"Well, as a scribe, it would be great if I could record text without pen and paper!" Elhaysen crossed his arms and thought for a moment.

Recording text is the note-taking function, which is indeed very necessary.

Li Qiuzhi continued to record.

He continued to ask Elhaysen for a while about his experience with the Void Terminal.

He makes very subtle observations about things, simply raising some of the inconveniences in the logic of the interaction.

For example, when you turn on the camera to identify items, the pop-up virtual interface will cover the viewfinder and need to be moved away, which may cause some inconvenience for continuous identification of items.

In addition, I opened two interfaces one after another, hoping to automatically align them instead of overlapping them.

Although they are all obvious minor problems, there are enough of them. Submitting Alhaysen's opinions directly back feels like a larger optimization can be carried out.

But it's better to ask more people. If you go back as soon as you come out, little Paimon will look down on you for being lazy.

After asking Elhaysen, Li Qiuzhi expressed his thanks and then continued to find other people to continue asking.

Not long after, he consulted seven or eight scholars in the Wisdom Palace and collected more than ten suggestions, all of which were the functions they hoped the Void Terminal could have.

For example, record their class time every day and remind them when the time is up. Isn't this the function of the curriculum?

Sure enough, students have the same needs no matter where they are.

Some people even said that they hope that Mr. Little Lucky Grass King can move the "Seven Sacred Summons" to the "Void Internet" so that he can play a game with friends anytime and anywhere.

Using physical cards is still a bit troublesome.

Li Qiuzhi had some enlightenment after hearing this. It seemed that the "Seven Saints Summons" was already on the verge of becoming popular. He had also thought about moving the "Seven Saints Summons" to the "Void Internet Network" before.

While making some money, you can enrich everyone's entertainment activities.

It's just that moving the "Seven Saints Summons" to the "Void Internet Network" is very simple. Just ask Nasida to copy the online version.

But you have to find the creator of "Seven Sacred Summons" to obtain his authorization.

It’s just that before he traveled through time, there was no mention of the creator of “Seven Saints Summons” in the game plot.

I happened to go out for research later, so I stopped by the publisher of "Seven Saints Summons" to see if I could find the creator to discuss licensing matters.

Li Qiuzhi had an idea and planned to go all the way to the publisher of "Seven Saints Summons" to investigate.

Just as he stepped out of the gate of the Wisdom Palace, a girl with a hood covering long dark blue hair, a fair face, and half-squinted golden eyes, as if she was not awake, walked towards him.

She gave people a feeling of weakness when she walked, and there were dark circles under her eyes, clearly showing that she was severely sleep deprived.

The girl, who was wearing a backless dress, was holding a small stack of documents in her hands, which she had dropped on the floor to prevent her from bumping into her.

Li Qiuzhi chose to give way and passed by.


But just when he stepped aside a little, he suddenly saw a girl in front of him who was severely sleep-deprived. She kicked her to the ground in a daze and fell forward without being able to stand firm!

He also shook out a document he was holding in his hand.

Li Qiuzhi naturally would not let the girl fall in front of him, so he instinctively stretched his right arm across her body to catch her, and used his other hand to grab the piece of paper that was floating away.

"Are you okay?" He turned back to look at the girl wearing a hood that looked like a nightcap.

The arms wrapped around her upper abdomen gave her body support, as if she were lying on the desk, making the girl feel like she wanted to squint for a while.

Li Qiuzhi didn't hear the answer. He only felt that his arms became heavier, and then he saw the dark blue-haired girl wearing a hood hanging on his arm as if she was about to fall asleep.

Even the other documents he was holding were scattered on the floor.

No, do the scholars of the Ecclesiastical Academy have so much academic work? Or should we say that this girl is an ultimate book master, and her studies take up even her sleeping time!

A series of question marks popped up in Li Qiuzhi's mind.

Seeing the passing scholars looking this way curiously, he thought it would be better to go aside first and not attract so much attention.

Li Qiuzhi used his energy to pick up the documents scattered on the ground, and then prepared to take the somewhat confused girl to sit down at a nearby table and chair for reading and studying.

The way it was half-hanging on his arm was really indecent, and he couldn't just hug a girl he didn't know yet.

So Li Qiuzhi had no choice but to hold her arm and help her walk to a nearby table and chair.

Under the girl's black skirt, her legs wrapped in pure white pantyhose went limp as if they had no strength, and the sound of her golden high-heeled sandals on the ground was not very crisp.

Soon, Li Qiuzhi helped the girl sit down on a chair, and then saw her lying on the table, seemingly asleep.

He looked at the girl's ears sticking out from between her hair. They were pointed. Could they not be human? Or does it have the blood of other races?

Li Qiuzhi became curious. He looked at the document in his hand and found that what seemed to be the title of a paper was written on the white manuscript paper.

The signature is - Leila.

Could it be that this girl's name is Laila? Li Qiuzhi had no intention of reading other people's papers. He had other tasks, so he couldn't wait here for the girl to wake up.

But it seemed a little bad to leave the girl here in such a hurry, so it would be better to wake her up.

After all, she should have come to the Wisdom Palace to study, or to search for information to complete her thesis. If she fell asleep like this, she would wake up and see the sun that was about to set in the evening.

She will definitely be very upset.

Li Qiuzhi patted the girl's snow-white shoulder, trying to wake her up, but she just parted her soft lips and murmured in her sleep:

"Great starry sky, please give me the 'blessing of the starry sky' to help me complete my thesis."

Li Qiuzhi found it a bit funny. What kind of "blessing from the stars" could help him complete his thesis? If it really existed, he would also want it.

But then he thought of a good way to wake her up. Li Qiuzhi cleared his throat and said:

"The paper will be submitted soon. It will be submitted soon. It will be submitted soon. Have you finished it?"

Maybe his words had an effect. After hearing "the paper will be submitted soon" several times, Li Qiuzhi saw the girl frowning, as if she had dreamed of something terrible, and suddenly opened her eyes, her golden eyes a little... He looked at Li Qiuzhi in confusion.

The previous events turned into memories and appeared in her mind. She seemed to have fallen, she seemed to have fallen asleep, her paper seemed to have flown away, etc., paper!

The girl who woke up immediately stood up. When she saw the good manuscript paper on the table, she immediately breathed a heavy sigh of relief and slowly sat down again, looking unwell.

She was just about to check if there were any missing pages in the paper. She had just stretched out her hand halfway, and then suddenly remembered that there was someone next to her.

And it seemed that the other party caught her when she was about to fall, but she didn't thank her immediately and fell asleep in a daze.

Leila, Leila, why are you so careless?

The girl stood up with an annoyed look on her face and said nervously to Li Qiuzhi:

"U-um, thank you for helping me. I was really sorry just now."

After saying that, she shyly looked away and looked at her paper.

[Laila has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (60/300)]

Just when Li Qiuzhi felt that this girl was a bit like Noelle and Sugar in terms of personality and felt quite cute, he saw a favorable impression prompt pop up on the character panel.

He was naturally happy to win the girl's favor. Li Qiuzhi decided to take this opportunity to continue to close the relationship. He smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small matter.

"By the way, if you feel bad about it, I happened to be doing research on the 'Void Internet'.

"Can I trouble you when you usually use the 'Void Terminal', do you feel there is any bad experience, or do you have any desired functions?

"If it's reasonable, I can give feedback to Little Lucky Grass King and ask her to add such a function!"

"Little, little Lord Lucky Grass King!" Leila, who was wearing a dark blue hood and had dark circles under her eyes, seemed to feel less sleepy when she heard this name.

She looked at Li Qiuzhi and suddenly felt familiar.

Because Leila has never fallen behind the articles written by Astorogis Mona Megistus in the astrology column.

She subscribes to every issue of "Steam Bird News". Since she subscribes, she will also read news other than astrology, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

And the figure in front of me looks very similar to the man in the legend of a man, a woman and a white elf traveler who saved the Four Kingdoms.

Gradually, the figure in front of her overlapped with the photo that Leila had seen in the "Steam Bird Newspaper", and it was exactly the same!

"You are Li Qiuzhi, the legendary traveler who saved the Four Kingdoms!" Laila said in surprise.

"Ahem!" Li Qiuzhi felt inexplicably embarrassed when he heard others calling his name with such a long prefix. He quickly shook his head and said:

"Well, just call me by my name. No need for honorifics or such exaggerated prefixes."

"Uh, sorry."

Leila would naturally have some respect for such a person who saved the country, but after seeing the real person, she felt that he was no different from everyone else.

I feel like he is an easy person to get along with.

So she nodded and sat down, introduced herself and said:

"Hello, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, my name is Layila. I am a scholar of the Minglun sect. I am just a little person."

Leila looked at her legs with embarrassment.

Although he seems to be a very easy-to-get-together person, he still feels a bit confused about how to talk to strangers.

"Haha, there's no need to be formal." Li Qiuzhi chuckled, stretched out his hand and continued, "I'm Li Qiuzhi, Miss Laila, it's nice to meet you."

"Yes." Laila also stretched out her black-gloved hand and shook it gently. At the same time, the embarrassment in her heart was relieved, and she felt a little fond of Li Qiuzhi again.

[Laila has a good impression of you and gains 340 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (100/400)]

Li Qiuzhi saw that Laiila's favorability level for him had reached level four, and she was considered a friend. It seemed that the exclusive specialty of "Girl Lover" had played a big role again.

"By the way, what did I ask you just now?" He looked at Laila and said.

"Well, you want to investigate the "Void Internet Network" of Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, right? No problem." Layla put her hands on her legs together, and a smile appeared on her fair face.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi was not polite and began to ask her what functions she most wanted to add to the "Void Internet Network".

"Well, it would be great if Mr. Little Lucky Grass King could let the 'Void Terminal' automatically help me write my thesis."

There was a trace of expectation in Leila's golden pupils.

"" Li Qiuzhi didn't know what to say, so he could only say politely, "The paper has to be completed by oneself to make sense. Even if the 'Void Terminal' has this function, it can only be used for reference."

"However, there is no problem in developing a function that facilitates retrieval of information, so that in the future you and other scholars can find the information you need anytime and anywhere."

"Really, that's really great!"

Laila also knew that she had to complete the thesis by herself, so she just joked about it, but if she could really look for information anytime and anywhere.

Then she won't have to go so far to search for it at the Wisdom Palace!


Li Qiuzhi smiled and continued to chat with Leila for a while about the "Void Internet Network" until the research was almost complete.

He looked at the dark circles under Laila's eyes and asked with some confusion: "By the way, Laila, you don't seem to be in a good mental state. Are you too busy writing the paper?"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Laila suddenly realized that she seemed to have talked too much, and almost forgot that she came here to find the missing information for the paper.

"Sorry, Mr. Li Qiuzhi, I'm sorry I won't talk to you anymore. I still have to find information."

Laila hurriedly stood up with her manuscript paper, ready to rush to find information.

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi smiled unexpectedly, "There are many books in the Wisdom Palace. If you are alone, it will take some time to find them. I am also familiar with this place. Do you need my help?"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Laila hesitated. If it was other strangers, she didn't want to cause trouble.

But Li Qiuzhi felt that he was a nice person, and he probably didn't mean it in a polite way. He probably wouldn't mind even if it was troublesome.

"Well, that's up to you." Laila thought for a moment and finally nodded.

[Laila has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (0/500)]

Li Qiuzhi is also very happy to see that his favorability has improved again. The research and finding the publisher of "Seven Saints Summoning" can be postponed a little.

The important thing now is to take advantage of the opportunity to get together and see if we can gain more favor from Leila.

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