I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 546 Touched (two in one)

Li Qiuzhi took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was not too late, so it was okay to go have a drink if someone was treating him:

"Okay, but I'm not good at drinking, so just drink some tea."

When he was on Earth, he paid more attention to his health. Although he could drink alcohol, he would not drink alcohol if he could.

This habit still exists.

"Haha, of course it's up to you." Disiya, with her long black and golden hair, like a mighty lion, smiled boldly.

She looked at Dina Zedei: "Miss, let's go."

"Well, it's an honor for me to have afternoon tea with the legendary adventurer."

Dinazede covered her mouth with her white fingers and smiled.

"Haha, it's just a false name." Li Qiuzhi said modestly, and then continued, "By the way, I happened to meet you two, so let me tell you about your experience of the 'Void Internet'."

The three of them walked to a nearby restaurant while chatting about the "Void" system, and finally came to a restaurant that looked very popular in the center of the street.

With Dina Zedai, a rich lady, she was naturally warmly received by the restaurant staff. After all, she looked very high-end in what she wore, and she looked like a big customer at first sight.

Went into the restaurant and booked a private room.

It didn't take long for the clerk to bring snacks, tea and other food, and then several people were enjoying the snacks and chatting.

"Li Qiuzhi is looking for people to conduct research. Why don't you go to the Grand Bazaar? It just so happens that the famous dancer Miss Nilu will perform at the Zubair Theater later.

"Oh, you know, today at noon, Miss took me out early after lunch to go see Nilu's performance. I've seen it several times and I'm still not tired of it."

Desiya picked up the cup and took a swig of beer.

"This is not like when I was sick before. I could only stay at home every day and gasp for breath when I walked far away. Now that I am cured, I naturally need to see him more often." Dina Zedei puffed up her cheeks and said dissatisfiedly.

"Grand Bazaar? I've also heard that the Zubair Theater there is quite famous. Since I saw Miss Nilu's performance, I had to go there."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded.

In the game plot, Nilu from the Zubair Theater played a great role in cracking the Great Sage's "Reincarnation of the Flower Goddess".

I just happened to go over and have a look, see if there is a chance to get to know each other, and get a good impression of him by the way.

"Well, the performance time is from six to seven in the evening. We will go there after having afternoon tea, then stroll around the Grand Bazaar, and the performance will almost start."

Dina Zedai sipped her tea with a smile on her face.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was past four o'clock. After Disiya finished paying, they walked to the Grand Bazaar together.

The setting sun fell on the two ladies, giving their clothes a golden color.

Adventurers covered in mud and dust can be seen on the streets, walking towards the Adventurer Association with faces full of excitement or frustration.

The number of people gradually increased, and as expected, people were probably leaving get off work one after another.

Li Qiuzhi also saw some bicycles occasionally appearing on the streets, of various brands. It seemed that the chambers of commerce in Liyue were quite powerful.

This has already developed the business to Xumi.

But that's right, Xumi and Mondstadt are both neighboring countries of Liyue, so doing business is naturally much more convenient than that of Daozhu, who is far across the sea.

When passing by a jewelry store, Li Qiuzhi even saw a car with the logo of the "Tiantian Flower Merchant Association" and a fat-looking wealthy businessman getting out of it.

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

The "Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" also researched the automobile not long ago. Although it has been officially sold in Liyue, the production volume could not keep up at the beginning and the cost was relatively high.

So the price is a bit expensive.

But even so, there are still many wealthy people in Liyue who have made reservations. After all, cars that no one else owns are very popular on the streets.

Those who are rich like this.

No, the businessmen here in Xumi have traveled thousands of miles to order one, and the travel expenses are sky-high, probably even more expensive than the price in the car book.

The "hardened road project" has just started construction, and there is no road surface for cars to drive freely in the wild, so it is a bit reluctant to drive back after buying a car.

It's not that the car can't bear it, but there are many accidental risk factors, and it needs the support of a caravan to transport things. Obviously, if you can afford a caravan, you won't be short of money.

"Miss, I think this kind of iron box is suitable for you, so that you won't be out of breath after taking two steps when you go out."

Desiya, who was crossing her arms, also saw the car, so she teased her lady.

Speaking of which, she has seen this iron box more than once. It can move by itself and can carry several people. If you can own one, traveling back and forth in the desert will be more convenient.

I just don’t know if this kind of iron box can be walked on the desert.

"Don't be ridiculous, Disia, I'm just recovering from my illness and I need to move around more to recover." Dina Zedei shook her head and said.

"Haha, Miss Dina Zedei is right. These cars are not just for use. You have to spend time learning before you can drive them on the street."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

“And it’s not cheap when it comes out.”

"Huh? It seems like you know a lot about it. Tell me in detail. If it can drive on the desert, I would be interested in buying one."

Disiya looked at Li Qiuzhi with interest again.

Since Disiya was interested, Li Qiuzhi naturally did not hesitate to tell the two about the car, and time passed by among the few people chatting.

They walked to the end of the street, and there was a gentle slope in front of them. Under the gentle slope were the roots of the sacred tree that supported the entire Xumi City.

There is a passage under the tree roots, and at the end of the passage there is a wooden door. Inside the wooden door is the Grand Bazaar!

That's right, the Grand Bazaar is located within the roots of the Holy Tree. When the Great Sage ruled Xumi, the atmosphere of the Order was very bad.

Those scholars regard the Grand Bazaar as a place where only civilians who do not understand art come. The scholars are very disdainful of this place.

Nasida took over the Order, and this bad atmosphere was slowly changing.

Now it can be seen that some people wearing the uniforms of the students of the Order Academy are going inside, and there are not a lot of them.

Maybe I heard that there was a performance by Nilu at the Grand Bazaar, so I was planning to come and watch it.

Li Qiuzhi also walked in behind the scholars, and then felt like he had entered some lively market.

On the left and right, except in the middle of the road, there are stalls selling various things.

"Wow, look, Desiya, there are wooden carvings of mushrooms for sale here!"

Dina Zedai, who had obviously been here several times, was more fresh than Li Qiuzhi, who was visiting the Grand Bazaar for the first time.

I saw a stall with wood carvings on display, so I trotted over.

Seeing this, Disia stroked her black-gold head helplessly and said with a slight sigh:

"Miss, mushrooms may look cute, but they are really ferocious monsters. No matter where you encounter them in the future, you must stay away from them."

Due to illness, Dina Zedai did not go out much before, so she inevitably had some shortcomings in life experience. Disiya felt that she had to remind her young lady not to be fooled by the cute appearance of the mushroom.

"Haha, what this lady said is a little wrong. It is correct that monsters are ferocious and run away when they see them.

"But this does not prevent me from selling wood carvings of monsters. Not to mention cute ones like mushrooms. Some people even come to ask me if I have wood carvings of monsters that look very fierce. The more ferocious the people, the more they like it!"

The owner of the wood carving stall shook his head and said, trying hard to say that the wood carvings here were different from real monsters.

After all, visitors are guests, and they cannot let the people around them persuade them to leave and not buy anything.

"Now that I know Disiya, I won't be confused about this."

Dina Zedai covered her mouth and chuckled, then saw a small red wooden sculpture of a mushroom hanging on the shelf. She took the hand that was holding Disiya's and put the wooden sculpture on her wrist to compare:

"What do you think about running a rope and making you a bracelet?"

"Wearing something on your hand will affect the battle. There is no need for you to bother me." Disiya declined politely.

"I didn't say that the bracelet must be worn on your hand. Just keep it."

"Oh, whatever you want."

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help laughing when he saw Di Xia's helpless look. It might take a while for him to pick things up while the two of them were here.

He just didn't want to be idle, so he continued his research and saw the lively place of the Grand Bazaar.

After making an appointment with the two of them to gather at the Zubair Theater at about the same time, Li Qiuzhi went shopping by himself.

The Grand Bazaar is really lively and gives people a feeling of vitality, especially the food stalls here. You can smell the fragrance from a long way away and there are many people.

I feel like if little Paimon came here, he might drool all over the place after smelling the fragrance.

Li Qiuzhi visited several food stalls and found that the Xumi BBQ here was very good. He didn't want to eat alone, so he asked Paimon through the "road sign" if he wanted to come over.

Originally, little Paimon was just accompanying Ying in the Order House and couldn't help with work. When he heard that there was something delicious, he naturally teleported it over.

Hearing that there would be a performance in the evening, I also brought Ying and Nasida over.

However, Nasida is just a spiritual phantom that others cannot see. Otherwise, if people nearby see the little Lucky Grass King appearing, it will definitely attract everyone's attention and disrupt public order.

This is not so good.

"Let's go, let's go have a big meal!" Paimeng couldn't wait to urge Li Qiuzhi to take them to eat as soon as he came over.

"No problem, let's go." Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly and smiled.

Compared with the two people who are passionate about food, Ying Ze feels a little sad that Paimon is becoming increasingly unaffordable. When it comes to eating, no one dares to take first place even though she is second best.

I really don’t know how such a small one can hold so much food.

"You go ahead, I'll go shopping around by myself." Nasida was only interested in eating. Rather than going to eat, she wanted to visit the Grand Bazaar.


Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then took Ying and Paimeng to eat snacks until it was almost time for the performance at Zubair Theater.

They started walking towards Zubair Theater.

It was the most conspicuous place in the Grand Bazaar, and it was not difficult to find it. After a while, they arrived at the Zubair Theater.

On the way, they met Dina Zedai and Disiya, and Li Qiuzhi introduced them to some Yin and Paimon.

"The legendary blond traveler and her white elf, I also read about your deeds in the Steam Bird Newspaper!"

Dina Zedai looked excited. She never thought that she could meet two legendary figures in one day. She felt that the trip was worth it!

"Hey, so I am so famous?" Paimon was immersed in delusion.

"Okay, the show at the theater is about to start, let's go there first."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Naturally, everyone had no objection, and soon arrived near the Zubair Theater. Here was a fairly large stage, with some chairs placed under the stage for everyone to sit on.

Because they arrived early, there were still many seats with good views. Li Qiuzhi and the others quickly took their seats. At this time, Naxida also came back.

She saw Dina Zedai, Disiya and Li Qiuzhi sitting together, so she did not block their sight of her.

Moreover, Nacida also had some impressions of Dina Zedei, a poor child who was once troubled by the magic scale disease.

He often went to her dreams to encourage her.

"Little, little Lord Lucky Grass King!"

Seeing Nasida, both Desiya and Dinazeda were very surprised. Among them, Dinazede was even more moved to the point of tears.

She had been encouraged by Lord Grass God, so she was able to persevere in the torture of Demon Scale Disease. Her recent sudden recovery was inseparable from Lord Grass God.

Dina Zedai always wanted to thank him in person, but she also knew that Lord Grass God was not easy to meet, so she didn’t expect to bump into him today!

"Shh!" Nacida motioned to Dinazede to keep quiet. She put her hands on her hips and smiled and continued:

"Dina Zedei, I am very happy to see you in good condition. No need to say thank you. Protecting the people of Xumi is exactly what I should do."

"But but"

Dina Zede's gratitude could not be suppressed at all, and tears burst into her eyes. Disiya next to her understood her hard work over the years.

It's like a miracle that the disease can be cured. It's understandable that he can't control his emotions after meeting Lord Grass God.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying, and Paimeng glanced at each other, and then smiled at each other. Seeing others happy, they felt the same way.

Dinazede was immersed in the emotion of seeing Nasida, and Desiya was busy comforting her.

Soon, the seats were filled, and the performance at the Zubair Theater began on time. The first person to appear was not the star of the Zubair Theater, Miss Nelu, a famous dance performer in Xumi.

But there are two acrobats. It seems that the most important thing is saved until the end!

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