+1+1/11000000)]

When an hour passed, 310,000 became 360,000. This is the most efficient way of practice he has mastered so far!

Xumi City, Jiaolingyuan.

He practiced with Lei Xingxing until noon. After lunch, he practiced with Ying for a while. The two of them and Paimon came to the Wisdom Palace again.

Ying and Paimon stayed here to design new software with Nasida. Li Qiuzhi took a pen and notebook and set off to collect everyone's opinions on the "Void Internet".

Naturally, the first place to start is with the scholars from the Order Academy.

The first floor of the Palace of Wisdom is the place with the most scholars, which is the library of the Order Academy. Mona often comes here to look for astrology information.

He was so familiar with Nasida, so naturally he let them see her casually.

This allowed him, who was supporting Mona, to save a lot of money on purchasing astrology materials. The accumulation of information in the Palace of Wisdom was accumulated over thousands of years since the founding of the Order Academy.

Even if Mona uses the Void Terminal to assist, she can't finish it so easily.

It's a pity that the Void Terminal will lose its signal when she returns to the Wonderland space, otherwise she wouldn't have bothered to borrow books and read them by herself.

Just input the contents of the book into the void terminal and go back to continue reading.

Li Qiuzhi took the elevator down from the upper floor of the Wisdom Palace. While looking at many books and thinking deeply, he looked at the scholars around him.

I am going to find a scholar who doesn't seem very busy to consult on the "Void Internet".

Soon, not long after, he saw a familiar figure with gray hair next to a bookshelf in front of him - Alhaysen!

When he first came to the Teaching Academy, he still thought of following him to seize the canned knowledge of the gods. However, the plan could not keep up with the change later. He rescued Nasida directly and had no idea of ​​​​taking the canned knowledge of the gods.

I was a bit busy with follow-up matters and didn't have time to pay attention to his movements, so I wonder if he got the canned knowledge of the gods like in the original work?

If there is, let Ying take action to purify the pollution in knowledge, it is also a golden quality treasure, and it is good to collect it.

But how to speak is a difficult problem, you can't always say it directly.

Forget it, let's get acquainted first. Li Qiuzhi walked towards Elhaysen with a pen and paper. Naturally, Alhaysen, who was extremely powerful, noticed someone walking towards him.

He looked at Li Qiuzhi with an unexpected look on his face. Elhaysen knew this young adventurer. He used a power comparable to that of a god to drive away the "doctor" and the "stragglers" who had become gods, and saved Xiao Jixiang. Most people know about Grass King Xumi.

Moreover, this adventurer named Li Qiuzhi and the blonde girl traveler also had very sensational deeds in other countries.

Elhaysen had no reason not to know.

Precisely because his actions saved him a lot of trouble and could continue to work as a secretary calmly, Elhaysen had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi.

"Hello, Mr. Scholar, can I ask you something?" Li Qiuzhi waved politely and asked.

Elhaysen nodded politely and said calmly:

"Hello, I'm Alhaysen, the secretary of the Order. If you have any questions, just ask."

"It's like this. I was entrusted by Little Lucky Grass King to find someone to investigate the use of the 'Void Internet Network'.

"If you think there are any shortcomings in the experience, you can tell me. I will record it in a notebook and give it to Little Lucky Grass King. She will arrange time to improve it."

Li Qiuzhi asked everyone not to fill out questionnaires on the "Void Internet Network", or the things they filled out were not very valuable, so he had no choice but to send him out to ask people one by one.

"Yes, I know."

Elhaysen could understand that the Sumeru people respected the Little Lucky Grass King, so it was normal that they did not dare to fill in random items.

“The ‘Void Internet Network’ is a great and epoch-making project. Its emergence will change the way of human life. It is perfect enough for ordinary people without special needs.

"But as a scholar, I hope that I can upload all the books in the Wisdom Palace to the 'Void Internet' and be able to easily retrieve the books I want and read them at any time."

Elhaysen also often comes to the Wisdom Palace to read, but he also encounters the trouble of books being borrowed in advance.

"Oh? It's indeed a good idea!"

The Void Terminal can indeed record books now, but that requires taking pictures and recording them with a photo camera, which is more troublesome.

It would be nice to add another reader function, um, take note first.

As for uploading books, it's easy. Nacida can use her mental power to scan and write down the contents of the books and send them to the "Void" system.

As for the method of uploading knowledge using a void terminal, it would require a person to write down the contents of the book verbatim, which is very difficult to achieve.

"Is there more?" Li Qiuzhi continued to ask.

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